Exemplo n.º 1
 def render(self):
     text, tile1, tile2, bg = self.story[self.current]
     lines = util.wrap_text(text, game.WIDTH - 64)
     rl.draw_text(font, 32, (game.HEIGHT - len(lines) * 8) // 2,
                  '\n'.join(lines), rl.LIGHTGRAY)
     x = game.WIDTH // 2
     y = 8 + (game.HEIGHT + len(lines) * 8) // 2
     for i in range(4):
         rl.draw_tile(tileset, x - 12 + i * 8, y + 2, bg)
     rl.draw_tile(tileset, x - 8, y, tile1)
     rl.draw_tile(tileset, x + 8, y, tile2)
Exemplo n.º 2
def update(event):
    global font, player_x, player_y

    if event > 0:
        action = handle_keys(event)
        move = action.get('move')
        exit = action.get('exit')

        if move:
            dx, dy = move
            player_x += dx
            player_y += dy
        if exit:

    rl.draw_tile(font, player_x * font.tile_width, player_y * font.tile_height,
def render_all(entities, game_map, screen_width, screen_height, colors):
    # Draw all the tiles in the game map
    '''for y in range(game_map.height):
        for x in range(game_map.width):
            #wall = game_map.tiles[x][y].block_sight
            wall = True

            if wall:
                #rl.draw_tile(tiles, x * 32, y * 32, ord('#'), 0, colors.get('dark_wall'))
                rl.draw_tile(tiles, x * 32, y * 32, ord('#'), 0, rl.RED)
                rl.draw_tile(tiles, x * 32, y * 32, ord('.'), 0, rl.BLUE)
    rl.draw_array(game_map.blocked, tiles, 0, 0, mapping=[ord('.'), ord('#')])

    # Draw all entities in the list
    for entity in entities:
Exemplo n.º 4
    def render(self):
        text = '''
  ExpelledRL is a roguelike built for the 2019 7DRL gamejam. It is set in a traditional RL theme, except for the fact that you can control any monster, through the possess spell. The objective is to recover your original body, and if time permits, the amulet of Yendor.

  escape: menu
  h/j/k/l/y/u/b/n, arrows or keypad: move (shift = run)
  o: autoexplore
  5 or space: wait
  a: perform an action (such as casting a spell)
  p: cast the possess spell
  >: descent to the next level (on stairs)
  c: see character information
  t: this tutorial
  use arrow keys to select spell targets

