Exemplo n.º 1
def lattice_test(integrate_lp, xds_inp_file):
    images, phi, cell, records = rj_parse_integrate_lp(

    # next work through the XDS.INP file to get the proper name template
    # out...

    nt = None
    distance = None

    for record in open(xds_inp_file, 'r').readlines():
        if 'NAME_TEMPLATE_OF_DATA_FRAMES' in record:
            nt = record.strip()
        if 'DETECTOR_DISTANCE' in record:
            distance = record.strip()

    if not nt:
        raise RuntimeError, 'filename template not found in %s' % xds_inp_file

    if not distance:
        raise RuntimeError, 'distance not found in %s' % xds_inp_file
    r_new = [distance]

    for r in records:
        if not 'NAME_TEMPLATE_OF_DATA_FRAMES' in r:

    records = r_new

    # ok, in here need to rerun XDS with all of the data from all of
    # the images and the triclinic target cell, then parse out the
    # solutions from the CORRECT.LP file (applying the cell constants -
    # done in the parser) and then use *these* as the target, as the
    # lattice symmetry code (interestingly) does not always give the
    # right answer...

    standard = [
        'DIRECTION_OF_DETECTOR_X-AXIS=1.0 0.0 0.0',
        'DIRECTION_OF_DETECTOR_Y-AXIS=0.0 1.0 0.0',
        'TRUSTED_REGION=0.0 1.41'

    # first get the list of possible lattices - do this by running CORRECT
    # with all of the images, then looking at the favourite settings for the
    # P1 result (or something) - meh.

    fout = open('XDS.INP', 'w')
    for record in standard:
        fout.write('%s\n' % record)
    for record in records:
        fout.write('%s\n' % record)
    fout.write('DATA_RANGE= %d %d\n' % images)
    fout.write('OSCILLATION_RANGE= %.2f\n' % phi)
        'UNIT_CELL_CONSTANTS= %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n' % tuple(cell))
    fout.write('SPACE_GROUP_NUMBER=%d\n' % 1)
    output = rj_run_job('xds_par', [], [])    

    # read CORRECT.LP to get the right solutions...

    result = rj_parse_xds_correct_lp(open('CORRECT.LP', 'r').readlines())

    for lattice in result:
        cp = '%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f' % result[lattice]['cell']
        # print '%s %s' % (lattice, cp)

    # result = lattice_symmetry(cell)
    lattices = sort_lattices(result)

    # then iterate through them...

    data = { }

    for l in lattices:

        data[l] = { }
        c = result[l]['cell']

        fout = open('XDS.INP', 'w')
        for record in standard:
            fout.write('%s\n' % record)
        for record in records:
            fout.write('%s\n' % record)
        fout.write('DATA_RANGE= %d %d\n' % (images))
        fout.write('OSCILLATION_RANGE= %.2f\n' % phi)
            'UNIT_CELL_CONSTANTS= %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n' % tuple(c))
        fout.write('SPACE_GROUP_NUMBER=%d\n' % lattice_spacegroup(l))

        output = rj_run_job('xds_par', [], [])

        # now read out the records I want from CORRECT.LP...
        rmsd = None
        rmsp = None
        for record in open('CORRECT.LP').readlines():
            if 'STANDARD DEVIATION OF SPOT    POSITION' in record:
                rmsd = float(record.split()[-1])

                rmsp = float(record.split()[-1])
        if not rmsp or not rmsd:
            raise RuntimeError, 'refinement failed'
        print '%s rmsd %f rmsp %f' % (l, rmsd, rmsp)
Exemplo n.º 2
def cr_test(labelit_log):
    beam, lattice, metric, cell, image = rj_parse_labelit_log_file(labelit_log)
    lattices, cells = rj_parse_labelit_log_lattices(
    template, directory = rj_get_template_directory(image)
    images = rj_find_matching_images(image)
    phi = rj_get_phi(image)

    if lattice == 'aP':
        raise RuntimeError, 'triclinic lattices useless'

    wedges = calculate_images(images, phi)
    ai_images = calculate_images_ai(images, phi, 3)

    # run a quick autoindex (or re-read the labelit log file above) to
    # generate the list of possible unit cell etc.

    rmsds_all = { }

    # then loop over these

    for lattice in lattices:
        commands = [
            'template %s' % template,
            'directory %s' % directory,
            'beam %f %f' % beam]

        commands.append('symm %d' % lattice_spacegroup(lattice))
        commands.append('cell %f %f %f %f %f %f' % tuple(cells[lattice]))

        for image in ai_images:
            commands.append('autoindex dps refine image %d' % image)

        commands.append('mosaic estimate')

        # the cell refinement commands

        commands.append('postref multi segments 3')

        for pair in wedges:
            commands.append('process %d %d' % pair)

        for c in commands:
            # print c

        output = rj_run_job('ipmosflm-7.0.3', [], commands)
        images, rmsds = rj_parse_mosflm_cr_log_rmsd(output)

        rmsds_all[lattice] = rmsds

    # and finally calculate the RMSD ratios.

    # break up by lattice, image and cycle

    for lattice in lattices[:-1]:
        print lattice
        values = []
        for cycle in rmsds_all[lattice]:
            if not cycle in rmsds_all['aP']:
            record = '%3d' % cycle
            for j in range(len(images)):
                record += ' %.3f' % (rmsds_all[lattice][cycle][j] /
                values.append((rmsds_all[lattice][cycle][j] /

            print record

        m, s = meansd(values)
        print ':: %s %.3f %.3f' % (lattice, m, s)
Exemplo n.º 3
def lattice_test(integrate_lp, xds_inp_file):
    images, phi, cell, records = rj_parse_integrate_lp(

