Exemplo n.º 1
class TestMdmtSelection(unittest.TestCase):
    """Tests the RideD algorithms but NOT the SDN mechanisms"""
    def setUp(self):

        # Our test topology is a basic campus network topology (constructed with the campus_topo_gen.py script) with:
        # 4 core, 2 buildings per core, 2 hosts/building, and 2 inter-building links;
        # TODO: see example diagram to visualize the relevant parts
        topo_file = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'test_topo.json')
        self.topology = NetworkxSdnTopology(topo_file)
        self.root = self.topology.get_servers()[0]
        # self.topology.draw()

        # set up some manual MDMTs by just building networkx Graphs using collections of links
        self.ntrees = 4
        self.mdmts = [  # tree1
                ((self.root, 'c0'), ('c0', 'c1'), ('c1', 'b0'),
                 ('b0', 'h0-b0'), ('c0', 'c2'), ('c2', 'b1'), ('b1', 'h0-b1'),
                 ('b1', 'h1-b1'), ('c2', 'b3'), ('b3', 'h0-b3'))),
            # tree2
                ((self.root, 'c3'), ('c3', 'c2'), ('c2', 'b1'), ('b1',
                 ('b1', 'h1-b1'), ('b1', 'b0'), ('b0', 'h0-b0'), ('b0', 'c1'),
                 ('c1', 'b5'), ('b5', 'b3'), ('b3', 'h0-b3'))),
            # tree3
            nx.Graph(((self.root, 'c0'), ('c0', 'c1'), ('c1', 'b0'),
                      ('b0', 'h0-b0'), ('b0', 'b1'), ('b1', 'h0-b1'),
                      ('b1', 'h1-b1'), (self.root, 'c3'), ('c3', 'c2'),
                      ('c2', 'b3'), ('b3', 'h0-b3'))),
            # tree4
            nx.Graph(((self.root, 'c0'), ('c0', 'c1'), ('c1', 'b0'),
                      ('b0', 'h0-b0'), ('c2', 'b1'), ('b1', 'h0-b1'),
                      ('b1', 'h1-b1'), (self.root, 'c3'), ('c3', 'c2'),
                      ('c2', 'b3'), ('b3', 'h0-b3')))
        # self.topology.draw_multicast_trees(self.mdmts[2:3])
        mdmt_addresses = ['tree%d' % (d + 1) for d in range(self.ntrees)]

        self.rided = RideD(
            # This test callback notifies us of subscribers reached and ensures the right MDMT was selected

        # XXX: manually set the MDMTs to avoid calling RideD.update(), which will try to run SDN operations in addition
        # to creating the MDMTs using the construction algorithms
        self.rided.mdmts[ALERT_TOPIC] = self.mdmts
        for mdmt, addr in zip(self.mdmts, mdmt_addresses):
            self.rided.set_address_for_mdmt(mdmt, addr)

        # set up manual publisher routes
        self.publishers = ['h1-b5', 'h1-b1']
        self.publisher_routes = [['h1-b5', 'b5', 'c1', 'c0', self.root],
                                 ['h1-b1', 'b1', 'c2', 'c3', self.root]]
        for pub_route in self.publisher_routes:
            self.rided.set_publisher_route(pub_route[0], pub_route)
        for pub in self.publishers:

        # register the subscribers
        self.subscribers = ['h0-b0', 'h0-b1', 'h1-b1', 'h0-b3']
        for sub in self.subscribers:
            self.rided.add_subscriber(sub, ALERT_TOPIC)

        # We expect the MDMTs to be selected (via 'importance' policy) in this order for the following tests...
        self.expected_mdmts = [('tree4', ), ('tree2', ), ('tree3', ),
                               ('tree1', ), ('tree2', ),
                               ('tree1', 'tree3', 'tree4')]
        # ... based on these subscribers being reached during each attempt.
        self.subs_reached_at_attempt = [
            ('h0-b1', 'h1-b1'),  #0
            tuple(),  # 1-3 no responses...
            ('h0-b3', ),  #4
            ('h0-b0', )  #5 ; all done!
        # NOTES about the test cases:
        # NOTE: we only do these tests for 'importance' since the others will have a tie between tree3/4
        #  we should choose tree2 second due to update about subs reached...
        #  because AlertContext tracks trees tried we should use tree3 third
        #  furthermore, we should lastly try tree1 even though it had lowest importance!
        #  then, we should try tree2 as the highest current importance after a notification since we've tried all of them
        #  finally, since we have a tie among all the others

        self.attempt_num = 0

        self.alert = self.rided._make_new_alert(ALERT_MSG, ALERT_TOPIC)

    def test_basic_mdmt_selection(self):
        """Tests MDMT-selection (without alerting context) for the default policy by manually assigning
        MDMTs, publisher routes, notifying RideD about a few publications and verifying that the selected MDMT is
        the one expected given this information."""

