Exemplo n.º 1
def Extract_NPC(src, dst):
    table = normal_table('mmbn2.tbl')
    with open(src, "rb") as fd:

        # Não preciso disso aqui na verdade...
        # main_pointers = []
        # fd.seek( 0x2282c )
        # print ">> Buffering pointer to pointers..."
        # while fd.tell() < 0x228a8 :
            # main_pointers.append(struct.unpack("<L", fd.read(4))[0] & 0xFFFFFF)
        text_pointers = []
        fd.seek( 0x228a8 )
        print ">> Buffering pointer to text..."
        while fd.tell() < 0x22b34 :
            text_pointers.append(struct.unpack("<L", fd.read(4))[0] & 0xFFFFFF)        
        i = 0
        for j, pointer_2 in enumerate(text_pointers):
            if pointer_2 == 0:
            print ">> Extracting {0} {1} text".format(i,j)
            ret = lzss.uncompress( fd, pointer_2 )
            data = mmap.mmap( -1, len(ret) )
            # Bufferiza os ponteiros
            entries = struct.unpack("<H" , data.read(2))[0]/ 2
            pointers = []
            for _ in range(entries):
                pointers.append(struct.unpack("<H", data.read(2))[0])
            buffer = array.array("c")
            while True:            
                p  = data.tell()
                if p in pointers:
                    for k, ptr in enumerate( pointers ):
                        if p == ptr:
                            # Coloca labels no texto
                            buffer.extend( "<@PointerIdx%d>\n" % k )
                b = data.read(1)
                if len(b) == 0: break            
                c = struct.unpack("B", b)[0]            
                if c >= 0xE5: # É uma tag.. esse teste é o mesmo do jogo
                    if c in tagsdict:
                        tagsdict[c][1](data, buffer, tagsdict[c][0])                                            
                        buffer.extend( "<"+str(hex(c))+">" )                                
                    if b in table:
                        buffer.append( table[b] )
                        buffer.extend( "<"+str(hex(c))+">")                    
            output = open(os.path.join(dst, "%03d_%03d.txt" %(i,j)), "w")
 for f in os.listdir( PATH_SUBTITLES ):
     with open( os.path.join( PATH_SUBTITLES , f ), "rb" ) as fd :    
         print "> unpacking" , f
         # Verifica a marca
         if fd.read(4) != "\x02\x00\x00\x00":
             raise Exception()
         addr_tileset = struct.unpack("<L" , fd.read(4))[0]
         addr_tilemap = struct.unpack("<L" , fd.read(4))[0]
         filesize = struct.unpack("<L" , fd.read(4))[0]
         # leitura do tileset
         fd.seek( addr_tileset , 0 )
         addr_compfile = struct.unpack("<L" , fd.read(4))[0] + addr_tileset
         # o resto não é realmente importante
         buff = lzss.uncompress( fd , addr_compfile )
         # criando o tileset a partir dos dados descomprimidos
         tilesdict = create_tilesdict( buff , 4 )
         # leitura do tilemap
         fd.seek( addr_tilemap , 0 )
         tblptr = []
         while True:
             ptr = struct.unpack("<L" , fd.read(4))[0]
             if ptr == 0 :
             tblptr.append( addr_tilemap + ptr )
         for i , ptr in enumerate(tblptr):
             # ignorar as stamps no começo do tilemap
Exemplo n.º 3
def unpackBackground(src, dst):
    #bg_path = os.path.join(src, 'img')
    bg_path = src
    files = filter(lambda x: x.__contains__('.cimg'), scandirs(bg_path))

    for _, fname in enumerate(files):
            print fname

            path = fname[len(src):]
            fdirs = dst + path[:-len(os.path.basename(path))]
            if not os.path.isdir(fdirs):

