Exemplo n.º 1
    def _forwardHTTPBody(self, fromResponse, toRequest):
        """ This routine will transfer the body of an HTTP response to the output
            area of an HTTP request for response to the original requesting client.
            The request's send_http_header function must be called before this
            function is called.
        if fromResponse is None or toRequest is None:

        # Get the size of the body

        size = self._determineHTTPBodySize(fromResponse.msg)
        log_debug(4, "Response body size: ", size)

        # Now fill in the bytes if need be.

        # read content if there is some or the size is unknown
        if (size > 0 or size == -1) and (toRequest.method != 'HEAD'):
            tfile = SmartIO(max_mem_size=CFG.MAX_MEM_FILE_SIZE)
            buf = fromResponse.read(CFG.BUFFER_SIZE)
            while buf:
                    buf = fromResponse.read(CFG.BUFFER_SIZE)
                except IOError:
                    buf = 0
            if 'wsgi.file_wrapper' in toRequest.headers_in:
                toRequest.output = toRequest.headers_in['wsgi.file_wrapper'](tfile, CFG.BUFFER_SIZE)
                toRequest.output = iter(lambda: tfile.read(CFG.BUFFER_SIZE), '')
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, req):
        """ init with http request object """

        # FIXME: should rename some things:
        #        self.bodyFd --> self.body or self.data or ?
        #        self.caChain --> self.caCert

        self.req = req
        # turn wsgi.input object into a SmartIO instance so it can be read
        # more than once
        if 'wsgi.input' in self.req.headers_in:
            smartFd = SmartIO(max_mem_size=CFG.MAX_MEM_FILE_SIZE)
            self.req.headers_in['wsgi.input'] = smartFd

        self.responseContext = ResponseContext()
        self.uri = None   # ''

        # Common settings for both the proxy and the redirect
        # broker and redirect immediately alter these for their own purposes
        self.caChain = CFG.CA_CHAIN
        self.httpProxy = CFG.HTTP_PROXY
        self.httpProxyUsername = CFG.HTTP_PROXY_USERNAME
        self.httpProxyPassword = CFG.HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD
        if not self.httpProxyUsername:
            self.httpProxyPassword = ''
        self.rhnParent = CFG.RHN_PARENT or ''
        self.rhnParent = rhnLib.parseUrl(self.rhnParent)[1].split(':')[0]
        CFG.set('RHN_PARENT', self.rhnParent)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, req):
        """ init with http request object """

        # FIXME: should rename some things:
        #        self.bodyFd --> self.body or self.data or ?
        #        self.caChain --> self.caCert

        self.req = req
        # turn wsgi.input object into a SmartIO instance so it can be read
        # more than once
        if 'wsgi.input' in self.req.headers_in:
            smartFd = SmartIO(max_mem_size=CFG.MAX_MEM_FILE_SIZE)
            self.req.headers_in['wsgi.input'] = smartFd

        self.responseContext = ResponseContext()
        self.uri = None   # ''

        # Common settings for both the proxy and the redirect
        # broker and redirect immediately alter these for their own purposes
        self.caChain = CFG.CA_CHAIN
        self.httpProxy = CFG.HTTP_PROXY
        self.httpProxyUsername = CFG.HTTP_PROXY_USERNAME
        self.httpProxyPassword = CFG.HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD
        if not self.httpProxyUsername:
            self.httpProxyPassword = ''
        self.rhnParent = CFG.RHN_PARENT or ''
        self.rhnParent = rhnLib.parseUrl(self.rhnParent)[1].split(':')[0]
        CFG.set('RHN_PARENT', self.rhnParent)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _forwardHTTPBody(self, fromResponse, toRequest):
        """ This routine will transfer the body of an HTTP response to the output
            area of an HTTP request for response to the original requesting client.
            The request's send_http_header function must be called before this
            function is called.
        if fromResponse is None or toRequest is None:

        # Get the size of the body

        size = self._determineHTTPBodySize(fromResponse.msg)
        log_debug(4, "Response body size: ", size)

