def doNN(data):
    global submit_work
    data_fft = np.fft.fft(data)
    data_scaled = scaleData(data_fft)
    data_scaled_reshaped = data_scaled
    data_scaled_reshaped.shape = (3, 3000)
    prediction = str(np.sum(score(data_scaled_reshaped)) / 3)
    print("Prediction: %s, publishing..." % (prediction))
    myData = {'healthy': prediction}
    client.publishEvent("0.16.2", "lorenz", "status", "json", myData)
    if submit_work:
        submit_work = False
        parts_data["ZzEP8"] = json.dumps(myData)
        submitAll(email, secret, key, parts_data)
        print("Submitting to grader: %s" % (json.dumps(myData)))
Exemplo n.º 2
# In[34]:

part = "O5cR9"
secret = "HNKTKFFyRCl3BrmY"

parts_data = {}
parts_data["0dXlH"] = json.dumps({
    "number_of_neurons_layer1": 0,
    "number_of_neurons_layer2": 0,
    "number_of_neurons_layer3": 0,
    "number_of_epochs": 0
parts_data["O5cR9"] = json.dumps({"dim": dim, "samples": samples})
parts_data["ZzEP8"] = None

submitAll(email, secret, key, parts_data)

# To observe how training works we just print the loss during training

# In[89]:

class LossHistory(Callback):
    def on_train_begin(self, logs={}):
        self.losses = []

    def on_batch_end(self, batch, logs={}):
        sys.stdout.write(str(logs.get('loss')) + str(', '))
dim = 3000  #### your code here ###
samples = 3  #### your code here ###

# ### Submission
# Now it’s time to submit your first solution. Please make sure that the secret variable contains a valid submission token. You can obtain it from the courser web page of the course using the grader section of this assignment.

# In[20]:

part = "O5cR9"
secret = "8s4TiWZVfTYyoRIp"

    email, secret, key,
    dict((p, json.dumps({}) if p != part else json.dumps({
        "dim": dim,
        "samples": samples
    })) for p in all_parts))

# To observe how training works we just print the loss during training

# In[21]:

class LossHistory(Callback):
    def on_train_begin(self, logs={}):
        self.losses = []

    def on_batch_end(self, batch, logs={}):
        sys.stdout.write(str(logs.get('loss')) + str(', '))

# Congratulations, you are done! The following code submits your solution to the grader. Again, please update your token from the grader's submission page on Coursera

# In[15]:

get_ipython().system('rm -f')

# In[17]:

from rklib import submitAll
import json

key = "S5PNoSHNEeisnA6YLL5C0g"
email = "*****@*****.**"
token = "cuV16XmPypbDcP7f"

# In[18]:

parts_data = {}
parts_data["iLdHs"] = json.dumps(str(type(getListForHistogramAndBoxPlot())))
parts_data["xucEM"] = json.dumps(len(getListForHistogramAndBoxPlot()))
parts_data["IyH7U"] = json.dumps(str(type(getListsForRunChart())))
parts_data["MsMHO"] = json.dumps(len(getListsForRunChart()[0]))

submitAll(email, token, key, parts_data)

# In[ ]: