Exemplo n.º 1
def publish_geo(entity=None):
    """ copy publised model to lib """
    if ui:
        publishFile = str(ui.publishVersionLabel.text())
        pubEntity = path_info.PathInfo(publishFile)
        info = publish_info.TaskInfo(pubEntity)
        modelPublish = info.get('primaryOutput', 'publishFile')
        libPath = entity.libPath()
        libName = entity.libName(entity.step,
        dst = '{0}/{1}'.format(libPath, libName)

        # check file
        start = pub_utils.file_time(dst)
        result = file_utils.copy(modelPublish, dst)

        # check file export success
        end = pub_utils.file_time(dst)
        exportResult = pub_utils.is_file_new(start, end)

        if exportResult:
            return True, 'Success \n%s' % dst

            return False, 'Failed to copy \n%s' % dst

        return False, 'No ui information.'
Exemplo n.º 2
def upload_media(entity=None, publishFile=None):
    """ upload mov file to version """
    message = str()
    processStatus = False

    # get publish info
    if not publishFile:
        if ui:
            publishFile = str(ui.publishVersionLabel.text())

    if publishFile:
        pubEntity = path_info.PathInfo(publishFile)
        info = publish_info.TaskInfo(pubEntity)
        heroMovFile = info.get('primaryOutput', 'heroMovFile')
        versionEntity = info.get('shotgun', 'version_entity')

        if os.path.exists(heroMovFile) and versionEntity:
            uploadFile = heroMovFile.replace('/', '\\')
            result = sg_process.upload_version_media(versionEntity, uploadFile)

            if result:
                message = 'Success %s' % result
                processStatus = True

                message = 'Failed to upload movie'

            message = 'Path %s not exists or versionEntity %s not found' % (
                heroImgFile, versionEntity)

    return processStatus, message
Exemplo n.º 3
def publish_version(entity=None, publishFile=None):
    """ create version in shotgun """
    userEntity = None
    message = str()
    processStatus = False

    # get publish info
    if not publishFile:
        if ui:
            publishFile = str(ui.publishVersionLabel.text())
            userEntity = ui.userWidget.read()

    if publishFile:
        pubEntity = path_info.PathInfo(publishFile)
        info = publish_info.TaskInfo(pubEntity)
        taskName = info.get('taskName', '')

        # create_version
        project = entity.project
        assetName = entity.name

        # find key data
        assetEntity = sg_process.get_one_asset(project, assetName)
        info.set('shotgun', 'asset_entity', assetEntity)

        projectEntity = assetEntity.get('project', None)
        info.set('shotgun', 'project_entity', projectEntity)

        taskEntity = sg_process.get_one_task(assetEntity, taskName)
        info.set('shotgun', 'task_entity', taskEntity)

        # if key data found
        if assetEntity and projectEntity and taskEntity:
            versionName = pubEntity.basename(ext=False)
            status = ui.statusWidget.get_task_status()
            description = ''
            playlistEntity = None
            result = sg_process.publish_version(projectEntity, assetEntity,
                                                taskEntity, userEntity,
                                                versionName, status,
                                                description, playlistEntity)

            message = 'Version creation not success'
            if result:
                info.set('shotgun', 'version_entity', result)
                processStatus = True
                message = 'Success %s' % result

            message = 'Data missing %s %s %s' % (assetEntity, projectEntity,
            processStatus = False

        message = 'No Publish File input'
        processStatus = False

    return processStatus, message
Exemplo n.º 4
def summarized_info(*args):
    """ write published info from Task to Asset info """
    # get publish info
    if ui:
        publishFile = str(ui.publishVersionLabel.text())
        pubEntity = path_info.PathInfo(publishFile)
        taskInfo = publish_info.TaskInfo(pubEntity)
        assetInfo = publish_info.AssetInfo(pubEntity)

        data = assetInfo.read()
        taskDict = dict()

        # set
        # asset id
        assetEntity = taskInfo.get('shotgun', 'asset_entity')
        data.update({'assetID': assetEntity.get('id')})

        # task id
        taskEntity = taskInfo.get('shotgun', 'task_entity')

        # publish file
        output = taskInfo.get('primaryOutput', 'publishFile')
        # hero file
        outputHero = taskInfo.get('primaryOutput', 'heroFile')

        # user
        versionEntity = taskInfo.get('shotgun', 'version_entity')
        user = str()
        if versionEntity:
            user = versionEntity.get('user', {}).get('name')

        # set dict
        taskDict = {
            pubEntity.taskName: {
                'id': taskEntity.get('id'),
                'output': output,
                'user': user
            'output': output,
            'outputHero': outputHero,
            'user': user

        # set department
        if pubEntity.step in data.keys():

            data.update({pubEntity.step: taskDict})

        result = assetInfo.publish()

        return True, 'Success \npublish info %s' % result

        logger.warning('No ui information')
        return False, 'No ui information'
Exemplo n.º 5
def export_abc(entity=None):
    """ export alembic geo """
    status = False
    exportGrp = config.geoGrp
    res = entity.task_res()
    libPath = entity.libPath()
    publishResult = False

    if res:
        abcModel = entity.libName(entity.step, res, ext='abc')
        exportPath = '{0}/{1}'.format(libPath, abcModel)
        exportExt = os.path.splitext(exportPath)[-1]