                    press a key to continue
        lines = util.wrap_text(text, const.SCREEN_WIDTH * 8 - 64)
        rl.draw_text(font, 32, ((const.SCREEN_HEIGHT - len(lines)) // 2) * 8,
                     '\n'.join(lines), rl.LIGHTGRAY)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def render(self):
     holding = True
     tile1 = player.tile + 16
     tile2 = graphics.YENDOR_AMULET
     bg = graphics.GRASS
     text = 'The hideous creature breaths its last non-breath, and falls to the ground. Now that Nuphrindas is no more, your revenge is complete.\n\n'
     if player.name == 'original body':
         text += '''You have finally recovered your adored body. You feel all skilled, and powerful. You raise your hand towards the amulet of Yendor, imagining the fame that you will soon enjoy. Your hand stops as you are having second thoughts. Possessing all those bodies has changed your mind, and you are not sure you want the life of a hero. You turn back and leave the prized amulet for generations to come...'''
         tile2 = None
     elif player.name == 'orc':
         text += '''You grunt in victory. Your journey within the orc tribe has made you more aware of the fraternity that those creatures exhibit to each other. As part of the big orc family you will be able to enjoy large feasts, and adventurer squishing parties. This really warms your heart.'''
         tile2 = graphics.ORC
         bg = graphics.CAVE_FLOOR
         holding = False
     elif player.name == 'rat':
         text += '''You are a rat. Not the kind of rat that stumbles giant organizations, but the kind of rat that likes to eat cheese. Maybe the weakest are stronger than they seem. Numbers are what make feeble creatures standout. And your plan to conquer the world is to have a chat with your peers from the pantry. Together, you can do crazy things, and the amulet will be a great asset.'''
         bg = graphics.BOSS_FLOOR
         holding = False
     elif player.name == 'bat':
         text += 'You echo-locate your prey on the floor. It will no-longer move. You wonder whether you would like the taste of blood. Maybe one day you will become a vampire. You grab the amulet and fly towards a dark cave where you will rest and prepare new adventures.'
         bg = graphics.CAVE_FLOOR
         holding = False
     elif player.name == 'octopus':
         text += 'You grab the amulet with one of your tentacles. Touching its surface makes ripples of colored stripes crawl your tentacle towards your body as it touches your brains. You feel its power surge through you and a range of powers suddenly be available. You fire one of them and the dungeon is suddenly flowed in water, decorated with algae and filled with fish of various colors. What could be interpreted as a smile draw on your face...'
         bg = graphics.WATER
     elif player.name == 'skeleton':
         text += 'You feel the air flowing between your bones as the power of the old king flows through the room, towards mysterious eons. Magic slowly dissipates from the room... After grabbing the amulet, you stride towards the exit. Your joints start to feel unfit, and you fall on a knee while the rest of your leg crumbles. The energy that was holding you together is running away and your last though is that you should not have killed that necromancer.'
         tile1 = graphics.CORPSE + 16
         bg = graphics.BOSS_FLOOR
         holding = False
     elif player.name == 'ghost':
         text += 'As a ghost, your interactions with the real world are rather abstract. Holding the amulet is something that you can only contemplate. So you decide to just gaze at it for the eternity to come.'
         bg = graphics.BOSS_FLOOR
         holding = False
     elif player.name == 'ghoul':
         text += 'You have defeated the old king as the feeble creature he though would never be able to reach him. You contemplate the irony of the situation and fail to reckon the large stone falling above you. The distinctive splat noise of your head exploding is the last sound you hear.'
         player.tile = graphics.BOULDER_SPLAT
         tile1 = graphics.BOULDER_SPLAT
         bg = graphics.BOSS_FLOOR
         holding = False
     elif player.name == 'necromancer':
         text += '''Death is crawling under your fingers. You feel it twirling in the room, taking its toll and leaving the area for all it has been busy in the dungeon. Necromancy is a discipline, a science, no, an art which you no longer feel like leaving. Now that the room is all quiet, the idea grows in you to finally meet your destiny. You take Nuphrindas scepter from the ground and raise it to mark the eons with your new role in a new home. Finally the dungeon has a leader who will make terror reign as it should always have been.'''
         bg = graphics.BOSS_FLOOR
     elif player.name == 'troll':
         text += '''Trolls are strange creatures. At first they seem brutal, selfless and greedy. Yet, you realize that troll legends are well overstated and that trolls are actually very nice and sensitive creatures. While incarnating one, you have been given to meet a few which were actually kind of interesting beings and you can't wait to deepen your relationship with them. A lot of fun awaits.'''
         tile2 = graphics.TROLL
         holding = False
     elif player.name == 'wizard':
         text += '''All your life, you have been seeking knowledge and wisdom. Now, you have finally found it and your new wizard life will be full of spells and magic. If only you had more mana... Maybe the amulet provides that kind of power. You reach for it with the satisfaction that this time nothing will prevent you from succeeding your quest.'''
     elif player.name == 'eye':
         text += '''Seeing it all is what you prefer. Your latest adventures have opened your eyes to a new world of sightedness. Clearly, your power is way beyond those creatures blind to the real world. Can finally see the meaning of life. You can see it all, way above anything you could imagine, in its beauty and creepiness. As they say, seeing is believing.'''
         holding = False
     elif player.name == 'fire elemental':
         text += '''You take the amulet, and suddenly it catches fire. You realize that you should have been a tiny bit more careful and that it is now destroyed forever. Beyond all the magic that makes you, sorrow takes over and you start crying. Tears of lava.'''
         tile2 = graphics.FIREBALL
         bg = graphics.BOSS_FLOOR
         text += '''Your body was never worth it. You abandon it and take the amulet. Its immense power surges through you and you finally get to know that subtle feeling of accomplishment. '''
     lines = util.wrap_text(text, const.SCREEN_WIDTH * 8 - 64)
     rl.draw_text(font, 32, ((const.SCREEN_HEIGHT - len(lines)) // 2) * 8,
                  '\n'.join(lines), rl.LIGHTGRAY)
     x = 8 * const.SCREEN_WIDTH // 2
     y = (1 + (const.SCREEN_HEIGHT + len(lines)) // 2) * 8
     for i in range(4):
         rl.draw_tile(tileset, x - 12 + i * 8, y + 2, bg)
     if holding:
         rl.draw_tile(tileset, x - 2, y, tile1)
         if tile2 is not None:
             rl.draw_tile(tileset, x + 2, y - 4, tile2)
         rl.draw_tile(tileset, x - 8, y, tile1)
         rl.draw_tile(tileset, x + 8, y, tile2)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def render(self):
        x_offset = const.SCREEN_WIDTH // 2 - player.x
        y_offset = const.PANEL_Y // 2 - player.y


