def _rex_assigning(): import os windows = == "nt" def _print(value): env.FOO = value info("%FOO%" if windows else "${FOO}") env.GREET = "hi" env.WHO = "Gary" _print("ello") _print(literal("ello")) _print(expandable("ello")) _print("\\") _print("\\'") _print("\\\"") _print(literal("\\")) _print(literal("\\'")) _print(literal("\\\"")) _print("\\path1\\path2\\path3") _print(literal("\\path1").e("\\path2\\path3")) _print("hello world") _print("hello 'world'") _print('hello "world"') _print(literal("hello world")) _print(literal("hello 'world'")) _print(literal('hello "world"')) _print("hey %WHO%" if windows else "hey $WHO") _print("hey %WHO%" if windows else "hey ${WHO}") _print(expandable("%GREET% " if windows else "${GREET} ").e("%WHO%" if windows else "$WHO")) _print(expandable("%GREET% " if windows else "${GREET} ").l("$WHO")) _print(literal("${WHO}")) _print(literal("${WHO}").e(" %WHO%" if windows else " $WHO"))
def _rex_assigning(): import os windows = == "nt" def _print(value): env.FOO = value # Wrap the output in quotes to prevent the shell from # interpreting parts of our output as commands. This can happen # when we include special characters (&, <, >, ^) in a # variable. info('"%FOO%"' if windows else '"${FOO}"') env.GREET = "hi" env.WHO = "Gary" _print("ello") _print(literal("ello")) _print(expandable("ello")) _print("\\") _print("\\'") _print("\\\"") _print(literal("\\")) _print(literal("\\'")) _print(literal("\\\"")) _print("\\path1\\path2\\path3") _print(literal("\\path1").e("\\path2\\path3")) _print("hello world") _print("hello 'world'") _print('hello "world"') _print(literal("hello world")) _print(literal("hello 'world'")) _print(literal('hello "world"')) _print("hey %WHO%" if windows else "hey $WHO") _print("hey %WHO%" if windows else "hey ${WHO}") _print( expandable("%GREET% " if windows else "${GREET} ").e( "%WHO%" if windows else "$WHO")) _print( expandable("%GREET% " if windows else "${GREET} ").l("$WHO")) _print(literal("${WHO}")) _print(literal("${WHO}").e(" %WHO%" if windows else " $WHO")) # Make sure we are escaping &, <, >, ^ properly. _print('hey & world') _print('hey > world') _print('hey < world') _print('hey ^ world')
def _rex_assigning(): import os windows = == "nt" def _print(value): env.FOO = value # Wrap the output in quotes to prevent the shell from # interpreting parts of our output as commands. This can happen # when we include special characters (&, <, >, ^) in a # variable. info('"%FOO%"' if windows else '"${FOO}"') env.GREET = "hi" env.WHO = "Gary" _print("ello") _print(literal("ello")) _print(expandable("ello")) _print("\\") _print("\\'") _print("\\\"") _print(literal("\\")) _print(literal("\\'")) _print(literal("\\\"")) _print("\\path1\\path2\\path3") _print(literal("\\path1").e("\\path2\\path3")) _print("hello world") _print("hello 'world'") _print('hello "world"') _print(literal("hello world")) _print(literal("hello 'world'")) _print(literal('hello "world"')) _print("hey %WHO%" if windows else "hey $WHO") _print("hey %WHO%" if windows else "hey ${WHO}") _print(expandable("%GREET% " if windows else "${GREET} ").e("%WHO%" if windows else "$WHO")) _print(expandable("%GREET% " if windows else "${GREET} ").l("$WHO")) _print(literal("${WHO}")) _print(literal("${WHO}").e(" %WHO%" if windows else " $WHO")) # Make sure we are escaping &, <, >, ^ properly. _print('hey & world') _print('hey > world') _print('hey < world') _print('hey ^ world')
def _rex_appending(): from rez.shells import create_shell sh = create_shell() env.FOO.append("hey") info(sh.get_key_token("FOO")) env.FOO.append(literal("$DAVE")) info(sh.get_key_token("FOO")) env.FOO.append("Dave's not here man") info(sh.get_key_token("FOO"))
def _rex_appending(): import os windows = == "nt" env.FOO.append("hey") info("%FOO%" if windows else "${FOO}") env.FOO.append(literal("$DAVE")) info("%FOO%" if windows else "${FOO}") env.FOO.append("Dave's not here man") info("%FOO%" if windows else "${FOO}")
def _rex_assigning(): from rez.shells import create_shell sh = create_shell() def _print(value): env.FOO = value # Wrap the output in quotes to prevent the shell from # interpreting parts of our output as commands. This can happen # when we include special characters (&, <, >, ^) in a # variable. info('"${FOO}"') env.GREET = "hi" env.WHO = "Gary" _print("ello") _print(literal("ello")) _print(expandable("ello")) info('') _print("\\") _print("\\'") _print("\\\"") _print(literal("\\")) _print(literal("\\'")) _print(literal("\\\"")) _print("\\path1\\path2\\path3") _print(literal("\\path1").e("\\path2\\path3")) _print("hello world") _print("hello 'world'") _print('hello "world"') _print(literal("hello world")) _print(literal("hello 'world'")) _print(literal('hello "world"')) # Generic form of variables _print("hey $WHO") _print("hey ${WHO}") _print(expandable("${GREET} ").e("$WHO")) _print(expandable("${GREET} ").l("$WHO")) _print(literal("${WHO}")) _print(literal("${WHO}").e(" $WHO")) # Make sure we are escaping &, <, >, ^ properly. _print('hey & world') _print('hey > world') _print('hey < world') _print('hey ^ world') # Platform dependent form of variables. for token in sh.get_all_key_tokens("WHO"): _print("hey " + token) _print(expandable("${GREET} ").e(token)) _print(expandable("${GREET} ").l(token)) _print(literal(token)) _print(literal(token).e(" " + token))
