Exemplo n.º 1
    def get(self, username, reponame):
            repo = (Repo.select().join(User).alias("user")
                .where((User.name == username) & (Repo.name == reponame))
            title = repo.user.name + "/" + repo.name

            timemap = self.get_query_argument("timemap", "false") == "true"
            datetime = self.get_query_argument("datetime", None)
            key = self.get_query_argument("key", None)
            index = self.get_query_argument("index", "false") == "true"

            if self.get_query_argument("datetime", None):
                datestr = self.get_query_argument("datetime")
                    ts = date(datestr, QSDATEFMT)
                except ValueError:
                    raise HTTPError(reason="Invalid format of datetime param", status_code=400)
            elif "Accept-Datetime" in self.request.headers:
                datestr = self.request.headers.get("Accept-Datetime")
                ts = date(datestr, RFC1123DATEFMT)
                ts = now()
            if key and not timemap:
                chain = revision_logic.get_chain_at_ts(repo, key, ts)
                # use ts of cset instead of now(), to make prev work
                if len(chain) != 0:
                    ts = chain[-1].time

                cs_prev = revision_logic.get_cset_prev_before_ts(repo, key, ts)
                cs_next = revision_logic.get_cset_next_after_ts(repo, key, ts)
                if cs_prev:
                    cs_prev_str = self.request.protocol + "://" + self.request.host + self.request.path + "?key=" + key + "&datetime=" + cs_prev.time.strftime(QSDATEFMT)
                    cs_prev_str = ""
                if cs_next:
                    cs_next_str = self.request.protocol + "://" + self.request.host + self.request.path + "?key=" + key + "&datetime=" + cs_next.time.strftime(QSDATEFMT)
                    cs_next_str = "" 
                commit_message = revision_logic.get_commit_message(repo, key, ts)

                self.render("repo/memento.html", repo=repo, key=key, datetime=datetime, cs_next_str=cs_next_str, cs_prev_str=cs_prev_str, commit_message=commit_message)
            elif key and timemap:
                self.render("repo/history.html", repo=repo, key=key)
            elif index:
                cs = (CSet.select(fn.distinct(CSet.hkey)).where((CSet.repo == repo) & (CSet.time <= ts)).alias("cs"))
                key_count = (HMap.select(HMap.val).join(cs, on=(HMap.sha == cs.c.hkey_id))).count()

                page = int(self.get_query_argument("page", "1"))

                hm = revision_logic.get_repo_index(repo, ts, page)
                self.render("repo/index.html", repo=repo, title=title, key_count=key_count, page_size=revision_logic.INDEX_PAGE_SIZE, hm=hm, current_page=page)
                hm = list(revision_logic.get_repo_index(repo, ts, 1, 5))
                # cs = (CSet.select(fn.distinct(CSet.hkey)).where(CSet.repo == repo).limit(5).alias("cs"))
                # samples = (HMap.select(HMap.val).join(cs, on=(HMap.sha == cs.c.hkey_id)))
                self.render("repo/show.html", title=title, repo=repo, hm=hm)
        except Repo.DoesNotExist:
            raise HTTPError(reason="Repo not found.", status_code=404)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __get_index(self, repo, ts):
        # Generate an index of all URIs contained in the dataset at the
        # provided point in time or in its current state.
        self.set_header("Vary", "accept-datetime")

        accept = self.request.headers.get("Accept", "")

        page = int(self.get_query_argument("page", "1"))
        hm = revision_logic.get_repo_index(repo, ts, page)
        if "text/plain" in accept:
            self.set_header("Content-Type", "text/plain")
            for h in hm:
                self.write(h.val + "\n")
        elif "application/json" in accept or "*/*" in accept:
            self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json")
            repo_url = (self.request.protocol + "://" + self.request.host + "/" + repo.user.name + "/" + repo.name)

            first = None
                first = hm.next()
            except StopIteration:
                # No keys for repo
                # No need to raise an error, just return empty list in json

            self.write('{"username": '******', "repository": '+json_encode(repo.name))
            self.write(', "keys": {"list":[')

            m = ('{{"key": "{0}", "uri": "'+repo_url+'?key={0}"}}')
            if first:
            for h in hm:
                self.write("," + m.format(h.val))