        # draw level
        for y in range(level.height):
            for x in range(level.width):
                screen_x = x + x_offset
                screen_y = y + y_offset
                if screen_x < 0 or screen_x >= const.SCREEN_WIDTH or screen_y < 0 or screen_y >= const.SCREEN_HEIGHT:
                visible = level.tile_in_fov(x, y)
                if not visible:
                    if level.visited[x, y]:
                        level[x, y].draw(screen_x * 8, screen_y * 8)
                        rl.fill_rect(screen_x * 8, screen_y * 8, 8, 8,
                                     rl.color(0, 0, 0, 128))
                    level[x, y].draw(screen_x * 8, screen_y * 8)
                    if level.blocked[x, y] == 0:
                        # draw world border
                        if x == 0:
                            rl.draw_tile(tileset, (screen_x - 1) * 8,
                                         screen_y * 8,
                        if x == level.width - 1:
                            rl.draw_tile(tileset, (screen_x + 1) * 8,
                                         screen_y * 8,
                        if y == 0:
                            rl.draw_tile(tileset, screen_x * 8,
                                         (screen_y - 1) * 8,
                        if y == level.height - 1:
                            rl.draw_tile(tileset, screen_x * 8,
                                         (screen_y + 1) * 8,

        # draw all objects in the list
        level.objects.sort(key=lambda actor: actor.z)
        for object in level.objects:
            object.draw(x_offset, y_offset)

        # draw hp on top of actors
        for object in level.objects:
            if isinstance(object, actors.Monster) and object is not player:
                object.draw_hp_bar(x_offset, y_offset)
        player.draw_hp_bar(x_offset, y_offset)

        rl.fill_rect(0, const.PANEL_Y * 8, const.SCREEN_WIDTH * 8,
                     const.SCREEN_HEIGHT * 8, rl.BLACK)

        # print the game messages
        y = 1
        for (line, color) in game.messages:
            rl.draw_text(font, const.MSG_X * 8, (const.PANEL_Y + y) * 8, line,
            y += 1

        # show the player's stats
        if player.alive:
            ui.render_bar(2, 1 + const.PANEL_Y, const.BAR_WIDTH, 'HP',
                          player.hp, player.max_hp, rl.RED, rl.BLACK)
            if player.max_mana > 0:
                ui.render_bar(2, 2 + const.PANEL_Y, const.BAR_WIDTH, 'MANA',
                              player.mana, player.max_mana, rl.BLUE, rl.BLACK)
                          1 + const.PANEL_Y,
        rl.draw_tile(tileset, 5, (const.PANEL_Y + 1) * 8, player.tile + 16)

        if player.current_possession_cooldown > 0:
            ui.render_bar(0, 0, const.SCREEN_WIDTH, 'Possession cooldown',
                          player.possession_cooldown, rl.INDIGO, rl.BLACK)
        if game.dungeon_level == 0:
            rl.draw_text(font, 1 * 8, (const.PANEL_Y + 3) * 8, 'Outside',
            rl.draw_text(font, 1 * 8, (const.PANEL_Y + 3) * 8,
                         'Dungeon level ' + str(game.dungeon_level),

        # draw mouse path
        if self.mouse_path:
            for i, j in self.mouse_path[:-1]:
                rl.fill_rect((i + x_offset) * 8, (j + y_offset) * 8, 8, 8,
                             rl.color(255, 255, 0, 128))
            i, j = self.mouse_path[-1]
            rl.draw_rect((i + x_offset) * 8, (j + y_offset) * 8, 9, 9,
                         rl.color(255, 255, 0))