def show_google_map(paths, API_key, region): lines = [] for f in pbar()(paths.fragments): flines = [] for l in f: line_coords = np.r_[list(l.coords.xy)].T for i in range(len(line_coords) - 1): flines.append( gmaps.Line(start=tuple(line_coords[i][::-1]), end=tuple(line_coords[i + 1][::-1]))) lines.append(flines) lines = flatten(lines) print "found", len(lines), "line segments" markers = [] for o, f in pbar()(zip(flatten(paths.resampled_orientations), flatten(paths.resampled_fragments))): coords = np.r_[list(f.xy)].T markers.append([ gmaps.Marker((coords[i][1], coords[i][0]), info_box_content=str(o[i])) for i in range(len(coords)) ]) markers = flatten(markers) print "found", len(markers), "sampling locations" gmaps.configure(api_key=API_key) gmap_b = gmaps.Polygon([(i[1], i[0]) for i in region]) fig = gmaps.figure(center=tuple(region.mean(axis=0)[::-1]), zoom_level=16) fig.add_layer(gmaps.drawing_layer(features=[gmap_b] + lines + markers)) return fig
def rotate_images(X_imgs, start_angle, end_angle, n_images, show_progress_bar=False): from rlx.utils import pbar, flatten IMAGE_SIZE_1, IMAGE_SIZE_2 = X_imgs.shape[1], X_imgs.shape[2] X_rotate = [] iterate_at = (end_angle - start_angle) / (n_images - 1) tf.reset_default_graph() X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, IMAGE_SIZE_1, IMAGE_SIZE_2, 3)) radian = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(len(X_imgs))) tf_img = tf.contrib.image.rotate(X, radian) with tf.Session() as sess: for index in (pbar()(range(n_images)) if show_progress_bar else range(n_images)): degrees_angle = start_angle + index * iterate_at radian_value = degrees_angle * np.pi / 180 # Convert to radian radian_arr = [radian_value] * len(X_imgs) rotated_imgs =, feed_dict={ X: X_imgs, radian: radian_arr }) X_rotate.extend(rotated_imgs) X_rotate = np.array(X_rotate, dtype=np.float32) X_rotate = X_rotate[np.r_[flatten([[i, i + len(X_imgs)] for i in np.arange(len(X_imgs))])]] return X_rotate
def load_alexnet_weights(fname): w = np.load(fname, encoding='bytes').item() from rlx.utils import flatten weights = { i[0]: i[1] for i in flatten([[[k + "/W:0", w[k][0]], [k + "/b:0", w[k][1]]] for k in w.keys()]) } # these weights are duplicated (AlexNet has two groups of convolutions for parallelization) for k in ["conv2/W:0", "conv4/W:0", "conv5/W:0"]: weights[k] = np.concatenate((weights[k], weights[k]), axis=2) return weights
def get_streetview_requests(b_full, API_key): sv_requests = [] for o, f in pbar()(zip(flatten(b_full.resampled_orientations), flatten(b_full.resampled_fragments))): sv_item = [] for i in range(len(o)): s_right = streetview_http_request(API_key, f.xy[1][i], f.xy[0][i], (o[i] + 90) % 360) s_front = streetview_http_request(API_key, f.xy[1][i], f.xy[0][i], o[i]) s_left = streetview_http_request(API_key, f.xy[1][i], f.xy[0][i], (o[i] - 90) % 360) sv_item.append( [o[i], f.xy[0][i], f.xy[1][i], s_front, s_right, s_left]) sv_requests.append( pd.DataFrame(sv_item, columns=[ "orientation", "lon", "lat", "front", "right", "left" ])) print "total number of street view requests", np.sum( [len(i) for i in sv_requests]) * 3 return sv_requests