        # check file
        start = pub_utils.file_time(exportPath)

        # export command
        abc_utils.exportABC(exportGrp, exportPath)

        # check file export success
        end = pub_utils.file_time(exportPath)
        exportResult = pub_utils.is_file_new(start, end)

        # write info
        if ui:
            publishFile = str(ui.publishVersionLabel.text())
            pubEntity = path_info.PathInfo(publishFile)

            # publish
            publishPath = pubEntity.publishPath(publish='output')
            publishName = pubEntity.basename(ext=False)
            publishFileName = '%s/%s%s' % (publishPath, publishName, exportExt)
            file_utils.copy(exportPath, publishFileName)

            if os.path.exists(publishFileName):
                publishResult = True

            # write info
            info = publish_info.TaskInfo(pubEntity)
            info.set('secondaryOutput', 'abc', publishFileName)
            info.set('secondaryOutput', 'abcHero', exportPath)
            # successPublishFile = info.get('primaryOutput', 'publishFile')

        if exportResult:
            if publishResult:
                return True, 'Success %s\n%s' % (exportPath, publishFileName)

                return False, 'Failed to publish %s' % publishFileName

            return False, 'Failed to export Alembic %s' % exportPath

        return False, 'No res found'
Exemplo n.º 6
def save_file(entity=None):
    """ save increment file to lock wip version """
    errorMessage = []

    if not entity:
        entity = path_info.PathInfo()

    if entity:
        logger.debug('start publishing ...')

        # get publish info
        publishFile, saveWorkFile, incrementSaveWorkFile, libFile = pub_utils.get_publish_info(

        logger.debug('save work file %s' % saveWorkFile)
        logger.debug('publish version %s' % publishFile)
        logger.debug('save increment work file %s' % incrementSaveWorkFile)

        # start process files
        saveResult = None
        workResult = None

        # publish info
        pubEntity = path_info.PathInfo(publishFile)
        info = publish_info.TaskInfo(pubEntity)

        # save as
        saveResult = hook.save_file_as(incrementSaveWorkFile)
        info.set('work', 'incrementWorkFile', incrementSaveWorkFile)

        if saveResult:
            # copy to current work version (short cut for overwritten save)
            workResult = file_utils.copy(saveResult, saveWorkFile)
            info.set('work', 'workfile', saveWorkFile)

        if not saveResult:
            logger.error('Save to %s has failed' % incrementSaveWorkFile)
            errorMessage.append('Save to %s has failed' %

        if not workResult:
            logger.error('Overwrite work version %s has failed' % saveWorkFile)
            errorMessage.append('Overwrite work version %s has failed' %

    if errorMessage:
        return False, errorMessage

        return True, 'Success \n%s' % workResult
Exemplo n.º 7
def set_task(entity=None, publishFile=None):
    """ change task status """
    message = str()
    processStatus = False

    # get publish info
    if not publishFile:
        if ui:
            publishFile = str(ui.publishVersionLabel.text())

    if publishFile:
        pubEntity = path_info.PathInfo(publishFile)
        info = publish_info.TaskInfo(pubEntity)
        taskEntity = info.get('shotgun', 'task_entity')
        taskName = info.get('taskName', '')

        # if no data in publish_info, query from shotgun
        if not taskEntity:
            logger.debug('taskEntity not found in publish_info')
            project = pubEntity.project
            assetName = pubEntity.name
            assetEntity = sg_process.get_one_asset(project, assetName)
            info.set('shotgun', 'asset_entity', assetEntity)

            taskEntity = sg_process.get_one_task(assetEntity, taskName)
            info.set('shotgun', 'task_entity', taskEntity)

        if taskEntity:
            status = ui.statusWidget.get_task_status()
            data = {'sg_status_list': status}
            result = sg_process.set_task_data(taskEntity.get('id'), data)
            processStatus = True
            message = 'Success %s' % result

            message = 'Failed to get taskEntity'

    return processStatus, message
Exemplo n.º 8
def publish_image(entity=None):
    """ publish image or movie files """
    mediaExts = ['.mov']
    errorMessage = []
    imgPublishes = []
    if not entity:
        entity = path_info.PathInfo()

    if entity and ui:
        logger.debug('start publishing image ...')