def _rex2(): env.BAH = "omg" env.FOO.append("$BAH") env.FOO.append(literal("${BAH}")) env.FOO.append(expandable("like, ").l("$SHE said, ").e("$BAH"))
def _rex(): env.A = "hello" env.FOO = expandable("$A") # will convert to '${A}' env.BAH = expandable("${A}") env.EEK = literal("$A")
def spawn_shell(self, context_file, tmpdir, rcfile=None, norc=False, stdin=False, command=None, env=None, quiet=False, pre_command=None, **Popen_args): startup_sequence = self.get_startup_sequence(rcfile, norc, bool(stdin), command) shell_command = None def _record_shell(ex, files, bind_rez=True, print_msg=False): ex.source(context_file) if startup_sequence["envvar"]: ex.unsetenv(startup_sequence["envvar"]) if bind_rez: ex.interpreter._bind_interactive_rez() if print_msg and not quiet: if system.is_production_rez_install: # previously this was called with the /K flag, however # that would leave spawn_shell hung on a blocked call # waiting for the user to type "exit" into the shell that # was spawned to run the rez context printout ex.command("cmd /Q /C rez context") def _create_ex(): return RexExecutor(interpreter=self.new_shell(), parent_environ={}, add_default_namespaces=False) executor = _create_ex() if self.settings.prompt: newprompt = '%%REZ_ENV_PROMPT%%%s' % self.settings.prompt executor.interpreter._saferefenv('REZ_ENV_PROMPT') executor.env.REZ_ENV_PROMPT = literal(newprompt) if startup_sequence["command"] is not None: _record_shell(executor, files=startup_sequence["files"]) shell_command = startup_sequence["command"] else: _record_shell(executor, files=startup_sequence["files"], print_msg=(not quiet)) if shell_command: # Launch the provided command in the configured shell and wait # until it exits. executor.command(shell_command) # Test for None specifically because resolved_context.execute_rex_code # passes '' and we do NOT want to keep a shell open during a rex code # exec operation. elif shell_command is None: # Launch the configured shell itself and wait for user interaction # to exit. executor.command('cmd /Q /K') # Exit the configured shell. executor.command('exit %errorlevel%') code = executor.get_output() target_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, "rez-shell.%s" % self.file_extension()) with open(target_file, 'w') as f: f.write(code) if startup_sequence["stdin"] and stdin and (stdin is not True): Popen_args["stdin"] = stdin cmd = [] if pre_command: if isinstance(pre_command, basestring): cmd = pre_command.strip().split() else: cmd = pre_command if shell_command: cmd_flags = ['/Q', '/C'] else: cmd_flags = ['/Q', '/K'] cmd = cmd + [self.executable] + cmd_flags + ['call {}'.format(target_file)] is_detached = (cmd[0] == 'START') p = popen(cmd, env=env, shell=is_detached, **Popen_args) return p
def spawn_shell(self, context_file, tmpdir, rcfile=None, norc=False, stdin=False, command=None, env=None, quiet=False, pre_command=None, **Popen_args): startup_sequence = self.get_startup_sequence(rcfile, norc, bool(stdin), command) shell_command = None def _record_shell(ex, files, bind_rez=True, print_msg=False): ex.source(context_file) if startup_sequence["envvar"]: ex.unsetenv(startup_sequence["envvar"]) if bind_rez: ex.interpreter._bind_interactive_rez() if print_msg and not quiet: #'') #'You are now in a rez-configured environment.') #'') if system.is_production_rez_install: ex.command("cmd /Q /K rezolve context") def _create_ex(): return RexExecutor(interpreter=self.new_shell(), parent_environ={}, add_default_namespaces=False) executor = _create_ex() if self.settings.prompt: newprompt = '%%REZ_ENV_PROMPT%%%s' % self.settings.prompt executor.interpreter._saferefenv('REZ_ENV_PROMPT') executor.env.REZ_ENV_PROMPT = literal(newprompt) if startup_sequence["command"] is not None: _record_shell(executor, files=startup_sequence["files"]) shell_command = startup_sequence["command"] else: _record_shell(executor, files=startup_sequence["files"], print_msg=(not quiet)) if shell_command: executor.command(shell_command) executor.command('exit %errorlevel%') code = executor.get_output() target_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, "rez-shell.%s" % self.file_extension()) with open(target_file, 'w') as f: f.write(code) if startup_sequence["stdin"] and stdin and (stdin is not True): Popen_args["stdin"] = stdin cmd = [] if pre_command: if isinstance(pre_command, basestring): cmd = pre_command.strip().split() else: cmd = pre_command cmd = cmd + [self.executable, "/Q", "/K", target_file] p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=env, **Popen_args) return p
