Exemplo n.º 1
    def download(self):
        Just upload one file using Boto3
        :param bucket:
        :param key:
        :param filepath:
        log = Logger('S3FileDownload')

        # Make a directory if that's needed
        dirpath = os.path.dirname(self.abspath)
        if not os.path.exists(dirpath):
            except Exception as e:
                raise Exception(
                    "ERROR: Directory `{0}` could not be created.".format(

        log.info("Downloading: {0} ==> ".format(self.fullkey))
        # This step prints straight to stdout and does not log
        self.s3.download(self.fullkey, self.abspath, size=self.s3size)
        print ""
        log.debug("Download Completed: {0}".format(self.abspath))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def upload(self):
        Just upload one file using Boto3
        :param bucket:
        :param key:
        :param filepath:
        log = Logger('S3FileUpload')

        log.info("Uploading: {0} ==> s3://{1}/{2}".format(
            self.abspath, self.bucket, self.fullkey))
        # This step prints straight to stdout and does not log
        self.s3.upload(self.abspath, self.fullkey)
        print ""
        log.debug("Upload Completed: {0}".format(self.abspath))
Exemplo n.º 3
def s3ProductWalker(bucket, patharr, currpath=[], currlevel=0):
    Given a path array, ending in a Product, snake through the
    S3 bucket recursively and list all the products available
    :param patharr:
    :param path:
    :param currlevel:
    log = Logger('ProductWalk')
    s3 = Transfer(bucket)
    if currlevel >= len(patharr):

    # If it's a collection then we need to iterate over folders and recurse on each
    if patharr[currlevel]['type'] == 'collection':
        # list everything at this collection
        pref = "/".join(currpath) + "/" if len(currpath) > 0 else ""
        result = s3.list(pref, Delimiter='/')
        if 'CommonPrefixes' in result:
            for o in result.get('CommonPrefixes'):
                s3ProductWalker(bucket, patharr,
                                o.get('Prefix')[:-1].split('/'), currlevel + 1)

    # If it's a container then no iteration necessary. Just append the path and recurse
    elif patharr[currlevel]['type'] == 'group':
        s3ProductWalker(bucket, patharr, currpath, currlevel + 1)

    # If it's a project then get the XML file and print it
    elif patharr[currlevel]['type'] == 'product':
        result = s3.list("/".join(currpath) + "/", Delimiter='/')
        if 'Contents' in result:
            for c in result['Contents']:
                if os.path.splitext(c['Key'])[1] == '.xml':
                    log.info('Project: {0} (Modified: {1})'.format(
                        c['Key'], c['LastModified']))
Exemplo n.º 4
def menuwalk(program, nodes=None, currpath=[]):
    Walks through the program letting users choose if it's a level
    or specify if it's a container It returns a set of program paths
    that we then need to go and lookup to make our download queue
    :param currlevelObj:
    :param path:
    log = Logger('menuwalk')
    if nodes is None:
        nodes = [program.Hierarchy]

    name = nodes[0]['node']['name'] if len(nodes) == 1 else ""

    # Get the list at the current path
    pathstr = '/'.join(currpath) + '/' if len(currpath) > 0 else ""
    levellist = s3GetFolderList(program.Bucket, pathstr)
    querystr = "Collection Choice: {0}{1}".format(pathstr, name)
    choicename = querychoices(querystr, levellist, "Select:")

    if len(nodes) > 1:
        node = getnodekeyval(nodes, 'folder', choicename)
        node = nodes[0]

    if node['type'] == 'product':
        pathstr = '/'.join(currpath) + '/' if len(currpath) > 0 else ""
        log.info("\nProduct Found: {0}".format(pathstr))
        return currpath

