Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_prepare(self):
     name = self.get_config('datacenter')
     if name is None:
         raise SkipTest, 'Parameter "datacenter" not set.'
     datacenter = self.api.get(schema.DataCenter, name=name)
     if datacenter is None:
         raise SkipTest, 'Datacenter not found: %s' % name
     name = self.get_config('cluster')
     if name is None:
         raise SkipTest, 'Parameter "cluster" not set.'
     cluster = self.api.get(schema.Cluster, name=name)
     if cluster is None:
         raise SkipTest, 'Cluster not found: %s' % name
     template = self.api.get(schema.Template, name='Blank')
     if template is None:
         raise SkipTest, 'Template not found: Blank'
     vm = schema.new(schema.VM)
     vm.name = util.random_name('vm')
     vm.memory = 512 * 1024**2
     vm.type = 'DESKTOP'
     vm.cluster = schema.ref(cluster)
     vm.template = schema.ref(template)
     vm2 = self.api.create(vm)
     assert vm2 is not None
     disk = schema.new(schema.Disk)
     disk.size = 1024**3
     disk.format = 'COW'
     disk.sparse = True
     disk.wipe_after_delete = False
     disk2 = self.api.create(disk, base=vm2)
     assert disk2 is not None
     self.store.vm = vm2
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_create_child(self):
     tag = self.store.tag
     child = schema.new(schema.Tag)
     child.name = util.random_name('tag')
     child.parent = schema.new(schema.TagParent)
     child.parent.tag = schema.new(schema.Tag)
     child.parent.tag.id = tag.id
     child2 = self.api.create(child)
     assert isinstance(child2, schema.Tag)
     assert child2.id is not None
     assert child2.parent.tag.id == tag.id
     self.store.child = child2
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_create(self):
     tag = schema.new(schema.Tag)
     tag.name = util.random_name('tag')
     tag2 = self.api.create(tag)
     assert isinstance(tag2, schema.Tag)
     assert tag2.id is not None
     self.store.tag = tag2
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_prepare(self):
     dc = schema.new(schema.DataCenter)
     dc.name = util.random_name('dc')
     dc.storage_type = 'NFS'
     dc = self.api.create(dc)
     assert dc is not None
     self.store.dc = dc
Exemplo n.º 5
 def update_object(self, obj, options):
     """Create a new binding type of type `typ', and set its attributes
     with values from `options'."""
     attrs = [ opt for opt in options if not opt.endswith('id') ]
     for attr in attrs:
         baseobj = obj
         basetype = type(obj)
         walked = []
         path = attr[2:].split('-')
         for pa in path[:-1]:
                 subobj = getattr(baseobj, pa) 
                 subtype = getattr(basetype, pa)
             except AttributeError:
                 self.error('no such attribute: %s' % '.'.join(walked))
             if subobj is None:
                 subtype = schema.subtype(subtype)
                 if issubclass(subtype, schema.ComplexType):
                     setattr(baseobj, pa, schema.new(subtype))
                     subobj = getattr(baseobj, pa)
             baseobj = subobj
             basetype = subtype
         if not hasattr(basetype, path[-1]):
             self.error('no such attribute: %s' % attr)
         setattr(baseobj, path[-1], options[attr])
     return obj 
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_href(self):
     vm = schema.new(schema.VM)
     vm.id = 10
     vm.href = '/vms/10'
     vm.description = 'foo'
     vm2 = schema.href(vm)
     assert vm2.id == vm.id
     assert vm2.href == vm.href
     assert vm2.description is None
Exemplo n.º 7
 def set(self, obj, value, context):
     obj, attr = self._resolve_parent(obj, self.attribute)
     match = self._re_version.match(value)
     if match is None:
         raise ValueError, 'Illegal version: %s' % value
     version = schema.new(schema.Version)
     version.major = match.group(1)
     version.minor = match.group(2)
     setattr(obj, attr, version)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def create_object(self, typ, options, scope=None):
     """Create a new object of type `typ' based on the command-line
     options in `options'."""
     obj = schema.new(typ)
     fields = metadata.get_fields(typ, 'C', scope)
     for field in fields:
         key = '--%s' % field.name
         if key in options:
             field.set(obj, options[key], self.context)
     return obj
Exemplo n.º 9
 def execute(self):
     """Execute the "create" command."""
     connection = self.context.connection
     stdout = self.context.terminal.stdout
     typename = self.arguments[0]
     typ = self.resolve_singular_type(typename)
     base = self.resolve_base(self.options)
     obj = self.read_input()
     if obj is None:
         obj = schema.new(typ)
         obj = self.update_object(obj, self.options)
     connection.create(obj, base=base)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def execute(self):