    # next work through the XDS.INP file to get the proper name template
    # out...

    nt = None
    distance = None

    for record in open(xds_inp_file, 'r').readlines():
        if 'NAME_TEMPLATE_OF_DATA_FRAMES' in record:
            nt = record.strip()
        if 'DETECTOR_DISTANCE' in record:
            distance = record.strip()

    if not nt:
        raise RuntimeError, 'filename template not found in %s' % xds_inp_file

    if not distance:
        raise RuntimeError, 'distance not found in %s' % xds_inp_file
    r_new = [distance]

    for r in records:
        if not 'NAME_TEMPLATE_OF_DATA_FRAMES' in r:

    records = r_new

    # ok, in here need to rerun XDS with all of the data from all of
    # the images and the triclinic target cell, then parse out the
    # solutions from the CORRECT.LP file (applying the cell constants -
    # done in the parser) and then use *these* as the target, as the
    # lattice symmetry code (interestingly) does not always give the
    # right answer...

    standard = [
        'DIRECTION_OF_DETECTOR_X-AXIS=1.0 0.0 0.0',
        'DIRECTION_OF_DETECTOR_Y-AXIS=0.0 1.0 0.0',
        'TRUSTED_REGION=0.0 1.41'

    # first get the list of possible lattices - do this by running CORRECT
    # with all of the images, then looking at the favourite settings for the
    # P1 result (or something) - meh.

    fout = open('XDS.INP', 'w')
    for record in standard:
        fout.write('%s\n' % record)
    for record in records:
        fout.write('%s\n' % record)
    fout.write('DATA_RANGE= %d %d\n' % images)
    fout.write('OSCILLATION_RANGE= %.2f\n' % phi)
        'UNIT_CELL_CONSTANTS= %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n' % tuple(cell))
    fout.write('SPACE_GROUP_NUMBER=%d\n' % 1)
    output = rj_run_job('xds_par', [], [])    

    # read CORRECT.LP to get the right solutions...

    result = rj_parse_xds_correct_lp(open('CORRECT.LP', 'r').readlines())

    for lattice in result:
        cp = '%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f' % result[lattice]['cell']
        # print '%s %s' % (lattice, cp)

    # result = lattice_symmetry(cell)
    lattices = sort_lattices(result)

    # then iterate through them...

    data = { }

    for l in lattices:

        data[l] = { }
        c = result[l]['cell']

        # print 'Lattice: %s' % l
        # print 'Cell: %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f' % tuple(c)

        # then iterate through the image ranges

        w = nint(10.0/phi)
        m = nint((images[1] - images[0] + 1) / w)

        for j in range(m):
            start = j * w + 1
            end = j * w + w

            data[l][j] = { }

            fout = open('XDS.INP', 'w')
            for record in standard:
                fout.write('%s\n' % record)
            for record in records:
                fout.write('%s\n' % record)
            fout.write('DATA_RANGE= %d %d\n' % (start, end))
            fout.write('OSCILLATION_RANGE= %.2f\n' % phi)
                'UNIT_CELL_CONSTANTS= %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n' % tuple(c))
            fout.write('SPACE_GROUP_NUMBER=%d\n' % lattice_spacegroup(l))

            output = rj_run_job('xds_par', [], [])

            # now read out the records I want from CORRECT.LP...
            rmsd = None
            rmsp = None
            for record in open('CORRECT.LP').readlines():
                if 'STANDARD DEVIATION OF SPOT    POSITION' in record:
                    rmsd = float(record.split()[-1])

                if 'STANDARD DEVIATION OF SPINDLE POSITION' in record:
                    rmsp = float(record.split()[-1])
            if not rmsp or not rmsd:
                raise RuntimeError, 'refinement failed'
            data[l][j] = {'d':rmsd,

    # now tabulate the results

    for j in range(m):
        record = '%d' % j
        for l in lattices[1:]:
            record += ' %.3f %.3f' % (data[l][j]['d'] / data['aP'][j]['d'],
                                      data[l][j]['p'] / data['aP'][j]['p'])

        print record

    # now print out the averages, sd's
    recordm = 'M'
    records = 'S'
    sigma = { }
    for l in lattices[1:]:
        values = [(data[l][j]['d'] / data['aP'][j]['d']) for j in range(m)]
        md, sd = meansd(values)
        values = [(data[l][j]['p'] / data['aP'][j]['p']) for j in range(m)]
        mp, sp = meansd(values)
        recordm += ' %.3f %.3f' % (md, mp)
        records += ' %.3f %.3f' % (sd, sp)
        sigma[l] = { }
        if sd > 0:
            sigma[l]['d'] = ((md - 1) / sd)
            sigma[l]['d'] = 0.0
        if sp > 0:
            sigma[l]['p'] = ((mp - 1) / sp)
            sigma[l]['p'] = 0.0

    print recordm
    print records

    for l in lattices[1:]:
        d = sigma[l]['d']
        p = sigma[l]['p']
        print '= %s %.3f %.3f' % (l, d, p)