    # No we've made out choice. We need to move on.
    elif 'children' in node and len(node['children']) > 0:
        # child1 = node['children'][0]
        children = node['children']
        # if child1['type'] == 'collection':
        #     chil
        return menuwalk(program, children, currpath[:])
Exemplo n.º 5
def s3BuildOps(conf):
    Compare a source folder with what's already in S3 and given
    the direction you specify it should figure out what to do.
    :param src_files:
    :param keyprefix:
    :param bucket:
    s3 = Transfer(conf['bucket'])
    opstore = {}
    log = Logger("s3BuildOps")
    prefix = "{0}/".format(conf['keyprefix']).replace("//", "/")

    log.title('The following locations were found:')
    if conf['direction'] == S3Operation.Direction.UP:
        tostr = 's3://{0}/{1}'.format(conf['bucket'], conf['keyprefix'])
        fromstr = conf['localroot']
        fromstr = 's3://{0}/{1}'.format(conf['bucket'], conf['keyprefix'])
        tostr = conf['localroot']
    log.info('FROM: {0}'.format(fromstr))
    log.info('TO  : {0}'.format(tostr))

    log.title('The following operations are queued:')

    response = s3.list(prefix)

    # Get all the files we have locally
    files = {}
    if os.path.isdir(conf['localroot']):
        files = {}
        localProductWalker(conf['localroot'], files)

    # Fill in any files we find on the remote
    if 'Contents' in response:
        for result in response['Contents']:
            dstkey = result['Key'].replace(prefix, '')
            if dstkey in files:
                files[dstkey]['dst'] = result
                files[dstkey] = {'dst': result}

    for relname in files:
        fileobj = files[relname]
        opstore[relname] = S3Operation(relname, fileobj, conf)

    if len(opstore) == 0:
        log.info("-- NO Operations Queued --")

    return opstore
Exemplo n.º 6
class Project():
    def __init__(self, projectRoot, projXMLFile):
        self.log = Logger('Project')
        self.DOM = None
        self.getProgramFromXML(path.join(projectRoot, projXMLFile))
        self.LocalRoot = projectRoot

    def getProgramFromXML(self, progXMLpath):
        assert path.isfile(
            progXMLpath), "ERROR: could not find file called: {}".format(
        self.DOM = ET.parse(progXMLpath).getroot()

    def getPath(self, program):
        Figure out what the repository path should be
        :param project:
        :param program:
        self.log.title('Getting remote path...')

        # First let's get the project type
        projType = self.DOM.find('./ProjectType').text.strip()
        assert not _strnullorempty(
            projType), "ERROR: <ProjectType> not found in project XML."
        self.log.info("Project Type Detected: {0}".format(projType))

        # Now go get the product node from the program XML
        patharr = program.findprojpath(projType)
        assert patharr is not None, "ERROR: Product '{0}' not found anywhere in the program XML".format(
        self.log.title("Building Path to Product: ".format(projType))

        extpath = ''
        for idx, level in enumerate(patharr):
            if level['type'] == 'collection':
                col = self.getcollection(level['name'])
                self.log.info("{0}/collection:{1} => {2}".format(
                    idx * '  ', level['name'], col))
                name = col
                if program.testAllowedCollection(level['id'], col):
                    name = program.getAllowedLookup(level['id'], col)
                extpath += '/' + name
            elif level['type'] == 'group':
                self.log.info("{0}/group:{1}".format(idx * '  ',
                extpath += '/' + level['folder']
            elif level['type'] == 'product':
                self.log.info("{0}/product:{1}".format(idx * '  ',
                extpath += '/' + level['folder']

        # Trim the first slash for consistency elsewhere
        if len(extpath) > 0 and extpath[0] == '/':
            extpath = extpath[1:]
        self.log.info("Final remote path to product: {0}".format(extpath))

        return extpath

    def getcollection(self, colname):
        Try to pull the Collection out of the project file
        :param colname: string with the Collection we're looking for
        :param project: the ET node with the project xml
            val = self.DOM.find(
        except AttributeError:
            raise ValueError(
                "ERROR: Could not find <Meta name='{0}'>########</Meta> tag in project XML"
        return val
Exemplo n.º 7
class S3Operation:
    A Simple class for storing src/dst file information and the operation we need to perform
    class FileOps:
        # Kind of an enumeration
        DELETE_REMOTE = "Delete Remote"
        DELETE_LOCAL = "Delete Local"
        UPLOAD = "Upload"
        DOWNLOAD = "Download"
        IGNORE = "Ignore"

    class Direction:
        # Kind of an enumeration
        UP = "up"
        DOWN = "down"

    class FileState:
        # Kind of an enumeration
        LOCALONLY = "Local-Only"
        REMOTEONLY = "Remote-Only"
        UPDATENEEDED = "Update Needed"
        SAME = "Files Match"

    def __init__(self, key, fileobj, conf):
        :param key: The relative key/path of the file in question
        :param fileobj: the file object with 'src' and 'dst'
        :param conf: the configuration dictionary
        self.log = Logger('S3Ops')
        self.s3 = Transfer(conf['bucket'])
        self.key = key