        mdmt = self.rided.get_best_mdmt(
            self.alert, heuristic=self.rided.MAX_LINK_IMPORTANCE)

        mdmt = self.rided.get_best_mdmt(
            self.alert, heuristic=self.rided.MAX_OVERLAPPING_LINKS)
        self.assertEqual(self.rided.get_address_for_mdmt(mdmt), 'tree4')

        mdmt = self.rided.get_best_mdmt(self.alert,
        self.assertEqual(self.rided.get_address_for_mdmt(mdmt), 'tree4')

        # TODO: ENHANCE: additional test...
        # Now, if we reset the STT and change the publisher routes we should get different MDMTs
        # self.rided.stt_mgr.reset()
        # self.rided.set_publisher_route('h1-b5', ['h1-b5', 'b5', 'c1', 'c0', self.root])
        # for pub in self.publishers:
        #     self.rided.notify_publication(pub)
        # mdmt = self.rided.get_best_mdmt(ALERT_TOPIC, heuristic=self.rided.MAX_OVERLAPPING_LINKS)
        # self.assertEqual(self.rided.get_address_for_mdmt(mdmt), 'tree4')
        # mdmt = self.rided.get_best_mdmt(ALERT_TOPIC, heuristic=self.rided.MAX_LINK_IMPORTANCE)
        # self.assertEqual(self.rided.get_address_for_mdmt(mdmt), 'tree4')
        # mdmt = self.rided.get_best_mdmt(ALERT_TOPIC, heuristic=self.rided.MIN_MISSING_LINKS)
        # self.assertEqual(self.rided.get_address_for_mdmt(mdmt), 'tree4')

    def test_mdmt_selection_with_context(self):
        """Tests MDMT-selection WITH alerting context in a similar manner to the basic tests.  Here we use an
        AlertContext object to change the MDMT choice based on claiming that some subscribers have already been alerted."""

        # NOTE: we're actually using the _do_send_alert method instead of manually recording and doing notifications.
        # The callback used to actually 'send the alert packet' (no network operations) will handle notifying subs.

        for attempt_num, subs_reached in enumerate(
            mdmt = self.rided._do_send_alert(self.alert)

    ####    TEST ACTUAL send_alert(...) API     ######

    def test_send_alert(self):
        Tests the main send_alert API that exercises everything previously tested along with the retransmit
        capability.  This uses a custom testing callback instead of opening a socket and test servers to receive alerts.

        expected_num_attempts = len(self.subs_reached_at_attempt)

        # Send the alert and ensure it took the right # retries
        alert = self.rided.send_alert(ALERT_MSG,
                                      max_retries=expected_num_attempts + 1)
        sleep((expected_num_attempts + 1) * TIMEOUT)
        self.assertEqual(self.attempt_num, expected_num_attempts)
                         len(self.subscribers))  # not all subs reached????

    def test_cancel_alert(self):
        """Ensure that cancelling alerts works properly by cancelling it before it finishes and verify that some
        subscribers remain unreached."""

        expected_num_attempts = len(self.subs_reached_at_attempt)

        alert = self.rided.send_alert(ALERT_MSG,
                                      max_retries=expected_num_attempts + 1)

        # instead of waiting for it to finish, cancel the alert right before the last one gets sent
        sleep((expected_num_attempts - 1.5) * TIMEOUT)

        # Now we should note that the last alert message wasn't sent!
        self.assertEqual(self.attempt_num, expected_num_attempts - 1)
                         len(self.subscribers) - 1)

    def test_send_alert_unsuccessfully(self):
        expected_num_attempts = len(self.subs_reached_at_attempt)