            #fname = r"C:\WorkingCopy\playton-3\ROM Original\PLAYTON3\data\lt3\ani\uk\evt_chapt.cimg"
            file = open(fname, 'rb')
            type = struct.unpack('B', file.read(1))[0]
            if type == 0x30:
                buffer = rle.uncompress(file, 0)
            elif type == 0x10:
                buffer = lzss.uncompress(file, 0)
            elif type == 0x24 or type == 0x28:
                buffer = huffman.uncompress(file, 0)
                file.seek(4, 0)
                buffer = array.array('c', file.read())

            # with open("temp", "wb") as fd: fd.write(buffer.tostring())
            # raw_input()

            temp = mmap.mmap(-1, len(buffer))

            temp.seek(0, 0)
            assert temp.read(4) == "LIMG"
            colormap_offset = struct.unpack("<L", temp.read(4))[0]
            tilemap_offset, tilemap_entries = struct.unpack(
                "<HH", temp.read(4))
            background_offset, background_entries = struct.unpack(
                "<HH", temp.read(4))
            colormap_type, colormap_entries = struct.unpack(
                "<HH", temp.read(4))

            if colormap_type == 0:
                colormap_bpp = 0
                colormap_bpp = 1

            width = struct.unpack('<H', temp.read(2))[0]
            height = struct.unpack('<H', temp.read(2))[0]

            colormap = []
            tilelist = []
            buffer = array.array('c')

            if colormap_type == 2:
                for _ in range(16**(1 + colormap_bpp) - colormap_entries):
                    colormap.append((0, 0, 0))

            for _ in range(colormap_entries):

            for _ in range(background_entries):
                tilelist.append(temp.read(32 * 2**colormap_bpp))

            for x in range(tilemap_entries):
                bytes = struct.unpack('<H', temp.read(2))[0]
                # v_mirror = bytes & 0x0800
                # h_mirror = bytes & 0x0400
                    string = tilelist[bytes & 0x3FF]
                    string = "\x00" * 32 * 2**colormap_bpp
                # if v_mirror:
                # string = vertical(string)
                # if h_mirror:
                # string = horizontal(string)

            output = open(fdirs + os.path.basename(path) + '.bmp', 'wb')

            if colormap_bpp == 0:
                w = images.Writer((width, height), colormap, 4, 1, 0)
                w.write(output, buffer, 4, 'BMP')
                w = images.Writer((width, height), colormap, 8, 1, 0)
                w.write(output, buffer, 8, 'BMP')

        except AssertionError:

Exemplo n.º 4
def packSprite(src, dst, src1):
    holder = {}

    # Passo 1 - Gerar um dicion?rio com todos os sprites a serem empacotados

    ani_path = os.path.join(src, 'ani')
    files = filter(lambda x: x.__contains__('.bmp'), scandirs(ani_path))

    print "Buffering..."

    for name in files:
        print ">>> ", name
        a = re.match(r'(.*)-(.*)-(.*)\.bmp$', name[len(src):])
        if a.group(1) not in holder:
            holder.update({a.group(1): {}})  #[]})

        w = bmp.Reader(name)
        d = w.read()
        p = w.read_palette()
        holder[a.group(1)].update({int(a.group(2)) - 1:
                                   (d, p)})  #append((d, p))

    print "Analyzing..."

    compressions = {}
    data = {}
    # Passo 2 - Descompactar os arquivos originais
    for name in holder.keys():
        file = open(src1 + name, "rb")
        type = struct.unpack('<L', file.read(4))[0]
        if type == 1:
            buffer = rle.uncompress(file, 0x4)
        elif type == 2:
            buffer = lzss.uncompress(file, 0x4)
        elif type == 3 or type == 4:
            buffer = huffman.uncompress(file, 0x4)
            file.seek(0, 0)
            buffer = array.array('c', file.read())
        compressions.update({name: type})

        data.update({name: buffer})