def augment_data_to_reference_stations(dfree, vfree, ref_sds, target_sds): """ #this was used to check whether a target sd was also used as reference for r,t in itertools.product(ref_sds, target_sds): if r==t: raise ValueError("SD %d is both in reference and target sets"%r) """ xvfree = { i[["X", "Y", "Z"]].values for _, i in vfree.iterrows()} # add distance and angle from GPS position to actual position in reference stations r = {target_sd: pd.DataFrame([ru.flatten([[xvfree[ref_sd][0]-gps_pos[0], xvfree[ref_sd][0]-gps_pos[1], np.linalg.norm(gps_pos - xvfree[ref_sd]), rm.angle_vector(gps_pos[:2][::-1]-xvfree[ref_sd][:2][::-1])] \ for ref_sd in ref_sds]) \ for gps_pos in dfree[target_sd][["gps_X", "gps_Y", "gps_Z"]].values], index=dfree[target_sd].index, columns=ru.flatten([["GDISTX_"+str(k), "GDISTY_"+str(k), "L_" + str(k), "A_" + str(k)] for k in ref_sds]) ).join(dfree[target_sd]) \ for target_sd in tqdm(target_sds)} # add observed GPS error at reference positions for target_sd in r.keys(): for ref_sd in ref_sds: cols = ["dX", "dY", "dZ"] + [ i for i in dfree[ref_sd].columns if "smooth" in i or "kalm" in i ] r[target_sd] = r[target_sd].join(dfree[ref_sd][cols], rsuffix="_" + str(ref_sd)) k = r[r.keys()[0]] for sd in r.keys()[1:]: k = pd.concat((k, r[sd])) k.sort_index(inplace=True) return k.dropna()
def get_intersecting_paths(vias, region): """ vias: a dataframe with a columns 'coords', containing a list of tuples with lat/lon region: a 2d np array with two columns (lat/lon) defining a polygon returns: path: a dataframe which augments vias with a column named 'fragments' containing only the rows in vias which with fragments falling within the region """ print "obtaining paths within region" b_clipped, b_intersects = geo.linespol_intersects(vias.coords.values, region, scale=1.1) b_full = vias.coords.iloc[b_intersects] print "paths intersecting", len(b_full) print "clipped paths", len(b_clipped) print "clipped path fragments", len(flatten(b_clipped)) b_full = vias.iloc[b_intersects].copy() b_full["fragments"] = b_clipped return b_full
def plot_cross_refval_results(l, title="", with_std=True, with_mean=True, vmin=None, vmax=None): from rlx import utils as ru sds_val = np.unique(l.val_sd).astype(int) sds_ref = np.unique(ru.flatten([eval(i) for i in l.ref_sds])).astype(int) """ r = pd.DataFrame([ ['[]']*len(sds_ref)]*len(sds_val), columns=pd.Series(sds_ref, name="ref_sd"), index=pd.Index(sds_val, name="val_sd")) for _,i in tqdm(l.iterrows(), total=len(l)): for ref_sd in eval(i.ref_sds): r.loc[i.val_sd, ref_sd]=str(eval(r.loc[i.val_sd,ref_sd])+[i.val_score]) """ import itertools t = {str((i, j)): [] for i, j in itertools.product(sds_val, sds_ref)} # print t.keys() for _, item in tqdm(l.iterrows(), total=len(l)): for sd in eval(item.ref_sds): # print str((int(item.val_sd), int(sd))) t[str((int(item.val_sd), int(sd)))].append(item.val_score) rm = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((len(sds_val), len(sds_ref))), index=pd.Index(sds_val, name="val_sd"), columns=pd.Series(sds_ref, name="ref_sd")) rs = rm.copy() r = rm.copy() for i, j in itertools.product(sds_val, sds_ref): rm.loc[i, j] = np.mean(t[str((i, j))]) rs.loc[i, j] = np.std(t[str((i, j))]) r.loc[i, j] = str(t[str((i, j))]) def f(x, function): x = eval(x) return np.nan if len(x) == 0 else function(x) rm = r.apply(lambda x: [f(i, np.mean) for i in