        # since we set max_retries to be less than the number required this alert should stop early despite not reaching all subs
        alert = self.rided.send_alert(ALERT_MSG,
                                      max_retries=expected_num_attempts - 2)
        sleep((expected_num_attempts + 1) * TIMEOUT)
        self.assertEqual(self.attempt_num, expected_num_attempts - 1)
                         len(self.subscribers) - 1)  # not all subs reached????

    def __send_alert_test_callback(self, alert, mdmt):
        Custom callback to handle verifying that the expected MDMT was used in between each attempt and
        notifies RideD of which subscribers were reached.
        :param alert:
        :type alert: RideD.AlertContext
        :param mdmt:

            "__send_alert_test_callback should not fire if alert isn't active!"

        expected_mdmt = self.expected_mdmts[self.attempt_num]
            self.rided.get_address_for_mdmt(mdmt), expected_mdmt,
            "incorrect MDMT selected for attempt %d: expected one of %s but got %s"
            % (self.attempt_num, expected_mdmt, mdmt))

        for s in self.subs_reached_at_attempt[self.attempt_num]:
            # XXX: because this callback is fired while the alert's thread_lock is acquired, we have to do this
            # from inside another thread so that it will run after this callback returns.  Otherwise, deadlock!
            # self.rided.notify_alert_response(s, alert, mdmt)
                   args=(s, alert, mdmt)).start()

        self.attempt_num += 1

    # ENHANCE: test_send_alert_multi_threaded????
    # ENHANCE: test_send_alert_network_socket

    ## helper functions
    def _build_mdmts(self, subscribers=None):
        mdmts = self.rided.build_mdmts(subscribers=subscribers)
        self.rided.mdmts = mdmts
        return mdmts
Exemplo n.º 2
    def run_experiment(self):
        """Check what percentage of subscribers are still reachable
        from the server after the failure model has been applied
        by removing the failed_nodes and failed_links from each tree
        as well as a copy of the overall topology (for the purpose of
        establishing an upper bound oracle heuristic).

        We also explore the use of an intelligent multicast tree-choosing
        heuristic that picks the tree with the most overlap with the paths
        each publisher's sensor data packet arrived on.

        :rtype dict:

        # IDEA: we can determine the reachability by the following:
        # for each topology, remove the failed nodes and links,
        # determine all reachable nodes in topology,
        # consider only those that are subscribers,
        # record % reachable by any/all topologies.
        # We also have different methods of choosing which tree to use
        # and two non-multicast comparison heuristics.
        # NOTE: the reachability from the whole topology (oracle) gives us an
        # upper bound on how well the edge server could possibly do,
        # even without using multicast.

        subscribers = set(self.subscribers)
        result = dict()
        heuristic = self.get_mcast_heuristic_name()
        # we'll record reachability for various choices of trees
        result[heuristic] = dict()
        failed_topology = self.get_failed_topology(self.topo.topo,

        # start up and configure RideD middleware for building/choosing trees
        # We need to specify dummy addresses that won't actually be used for anything.
        addresses = ["10.0.0.%d" % d for d in range(self.ntrees)]
        rided = RideD(
        # HACK: since we never made an actual API for the controller, we just do this manually...
        for s in subscribers:
            rided.add_subscriber(s, PUBLICATION_TOPIC)

        # Build up the Successfully Traversed Topology (STT) from each publisher
        # by determining which path the packet would take in the functioning
        # topology and add its edges to the STT only if that path is
        # functioning in the failed topology.
        # BIG OH: O(T) + O(S), where S = |STT|

        # XXX: because the RideC implementation requires an actual SDN controller adapter, we just repeat the logic
        # for computing 'redirection' routes (publisher-->edge after cloud failure) here...
        if self.reroute_policy == 'shortest':
            pub_routes = {
                pub: self.topo.get_path(pub,
                for pub in self.publishers
            if self.reroute_policy != 'disjoint':
                    "unknown reroute_policy '%s'; defaulting to 'disjoint'...")
            pub_routes = {
                p[0]: p
                for p in self.topo.get_multi_source_disjoint_paths(
                    self.publishers, self.server, weight=DISTANCE_METRIC)
            assert list(sorted(pub_routes.keys())) == list(
            ), "not all hosts accounted for in disjoint paths: %s" % pub_routes.values(