    # Passo 3 - Atualizar os containers com os novos sprites
    #for i, dir in enumerate(outdir):
    for name in data.keys():
        print "Updating ", name
        buffer = data[name]
        arrays = []
        with open("temp", "w+b") as f:
            f.seek(0, 0)
            if re.match(r'^.*\.arc$', name):
                entries = struct.unpack("<H", f.read(2))[0]
                bitdepth = 2**(struct.unpack("<H", f.read(2))[0] - 1)
                for x in range(entries):
                    sprite_data = holder[name][x][0]
                    sprite_pal = holder[name][x][1]
                    # Leitura do header do sprite
                           1)  # As coordenadas n?o ser?o mudadas a principio
                    obj_entries = struct.unpack("<L", f.read(4))[0]
                    for y in range(obj_entries):
                        xpos = struct.unpack("<H", f.read(2))[0]
                        ypos = struct.unpack("<H", f.read(2))[0]
                        width = 8 * (2**struct.unpack("<H", f.read(2))[0])
                        height = 8 * (2**struct.unpack("<H", f.read(2))[0])
                        obj = []
                        for w in range(height):
                            obj.append(sprite_data[ypos + w][xpos:xpos +

                        bitarray = array.array('B')
                        for row in obj:
                            if bitdepth < 8:
                                row = zip(*[iter(row)] * (8 / bitdepth))
                                row = map(
                                    lambda e: reduce(
                                        lambda x, y:
                                        (x << bitdepth) + y, reversed(e)), row)

                            (f.tell(), array.array("c", bitarray.tostring())))
                        f.seek(len(bitarray.tostring()), 1)

                pal_entries = struct.unpack('<L', f.read(4))[0]

            elif re.match(r'^.*\.arj$', name):
                entries = struct.unpack("<H", f.read(2))[0]
                bitdepth = 2**(struct.unpack("<H", f.read(2))[0] - 1)
                colors = struct.unpack("<L", f.read(4))[0]
                for x in range(entries):
                    sprite_data = holder[name][x][0]
                    sprite_pal = holder[name][x][1]

                    sprite_xpos = struct.unpack("<H", f.read(2))[0]
                    sprite_ypos = struct.unpack("<H", f.read(2))[0]
                    obj_entries = struct.unpack("<L", f.read(4))[0]

                    for y in range(obj_entries):
                        obj_shape = struct.unpack('<H', f.read(2))[0]
                        obj_size = struct.unpack('<H', f.read(2))[0]
                        obj_xcoord = struct.unpack('<H', f.read(2))[0]
                        obj_ycoord = struct.unpack('<H', f.read(2))[0]
                        obj_width = 2**struct.unpack('<H', f.read(2))[0]
                        obj_height = 2**struct.unpack('<H', f.read(2))[0]

                        obj = [[list() for p in range(obj_width)]
                               for t in range(obj_height)]

                        for ypos in range(obj_height):
                            for xpos in range(obj_width):
                                for w in range(8):
                                    obj[ypos][xpos] += (
                                        sprite_data[obj_ycoord + ypos * 8 +
                                                    w][obj_xcoord +
                                                       xpos * 8:obj_xcoord +
                                                       xpos * 8 + 8])

                        bitarray = array.array('B')
                        for row in obj:
                            for d in row:

                            (f.tell(), array.array("c", bitarray.tostring())))
                        f.seek(len(bitarray.tostring()), 1)

        with open("temp", "r+b") as f:
            for par in arrays:
                f.seek(par[0], 0)

# Passo 4
        print "Compressing..."

        with open("temp", "rb") as f:
            type = compressions[name]
            if type == 1:
                buffer = rle.compress(f)
            elif type == 2:
                buffer = lzss.compress(f)
            elif type == 3:
                buffer = huffman.compress(f, 4)
            elif type == 4:
                buffer = huffman.compress(f, 8)

            filepath = dst + name
            path = os.path.dirname(filepath)
            #print path
            if not os.path.isdir(path):

            g = open(filepath, "wb")
            g.write(struct.pack("<L", type))

            print '>> \'' + filepath + ' created.'
Exemplo n.º 5
def unpackSprite(src, dst):
    def r(f):
        txt = ""
        while True:
            b = f.read(1)
            if b == "\x00": return txt
            txt += b