x]) rs = r.apply(lambda x: [f(i, np.std) for i in x]) if with_std and with_mean: plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) plt.subplot(121) if with_mean: plt.imshow(rm, origin="bottom", interpolation="none", vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, plt.colorbar(fraction=.04) plt.xticks(range(len(rm.columns)), [int(i) for i in rm.columns], rotation="vertical") plt.yticks(range(len(rm.index)), [int(i) for i in rm.index]) plt.xlabel("ref sd") plt.ylabel("target sd") plt.title("mean err\n" + "\n".join(rxu.split_str(title, 45))) if with_std and with_mean: plt.subplot(122) if with_std: plt.imshow(rs, origin="bottom", interpolation="none", vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, plt.colorbar(fraction=.04) plt.xticks(range(len(rs.columns)), [int(i) for i in rs.columns], rotation="vertical") plt.yticks(range(len(rs.index)), [int(i) for i in rs.index]) plt.xlabel("ref sd") plt.ylabel("target sd") plt.title("std err\n" + "\n".join(rxu.split_str(title, 45))) return r, rm, rs
def compute_positions_and_GPS_errors(d, init_date, calcpos_to): dx = d.loc[init_date:calcpos_to] dd = d.loc[calcpos_to:] # compute fixed position with first period of data pos = dx.groupby("station_id")[["gps_X", "gps_Y", "gps_Z"]].agg([np.mean, np.std, len]).dropna() # identify stations in free mode sfree = pos[( (pos["gps_X", "std"] + pos["gps_Y", "std"] + pos["gps_Z", "std"]) != 0) & (pos["gps_X", "len"] > 1000)].copy() vfree = { np.r_[[i["gps_X", "mean"], i["gps_Y", "mean"], i["gps_Z", "mean"]]] for _, i in sfree.iterrows() } # identify stations in fixed mode sfixed = pos.loc[[i for i in pos.index if i not in sfree.index]] vfixed = { np.r_[[i["gps_X", "mean"], i["gps_Y", "mean"], i["gps_Z", "mean"]]] for _, i in sfixed.iterrows() } # compute sd groups and centroids X = sfree[[("gps_X", "mean"), ("gps_Y", "mean")]].values from sklearn.cluster import KMeans km = KMeans(n_clusters=6, random_state=0) sfree["cluster"] = km.predict(X) sd_clusters = { i: np.unique(sfree[sfree.cluster == i].index) for i in np.unique(sfree.cluster) } clusters_sd = { i: j for i, j in ru.flatten([[[sd, k] for sd in sd_clusters[k]] for k in sd_clusters.keys()]) } sds = np.unique(sfree.index.values) dd = dd[[i in sds for i in dd.station_id.values]] print "datapoints to compute fix positions", len(dx), "for", len( np.unique(dx.station_id)), "SDs (free and fixed)" print "datapoints for experiments ", len(dd), "for", len( np.unique(dd.station_id)), "SDs (in free mode)" print "computing GPS position errors" diffs = np.r_[[(np.r_[i.gps_X, i.gps_Y, i.gps_Z] - vfree[i.station_id]) for _, i in tqdm(dd.iterrows(), total=len(dd))]] dd = pd.DataFrame(np.hstack((dd.values, diffs)), columns=list(dd.columns) + ["dX", "dY", "dZ"], index=dd.index) dd["station_id"] = dd.station_id.values.astype(int) vfree = pd.DataFrame([ np.r_[[ i["gps_X", "mean"], i["gps_Y", "mean"], i["gps_Z", "mean"], i["cluster"] ]] for _, i in sfree.iterrows() ], columns=["X", "Y", "Z", "cluster"], index=sfree.index) vfree["cluster"] = vfree.cluster.values.astype(int) vfixed = pd.DataFrame([ np.r_[[i["gps_X", "mean"], i["gps_Y", "mean"], i["gps_Z", "mean"]]] for _, i in sfixed.iterrows() ], columns=["X", "Y", "Z"], index=sfixed.index) return dd, vfree, vfixed