        # get publish info
        publishFile = str(ui.publishVersionLabel.text())
        pubEntity = path_info.PathInfo(publishFile)
        info = publish_info.TaskInfo(pubEntity)
        # successPublishFile = info.get('primaryOutput', 'publishFile')
        successPublishFile = publishFile

        # if publish success
        if successPublishFile:
            publishVer = path_info.find_version(successPublishFile)

            # _media path for hero preview
            mediaPath = entity.mediaPath()
            publishImgPath = entity.publishPath(publish='img')
            publishMovPath = entity.publishPath(publish='mov')

            publishName = entity.publishName()
            publishMediaVersion = entity.publishName(publishVer)

            # get publish items
            paths = ui.snapWidget.get_all_paths()
            heroImgSrc = None
            heroMovSrc = None
            copyDict = dict()

            for i, path in enumerate(paths):
                src = path.replace('\\', '/')
                extension = os.path.splitext(path)[-1]
                basename = '%s_%03d%s' % (publishMediaVersion, i + 1,

                if extension in mediaExts:
                    dst = '{0}/{1}'.format(publishMovPath, basename)
                    if not heroMovSrc:
                        heroMovSrc = src
                    dst = '{0}/{1}'.format(publishImgPath, basename)
                    if not heroImgSrc:
                        heroImgSrc = src

                copyDict.update({src: dst})

            # copy to publishes
            for src, dst in copyDict.iteritems():
                    file_utils.copy(src, dst)
                    logger.debug('Copy to publish %s - %s' % (src, dst))

                except Exception as e:
                    errorMessage.append('Failed to copy %s-%s' % (src, dst))

            info.set('primaryOutput', 'publishImgFiles', imgPublishes)

            # copy to heroImgSrc
            imgExt = os.path.splitext(heroImgSrc)[-1]
            heroImgDst = '%s/%s%s' % (mediaPath, publishName, imgExt)
            heroPreview = '%s/%s%s' % (mediaPath, entity.name, imgExt)

            if heroImgSrc:
                    file_utils.copy(heroImgSrc, heroImgDst)
                    logger.debug('Copy to hero %s - %s' %
                                 (heroImgSrc, heroImgDst))
                    info.set('primaryOutput', 'heroImgFile', str(heroImgDst))

                except Exception as e:
                    errorMessage.append('Failed to copy to hero %s-%s' %
                                        (heroImgSrc, heroImgDst))

                # copy to preview file
                    file_utils.copy(heroImgSrc, heroPreview)
                    logger.debug('Copy to master %s - %s' %
                                 (heroImgSrc, heroPreview))

                except Exception as e:
                    errorMessage.append('Failed to copy to master %s-%s' %
                                        (heroImgSrc, heroPreview))

            # copy to heroMovSrc
            if heroMovSrc:
                movExt = os.path.splitext(heroMovSrc)[-1]
                heroMovDst = '%s/%s%s' % (mediaPath, publishName, movExt)
                    file_utils.copy(heroMovSrc, heroMovDst)
                    logger.debug('Copy to hero %s - %s' %
                                 (heroMovSrc, heroMovDst))
                    info.set('primaryOutput', 'heroMovFile', heroMovDst)

                except Exception as e:
                    errorMessage.append('Failed to copy to hero %s-%s' %
                                        (heroMovSrc, heroMovDst))

                # if not media, use image as upload media
                info.set('primaryOutput', 'heroMovFile', str(heroImgDst))

    if errorMessage:
        return False, errorMessage

        return True, 'Success \n%s' % imgPublishes
Exemplo n.º 9
def publish_file(entity=None):
    """ publish work file """
    errorMessage = []

    if not entity:
        entity = path_info.PathInfo()

    if entity:
        logger.debug('start publishing ...')

        # get publish info
        publishFile, saveWorkFile, incrementSaveWorkFile, libFile = pub_utils.get_publish_info(

        logger.debug('save work file %s' % saveWorkFile)
        logger.debug('publish version %s' % publishFile)
        logger.debug('save increment work file %s' % incrementSaveWorkFile)

        # start process files
        saveResult = None
        publishResult = None
        workResult = None

        # publish info
        pubEntity = path_info.PathInfo(publishFile)
        info = publish_info.TaskInfo(pubEntity)

        # save as
        saveResult = hook.save_file_as(incrementSaveWorkFile)
        info.set('work', 'incrementWorkFile', incrementSaveWorkFile)

        if saveResult:
            # copy to publish
            publishResult = file_utils.copy(saveResult, publishFile)
            info.set('primaryOutput', 'publishFile', publishFile)

            # copy to hero
            # disable. Not all department export to lib, move to dept publish
            # publishHeroResult = file_utils.copy(saveResult, libFile)
            # info.set('primaryOutput', 'heroFile', libFile)

            # copy to current work version (short cut for overwritten save)
            workResult = file_utils.copy(saveResult, saveWorkFile)
            info.set('work', 'workfile', saveWorkFile)

        if not saveResult:
            logger.error('Save to %s has failed' % incrementSaveWorkFile)
            errorMessage.append('Save to %s has failed' %

        if not publishResult:
            logger.error('Publish to %s has failed' % publishFile)
            errorMessage.append('Publish to %s has failed' % publishFile)

        # if not publishHeroResult:
        # 	logger.error('Publish to hero %s has failed' % libFile)
        # 	errorMessage.append('Publish to %s has failed' % libFile)

        if not workResult:
            logger.error('Overwrite work version %s has failed' % saveWorkFile)
            errorMessage.append('Overwrite work version %s has failed' %

    if errorMessage:
        return False, errorMessage

        return True, 'Success \n%s' % publishResult