    #ani_path = os.path.join(src, 'ani')
    ani_path = src
    files = filter(lambda x: x.__contains__('.cani') or x.__contains__('.arj'),

    for _, fname in enumerate(files):
        temp = open('temp', 'w+b')

        print fname

        path = fname[len(src):]
        fdirs = dst + path[:-len(os.path.basename(path))]
        if not os.path.isdir(fdirs):

        #fname = r"C:\WorkingCopy\playton-3\ROM Original\PLAYTON3\data\lt3\ani\uk\evt_chapt.cimg"
        file = open(fname, 'rb')
        type = struct.unpack('B', file.read(1))[0]
        if type == 0x30:
            buffer = rle.uncompress(file, 0)
        elif type == 0x10:
            buffer = lzss.uncompress(file, 0)
        elif type == 0x24 or type == 0x28:
            buffer = huffman.uncompress(file, 0)
            file.seek(4, 0)
            buffer = array.array('c', file.read())

        # with open("temp", "wb") as fd: fd.write(buffer.tostring())
        # raw_input()

        temp = mmap.mmap(-1, len(buffer))

        header = struct.unpack("<7L", temp.read(7 * 4))
        # Verificações iniciais
        assert header[0] == 0x3243504c  #"LPC2"
        # 0 u8 magic[4];
        # 1 u32 count;//Number of subfiles
        # 2 u32 dataStart;//The start of the file contents data
        # 3 u32 archiveFileSize;//The total size of the archive file, headers and padding included
        # 4 u32 fatOffset;//The position where the fat is located
        # 5 u32 fileNameBase;//The base value for file name pointers
        # 6 u32 fileContentsBase;//The base value for the file contents pointers

        for i in range(header[1]):
            temp.seek(header[4] + i * 12)
            rec = struct.unpack("<3L", temp.read(3 * 4))

            temp.seek(header[5] + rec[0])
            name = r(temp)

            temp.seek(header[6] + rec[1])
            content = temp.read(rec[2])

            if DEBUG:
                with open(name, "wb") as fd:

            print ">> " + name + " extracted"

            m = mmap.mmap(-1, len(content))

            stamp = m.read(4)
            if stamp == "LSCR":
                header2 = struct.unpack("<HHLL", m.read(12))
                with open(fdirs + os.path.basename(name) + '.txt', 'wb') as fd:
                    for j in range(header2[0]):
                        m.seek(header2[1] + j * 8)
                        rec2 = struct.unpack("<HHL", m.read(8))
                        if rec2[1] == 1:

                        elif rec2[1] == 3:
                            m.seek(header2[2] + rec2[2] * 5)
                            rec3 = struct.unpack("<BLBLBL",
                                                 m.read(rec2[1] * 5))

                            m.seek(header2[3] + rec3[3])
                                "<HDR:" +
                                "".join(map(lambda x: "%02X" % ord(x), r(m))) +

                            m.seek(header2[3] + rec3[5])

                            print "unsupported rec2[1] %d " % rec2[1]
            elif stamp == "LIMG":
                colormap_offset = struct.unpack("<L", m.read(4))[0]
                tilemap_offset, tilemap_entries = struct.unpack(
                    "<HH", m.read(4))
                background_offset, background_entries = struct.unpack(
                    "<HH", m.read(4))
                colormap_type, colormap_entries = struct.unpack(
                    "<HH", m.read(4))

                if colormap_type == 0:
                    colormap_bpp = 0
                    colormap_bpp = 1

                width = struct.unpack('<H', m.read(2))[0]
                height = struct.unpack('<H', m.read(2))[0]

                colormap = []
                tilelist = []
                buffer = array.array('c')

                if colormap_type == 2:
                    for _ in range(16**(1 + colormap_bpp) - colormap_entries):
                        colormap.append((0, 0, 0))

                for _ in range(colormap_entries):

                for _ in range(background_entries):
                    tilelist.append(m.read(32 * 2**colormap_bpp))

