def rnd_test2(mdl, ntrials=1000, noise=1., niter=500, gain=0.1, cutoff=0.): """ """ nu = gennu(StartFreq, StepFreq, NFrequencies) # define image space nphi = 400 dphi = 5.0 phi = -0.5 * nphi * dphi + numpy.arange(nphi) * dphi cpks1 = numpy.zeros(ntrials) dpks1 = numpy.zeros(ntrials) cpks2 = numpy.zeros(ntrials) dpks2 = numpy.zeros(ntrials) rmsyn = R.RMSynth(nu, StepFreq, phi) rmcl = R.RMClean(rmsyn, niter, gain, cutoff) progress(20, 0.) for i in range(ntrials): ccloc, ccval, rmc, di = do_test(mdl, noise, niter, gain, cutoff, False, rms=rmsyn, rmc=rmcl) cpks1[i] = abs(rmc.clean_map[170]) dpks1[i] = abs(di[170]) cpks2[i] = abs(rmc.clean_map[230]) dpks2[i] = abs(di[230]) progress(20, ((i + 1.) / ntrials) * 100.) plot_rnd_test(dpks1, cpks1, [mdl[1]]) plot_rnd_test(dpks2, cpks2, [mdl[0]])
def do_test(mdl, noise=0., niter=500, gain=0.1, cutoff=0., doplot=True, rms=None, rmc=None): """ A routine to test the rm_tools RMClean functionality input ----- mdl: a list of (phi, Q + iU) values noise: the stdv of the Gaussian (white) noise to add to each channel of the data vector return ------ ccloc: a list of CLEAN component locations ccval: a list of CLEAN component values map: the restored CLEAN image phi: coordinates for which the map are defined """ # define nu range nu = gennu(StartFreq, StepFreq, NFrequencies) # define image space nphi = 400 dphi = 5.0 phi = -0.5 * nphi * dphi + numpy.arange(nphi) * dphi # compute l2 l2 = convert_nu_to_l2(nu, StepFreq) l2 = numpy.flipud(l2) data = dft(mdl, noise, l2) # do rmsynth if rms is None: rms = R.RMSynth(nu, StepFreq, phi) di = rms.compute_dirty_image(data) if rmc is None: rmc = R.RMClean(rms, niter, gain, cutoff) else: rmc.reset() rmc.perform_clean(data) rmc.restore_clean_map() [ccloc, ccval] = sort_cc_list(rmc.cc_phi_list, rmc.cc_val_list) if doplot: plot_test(ccloc, ccval, rmc.clean_map, phi, mdl, di) return ccloc, ccval, rmc, di
def main(): """ Handle all parsing here if started from the command line""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Rotation Measure Synthesis tool.") parser.add_argument("-o", "--outname", type=str, help="output prefix") parser.add_argument("-p", "--save-pol-cube", action="store_true", dest="save_pol_cube", help="Save Pol cube", default=False) parser.add_argument("-q", "--save-qu-cubes", action="store_true", dest="save_qu_cubes", default=False, help="Save derotated Q and U cubes") parser.add_argument("-r", "--save-residual-cubes", action="store_true", dest="save_residual_cubes", default=False, help="Save residual cubes if cleaning") parser.add_argument("-d", "--save-dirty-cubes", action="store_true", dest="save_dirty_cubes", default=False, help="Save dirty cubes if cleaning") parser.add_argument("-a", "--auto-flag", action="store_true", dest="auto_flag", help="auto flag data", default=False) parser.add_argument("-m", "--auto-mask", dest="auto_mask", type=str, nargs=2, help="Use stokes I map and cutoff value in Jy. This is in addition to a regular mask. I.E. it is OR'd with the regular mask if provided. Eg. map_i.fits 0.001") parser.add_argument("-x", "--exclude-phi", dest="exclude_phi", metavar='phi_range', nargs=2, type=float, default=(0,0), help="Exclude this Phi range from 2D maps. Eg: -3 1.5") parser.add_argument("-n", "--phi-rms", dest="phi_rms", type=float, metavar='phi_rms_range', nargs=2, default=(0,0), help="Make a Phi RMS image from this range. Eg: 100 115") parser.add_argument("--single", action="store_true", default=False, help="Use single precision floats internally. Default: False") parser.add_argument("--double", action="store_true", default=False, help="Output double precision floats. Default: False. If neither --single or --double is specified, use double precision internally and write out single precision.") parser.add_argument("--rmclean-mask", type=str, help="Input mask for RMCLEAN") parser.add_argument("--rmclean-sigma", dest="rmclean_sigma", type=float, default=0.0, help="Clean to RMCLEAN_SIGMA times the phi noise. This is used in combination with the cutoff value. Eg. 10") parser.add_argument("param_file", type=str, help="Input Parameter file") parser.add_argument("fits_cube", type=str, help="QU FITS cube") args = parser.parse_args() print("Parsing parameter file...") params = parse_input_file(args.param_file) if args.outname: params.outputfn = args.outname if args.single: in_dtype = np.complex64 else: in_dtype = np.complex128 if args.double: out_dtype = np.complex128 else: out_dtype = np.complex64 print("Loading data...") hdu =[0] data = header = hdu.header check_cube_format(header) if params.imagemask: mask =[0].data.squeeze().astype(bool) else: mask = np.ones(shape=data.shape[2:], dtype=bool) if args.auto_mask: stokesI_map =[0])[0].data.squeeze() cutoff = float(args.auto_mask[1]) stokesI_mask = np.zeros_like(stokesI_map, dtype=np.uint8) stokesI_mask[np.where(stokesI_map > cutoff)] = 1 if params.imagemask: mask = np.logical_or(mask, stokesI_mask) else: mask = stokesI_mask del stokesI_map, stokesI_mask if args.rmclean_mask: rmclean_mask =[0].data.squeeze().astype(bool) params.do_clean = True else: rmclean_mask = np.ones(shape=data.shape[2:], dtype=bool) if args.auto_flag: bad_chans = channel_flags(data) flag_weights = np.logical_not(bad_chans).astype(float) if params.weight is None: params.weight = flag_weights else: params.weight = np.minimum(params.weight, flag_weights) if args.exclude_phi[0] != args.exclude_phi[1]: exclude_phi_range = phi_range_to_channel_range(args.exclude_phi, params) print("Excluding phi range from 2D maps: {} => {}".format(args.exclude_phi, exclude_phi_range)) else: exclude_phi_range = None if args.phi_rms[0] != args.phi_rms[1]: phi_rms_range = phi_range_to_channel_range(args.phi_rms, params) print("RMS phi range: {} => {}".format(args.phi_rms, phi_rms_range)) else: phi_rms_range = None if args.rmclean_sigma != 0: if phi_rms_range is None: args.error("--phi-rms required for --rmclean-sigma") # Survey cubes will be ordered: [Freqs, Stokes, Dec, RA] data = np.moveaxis(data, 0, -1) # Move Freq to end data = np.moveaxis(data, 0, -1) # Move Stokes to end # Now order is [Dec, RA, Freqs, Stokes] (DEC,RA,FREQ,STOKES) = range(4) data_selection = np.where(mask) non_masked_data = data[data_selection] # Unflagged NaNs will cause RMSynth to return NaNs non_masked_data = np.nan_to_num(non_masked_data.view(dtype=">c8").squeeze()).astype(in_dtype) clean_regions = rmclean_mask[data_selection].squeeze() = freqs(header, 4) params.dnu =[1] -[0] rms = R.RMSynth(, params.dnu, params.phi, params.weight) if params.do_clean: rmc = R.RMClean(rms, params.niter, params.gain, params.cutoff) rmsfout = numpy.zeros((len(rms.rmsf), 3)) rmsfout[:, 0] = rms.rmsf_phi rmsfout[:, 1] = rms.rmsf.real rmsfout[:, 2] = rms.rmsf.imag numpy.savetxt(params.outputfn + "_rmsf.txt", rmsfout) data_out = np.empty(shape=(len(non_masked_data), params.nphi), dtype=out_dtype) if params.do_clean: dirty_out = np.empty(shape=(len(non_masked_data), params.nphi), dtype=out_dtype) residual_out = np.empty(shape=(len(non_masked_data), params.nphi), dtype=out_dtype) print("Doing RM synthesis") n = len(non_masked_data) width = len(str(n)) for i in range(len(non_masked_data)): if params.do_clean and clean_regions[i]: rmc.reset() rmc.residual_map = rms.compute_dirty_image(non_masked_data[i]) rmc.dirty_image = rmc.residual_map if args.rmclean_sigma != 0: q_rms = rmc.residual_map[phi_rms_range[0]:phi_rms_range[1]].real.std() u_rms = rmc.residual_map[phi_rms_range[0]:phi_rms_range[1]].imag.std() cutoff = args.rmclean_sigma * 0.5 * (q_rms + u_rms) rmc.cutoff = max(cutoff, params.cutoff) rmc.perform_clean() rmc.restore_clean_map() data_out[i] = rmc.clean_map residual_out[i] = rmc.residual_map dirty_out[i] = rmc.dirty_image else: data_out[i] = rms.compute_dirty_image(non_masked_data[i]) if i % 100 == 0: progress(20, 100.0 * i / n) print("") header_axes_attributes = ["NAXIS", "CTYPE", "CRVAL", "CRPIX", "CDELT", "CUNIT", "CROTA"] for attr in header_axes_attributes: attr += "4" if attr in header: del header[attr] header["CTYPE3"] = "Phi" header["CUNIT3"] = "rad/m/m" header["CRPIX3"] = 1 header["CRVAL3"] = params.phi_min header["CDELT3"] = params.dphi if args.save_pol_cube or args.save_qu_cubes or params.do_clean and (args.save_residual_cubes or args.save_dirty_cubes): cube_out = np.full(fill_value=np.NaN, shape=(data.shape[DEC], data.shape[RA], params.nphi), dtype=data_out.real.dtype) else: cube_out = None if args.save_pol_cube: print("Saving phi cube") if not params.do_clean: write_cube(cube_out, data_selection, abs(data_out), header, params.outputfn + "_di_p.fits") else: write_cube(cube_out, data_selection, abs(data_out), header, params.outputfn + "_clean_p.fits") if args.save_dirty_cubes: print("Saving phi dirty cube") write_cube(cube_out, data_selection, abs(dirty_out), header, params.outputfn + "_di_p.fits") if args.save_residual_cubes: print("Saving phi residual cube") write_cube(cube_out, data_selection, abs(residual_out), header, params.outputfn + "_residual_p.fits") if args.save_qu_cubes: print("Saving Q & U cubes") if not params.do_clean: write_cube(cube_out, data_selection, data_out.real, header, params.outputfn + "_di_q.fits") write_cube(cube_out, data_selection, data_out.imag, header, params.outputfn + "_di_u.fits") else: write_cube(cube_out, data_selection, data_out.real, header, params.outputfn + "_clean_q.fits") write_cube(cube_out, data_selection, data_out.imag, header, params.outputfn + "_clean_u.fits") if args.save_dirty_cubes: print("Saving Q & U dirty cubes") write_cube(cube_out, data_selection, dirty_out.real, header, params.outputfn + "_di_q.fits") write_cube(cube_out, data_selection, dirty_out.imag, header, params.outputfn + "_di_u.fits") if args.save_residual_cubes: print("Saving Q & U residual cubes") write_cube(cube_out, data_selection, residual_out.real, header, params.outputfn + "_residual_q.fits") write_cube(cube_out, data_selection, residual_out.imag, header, params.outputfn + "_residual_u.fits") del cube_out if params.do_clean: del dirty_out, residual_out for attr in header_axes_attributes: attr += "3" if attr in header: del header[attr] = np.full(fill_value=np.NaN, shape=(data.shape[DEC], data.shape[RA]), dtype=data_out.real.dtype) # RMS Image if phi_rms_range != None: q_rms = data_out[:,phi_rms_range[0]:phi_rms_range[1]].real.std(axis=1) u_rms = data_out[:,phi_rms_range[0]:phi_rms_range[1]].imag.std(axis=1) p_rms = 0.5 * (q_rms + u_rms)[data_selection] = p_rms print("Saving rms map") hdu.writeto(params.outputfn + "_rms.fits", **overwrite) if exclude_phi_range != None: data_out[:,exclude_phi_range[0]:exclude_phi_range[1]] = 0 # 2D maps[data_selection] = np.amax(abs(data_out), axis=-1) print("Saving int pol map") hdu.writeto(params.outputfn + "_polint.fits", **overwrite) indx_max = np.argmax(abs(data_out), axis=-1)[data_selection] = data_out.real[range(len(data_out)), indx_max] print("Saving q map") hdu.writeto(params.outputfn + "_qmap.fits", **overwrite)[data_selection] = data_out.imag[range(len(data_out)), indx_max] print("Saving u map") hdu.writeto(params.outputfn + "_umap.fits", **overwrite) header["BUNIT"] = "rad/m/m"[data_selection] = params.phi[indx_max] print("Saving phi map") hdu.writeto(params.outputfn + "_phi.fits", **overwrite)