        # Now fill in the bytes if need be.

        # read content if there is some or the size is unknown
        if (size > 0 or size == -1) and (toRequest.method != 'HEAD'):
            tfile = SmartIO(max_mem_size=CFG.MAX_MEM_FILE_SIZE)
            buf = fromResponse.read(CFG.BUFFER_SIZE)
            while buf:
                    buf = fromResponse.read(CFG.BUFFER_SIZE)
                except IOError:
                    buf = 0
            if 'wsgi.file_wrapper' in toRequest.headers_in:
                toRequest.output = toRequest.headers_in['wsgi.file_wrapper'](tfile, CFG.BUFFER_SIZE)
                toRequest.output = iter(lambda: tfile.read(CFG.BUFFER_SIZE), '')
Exemplo n.º 5
def _smart_read(fd, amt, bufferSize=1024, progressCallback=None,
    # Reads amt bytes from fd, or until the end of file, whichever
    # occurs first
    # The function will read in memory if the amout to be read is smaller than
    # max_mem_size, or to a temporary file otherwise
    # Unlike read(), _smart_read tries to return exactly the requested amount
    # (whereas read will return _up_to_ that amount). Reads from sockets will
    # usually reaturn less data, or the read can be interrupted
    # Inspired by Greg Stein's httplib.py (the standard in python 2.x)
    # support for progress callbacks added
    startTime = time.time()
    lastTime = startTime
    buf = SmartIO(max_mem_size=max_mem_size)

    origsize = amt
    while amt > 0:
        curTime = time.time()
        l = min(bufferSize, amt)
        chunk = fd.read(l)
        # read guarantees that len(chunk) <= l
        l = len(chunk)
        if not l:
            # Oops. Most likely EOF

        # And since the original l was smaller than amt, we know amt >= 0
        amt = amt - l
        if progressCallback is None:
            # No progress callback, so don't do fancy computations
        # We update the progress callback if:
        #  we haven't updated it for more than a secord, or
        #  it's the last read (amt == 0)
        if curTime - lastTime >= 1 or amt == 0:
            lastTime = curTime
            # use float() so that we force float division in the next step
            bytesRead = float(origsize - amt)
            # if amt == 0, on a fast machine it is possible to have
            # curTime - lastTime == 0, so add an epsilon to prevent a division
            # by zero
            speed = bytesRead / ((curTime - startTime) + .000001)
            if origsize == 0:
                secs = 0
                # speed != 0 because bytesRead > 0
                # (if bytesRead == 0 then origsize == amt, which means a read
                # of 0 length; but that's impossible since we already checked
                # that l is non-null
                secs = amt / speed
            progressCallback(bytesRead, origsize, speed, secs)

    # Now rewind the SmartIO
    buf.seek(0, 0)
    return buf
Exemplo n.º 6
def _smart_read(fd, amt, bufferSize=1024, progressCallback=None,
    # Reads amt bytes from fd, or until the end of file, whichever
    # occurs first
    # The function will read in memory if the amout to be read is smaller than
    # max_mem_size, or to a temporary file otherwise
    # Unlike read(), _smart_read tries to return exactly the requested amount
    # (whereas read will return _up_to_ that amount). Reads from sockets will
    # usually reaturn less data, or the read can be interrupted
    # Inspired by Greg Stein's httplib.py (the standard in python 2.x)
    # support for progress callbacks added
    startTime = time.time()
    lastTime = startTime
    buf = SmartIO(max_mem_size=max_mem_size)

    origsize = amt
    while amt > 0:
        curTime = time.time()
        l = min(bufferSize, amt)
        chunk = fd.read(l)
        # read guarantees that len(chunk) <= l
        l = len(chunk)
        if not l:
            # Oops. Most likely EOF

        # And since the original l was smaller than amt, we know amt >= 0
        amt = amt - l
        if progressCallback is None:
            # No progress callback, so don't do fancy computations
        # We update the progress callback if:
        #  we haven't updated it for more than a secord, or
        #  it's the last read (amt == 0)
        if curTime - lastTime >= 1 or amt == 0:
            lastTime = curTime
            # use float() so that we force float division in the next step
            bytesRead = float(origsize - amt)
            # if amt == 0, on a fast machine it is possible to have
            # curTime - lastTime == 0, so add an epsilon to prevent a division
            # by zero
            speed = bytesRead / ((curTime - startTime) + .000001)
            if origsize == 0:
                secs = 0
                # speed != 0 because bytesRead > 0
                # (if bytesRead == 0 then origsize == amt, which means a read
                # of 0 length; but that's impossible since we already checked
                # that l is non-null
                secs = amt / speed
            progressCallback(bytesRead, origsize, speed, secs)

    # Now rewind the SmartIO
    buf.seek(0, 0)
    return buf
Exemplo n.º 7
def _smart_total_read(fd, bufferSize=1024, max_mem_size=16384):
    Tries to read data from the supplied stream, and puts the results into a
    StmartIO object. The data will be in memory or in a temporary file,
    depending on how much it's been read
    Returns a SmartIO object
    io = SmartIO(max_mem_size=max_mem_size)
    while 1:
        chunk = fd.read(bufferSize)
        if not chunk:
            # EOF reached

    return io
Exemplo n.º 8
def _smart_total_read(fd, bufferSize=1024, max_mem_size=16384):
    Tries to read data from the supplied stream, and puts the results into a
    StmartIO object. The data will be in memory or in a temporary file,
    depending on how much it's been read
    Returns a SmartIO object
    io = SmartIO(max_mem_size=max_mem_size)
    while 1:
        chunk = fd.read(bufferSize)
        if not chunk:
            # EOF reached