        # Set some sensible defaults
        self.filestate = self.FileState.SAME
        self.op = self.FileOps.IGNORE

        self.delete = conf['delete']
        self.force = conf['force']
        self.localroot = conf['localroot']
        self.bucket = conf['bucket']
        self.direction = conf['direction']
        self.keyprefix = conf['keyprefix']
        self.s3size = 0

        # And the final paths we use:
        self.abspath = self.getAbsLocalPath()
        self.fullkey = self.getS3Key()

        # The remote size (if it exists) helps us figure out percent done
        if 'dst' in fileobj:
            self.s3size = fileobj['dst']['Size']

        # Figure out what we have
        if 'src' in fileobj and 'dst' not in fileobj:
            self.filestate = self.FileState.LOCALONLY

        if 'src' not in fileobj and 'dst' in fileobj:
            self.filestate = self.FileState.REMOTEONLY

        if 'src' in fileobj and 'dst' in fileobj:
            if s3issame(fileobj['src'], fileobj['dst']):
                self.filestate = self.FileState.SAME
                self.filestate = self.FileState.UPDATENEEDED

        # The Upload Case
        # ------------------------------
        if self.direction == self.Direction.UP:
            # Two cases for uploading the file: New file or different file
            if self.filestate == self.FileState.LOCALONLY or self.filestate == self.FileState.UPDATENEEDED:
                self.op = self.FileOps.UPLOAD

            # If we've requested a force, do the upload anyway
            elif self.FileState.SAME and self.force:
                self.op = self.FileOps.UPLOAD

            # If the remote is there but the local is not and we're uploading then clean up the remote
            # this requires thed delete flag be set
            elif self.filestate == self.FileState.REMOTEONLY and self.delete:
                self.op = self.FileOps.DELETE_REMOTE

        # The Download Case
        # ------------------------------
        elif self.direction == self.Direction.DOWN:
            if self.filestate == self.FileState.REMOTEONLY or self.filestate == self.FileState.UPDATENEEDED:
                self.op = self.FileOps.DOWNLOAD

            # If we've requested a force, do the download anyway
            elif self.FileState.SAME and self.force:
                self.op = self.FileOps.DOWNLOAD

            # If the local is there but the remote is not and we're downloading then clean up the local
            # this requires thed delete flag be set
            elif self.filestate == self.FileState.LOCALONLY and self.delete:
                self.op = self.FileOps.DELETE_LOCAL


    def getS3Key(self):
        # Not using path.join because can't be guaranteed a unix system
        return "{1}/{2}".format(self.bucket, self.keyprefix, self.key)

    def getAbsLocalPath(self):
        # Not using path.join because can't be guaranteed a unix system
        return os.path.join(self.localroot, self.key)

    def execute(self):
        Actually run the command to upload/download/delete the file

        if self.op == self.FileOps.IGNORE:
            self.log.info(" [{0}] {1}: Nothing to do. Continuing.".format(
                self.op, self.key))

        elif self.op == self.FileOps.UPLOAD:

        elif self.op == self.FileOps.DOWNLOAD:

        elif self.op == self.FileOps.DELETE_LOCAL:

        elif self.op == self.FileOps.DELETE_REMOTE:

    def __repr__(self):
        When we print this class as a string this is what we output
        forcestr = "(FORCE)" if self.force else ""
        opstr = "{0:12s} ={2}=> {1:10s}".format(self.filestate, self.op,
        return "./{1:60s} [ {0:21s} ]".format(opstr.strip(), self.key)