def rmsynthesis(params, options, manual=False): """ rmsynthesis(params, manual=False) Conducts RM synthesis based on the parameters provided in the params class for the data contained w/in the current directory. This may be either a fits file containing a cube of data (indexed z,x,y when read in using pyfits) or a text file (freq, q,u) if manual=true returns the rmsynth cube class and the pol cube. """ qsubdir = '/stokes_q/' usubdir = '/stokes_u/' vcube_mmfn = 'stokesv.dat' incube_mmfn = 'incube.dat' outcube_mmfn = 'outcube.dat' rescube_mmfn = 'outcube_res.dat' cleancube_mmfn = 'outcube_clean.dat' cccube_mmfn = 'outcube_cc.dat' pmap_mmfn = 'outmap_p.dat' phimap_mmfn = 'outmap_phi.dat' qmap_mmfn = 'outmap_q.dat' umap_mmfn = 'outmap_u.dat' if options.freq_last: freq_axnum = '4' stokes_axnum = '3' else: freq_axnum = '3' stokes_axnum = '4' # lint:ok if params.phi is None: msg = 'Parameters not specified correctly. No phi axis defined! ' + \ 'Please double check and try again.' raise ValueError(msg) if options.stokes_v and options.separate_stokes: print "Stokes V output is not available when the Stokes images are " +\ "stored in separate files. Turning Stokes V output off." options.stokes_v = False # Gather the input file names from the directory in the parset if not options.separate_stokes: # In this case, each file contains all Stokes parameters. fns = os.listdir(params.input_dir) if len(fns) == 0: raise IOError('No valid files found in this directory!') nfns = len(fns) fns_copy = list(fns) for indx in range(nfns): # remove any non fits files fn = fns_copy[indx] if fn[len(fn) - 4:len(fn)].lower() != 'fits': fns.remove(fn) # If a mask file is specified, above lines will add the mask fits # to fns. Removing it from the list of valid fits files if params.imagemask != '': fns.remove(params.imagemask.split('/')[-1]) if len(fns) == 0: raise IOError('No valid files found in this directory!') fns.sort() tdata = pyfits.getdata(params.input_dir + fns[0]) thead = pyfits.getheader(params.input_dir + fns[0]) else: # In this case, each file contains only a single Stokes parameter. # This is mainly here for compatability with Michiel's code. try: fns_q = os.listdir(params.input_dir + qsubdir) fns_u = os.listdir(params.input_dir + usubdir) except OSError: print "No Stokes sub-directories found! Please put the Stokes " +\ "Q and Stokes U images into the stokes_q and stokes_u " + \ "subfolders of the input directory listed in the parset file." raise if len(fns_q) == 0 or len(fns_u) == 0: raise IOError('No valid files found in this directory') nfnsq = len(fns_q) nfnsu = len(fns_u) fns_q_copy = list(fns_q) fns_u_copy = list(fns_u) for indx in range(nfnsq): # remove any non fits files fn = fns_q_copy[indx] if fn[len(fn) - 4:len(fn)].lower() != 'fits': fns_q.remove(fn) for indx in range(nfnsu): # remove any non fits files fn = fns_u_copy[indx] if fn[len(fn) - 4:len(fn)].lower() != 'fits': fns_u.remove(fn) if len(fns_q) == 0 or len(fns_u) == 0: raise IOError('No valid files found in this directory.') if len(fns_q) != len(fns_u): raise IOError('The number of Stokes Q and U images are different.') fns_q.sort() fns_u.sort() tdata = pyfits.getdata(params.input_dir + qsubdir + fns_q[0]) thead = pyfits.getheader(params.input_dir + qsubdir + fns_q[0]) # indices 1=freq, 2=dec, 3=ra - stored values are complex # Validate the image bounds