class GetCountryCode(object): """Get Country code from string.""" # dependiencies, country package _countries = countries _get = safe(countries.get) @safe def __call__(self, code: str) -> dict: """Find country by code or name.""" code = str(code).strip() country = self._countries.get(alpha_2=code.upper()) country = country or self._countries.get(alpha_3=code.upper()) country = country or self._countries.get(numeric=code.zfill(3)) country = country or self._countries.get(name=code) country = country or self._countries.get(official_name=code) if not country: raise ValueError( '{message}({country})'.format( message='Could not find country matching value', country=code, ), ) return { ALPHA_TWO: country.alpha_2.upper(), ALPHA_THREE: country.alpha_3.upper(), NAME:, NUMERIC: country.numeric, OFFICIAL_NAME: self._get_official_name(country).value_or(None), } @safe def _get_official_name(self, country) -> str: return country.official_name
def main(): """Run kaiba with given args.""" args = parse_args() configuration = read_file( args.configuration, 'r', ).bind(safe(simplejson.loads), ).alt(on_failure).unwrap() input_data = read_file( args.input, 'r', ).bind(safe(simplejson.loads), ).alt(on_failure).unwrap() Process()( input_data, configuration, ).bind(safe(simplejson.dumps), ).bind( partial(write_file, file_path=args.output), ).alt(on_failure)
def _fetch_post( post_id: int, ) -> RequiresContextFutureResultE[_Post, httpx.AsyncClient]: context: RequiresContextFutureResultE[ httpx.AsyncClient, httpx.AsyncClient, ] = RequiresContextFutureResultE.ask() return context.bind_future_result( lambda client: future_safe(client.get)(_URL.format(post_id)), ).bind_result( safe(tap(httpx.Response.raise_for_status)), ).map( lambda response: cast(_Post, response.json()), # or validate it )
def __init__(self, data: 'data.<class>'): print_info = config.api.print_info() # Tries to access splitpoint attribute in the data instance # If it fails, fix it by calling the read_invis() function # Either way, the Success result is inside the Result monad, so unwrap() it safe_func: 'func[Result[int]]' = safe(lambda: data.splitpoint) splitpoint: int = safe_func().lash( lambda _: Success(files.read_invis(data)) ).unwrap() # splitpoint == number of artists # Each artist has 3 previews, so the total number of pics is # splitpoint * 3 + splitpoint == splitpoint * 4 self.orders = pure.generate_orders(splitpoint * 4, splitpoint) # TODO: Cannot merge yet because generate_users() goes to a new terminal page for every row if config.api.use_ueberzug(): self.generator = generate_users_ueberzug(data.download_path, print_info) else: self.generator = generate_users(data.download_path, print_info) super().__init__()
def handle_attribute( collection: Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Any]], cfg: Attribute, ) -> ResultE[AnyType]: """Handle one attribute with data fetchers, ifs, casting and default value. flow description: Fetch once for all data in Attribute.data_fetchers -> Apply separator to values if there are more than 1 Failure -> fix to Success(None) Apply if statements Success -> Cast Value Failure -> apply default value Return Result """ fetched_values = [ fetched.unwrap() for fetched in # noqa: WPS361 [ handle_data_fetcher(collection, data_fetcher) for data_fetcher in cfg.data_fetchers ] if is_successful(fetched) ] # partially declare if statement and casting functions ifs = partial(apply_if_statements, statements=cfg.if_statements) cast = safe(lambda the_value: the_value) if cfg.casting: cast = partial(apply_casting, casting=cfg.casting) return flow( apply_separator(fetched_values, separator=cfg.separator), fix(lambda _: None), # type: ignore bind(ifs), bind(cast), rescue(lambda _: apply_default(default=cfg.default), ), )
import json import os from attr import dataclass from jsonschema import Draft7Validator from returns.result import Failure, ResultE, Success, safe from typing_extensions import Final, final from piri.common import ReadLocalFile SCHEMA: Final[dict] = ReadLocalFile()( '{0}/schema.json'.format(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'r', ).bind(safe(json.loads)).unwrap() @final @dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True) class SchemaValidator(object): """Validates data with given JsonSchema Validator.""" validator: Draft7Validator = Draft7Validator(SCHEMA) def __call__( self, input_data: dict, ) -> ResultE[dict]: """If is valid return success(input_data) otherwise list of errors.""" if self.validator.is_valid(input_data): return Success(input_data)
def schema(): """Get the schema.""" return ReadLocalFile()('piri/schema.json', 'r').bind(safe(json.loads), ).unwrap()