    def delete_remote(self):
        Delete a Remote file
        self.log.info("Deleting: {0} ==> ".format(self.fullkey))
        # This step prints straight to stdout and does not log
        self.log.debug("S3 Deletion Completed: {0}".format(self.fullkey))

    def delete_local(self):
        Delete a local file
        dirname = os.path.dirname(self.abspath)
        self.log.info("Deleting Local file: {0} ==> ".format(self.abspath))
        # now walk backwards and clean up empty folders
            self.log.debug('Cleaning up folders: {0}'.format(dirname))
                'Folder cleanup stopped since there were still files: {0}'.
        self.log.debug("Local Deletion Completed: {0}".format(self.abspath))

    def download(self):
        Just upload one file using Boto3
        :param bucket:
        :param key:
        :param filepath:
        log = Logger('S3FileDownload')

        # Make a directory if that's needed
        dirpath = os.path.dirname(self.abspath)
        if not os.path.exists(dirpath):
            except Exception as e:
                raise Exception(
                    "ERROR: Directory `{0}` could not be created.".format(

        log.info("Downloading: {0} ==> ".format(self.fullkey))
        # This step prints straight to stdout and does not log
        self.s3.download(self.fullkey, self.abspath, size=self.s3size)
        print ""
        log.debug("Download Completed: {0}".format(self.abspath))

    def upload(self):
        Just upload one file using Boto3
        :param bucket:
        :param key:
        :param filepath:
        log = Logger('S3FileUpload')

        log.info("Uploading: {0} ==> s3://{1}/{2}".format(
            self.abspath, self.bucket, self.fullkey))
        # This step prints straight to stdout and does not log
        self.s3.upload(self.abspath, self.fullkey)
        print ""
        log.debug("Upload Completed: {0}".format(self.abspath))
Exemplo n.º 8
class Program():
    def __init__(self, programpath):
        self.DOM = None
        self.Collections = {}
        self.Groups = {}
        self.Products = {}
        self.Hierarchy = {}
        self.Bucket = None
        self.log = Logger('Program')

        # Populate everything

    def parseCollections(self):
        Pull all the collections out of the program XML
        for col in self.DOM.findall('Definitions/Collections/Collection'):
            self.Collections[col.attrib['id']] = {
                'id': col.attrib['id'],
                'type': 'collection',
                'name': col.attrib['name'],
                'allows': self.parseCollectionAllowed(col.findall('Allow'))
            allowType = 'fixed'
            allows = self.Collections[col.attrib['id']]['allows']
            if len(allows) > 0:
                allowType = allows[0]['type']
            self.Collections[col.attrib['id']]['allowtype'] = allowType

    def getProgram(self, progpath):
        Either uses a local path or downloads an online version of the program XML
        :param path:
        if re.match('^https*:\/\/.*', progpath) is not None:
                request = urllib2.Request(progpath)
                request.add_header('Pragma', 'no-cache')
                file = urllib2.build_opener().open(request)
                data = file.read()
                self.DOM = ET.fromstring(data)
                err = "ERROR: Could not download <{0}>".format(progpath)
                raise ValueError(err)
            self.DOM = ET.parse(progpath).getroot()

    def parseCollectionAllowed(self, allowETs):
        allows = []
        for allow in allowETs:
            if 'pattern' in allow.attrib:
                    'type': 'pattern',
                    'pattern': allow.attrib['pattern'],
                attrs = allow.attrib
                attrs['type'] = 'fixed'
        return allows

    def testAllowedCollection(self, colName, desiredName):
        Test if this is a valid collection to ask for
        :param collection:
        :param colName:
        collection = self.Collections[colName]
        if len(collection['allows']) == 0:
            return True

        assert len(
        ) > 0, "ERROR: Desired collection name for collection {0} is empty.".format(

        bGood = False
        for allow in collection['allows']:
            if allow['type'] == 'pattern':
                    matchObj = re.match(allow['pattern'], desiredName)
                    if matchObj:
                        bGood = True
                except Exception as e:
                        "Something went wrong with the allow RegEx in the Program XML file",
                if allow['name'] == desiredName:
                    bGood = True
                elif 'aliases' in allow and desiredName in allow[
                    bGood = True