     """Execute the action command."""
     typename, name, action = self.arguments
     typ = self.resolve_singular_type(typename)
     base = self.resolve_base(self.options)
     obj = self.get_object(typ, name, base)
     actionobj = schema.new(schema.Action)
     actionobj = self.update_object(actionobj, self.options)
     connection = self.context.connection
         result = connection.action(obj, action, actionobj)
     except rhev.Error, e:
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_wait(self):
     vm = schema.new(schema.VM)
     vm.name = util.random_name('vm')
     vm.type = 'SERVER'
     vm.memory = 512*1024*1024
     vm.cluster = schema.new(schema.Cluster)
     vm.cluster.name = self.get_config('cluster')
     vm.template = schema.new(schema.Template)
     vm.template.name = self.get_config('template')
     vm = self.api.create(vm)
     assert isinstance(vm, schema.VM)
     disk = schema.new(schema.Disk)
     disk.format = 'COW'
     disk.size = 2024**3
     disk.sparse = True
     disk = self.api.create(disk, base=vm)
     assert isinstance(disk, schema.Disk)
     assert self.api.wait(vm, exists=True)
     assert self.api.wait(vm, status='DOWN')
     self.api.action(vm, 'start')
     assert self.api.wait(vm, status='UP')
     self.api.action(vm, 'stop')
     assert self.api.wait(vm, status='DOWN')
Exemplo n.º 12
 def action(self, resource, action, data=None):
     """Execute an action on a resource. """
     if not isinstance(resource, schema.BaseResource):
         raise TypeError, 'Expecting a binding instance.'
     if not resource.href:
         raise ValueError, 'Expecting a created binding instance.'
     url = self._resolve_action(resource.href, action)
     if data is None:
         data = schema.new(schema.Action)
     response = self._make_request('POST', url, body=data.toxml())
     if response.status in (http.OK, http.NO_CONTENT):
         result = self._parse_xml(response)
         raise self._create_exception(response)
     return result
Exemplo n.º 13
def create(type, *args, **kwargs):
    """Create rhev-python objects."""
    from rhev import schema
    from rhev.connection import Connection
    if issubclass(type, Connection):
        for key in ('url', 'username', 'password'):
            if key not in kwargs:
                name = 'RHEV_%s' % key.upper()
                value = os.environ.get(name)
                if value is None:
                    raise Error, '$%s not set' % name
                kwargs[key] = value
        obj = type(*args, **kwargs)
    elif issubclass(type, schema.ComplexType):
        obj = schema.new(type, *args, **kwargs)
        obj = type(*args, **kwargs)
    return obj
Exemplo n.º 14
 def _resolve_parent(self, obj, attr):
     """INTERNAL: Resolve a dotted attribute name `attr' inside `obj'
     until its parent is reached, creating classes on the fly where
     baseobj = obj
     basetype = type(obj)
     walked = []
     path = attr.split('.')
     for pa in path[:-1]:
             subobj = getattr(baseobj, pa) 
         except AttributeError:
             m = 'no such attribute: %s' % '.'.join(walked)
             raise ValueError, m
         if subobj is None:
             prop = getattr(type(baseobj), pa)
             subtype = schema.subtype(prop)
             if issubclass(subtype, schema.ComplexType):
                 setattr(baseobj, pa, schema.new(subtype))
                 subobj = getattr(baseobj, pa)
         baseobj = subobj
     return baseobj, path[-1]
Exemplo n.º 15
 def test_copy(self):
     vm = schema.new(schema.VM)
     vm.description = 'foo'
     vm2 = schema.copy(vm)
     assert vm2.description == vm.description
Exemplo n.º 16
 def test_update(self):
     vm = schema.new(schema.VM)
     vm2 = schema.new(schema.VM)
     vm2.description = 'foo'
     schema.update(vm, vm2)
     assert vm.description == vm2.description
Exemplo n.º 17
 def test_new(self):
     vm = schema.new(schema.VM)
     assert isinstance(vm, schema.VM)
     vms = schema.new(schema.VMs)
     assert isinstance(vms, schema.VMs)
     assert_raises(TypeError, schema.new, object)
Exemplo n.º 18
import sys
from rhev import create, schema
from rhev import Connection as RhevConnection
from rhev import Error as RhevError

    api = create(RhevConnection)

    datacenter = api.get(schema.DataCenter, name='default')
    cluster = api.get(schema.Cluster, name='default')
    template = api.get(schema.Template, name='blank')
    network = api.get(schema.Network, base=cluster,
                      filter={'name': 'rhevm'})

    vm = schema.new(schema.VM)
    vm.name = 'myvm'
    vm.memory = 2 * 1024**3
    vm.os = 'Windows 2008 R2'
    vm.datacenter = schema.ref(datacenter)
    vm.cluster = schema.ref(cluster)
    vm.template = schema.ref(template)
    vm = api.create(vm)

    disk = create(schema.Disk)
    disk.size = 16 * 1024**3
    disk.type = 'SYSTEM'
    disk.format = 'COW'
    disk.sparse = True
    disk.interface = 'VIRTIO'
    api.create(disk, base=vm)