        # Determine which publishers successfully reached the edge to build the STT in Ride-D and report pub_rate
        pub_rate = 0
        for pub in self.publishers:
            path = pub_routes[pub]
            rided.set_publisher_route(pub, path)
            if random.random() >= self.error_rate and nx.is_simple_path(
                    failed_topology, path):
                pub_rate += 1
        pub_rate /= float(len(self.publishers))
        result['pub_rate'] = pub_rate

        # build and get multicast trees
        trees = rided.build_mdmts()[PUBLICATION_TOPIC]
        # XXX: rather than use the install_mdmts API, which would try to install flow rules, we just set them directly
        rided.mdmts[PUBLICATION_TOPIC] = trees
        # record which heuristic we used
        for tree in trees:
            tree.graph['heuristic'] = self.get_mcast_heuristic_name()
            # sanity check that the returned trees reach all destinations
            assert all(
                nx.has_path(tree, self.server, sub) for sub in subscribers)

        # ORACLE
        # First, use a copy of whole topology as the 'oracle' heuristic,
        # which sees what subscribers are even reachable by ANY path.
        reach = self.get_oracle_reachability(subscribers, self.server,
        result['oracle'] = reach

        # UNICAST
        # Second, get the reachability for the 'unicast' heuristic,
        # which sees what subscribers are reachable on the failed topology
        # via the path they'd normally be reached on the original topology
        paths = [
                             weight=DISTANCE_METRIC) for s in subscribers
        # record the cost of the paths whether they would succeed or not
        unicast_cost = sum(self.topo.topo[u][v].get(COST_METRIC, 1) for p in paths\
                           for u, v in zip(p, p[1:]))
        # now filter only paths that are still functioning and record the reachability
        paths = [p for p in paths if nx.is_simple_path(failed_topology, p)]
        result['unicast'] = len(paths) / float(len(subscribers))

        # TODO: disjoint unicast paths comparison!

        # ALL TREES' REACHABILITIES: all, min, max, mean, stdev
        # Next, check all the redundant multicast trees together to get their respective (and aggregate) reachabilities
        topos_to_check = [
            self.get_failed_topology(t, self.failed_nodes, self.failed_links)
            for t in trees
        reaches = self.get_reachability(self.server, subscribers,
        heuristic = trees[0].graph[
            'heuristic']  # we assume all trees from same heuristic
        result[heuristic]['all'] = reaches[-1]
        reaches = reaches[:-1]
        result[heuristic]['max'] = max(reaches)
        result[heuristic]['min'] = min(reaches)
        result[heuristic]['mean'] = np.mean(reaches)
        result[heuristic]['stdev'] = np.std(reaches)

        # CHOSEN
        # Finally, check the tree chosen by the edge server heuristic(s)
        # for having the best estimated chance of data delivery
        choices = dict()
        for method in RideD.MDMT_SELECTION_POLICIES:
            alert_ctx = rided._make_new_alert("dummy msg", PUBLICATION_TOPIC)
            choices[method] = rided.get_best_mdmt(alert_ctx, method)

        for choice_method, best_tree in choices.items():
            best_tree_idx = trees.index(best_tree)
            reach = reaches[best_tree_idx]
            result[heuristic]['%s-chosen' % choice_method] = reach

        ### RECORDING METRICS ###
        # Record the distance to the subscribers in terms of # hops
        # TODO: make this latency instead?
        nhops = []
        for t in trees:
            for s in subscribers:
                nhops.append(len(nx.shortest_path(t, s, self.server)) - 1)
        result['nhops'] = dict(mean=np.mean(nhops),

        # Record the pair-wise overlap between the trees
        tree_edges = [set(t.edges()) for t in trees]
        overlap = [
            len(t1.intersection(t2)) for t1 in tree_edges for t2 in tree_edges
        result['overlap'] = sum(overlap)

        # TODO: try to get this working on topos > 20?
        # the ILP will need some work if we're going to get even the relaxed version running on large topologies
        # overlap_lower_bound = ilp_redundant_multicast(self.topo.topo, server, subscribers, len(trees), get_lower_bound=True)
        # result['overlap_lower_bound'] = overlap_lower_bound

        # Record the average size of the trees
        costs = [
            sum(e[2].get(COST_METRIC, 1) for e in t.edges(data=True))
            for t in trees
        result['cost'] = dict(mean=np.mean(costs),

        return result