    return io
Exemplo n.º 9
class Input:
    def __init__(self, headers=None, progressCallback=None, bufferSize=1024,
        self.transfer = None
        self.encoding = None
        self.type = None
        self.length = 0
        self.lang = "C"
        self.name = ""
        self.progressCallback = progressCallback
        self.bufferSize = bufferSize
        self.max_mem_size = max_mem_size

        if not headers:
            # we need to get them from environment
            if "HTTP_CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING" in os.environ:
                self.transfer = os.environ["HTTP_CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING"].lower()
            if "HTTP_CONTENT_ENCODING" in os.environ:
                self.encoding = os.environ["HTTP_CONTENT_ENCODING"].lower()
            if "CONTENT-TYPE" in os.environ:
                self.type = os.environ["CONTENT-TYPE"].lower()
            if "CONTENT_LENGTH" in os.environ:
                self.length = int(os.environ["CONTENT_LENGTH"])
            if "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE" in os.environ:
                self.lang = os.environ["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]
            if "HTTP_X_PACKAGE_FILENAME" in os.environ:
                self.name = os.environ["HTTP_X_PACKAGE_FILENAME"]
            # The stupid httplib screws up the headers from the HTTP repsonse
            # and converts them to lowercase. This means that we have to
            # convert to lowercase all the dictionary keys in case somebody calls
            # us with sane values --gaftonc (actually mimetools is the culprit)
            for header in headers.keys():
                value = headers[header]
                h = header.lower()
                if h == "content-length":
                        self.length = int(value)
                    except ValueError:
                        self.length = 0
                elif h == "content-transfer-encoding":
                    # RFC 2045 #6.1: case insensitive
                    self.transfer = value.lower()
                elif h == "content-encoding":
                    # RFC 2616 #3.5: case insensitive
                    self.encoding = value.lower()
                elif h == "content-type":
                    # RFC 2616 #3.7: case insensitive
                    self.type = value.lower()
                elif h == "accept-language":
                    # RFC 2616 #3.10: case insensitive
                    self.lang = value.lower()
                elif h == "x-package-filename":
                    self.name = value

        self.io = None

    def read(self, fd = sys.stdin):
        # The octet-streams are passed right back
        if self.type == "application/octet-stream":

        if self.length:
            # Read exactly the amount of data we were told
            self.io = _smart_read(fd, self.length,
            # Oh well, no clue; read until EOF (hopefully)
            self.io = _smart_total_read(fd)

        if not self.transfer or self.transfer == "binary":
        elif self.transfer == "base64":
            import base64
            old_io = self.io
            old_io.seek(0, 0)
            self.io = SmartIO(max_mem_size=self.max_mem_size)
            base64.decode(old_io, self.io)
            raise NotImplementedError(self.transfer)

    def decode(self, fd = sys.stdin):
        # The octet-stream data are passed right back
        if self.type == "application/octet-stream":
            return InputStream(fd, self.length, self.name, close=fd.close)

        if not self.io:

        # At this point self.io exists (the only case when self.read() does
        # not initialize self.io is when content-type is
        # "application/octet-stream" - and we already dealt with that case

        # We can now close the file descriptor
        if hasattr(fd, "close"):

        # Now we have the binary goo
        if not self.encoding or self.encoding == "__plain":
            # all is fine.
        elif self.encoding in ("x-zlib", "deflate"):
            import zlib
            obj = zlib.decompressobj()
            self.io.seek(0, 0)
            data = obj.decompress(self.io.read()) + obj.flush()
            del obj
            self.length = len(data)
            self.io = SmartIO(max_mem_size=self.max_mem_size)
        elif self.encoding in ("x-gzip", "gzip"):
            import gzip
            self.io.seek(0, 0)
            gz = gzip.GzipFile(mode="rb", compresslevel = COMPRESS_LEVEL,
            data = gz.read()
            self.length = len(data)
            self.io = SmartIO(max_mem_size=self.max_mem_size)
        elif self.encoding == "x-gpg":
            # XXX: should be written
            raise NotImplementedError(self.transfer, self.encoding)
            raise NotImplementedError(self.transfer, self.encoding)

