Exemplo n.º 1
#Create platform dictionary
platform = plat_dict()

#Create image plane dictionary
img_plane = imgTools.img_plane_dict(platform)

#Simulate phase history, if needed
nsamples = platform['nsamples']
npulses = platform['npulses']
x = img_plane['u']; y = img_plane['v']
points = [[0,0,0],
amplitudes = [1,1,1]
phs = phsTools.simulate_phs(platform, points, amplitudes)

#Apply RVP correction
phs_corr = phsTools.RVP_correct(phs, platform)

#Demodulate phase history with constant reference, if needed 
phs_fixed = phsTools.phs_to_const_ref(phs_corr, platform, upchirp = 1)

#Apply algorithm of choice to phase history data
img_pf = imgTools.polar_format(phs_corr, platform, img_plane, taylor = 43)
#img_wk = imgTools.omega_k(phs_fixed, platform, taylor = 43, upsample = 2)
#img_bp = imgTools.backprojection(phs_corr, platform, img_plane, taylor = 0, upsample = 2)

#Output image
Exemplo n.º 2
#Create platform dictionary
platform = plat_dict()

#Create image plane dictionary
img_plane = imgTools.img_plane_dict(platform, aspect=1)

#Simulate phase history, if needed
nsamples = platform['nsamples']
npulses = platform['npulses']
x = img_plane['u']
y = img_plane['v']
points = [[0, 0, 0], [0, -100, 0], [200, 0, 0]]
amplitudes = [1, 1, 1]
phs = phsTools.simulate_phs(platform, points, amplitudes)

#Apply RVP correction
phs_corr = phsTools.RVP_correct(phs, platform)

#Demodulate phase history with constant reference, if needed
phs_fixed = phsTools.phs_to_const_ref(phs_corr, platform, upchirp=1)

#Apply algorithm of choice to phase history data
img_pf = imgTools.polar_format(phs_corr, platform, img_plane, taylor=17)
#img_wk = imgTools.omega_k(phs_fixed, platform, taylor = 17, upsample = 2)
#img_bp = imgTools.backprojection(phs_corr, platform, img_plane, taylor = 17, upsample = 2)

#Output image
imgTools.imshow(img_pf, dB_scale=[-25, 0])