        assert bGood, "ERROR: Desired Collection: {0} did not pass the allowed values test for collection: {1}".format(
            desiredName, collection['name'])
        return bGood

    def getAllowedLookup(self, colName, desiredName):
        Get the actual allowed name. Most of the time this is just what you pass in
        but in the case of non-pattern allows this will do a lookup
        :param collection:
        :param colName:
        if len(self.Collections[colName]['allows']) == 0:
            return desiredName

        name = desiredName
        for allow in self.Collections[colName]['allows']:
            if allow['type'] == 'fixed' and allow['name'] == desiredName:
                name = allow['folder']
        return name

    def parseGroups(self):
        for grp in self.DOM.findall('Definitions/Groups/Group'):
            self.Groups[grp.attrib['id']] = {
                'id': grp.attrib['id'],
                'type': 'group',
                'name': grp.attrib['name'],
                'folder': grp.attrib['folder']

    def parseProducts(self):
        for prod in self.DOM.findall('Definitions/Products/Product'):
            self.Products[prod.attrib['id']] = {
                'id': prod.attrib['id'],
                'type': 'product',
                'name': prod.attrib['name'],
                'folder': prod.attrib['folder']

    def parseTree(self, etNode, treeNode=None):

        obj = {}

        if etNode.tag == 'Product' and 'ref' in etNode.attrib:
            obj['type'] = 'product'
            obj['node'] = self.Products[etNode.attrib['ref']]

        elif etNode.tag in ['Group', 'Collection']:
            obj['children'] = []
            if etNode.tag == 'Group':
                obj['type'] = 'group'
                obj['node'] = self.Groups[etNode.attrib['ref']]
                obj['type'] = 'collection'
                obj['node'] = self.Collections[etNode.attrib['ref']]

            for child in etNode.getchildren():
                obj['children'].append(self.parseTree(child, obj['children']))

        if treeNode is None:
            self.Hierarchy = obj

        return obj

    def getProjectFile(self):
            self.ProjectFile = self.DOM.find(
            self.log.info("Project File we're looking for: {0}".format(
            msg = "ERROR: No <Meta Name='projectfile'>project.rs.xml</Meta> tag found in program XML"
            raise ValueError(msg)

    def getBucket(self):
            self.Bucket = self.DOM.find(
            self.log.info("S3 Bucket Detected: {0}".format(self.Bucket))
            msg = "ERROR: No <Meta Name='s3bucket'>riverscapes</Meta> tag found in program XML"
            raise ValueError(msg)

    def getProdPath(self, prodName):

        self.log.title('Getting remote path structure...')

        # First let's get the project type
        assert not _strnullorempty(
            prodName), "ERROR: <ProjectType> not found in project XML."
        self.log.info("Project Type Detected: {0}".format(prodName))

        # Now go get the product node from the program XML
        patharr = self.findprojpath(prodName)
        assert patharr is not None, "ERROR: Product '{0}' not found anywhere in the program XML".format(
        self.log.title("Building Path to Product: ".format(prodName))

        return patharr

    def findprojpath(self, prodname, node=None, path=[]):
        Find the path to the desired project
        :param prodname:
        :param node:
        :param path:
        if node is None:
            node = self.Hierarchy
        if node['type'] == 'product' and node['node']['name'] == prodname:
            return path
        elif node['type'] in ['group', 'collection']:

            newpath = path[:]

            for child in node['children']:
                result = self.findprojpath(prodname, child, newpath)
                if result is not None:
                    return result

    def progtos3path(self, progpath, level=0, currpath=[], paths=[]):
        A program path to a series of real S3 paths
        :param progpath:
        :param level:
        :param currpath:
        :param paths:
        # Are we at the end yet? last level must be a product
        if (level - 1) == len(progpath):
            return paths

        # One choice. Just move on:
        if len(progpath[level]) == 1:
            self.progtos3path(progpath, level + 1, paths)
            for el in progpath[level]:
                newpath = currpath[:].append(el)
                self.progtos3path(progpath, level + 1, paths)