Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, json):
     self.timeline = json['timeline']['frames']
     self.teamBlue = json['teams'][0]
     self.teamRed = json['teams'][1]
     self.region = json['region']
     self.patch = json['matchVersion']
     self.queueType = QueueType(json['queueType'])
     self.mapId = json['mapId']
     self.teamBlueId = self.teamBlue['teamId']
     self.teamRedId = self.teamRed['teamId']
     self.winner = self.teamBlueId if self.teamBlue['winner'] else self.teamRedId
     self.participants = json['participants']
     self.participantToTeam = {part['participantId']: part['teamId'] for part in json['participants']}
     self.participantToChamp = {part['participantId']: part['championId'] for part in json['participants']}
     self.participantToElo = defaultdict(lambda: EloType.ANY)
     self.summonerIdToParticipant = defaultdict(lambda:0)
     self.summonerIdToParticipant.update({p['player']['summonerId']:p['participantId'] for p in json['participantIdentities'] if 'player' in p})
     dl = getDownloader(self.region.lower())
     if self.summonerIdToParticipant:
             ans = dl.api_request("/api/lol/{region}/v2.5/league/by-summoner/{summonerId}/entry".format(region = self.region.lower(),
                     summonerId = ",".join(str(p) for p in self.summonerIdToParticipant)), _reg = self.region.lower())
             summonerToRanking = {summonerId:defaultdict(lambda:EloType.UNRANKED, {QueueType(ranking['queue']):EloType(ranking['tier']) for ranking in ans[str(summonerId)]} 
                                                                                     if str(summonerId) in ans else dict()) 
                                 for summonerId in self.summonerIdToParticipant}
             self.participantToElo.update({self.summonerIdToParticipant[summId]: summonerToRanking[summId][self.queueType] for summId in self.summonerIdToParticipant})
         except AnswerException as e:
             if e.answer.status != 404:
             self.participantToElo.update({self.summonerIdToParticipant[summonerId]:EloType.UNRANKED for summonerId in self.summonerIdToParticipant})
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, json):
     self.timeline = json['timeline']['frames']
     self.teamBlue = json['teams'][0]
     self.teamRed = json['teams'][1]
     self.region = json['region']
     self.patch = json['matchVersion']
     self.queueType = QueueType(json['queueType'])
     self.mapId = json['mapId']
     self.teamBlueId = self.teamBlue['teamId']
     self.teamRedId = self.teamRed['teamId']
     self.winner = self.teamBlueId if self.teamBlue[
         'winner'] else self.teamRedId
     self.participants = json['participants']
     self.participantToTeam = {
         part['participantId']: part['teamId']
         for part in json['participants']
     self.participantToChamp = {
         part['participantId']: part['championId']
         for part in json['participants']
     self.participantToElo = defaultdict(lambda: EloType.ANY)
     self.summonerIdToParticipant = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
         p['player']['summonerId']: p['participantId']
         for p in json['participantIdentities'] if 'player' in p
     dl = getDownloader(self.region.lower())
     if self.summonerIdToParticipant:
             ans = dl.api_request(
                             str(p) for p in self.summonerIdToParticipant)),
             summonerToRanking = {
                 summonerId: defaultdict(
                     lambda: EloType.UNRANKED, {
                         QueueType(ranking['queue']): EloType(
                         for ranking in ans[str(summonerId)]
                     } if str(summonerId) in ans else dict())
                 for summonerId in self.summonerIdToParticipant
                 for summId in self.summonerIdToParticipant
         except AnswerException as e:
             if e.answer.status != 404:
                 self.summonerIdToParticipant[summonerId]: EloType.UNRANKED
                 for summonerId in self.summonerIdToParticipant
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_playerid(region, playername):
    dl = rp.getDownloader(region=region)
        req_time = time.time()
        response = dl.api_request('/api/lol/{region}/v1.4/summoner/by-name/{summonerName}'.format(region=region, summonerName=playername))
        print('Took {time_sec} seconds to query'.format(time_sec=time.time()-req_time))
        return (response.get(playername, dict()).get('id', None),)
    except rp.AnswerException:
        return None
Exemplo n.º 4
def loadGame(region, gameID):
    """Loads and parses a game into the then stored data format:
    For every item that is bought in the game and not undone, keep an entry and store whether that game was won or lost
    @param region: the region the game took place in
    @param gameID: the id of the game to load
    @return: a Game object that contains data about the game
    dl = getDownloader(region)
    gameAnswer = dl.api_request('/api/lol/{region}/v2.2/match/{matchId}'.format(region = region, matchId = gameID), _reg = region, includeTimeline = True)
    #with open("../data/raw/games/{region}_{id}.pkl".format(region = region, id = gameID) , 'wb') as file:
    #    pickle.dump(gameAnswer, file)
    return Game(gameAnswer)
Exemplo n.º 5
def loadGame(region, gameID):
    """Loads and parses a game into the then stored data format:
    For every item that is bought in the game and not undone, keep an entry and store whether that game was won or lost
    @param region: the region the game took place in
    @param gameID: the id of the game to load
    @return: a Game object that contains data about the game
    dl = getDownloader(region)
    gameAnswer = dl.api_request(
    #with open("../data/raw/games/{region}_{id}.pkl".format(region = region, id = gameID) , 'wb') as file:
    #    pickle.dump(gameAnswer, file)
    return Game(gameAnswer)
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_mastery_blob(region, playerid):
    dl = rp.getDownloader(region=region)
    platformIdMap = {
            'br': 'BR1',
            'eune': 'EUN1',
            'euw': 'EUW1',
            'jp': 'JP1',
            'kr': 'KR',
            'lan': 'LA1',
            'las': 'LA2',
            'na': 'NA1',
            'oce': 'OC1',
            'ru': 'RU',
            'tr': 'TR1'
        req_time = time.time()
        response = dl.api_request('/championmastery/location/{platformId}/player/{playerId}/champions'.format(platformId=platformIdMap[region], playerId=playerid))
        print('Took {time_sec} seconds to query'.format(time_sec=time.time()-req_time))
        return (json.dumps({a['championId']:make_mastery_data(a)._asdict() for a in response}).encode('utf-8'), time_millis()) 
    except rp.AnswerException:
Exemplo n.º 7
Created on 25.08.2015

@author: Katora

from . import relevantVersions
from riotapi import getDownloader

idToMap = {}
nameToMap = {}

for patch in relevantVersions:
    dl = getDownloader()
    mapAnswer = dl.api_request("/api/lol/static-data/euw/v1.2/map",
    itemsVersion = mapAnswer['version']
    identifierToMap = mapAnswer['data']
        int(identifierToMap[name]['mapId']): identifierToMap[name]
        for name in identifierToMap
    nameToMap.update({idToMap[id]['mapName']: idToMap[id] for id in idToMap})
Exemplo n.º 8
Created on 25.08.2015

@author: Katora

from . import relevantVersions
from riotapi import getDownloader

idToMap = {}
nameToMap = {}

for patch in relevantVersions:
    dl = getDownloader()
    mapAnswer = dl.api_request("/api/lol/static-data/euw/v1.2/map", version = patch)
    itemsVersion = mapAnswer['version']
    identifierToMap = mapAnswer['data']
    idToMap.update({int(identifierToMap[name]['mapId']):identifierToMap[name] for name in identifierToMap})
    nameToMap.update({idToMap[id]['mapName']:idToMap[id] for id in idToMap})