                for x in range(tilemap_entries):
                    bytes = struct.unpack('<H', m.read(2))[0]
                    # v_mirror = bytes & 0x0800
                    # h_mirror = bytes & 0x0400
                        string = tilelist[bytes & 0x3FF]
                        string = "\x00" * 32 * 2**colormap_bpp
                    # if v_mirror:
                    # string = vertical(string)
                    # if h_mirror:
                    # string = horizontal(string)

                output = open(fdirs + os.path.basename(path) + '.bmp', 'wb')

                if colormap_bpp == 0:
                    w = images.Writer((width, height), colormap, 4, 1, 0)
                    w.write(output, buffer, 4, 'BMP')
                    w = images.Writer((width, height), colormap, 8, 1, 0)
                    w.write(output, buffer, 8, 'BMP')

                print "unsupported stamp %s " % stamp

        # if re.match(r'^.*\.cani$', name):
        # temp.seek(0,0)
        # entries = struct.unpack('<H', temp.read(2))[0]
        # type = struct.unpack('<H', temp.read(2))[0]
        # objs = []

        # if type == 3:
        # for p in range(entries):
        # xcoord = struct.unpack('<H', temp.read(2))[0]
        # ycoord = struct.unpack('<H', temp.read(2))[0]
        # obj_entries = struct.unpack('<L', temp.read(4))[0]

        # objs_params = []

        # for x in range(obj_entries):
        # obj_xcoord = struct.unpack('<H', temp.read(2))[0]
        # obj_ycoord = struct.unpack('<H', temp.read(2))[0]
        # obj_width = 4 * (2 ** struct.unpack('<H', temp.read(2))[0]) # 4 BPP)
        # obj_height = 8 * (2 ** struct.unpack('<H', temp.read(2))[0])
        # obj_data = []

        # for y in range(obj_height):
        # obj_data.append(f.read(obj_width))

        # objs_params.append( (obj_xcoord, obj_ycoord,
        # obj_width, obj_height, obj_data) )

        # width = 0
        # height = 0

        # for obj_param in objs_params:
        # if width <= obj_param[0] + obj_param[2]*2:
        # width = obj_param[0] + obj_param[2]*2
        # if height <= obj_param[1] + obj_param[3]:
        # height = obj_param[1] + obj_param[3]

        # buffer = array.array('c', '\xFF' * width * height)

        # for obj_param in objs_params:
        # obj_data = obj_param[4]
        # for y in range(obj_param[3]):
        # buffer[width/2*(obj_param[1] + y) + (obj_param[0])/2:
        # width/2*(obj_param[1] + y) + (obj_param[0])/2 + obj_param[2]] = array.array('c', obj_data.pop(0))

        # objs.append((width, height, buffer))

        # pal_entries = struct.unpack('<L', temp.read(4))[0]
        # colormap = []
        # for x in range(pal_entries):
        # colormap.append(gba2tuple(temp))

        # for x in range(entries):
        # output = open(os.path.join(fdirs, '%s-%02d-%02d.bmp' %(fname, (x+1), entries)), 'wb')
        # w = images.Writer((objs[x][0], objs[x][1]), colormap, 4, 2)
        # w.write(output, objs[x][2], 4, 'BMP')
        # output.close()

        # elif type == 4:
        # for p in range(entries):
        # xcoord = struct.unpack('<H', temp.read(2))[0]
        # ycoord = struct.unpack('<H', temp.read(2))[0]
        # obj_entries = struct.unpack('<L', temp.read(4))[0]

        # objs_params = []

        # for x in range(obj_entries):
        # obj_xcoord = struct.unpack('<H', temp.read(2))[0]
        # obj_ycoord = struct.unpack('<H', temp.read(2))[0]
        # obj_width = 8 * (2 ** struct.unpack('<H', temp.read(2))[0])
        # obj_height = 8 * (2 ** struct.unpack('<H', temp.read(2))[0])
        # obj_data = []
        # for y in range(obj_height):
        # obj_data.append(temp.read(obj_width))

