import rf # First get data by running this command in the console # obspyDMT --identity 'TA.Z30A.*.BHZ' --min_mag '5.8' --min_date '2011-01-01' --max_date '2011-01-10' --event_catalog 'IRIS' --arc 'N' # Set data path of obspyDMT here or in rf.set_paths('~/obspyDMT-data/2011-01-01_2011-01-10_5.8_9.9') # Convert pickled events to catalog file events.xml rf.convert_dmteventfile() # Select events for RF rf.create_rfeventsfile(filters=[]) # Calculate RFs. They will be in the RF directory of the corresponding event rf.rf('dmt', downsample=10)
import obspy.iris import rf # Create getwaveform function which has to be passed to rf function client = obspy.iris.Client() def getwaveform(station, t1, t2): return client.getWaveform('TA', station, '', 'BH?', t1, t2) # Set output path here or in config file rf.set_paths('~/obspyDMT-data/client_test') # Create event file from given events rf.create_rfeventsfile('./events.xml') #Calculate receiver functions. Station coordinates are given in stations.txt rf.rf('client', getwaveform, './stations.txt', deconvolve='freq')