Exemplo n.º 1
def dict_to_game_state(state_dict):
    gs = GameState()
    if 'ball' in state_dict:
        gs.ball = BallState()
        if 'physics' in state_dict['ball']:
            gs.ball.physics = dict_to_physics(state_dict['ball']['physics'])
    if 'cars' in state_dict:
        gs.cars = {}
        for index, car in state_dict['cars'].items():
            car_state = CarState()
            if 'physics' in car:
                car_state.physics = dict_to_physics(car['physics'])
            if 'boost_amount' in car:
                car_state.boost_amount = car['boost_amount']
            gs.cars[int(index)] = car_state
    if 'game_info' in state_dict:
        gs.game_info = GameInfoState()
        if 'paused' in state_dict['game_info']:
            gs.game_info.paused = state_dict['game_info']['paused']
        if 'world_gravity_z' in state_dict['game_info']:
            gs.game_info.world_gravity_z = state_dict['game_info']['world_gravity_z']
        if 'game_speed' in state_dict['game_info']:
            gs.game_info.game_speed = state_dict['game_info']['game_speed']
    if 'console_commands' in state_dict:
        gs.console_commands = state_dict['console_commands']
    return gs
Exemplo n.º 2
def manage_game_state(challenge: dict, upgrades: dict,
                      setup_manager: SetupManager) -> Tuple[bool, dict]:
    Continuously track the game and adjust state to respect challenge rules and
    At the end of the game, calculate results and the challenge completion
    and return that
    early_failure = False, {}

    expected_player_count = challenge["humanTeamSize"] + len(
    # Wait for everything to be initialized
    packet = wait_till_cars_spawned(setup_manager, expected_player_count)

    if packet.num_cars == 0:
        print("The game was initialized with no cars")
        return early_failure

    tick_rate = 120
    results = None
    max_boost = 0
    if "boost-100" in upgrades:
        max_boost = 100
    elif "boost-33" in upgrades:
        max_boost = 33

    half_field = challenge.get("limitations", []).count("half-field") > 0

    stats_tracker = ManualStatsTracker(challenge)
    last_boost_bump_time = time.monotonic()
    while True:
            eel.sleep(0)  # yield to allow other gui threads to operate.
            packet = GameTickPacket()
                packet, 1000, WITNESS_ID)

            if packet.num_cars == 0:
                # User seems to have ended the match
                print("User ended the match")
                return early_failure

            results = packet_to_game_results(packet)

            if has_user_perma_failed(challenge, stats_tracker.stats):
                                       "You failed the challenge!")
                return early_failure

            if end_by_mercy(challenge, stats_tracker.stats, results):
                                       "Challenge completed by mercy rule!",
                return True, results

            human_info = packet.game_cars[0]
            game_state = GameState()
            human_desired_state = CarState()
            game_state.cars = {0: human_desired_state}

            changed = False
            # adjust boost
            if human_info.boost > max_boost and not half_field:
                # Adjust boost, unless in heatseeker mode
                human_desired_state.boost_amount = max_boost
                changed = True

            if "boost-recharge" in upgrades:
                # increase boost at 10% per second
                now = time.monotonic()
                if human_info.boost < max_boost and (now - last_boost_bump_time
                                                     > 0.1):
                    changed = True
                    last_boost_bump_time = now
                    human_desired_state.boost_amount = min(
                        human_info.boost + 1, max_boost)

            if changed:

            if packet.game_info.is_match_ended:

        except KeyError:
            # it means that the game was interrupted by the user
            print("Looks like the game is in a bad state")
            setup_failure_freeplay(setup_manager, "The game was interrupted.")
            return early_failure

    return calculate_completion(challenge, stats_tracker.stats,
                                results), results