decsz = [0, len(tdata[0, 0])] if params.dec_lim[0] != -1: decsz[0] = params.dec_lim[0] else: params.dec_lim[0] = 0 if params.dec_lim[1] != -1: decsz[1] = params.dec_lim[1] else: params.dec_lim[1] = len(tdata[0, 0]) if decsz[0] >= decsz[1]: raise Exception('Invalid image bounds') rasz = [0, len(tdata[0, 0, 0])] if params.ra_lim[0] != -1: rasz[0] = params.ra_lim[0] else: params.ra_lim[0] = 0 if params.ra_lim[1] != -1: rasz[1] = params.ra_lim[1] else: params.ra_lim[1] = len(tdata[0, 0, 0]) if rasz[0] >= rasz[1]: raise Exception('Invalid image bounds') # Get the appropriate mask if params.imagemask == '': # If no mask is specified, assign 1's to all pixels in the mask image ra_size = params.ra_lim[1] - params.ra_lim[0] dec_size = params.dec_lim[1] - params.dec_lim[0] maskimage = numpy.ones((dec_size, ra_size), dtype=numpy.int_) else: # Read in the mask file try: # mask should be in the input directory maskdata = pyfits.getdata(params.input_dir + params.imagemask) maskhead = pyfits.getheader(params.input_dir + params.imagemask) except: raise Exception('Unable to read the mask image.') # Check if the mask has the same shape as the input image if thead['NAXIS1'] != maskhead['NAXIS1'] or \ thead['NAXIS2'] != maskhead['NAXIS2']: raise Exception( 'Mask and Stokes images have different image sizes.') else: # Check the FITS format of mask file;take care of possible extra # axes like correlation or frequency if (len(numpy.shape(maskdata)) > 2): try: maskdata = maskdata.reshape(params.dec_lim[1] - \ params.dec_lim[0],params.ra_lim[1] - params.ra_lim[0]) except: raise Exception( 'Incompatible number of axes in Mask file.') # Extract the submask as specified by ra, dec limits maskimage = maskdata[decsz[0]:decsz[1], rasz[0]:rasz[1]] nchan = thead.get('NAXIS' + freq_axnum) if options.rest_freq and nchan != 1: raise Exception('rest_freq option is only valid for files with one \ frequency.') if options.stokes_v: vcube = create_memmap_file_and_array( vcube_mmfn, (len(fns) * nchan, decsz[1] - decsz[0], rasz[1] - rasz[0]), numpy.dtype('float64')) if options.separate_stokes: nsb = len(fns_q) else: nsb = len(fns) cube = create_memmap_file_and_array( incube_mmfn, (nsb * nchan, decsz[1] - decsz[0], rasz[1] - rasz[0]), numpy.dtype('complex128')) = numpy.zeros(nsb * nchan) # This gets overwritten later for rest_freq mode! # store the channel width, in Hz params.dnu = thead.get('CDELT' + freq_axnum) if (params.weight is not None and len(params.weight) != len( raise Exception('number of frequency channels in weight list is not ' + 'compatible with input visibilities.') if params.weight is None: params.weight = numpy.ones(len( params() print ' ' print '-----------------------' print ' ' print 'Reading fits files into one big cube, ' +\ 'converting Q & U to complex...' progress(20, 0) if not options.separate_stokes: for indx in range(len(fns)): fn = fns[indx] tdata = pyfits.getdata(params.input_dir + fn) thead = pyfits.getheader(params.input_dir + fn) base_indx = nchan * indx if not options.freq_last: if tdata.shape[0] == 4: # Read Stokes Q and U into the complex cube cube.real[base_indx:base_indx + nchan] = \ tdata[1, :, decsz[0]:decsz[1], rasz[0]:rasz[1]] cube.imag[base_indx:base_indx + nchan] = \ tdata[2, :, decsz[0]:decsz[1], rasz[0]:rasz[1]] # XXX: The commented code above isn't the appropriate way # to deal with weights. Hand params.weight to the # RMSynth class init instead. This has been fixed else: # There are not 4 stokes parameters, and that is not OK raise Exception('Invalid data shape!') if options.stokes_v: vcube[base_indx:base_indx + nchan] = \ tdata[3, :, decsz[0]:decsz[1], rasz[0]:rasz[1]] else: if tdata.shape[1] == 4: cube.real[base_indx:base_indx + nchan] = \ tdata[:, 1, decsz[0]:decsz[1], rasz[0]:rasz[1]] cube.imag[base_indx:base_indx + nchan] = \ tdata[:, 2, decsz[0]:decsz[1], rasz[0]:rasz[1]] else: raise Exception('Invalid data shape!') if options.stokes_v: vcube[base_indx:base_indx + nchan] = \ tdata[:, 3, decsz[0]:decsz[1], rasz[0]:rasz[1]] if options.rest_freq: if nchan != 1: msg = 'When the rest frequency option is selected, ' + \ 'only one channel is allowed per file!' raise Exception(msg)[base_indx] = thead.get('RESTFREQ') else: flist = numpy.arange(nchan) * thead.get('CDELT' + freq_axnum) \ + thead.get('CRVAL' + freq_axnum)[base_indx:base_indx + nchan] = flist pcent = 100. * (indx + 1.) / len(fns) progress(20, pcent) del tdata else: # Separate Stokes has been requested... for indx in range(len(fns_q)): fnq = fns_q[indx] fnu = fns_u[indx] tdata_q = pyfits.getdata(params.input_dir + qsubdir + fnq) thead_q = pyfits.getheader(params.input_dir + qsubdir + fnq) tdata_u = pyfits.getdata(params.input_dir + usubdir + fnu) thead_u = pyfits.getheader(params.input_dir + usubdir + fnu) if options.rest_freq: try: q_restfreq = thead_q['RESTFREQ'] u_restfreq = thead_u['RESTFREQ'] except KeyError: q_restfreq = thead_q['RESTFRQ'] u_restfreq = thead_u['RESTFRQ'] if q_restfreq != u_restfreq: raise Exception( 'Something went wrong! I am trying ' + 'to combine Q & U images at different frequencies!') else: if options.freq_last: if thead_q['CRVAL4'] != thead_u['CRVAL4']: raise Exception( 'Something went wrong! I am ' + 'trying to combine Q & U images at different ' + 'frequencies!') else: if thead_q['CRVAL3'] != thead_u['CRVAL3']: raise Exception( 'Something went wrong! I am trying ' + 'to combine Q & U images at different ' + 'frequencies!') base_indx = nchan * indx if not options.freq_last: if tdata_q.shape[0] == 1: cube.real[base_indx:base_indx + nchan] = \ tdata_q[0, :, decsz[0]:decsz[1], rasz[0]:rasz[1]] cube.imag[base_indx:base_indx + nchan] = \ tdata_u[0, :, decsz[0]:decsz[1], rasz[0]:rasz[1]] else: raise Exception('Invalid data shape!') else: if tdata_q.shape[1] == 1: cube.real[base_indx:base_indx + nchan] = \ tdata_q[:, 0, decsz[0]:decsz[1], rasz[0]:rasz[1]] cube.imag[base_indx:base_indx + nchan] = \ tdata_u[:, 0, decsz[0]:decsz[1], rasz[0]:rasz[1]] else: raise Exception('Invalid data shape!') if options.rest_freq: if nchan != 1: msg = 'When the rest frequency option is selected, ' + \ 'only one channel is allowed per file!' raise Exception(msg) try:[base_indx] = thead_q['RESTFREQ'] except KeyError:[base_indx] = thead_q['RESTFRQ'] else: if nchan != 1: flist = numpy.arange(nchan) *\ thead_q.get('CDELT' + freq_axnum) +\ thead_q.get('CRVAL' + freq_axnum)[base_indx:base_indx + nchan] = flist else: # When each fits file has a separate Q or U image, CDELT # cannot be used to estimate the frequency values.[base_indx] = thead_q.get('CRVAL' + freq_axnum) pcent = 100. * (indx + 1.) / len(fns_q) progress(20, pcent) del tdata_q del tdata_u if options.separate_stokes: thead = thead_q # SARRVESH'S EDIT if nchan == 1: params.dnu = thead_q['CDELT' + freq_axnum] if options.rest_freq: # SARRVESH'S EDIT # dnu can be estimated using optical velocity information in # the FITS header. But this works only with images produced # by AWImager and WSClean. Have to be tested with other imagers if thead_q['CTYPE' + freq_axnum] == 'VOPT' and thead_q['CUNIT' + freq_axnum] == 'm/s': velocity = thead_q['CDELT' + freq_axnum] C = 299792458. # light speed in m/s params.dnu = ([0]) / (1 - (velocity / C)) -[0] else: # FIXME: This isn't very general and could lead to problems. params.dnu =[1] -[0] # Print out