Exemplo n.º 1
def add_ballotset(debate, submitter_type, user, discarded=False, confirmed=False,
                  min_score=72, max_score=78, reply_random=False):
    """Adds a ballot set to a debate.

    ``debate`` is the Debate to which the ballot set should be added.
    ``submitter_type`` is a valid value of BallotSubmission.submitter_type.
    ``user`` is a User object.
    ``discarded`` and ``confirmed`` are whether the feedback should be discarded or
        confirmed, respectively.
    ``min_score`` and ``max_score`` are the range in which scores should be generated."""

    if discarded and confirmed:
        raise ValueError("Ballot can't be both discarded and confirmed!")

    last_substantive_position = debate.round.tournament.LAST_SUBSTANTIVE_POSITION
    reply_position = debate.round.tournament.REPLY_POSITION

    # Create a new BallotSubmission
    bsub = BallotSubmission(submitter_type=submitter_type, debate=debate)
    if submitter_type == BallotSubmission.SUBMITTER_TABROOM:
        bsub.submitter = user

    def gen_results():
        r = {'aff': (0,), 'neg': (0,)}

        def do():
            s = [random.randint(min_score, max_score) for i in range(last_substantive_position)]
            s.append(random.randint(min_score, max_score)/2)
            return s
        while sum(r['aff']) == sum(r['neg']):
            r['aff'] = do()
            r['neg'] = do()
        return r

    rr = dict()
    for adj in debate.adjudicators.voting():
        rr[adj] = gen_results()

    # Create relevant scores
    bset = BallotSet(bsub)

    for side in ('aff', 'neg'):
        speakers = getattr(debate, '%s_team' % side).speakers
        for i in range(1, last_substantive_position+1):
            bset.set_speaker(team=side, position=i, speaker=speakers[i - 1])

        reply_speaker = random.randint(0, last_substantive_position-1) if reply_random else 0
        bset.set_speaker(team=side, position=reply_position, speaker=speakers[reply_speaker])

        for adj in debate.adjudicators.voting():
            for pos in debate.round.tournament.POSITIONS:
                bset.set_score(adj, side, pos, rr[adj][side][pos-1])

    # Pick a motion
    motions = debate.round.motion_set.all()
    if motions:
        motion = random.choice(motions)
        bset.motion = motion

    bset.discarded = discarded
    bset.confirmed = confirmed


    # Update result status (only takes into account marginal effect, does not "fix")
    if confirmed:
        debate.result_status = Debate.STATUS_CONFIRMED
    elif not discarded and debate.result_status != Debate.STATUS_CONFIRMED:
        debate.result_status = Debate.STATUS_DRAFT

    logger.info("{debate} won by {team} on {motion}".format(
        debate=debate.matchup, team=bset.aff_win and "affirmative" or "negative",
        motion=bset.motion and bset.motion.reference or "<No motion>"))

    return bset
Exemplo n.º 2
def add_ballotset(debate,
    """Adds a ballot set to a debate.

    ``debate`` is the Debate to which the ballot set should be added.
    ``submitter_type`` is a valid value of BallotSubmission.submitter_type.
    ``user`` is a User object.
    ``discarded`` and ``confirmed`` are whether the feedback should be discarded or
        confirmed, respectively.
    ``min_score`` and ``max_score`` are the range in which scores should be generated."""

    if discarded and confirmed:
        raise ValueError("Ballot can't be both discarded and confirmed!")

    last_substantive_position = debate.round.tournament.LAST_SUBSTANTIVE_POSITION
    reply_position = debate.round.tournament.REPLY_POSITION

    # Create a new BallotSubmission
    bsub = BallotSubmission(submitter_type=submitter_type, debate=debate)
    if submitter_type == BallotSubmission.SUBMITTER_TABROOM:
        bsub.submitter = user

    def gen_results():
        r = {'aff': (0, ), 'neg': (0, )}

        def do():
            s = [
                random.randint(min_score, max_score)
                for i in range(last_substantive_position)
            s.append(random.randint(min_score, max_score) / 2)
            return s

        while sum(r['aff']) == sum(r['neg']):
            r['aff'] = do()
            r['neg'] = do()
        return r

    rr = dict()
    for adj in debate.adjudicators.voting():
        rr[adj] = gen_results()

    # Create relevant scores
    bset = BallotSet(bsub)

    for side in ('aff', 'neg'):
        speakers = getattr(debate, '%s_team' % side).speakers
        for i in range(1, last_substantive_position + 1):
            bset.set_speaker(team=side, position=i, speaker=speakers[i - 1])
            bset.set_ghost(side, i, False)

        reply_speaker = random.randint(0, last_substantive_position -
                                       1) if reply_random else 0
        bset.set_ghost(side, reply_position, False)

        for adj in debate.adjudicators.voting():
            for pos in debate.round.tournament.POSITIONS:
                bset.set_score(adj, side, pos, rr[adj][side][pos - 1])

    # Pick a motion
    motions = debate.round.motion_set.all()
    if motions:
        motion = random.choice(motions)
        bset.motion = motion

    bset.discarded = discarded
    bset.confirmed = confirmed


    # Update result status (only takes into account marginal effect, does not "fix")
    if confirmed:
        debate.result_status = Debate.STATUS_CONFIRMED
    elif not discarded and debate.result_status != Debate.STATUS_CONFIRMED:
        debate.result_status = Debate.STATUS_DRAFT

    logger.info("{debate} won by {team} on {motion}".format(
        team=bset.aff_win and "affirmative" or "negative",
        motion=bset.motion and bset.motion.reference or "<No motion>"))

    return bset