        # Play nicely and rewind the file descriptor
        self.io.seek(0, 0)
        return self.io

    def getlang(self):
        return self.lang
Exemplo n.º 10
class Input:
    def __init__(self,
        self.transfer = None
        self.encoding = None
        self.type = None
        self.length = 0
        self.lang = "C"
        self.name = ""
        self.progressCallback = progressCallback
        self.bufferSize = bufferSize
        self.max_mem_size = max_mem_size

        if not headers:
            # we need to get them from environment
            if "HTTP_CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING" in os.environ:
                self.transfer = os.environ[
            if "HTTP_CONTENT_ENCODING" in os.environ:
                self.encoding = os.environ["HTTP_CONTENT_ENCODING"].lower()
            if "CONTENT-TYPE" in os.environ:
                self.type = os.environ["CONTENT-TYPE"].lower()
            if "CONTENT_LENGTH" in os.environ:
                self.length = int(os.environ["CONTENT_LENGTH"])
            if "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE" in os.environ:
                self.lang = os.environ["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]
            if "HTTP_X_PACKAGE_FILENAME" in os.environ:
                self.name = os.environ["HTTP_X_PACKAGE_FILENAME"]
            # The stupid httplib screws up the headers from the HTTP repsonse
            # and converts them to lowercase. This means that we have to
            # convert to lowercase all the dictionary keys in case somebody calls
            # us with sane values --gaftonc (actually mimetools is the culprit)
            for header in headers.keys():
                value = headers[header]
                h = header.lower()
                if h == "content-length":
                        self.length = int(value)
                    except ValueError:
                        self.length = 0
                elif h == "content-transfer-encoding":
                    # RFC 2045 #6.1: case insensitive
                    self.transfer = value.lower()
                elif h == "content-encoding":
                    # RFC 2616 #3.5: case insensitive
                    self.encoding = value.lower()
                elif h == "content-type":
                    # RFC 2616 #3.7: case insensitive
                    self.type = value.lower()
                elif h == "accept-language":
                    # RFC 2616 #3.10: case insensitive
                    self.lang = value.lower()
                elif h == "x-package-filename":
                    self.name = value

        self.io = None

    def read(self, fd=sys.stdin):
        # The octet-streams are passed right back
        if self.type == "application/octet-stream":

        if self.length:
            # Read exactly the amount of data we were told
            self.io = _smart_read(fd,
            # Oh well, no clue; read until EOF (hopefully)
            self.io = _smart_total_read(fd)

        if not self.transfer or self.transfer == "binary":
        elif self.transfer == "base64":
            import base64
            old_io = self.io
            old_io.seek(0, 0)
            self.io = SmartIO(max_mem_size=self.max_mem_size)
            base64.decode(old_io, self.io)
            raise NotImplementedError(self.transfer)

    def decode(self, fd=sys.stdin):
        # The octet-stream data are passed right back
        if self.type == "application/octet-stream":
            return InputStream(fd, self.length, self.name, close=fd.close)

        if not self.io:

        # At this point self.io exists (the only case when self.read() does
        # not initialize self.io is when content-type is
        # "application/octet-stream" - and we already dealt with that case

        # We can now close the file descriptor
        if hasattr(fd, "close"):

        # Now we have the binary goo
        if not self.encoding or self.encoding == "__plain":
            # all is fine.
        elif self.encoding in ("x-zlib", "deflate"):
            import zlib
            obj = zlib.decompressobj()
            self.io.seek(0, 0)
            data = obj.decompress(self.io.read()) + obj.flush()
            del obj
            self.length = len(data)
            self.io = SmartIO(max_mem_size=self.max_mem_size)
        elif self.encoding in ("x-gzip", "gzip"):
            import gzip
            self.io.seek(0, 0)
            gz = gzip.GzipFile(mode="rb",
            data = gz.read()
            self.length = len(data)
            self.io = SmartIO(max_mem_size=self.max_mem_size)
        elif self.encoding == "x-gpg":
            # XXX: should be written
            raise NotImplementedError(self.transfer, self.encoding)
            raise NotImplementedError(self.transfer, self.encoding)

        # Play nicely and rewind the file descriptor
        self.io.seek(0, 0)
        return self.io

    def getlang(self):
        return self.lang
Exemplo n.º 11
# Test for SmartIO objects
# $Id$

import sys
from rhn.SmartIO import SmartIO
from cStringIO import OutputType

if __name__ == '__main__':
    s = SmartIO(max_mem_size=16384)
    for i in range(20):
        s.write(("%d" % (i % 10)) * 1023 + '\n')
        if i < 16:
            assert(isinstance(s._io, OutputType))
            assert(not isinstance(s._io, OutputType))
        print i, type(s._io), s._io.tell()
Exemplo n.º 12
# Test for SmartIO objects

import sys
from rhn.SmartIO import SmartIO
from cStringIO import OutputType

if __name__ == '__main__':
    s = SmartIO(max_mem_size=16384)
    for i in range(20):
        s.write(("%d" % (i % 10)) * 1023 + '\n')
        if i < 16:
            assert (isinstance(s._io, OutputType))
            assert (not isinstance(s._io, OutputType))
        print i, type(s._io), s._io.tell()