basic parameters C2 = 8.98755179e16 nus = numpy.sort( dnu = params.dnu delta_l2 = C2 * (nus[0]**(-2) - nus[len(nus) - 1]**(-2)) l2min = 0.5 * C2 * ((nus[len(nus) - 1] + dnu)**(-2) + (nus[len(nus) - 1] - dnu)**(-2)) res = 2. * math.sqrt(3) / delta_l2 maxscale = numpy.pi / l2min print "\n" print "The maximum theroretical resolution for the given" +\ " set of parameters is " +str(round(res)) + " rad/m^2" print "The maximum observable scale for the given set of parameters" +\ " is " +str(round(maxscale)) + " rad/m^2" print "\n" # If requested, produce an array containing the spectral index information # and apply it if params.alpha: if params.alphafromfile: alphadata = pyfits.getdata(params.alpha) if numpy.shape(alphadata) != (decsz[1] - decsz[0], rasz[1] - rasz[0]): try: alpha = alphadata.reshape( (decsz[1] - decsz[0], rasz[1] - rasz[0])) except ValueError: raise Exception( 'Size of the spectral index image is inconsestent with parameter inputs.' ) else: alpha = alphadata else: alpha = params.alpha # set rest frequency to mean frequency across band if params.ref_freq == None: #params.ref_freq = numpy.mean(nus) params.ref_freq = nus[0] # Rescale cube with spectral dependence function s, assuming # separability of the spectrally dependent Faraday spectrum, # following de Bruyn & Brentjens 2005. Division already by # lambda2 dependence despite the array still being ordered # in frequency. #PROBLEM: HOW TO TRANSLATE THE SPECTRUM? CORRECT THIS WAY? for k in range(len(nus)): cube[k] /= (nus[k] / params.ref_freq)**(-alpha) # initialize the RMSynth class that does all the work rms = R.RMSynth(, params.dnu, params.phi, params.weight) print "Done!" # Write out the RMSF to a text file rmsfout = numpy.zeros((len(rms.rmsf), 3)) rmsfout[:, 0] = rms.rmsf_phi rmsfout[:, 1] = rms.rmsf.real rmsfout[:, 2] = rms.rmsf.imag numpy.savetxt(params.outputfn + '_rmsf.txt', rmsfout) if options.stokes_v: print 'Writing Stokes V cube...' hdu_v = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(vcube) try: generate_v_header(hdu_v, thead, params) except: print "Warning: There was a problem generating the header, " + \ "no header information stored!" print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0] hdu_v_list = pyfits.HDUList([hdu_v]) hdu_v_list.writeto(params.outputfn + '_v.fits', clobber=True) f = open(params.outputfn + '_freqlist.txt', 'wb') Writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=' ') for i in range(len(fns) * nchan): Writer.writerow([str([i]), fns[i / nchan]]) f.close() print 'Done!' print 'Cleaning up Stokes V temp files...' del vcube os.remove(vcube_mmfn) if options.plot_rmsf: plot_rmsf(rms) # in case i just want the RMS class and raw data back to e.g. analyze # single lines of sight if manual: return rms, cube # dirty image dicube = create_memmap_file_and_array( outcube_mmfn, (len(params.phi), len(cube[0]), len(cube[0][0])), numpy.dtype('complex128')) if params.do_clean: # To store a master list of clean components for the entire cube cclist = list() rescube = create_memmap_file_and_array( rescube_mmfn, (len(params.phi), len(cube[0]), len(cube[0][0])), numpy.dtype('complex128')) cleancube = create_memmap_file_and_array( cleancube_mmfn, (len(params.phi), len(cube[0]), len(cube[0][0])), numpy.dtype('complex128')) cccube = create_memmap_file_and_array( cccube_mmfn, (len(params.phi), len(cube[0]), len(cube[0][0])), numpy.dtype('complex128')) print 'Performing synthesis...' progress(20, 0) if params.do_clean: # initialize the CLEAN class once, reuse for each LOS # In doing so, the CLEAN beam convolution kernel is only computed once rmc = R.RMClean(rms, params.niter, params.gain, params.cutoff) for