        # objs_params.append( (obj_xcoord, obj_ycoord,
        # obj_width, obj_height, obj_data) )

        # width = 0
        # height = 0

        # for obj_param in objs_params:
        # if width <= obj_param[0] + obj_param[2]:
        # width = obj_param[0] + obj_param[2]
        # if height <= obj_param[1] + obj_param[3]:
        # height = obj_param[1] + obj_param[3]

        # buffer = array.array('c', '\xFF' * width * height)

        # for obj_param in objs_params:
        # obj_data = obj_param[4]
        # for y in range(obj_param[3]):
        # buffer[width*(obj_param[1] + y) + (obj_param[0]):
        # width*(obj_param[1] + y) + (obj_param[0]) + obj_param[2]] = array.array('c', obj_data.pop(0))

        # objs.append((width, height, buffer))

        # pal_entries = struct.unpack('<L', f.read(4))[0]
        # colormap = []
        # for x in range(pal_entries):
        # colormap.append(gba2tuple(temp))

        # for x in range(entries):
        # output = open(os.path.join(fdirs, '%s-%02d-%02d.bmp' %(fname, (x+1), entries)), 'wb')
        # w = images.Writer((objs[x][0], objs[x][1]), colormap, 8, 2)
        # w.write(output, objs[x][2], 8, 'BMP')
        # output.close()

        # else:
        # print 'except %s' % name

        # elif re.match(r'^.*\.arj$', name):
        # f.seek(0,0)
        # objs = []

        # entries = struct.unpack('<H', f.read(2))[0]
        # type = struct.unpack('<H', f.read(2))[0]
        # pal_entries = struct.unpack('<L', f.read(4))[0]
        # for p in range(entries):
        # xcoord = struct.unpack('<H', f.read(2))[0]
        # ycoord = struct.unpack('<H', f.read(2))[0]
        # obj_entries = struct.unpack('<L', f.read(4))[0]

        # objs_params = []

        # for x in range(obj_entries):
        # obj_shape = struct.unpack('<H', f.read(2))[0]
        # obj_size = struct.unpack('<H', f.read(2))[0]
        # obj_xcoord = struct.unpack('<H', f.read(2))[0]
        # obj_ycoord = struct.unpack('<H', f.read(2))[0]
        # obj_width = 8 * (2**struct.unpack('<H', f.read(2))[0])
        # obj_height = 8 * (2**struct.unpack('<H', f.read(2))[0])
        # obj_data = []
        # for y in range(obj_width * obj_height / 64):
        # obj_data.append(f.read(64))

        # objs_params.append( (obj_shape, obj_size, obj_xcoord, obj_ycoord,
        # obj_width, obj_height, obj_data) )
        # width = 0
        # height = 0

        # for obj_param in objs_params:
        # if width <= obj_param[2] + obj_param[4]:
        # width = obj_param[2] + obj_param[4]
        # if height <= obj_param[3] + obj_param[5]:
        # height = obj_param[3] + obj_param[5]

        # buffer = array.array('c', '\xFF' * width * height)

        # for obj_param in objs_params:
        # obj_data = obj_param[6]
        # for y in range(obj_param[5] / 8):
        # for w in range(obj_param[4] / 8):
        # buffer[(width*(obj_param[3] + y*8)) + obj_param[2]*8 + 64*(w):
        # (width*(obj_param[3] + y*8)) + obj_param[2]*8 + 64*(w+1)] = array.array('c',obj_data.pop(0))

        # objs.append((width, height, buffer))

        # colormap = []
        # for _ in range(pal_entries):
        # colormap.append(gba2tuple(f))

        # for x in range(entries):
        # output = open(os.path.join(fdirs, '%s-%02d-%02d.bmp' %(fname, (x+1), entries)), 'wb')
        # w = images.Writer((objs[x][0], objs[x][1]), colormap, 8, 1)
        # w.write(output, objs[x][2], 8, 'BMP')
        # output.close()

    # except AssertionError:
    # pass
    # except:
    # pass