def spawn_shell(self, context_file, tmpdir, rcfile=None, norc=False, stdin=False, command=None, env=None, quiet=False, pre_command=None, **Popen_args): startup_sequence = self.get_startup_sequence(rcfile, norc, bool(stdin), command) shell_command = None def _record_shell(ex, files, bind_rez=True, print_msg=False): ex.source(context_file) if startup_sequence["envvar"]: ex.unsetenv(startup_sequence["envvar"]) if bind_rez: ex.interpreter._bind_interactive_rez() if print_msg and not quiet:'You are now in a rez-configured environment.') # Output, if Rez is present ex.command("rez context 2>nul") def _create_ex(): return RexExecutor(interpreter=self.new_shell(), parent_environ={}, add_default_namespaces=False) executor = _create_ex() if self.settings.prompt: newprompt = '%%REZ_ENV_PROMPT%%%s' % self.settings.prompt executor.interpreter._saferefenv('REZ_ENV_PROMPT') executor.env.REZ_ENV_PROMPT = literal(newprompt) if startup_sequence["command"] is not None: _record_shell(executor, files=startup_sequence["files"]) shell_command = startup_sequence["command"] else: _record_shell(executor, files=startup_sequence["files"], print_msg=(not quiet)) code = executor.get_output() target_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, "rez-shell.%s" % self.file_extension()) with open(target_file, 'w') as f: f.write(code) if startup_sequence["stdin"] and stdin and (stdin is not True): Popen_args["stdin"] = stdin cmd = [] if pre_command: if isinstance(pre_command, basestring): cmd = pre_command.strip().split() else: cmd = pre_command # Test for None specifically because resolved_context.execute_rex_code # passes '' and we do NOT want to keep a shell open during a rex code # exec operation. if shell_command is None: cmd_flags = ['/Q', '/K'] else: cmd_flags = ['/Q', '/C'] cmd += [self.executable] cmd += cmd_flags cmd += ['call {}'.format(target_file)] if shell_command: cmd += ["& " + shell_command] is_detached = (cmd[0] == 'START') # No environment was explicity passed if not env and not config.inherit_parent_environment: env = self.environment() p = popen(cmd, env=env, shell=is_detached, universal_newlines=True, **Popen_args) return p
def spawn_shell(self, context_file, tmpdir, rcfile=None, norc=False, stdin=False, command=None, env=None, quiet=False, pre_command=None, **Popen_args): startup_sequence = self.get_startup_sequence(rcfile, norc, bool(stdin), command) shell_command = None def _record_shell(ex, files, bind_rez=True, print_msg=False): ex.source(context_file) if startup_sequence["envvar"]: ex.unsetenv(startup_sequence["envvar"]) if bind_rez: ex.interpreter._bind_interactive_rez() if print_msg and not quiet: if system.is_production_rez_install: # previously this was called with the /K flag, however # that would leave spawn_shell hung on a blocked call # waiting for the user to type "exit" into the shell that # was spawned to run the rez context printout ex.command("cmd /Q /C rez context") def _create_ex(): return RexExecutor(interpreter=self.new_shell(), parent_environ={}, add_default_namespaces=False) executor = _create_ex() if self.settings.prompt: newprompt = '%%REZ_ENV_PROMPT%%%s' % self.settings.prompt executor.interpreter._saferefenv('REZ_ENV_PROMPT') executor.env.REZ_ENV_PROMPT = literal(newprompt) if startup_sequence["command"] is not None: _record_shell(executor, files=startup_sequence["files"]) shell_command = startup_sequence["command"] else: _record_shell(executor, files=startup_sequence["files"], print_msg=(not quiet)) if shell_command: # Launch the provided command in the configured shell and wait # until it exits. executor.command(shell_command) # Test for None specifically because resolved_context.execute_rex_code # passes '' and we do NOT want to keep a shell open during a rex code # exec operation. elif shell_command is None: # Launch the configured shell itself and wait for user interaction # to exit. executor.command('cmd /Q /K') # Exit the configured shell. executor.command('exit %errorlevel%') code = executor.get_output() target_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, "rez-shell.%s" % self.file_extension()) with open(target_file, 'w') as f: f.write(code) if startup_sequence["stdin"] and stdin and (stdin is not True): Popen_args["stdin"] = stdin cmd = [] if pre_command: if isinstance(pre_command, basestring): cmd = pre_command.strip().split() else: cmd = pre_command if shell_command: cmd_flags = ['/Q', '/C'] else: cmd_flags = ['/Q', '/K'] cmd = cmd + [self.executable ] + cmd_flags + ['call {}'.format(target_file)] is_detached = (cmd[0] == 'START') p = popen(cmd, env=env, shell=is_detached, **Popen_args) return p