indx in range(decsz[1] - decsz[0]): for jndx in range(rasz[1] - rasz[0]): if maskimage[indx, jndx] != 0: los = cube[:, indx, jndx] if params.do_clean: rmc.reset() rmc.perform_clean(los) rmc.restore_clean_map() cleancube[:, indx, jndx] = rmc.clean_map.copy() rescube[:, indx, jndx] = rmc.residual_map.copy() dicube[:, indx, jndx] = rmc.dirty_image.copy() for kndx in range(len(rmc.cc_phi_list)): cclist.append([ rmc.cc_phi_list[kndx][0], indx, jndx, rmc.cc_val_list[kndx].real, rmc.cc_val_list[kndx].imag ]) # SARRVESH'S EDIT cccube[:, indx, jndx] = rmc.cc_add_list.copy() else: dicube[:, indx, jndx] = rms.compute_dirty_image(los) else: dicube[:, indx, jndx] = numpy.zeros((params.nphi, )) if params.do_clean: cleancube[:, indx, jndx] = numpy.zeros((params.nphi, )) rescube[:, indx, jndx] = numpy.zeros((params.nphi, )) pcent = 100. * (indx + 1.) * (jndx + 1.) / (rasz[1] - rasz[0]) /\ (decsz[1] - decsz[0]) progress(20, pcent) if params.do_clean: print '\n' print "The fitted FWHM of the clean beam is " + str(round( rmc.sdev, 2)) + " rad/m^2" print '\n' print 'RM synthesis done! Writing out FITS files...' write_output_files(dicube, params, thead, 'di') if params.do_clean: write_output_files(rescube, params, thead, 'residual') write_output_files(cleancube, params, thead, 'clean') write_output_files(cccube, params, thead, 'cc') print 'Writing out CC list...' write_output_files(cccube, params, thead, 'cc') # TODO: need to make this usable! # it doesn't work right now because there are just way too many CCs #write_cc_list(cclist, params.outputfn+"_cc.txt") print "polint" polintmap = create_memmap_file_and_array(pmap_mmfn, \ (decsz[1]-decsz[0], rasz[1]-rasz[0]), numpy.dtype('float64')) #print "phimap" #phimap = create_memmap_file_and_array(phimap_mmfn, \ # (decsz[1]-decsz[0], rasz[1]-rasz[0]), numpy.dtype('float64')) #print "qmap" #qmap = create_memmap_file_and_array(qmap_mmfn, \ # (decsz[1]-decsz[0], rasz[1]-rasz[0]), numpy.dtype('float64')) #print "umap" #umap = create_memmap_file_and_array(umap_mmfn, \ # (decsz[1]-decsz[0], rasz[1]-rasz[0]), numpy.dtype('float64')) print 'Computing polarized intensity and Faraday depth maps' for indx in range(decsz[1] - decsz[0]): for jndx in range(rasz[1] - rasz[0]): if maskimage[indx, jndx] != 0: if params.do_clean: q_los = cleancube[:, indx, jndx].real u_los = cleancube[:, indx, jndx].imag else: q_los = dicube[:, indx, jndx].real u_los = dicube[:, indx, jndx].imag p_los = numpy.sqrt( numpy.add(numpy.square(q_los), numpy.square(u_los))) if numpy.amax(p_los) > params.threshold: polintmap[indx, jndx] = numpy.amax(p_los) indx_max_polint = numpy.argmax(p_los) #phimap[indx, jndx] = params.phi[indx_max_polint] #qmap[indx, jndx] = q_los[indx_max_polint] #umap[indx, jndx] = u_los[indx_max_polint] else: polintmap[indx, jndx] = numpy.nan #phimap[indx, jndx] = numpy.nan #qmap[indx, jndx] = numpy.nan #umap[indx, jndx] = numpy.nan else: polintmap[indx, jndx] = numpy.nan #phimap[indx, jndx] = numpy.nan #qmap[indx, jndx] = numpy.nan #umap[indx, jndx] = numpy.nan print 'Writing polarized intensity and Faraday depth maps' write_output_maps(polintmap, params, thead, 'polint') #write_output_maps(phimap, params, thead, 'phi', 'rad/m/m') #write_output_maps(qmap, params, thead, 'qmap') #write_output_maps(umap, params, thead, 'umap') print 'Cleaning up temp files...' del dicube del cube if params.do_clean: del cleancube del rescube os.remove(incube_mmfn) os.remove(outcube_mmfn) os.remove(pmap_mmfn) #os.remove(phimap_mmfn) #os.remove(qmap_mmfn) #os.remove(umap_mmfn) if params.do_clean: os.remove(cleancube_mmfn) os.remove(rescube_mmfn) os.remove(cccube_mmfn) print 'Done!'