Exemplo n.º 1
def check_gcal(event_items):
    Given a bunch of events from gcal,
    It looks at the time now and finds if it intersects any current events
    If it does it says you're free at the end of the event, so it will not
    be accurate if you have 2 back-to-back events.

    'event_items' : list = events grabbed by rodney at the beginning.

    output : string =  the string that gets sent by rodney over fbchat
    now = int(time.time())
    yesterday = rfc.datetimetostr(rfc.now() - timedelta(1))
    tomorrow = rfc.datetimetostr(rfc.now() + timedelta(1))
    busy = False
    times = []

    for event in event_items:
        estartts = rfc.strtotimestamp(event["start"]["dateTime"])
        eendts = rfc.strtotimestamp(event["end"]["dateTime"])
        if estartts < now < eendts:
            busy = True
    print times
    print busy
    print now
    if not busy:
        return "{0} should be free right now (according to gcal)"
        msg = "{0} is busy right now. He will be free..."
        free = zip(times[::2], times[1::2])
        freestr = []
        for (s, e) in free:
            if s < now < e:
                estr = time.strftime("%I:%M%p", time.localtime(e))
                freestr.append("after {0}.\n".format(estr))
        if len(freestr) == 0:
            msg += "Never :( try sending a text"
            msg += " ".join(freestr)
        return msg
Exemplo n.º 2
def lsl(path, hash_name):
    @brief      Runs rclone lsjson and builds a Flat.

    @param      path       The path to lsjson
    @param      hash_name  The hash name to use for the file uid's
    @param      regexs     List of compiled regexes, a file path/name that
                           matches any regex will be ignored

    @return     A Flat of files representing the current state of directory at
    global track

    command = ["rclone", "lsjson", "-R", "--files-only", path]
    subprocess.run(["rclone", "mkdir", path])
    result = subprocess.Popen(command + track.rclone_flags,
    list_of_dicts = ujson.load(result.stdout)

    command = ["rclone", "hashsum", hash_name, path]
    result = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    hashes = {}

    for file in result.stdout:
        decode = file.decode(RCLONE_ENCODING).strip()
        tmp = decode.split("  ", 1)
        hashes[tmp[1]] = tmp[0]

    out = Flat(path)
    for d in list_of_dicts:
        time = strtotimestamp(d["ModTime"])
        hashsize = str(d["Size"])

        hash = hashes.get(d["Path"], None)
        if hash is not None:
            hashsize += hash
            print(red("ERROR:"), "can't find", d["Path"], "hash")

        out.update(d["Path"], hashsize, time)

    return out
def date_to_utc_timestamp(date):
    d = set_tz(date)
    s = datetimetostr(d)
    t = strtotimestamp(s)
    return t
def get_week(publish_date_rfc3339):
    publish_date = rfc3339.strtotimestamp(publish_date_rfc3339)
    return int(math.floor((publish_date - sem_start) / week_in_seconds))
import rfc3339
from apiclient.discovery import build
from urlparse import urlparse
from datetime import datetime

# Record script start time
script_start = datetime.now()

# Google Docs Worksheet Info
wks_name = 'Test Spreadsheet'

# Semester dates
sem_start = '2013-01-28'  # Must be a Monday
sem_end = '2013-05-05'    # Must be a Sunday

sem_start = rfc3339.strtotimestamp(sem_start + 'T00:00:00-08:00')
sem_end = rfc3339.strtotimestamp(sem_end + 'T23:59:59-07:00')

week_in_seconds = 604800

# Convert times to RFC3339 format as required by Blogger API
sem_start_rfc3339 = rfc3339.timestamptostr(sem_start)
sem_end_rfc3339 = rfc3339.timestamptostr(sem_end)

# The private API key is stored in a separate file.
api_key = open('private_key.txt').readline()

# Returns an instance of an API service object that can be used to make API
# calls. The object is constructed with methods specific to the blogger API.
# The arguments provided are:
#   name of the API ('blogger')