Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, constants, initials):
        self.r = RMatrix()
        self.t = TMatrix()

        self.c = self._defaultConstants.copy()

        self.state = self._defaultInits.copy()
Exemplo n.º 2
class QuadCopter:
    _defaultConstants = {
        # Acceleration of gravity in m/(s^2)
        "g": 9.81,
        # Mass in kg
        "mass": 1,
        # Length of each arm in m
        "armLength": 0.25,
        # Angular mass in kg*(m^2)
        "intertia": 1,
        # Thrust multiplier. We simplify the thrust calculation
        # for each motor by making it a multiple of the propeller's
        # angular velocity.
        "thrust": 1,
        # Torque multiplier. We simplify the torque calculation
        # for each motor by making it a multiple of the propeller's
        # angular velocity.
        "torque": 1,
        # Drag multiplier. We simplify the drag calculation by
        # making it a multiple of the linear velocity of the
        # copter.
        "drag": 1,

    _defaultInits = {
        # X, y, and z.
        "position": ut.makeVector((0, 0, 10)),
        # Roll, pitch, and yaw angles. TODO - what frame?
        "attitude": ut.makeVector((0, 0, 0)),
        # The rate of change for each of the state vectors.
        "positionRates": ut.makeVector((0, 0, 0)),
        "attitudeRates": ut.makeVector((0, 0, 0)),
        # The inputs to each motor, representing the target
        # angular velocity.
        "inputs": [0, 0, 0, 0],

    def __init__(self, constants, initials):
        self.r = RMatrix()
        self.t = TMatrix()

        self.c = self._defaultConstants.copy()

        self.state = self._defaultInits.copy()

    def setInputs(motor, value, values=None):
        """Sets the input value for one or all the motors."""
        if values is not None:
            self.state["inputs"] = values
            self.state["inputs"][motor] = value

    def updateState(elapsedTime):
        angularVelocity = self._calcAngularVelocity()

        acceleration = self._calcLinearAcceleration()
        angularAcceleration = self._calcAngularAcceleration()

        angularVelocity = angularVelocity + (elapsedTime * angularAcceleration)
        attitudeRates = self._calcAttitudeRates(angularVelocity)
        attitude = ut.normalizeAngleVector(attitude + (elapsedTime * attitudeRates))

        positionRates = positionRates + (elapsedTime * acceleration)
        position = position + (elapsedTime * positionRates)

            {"position": position, "attitude": attitude, "positionRates": positionRates, "attitudeRates": attitudeRates}

    def _calcAngularVelocity(self):
        """Angular velocity in the world frame."""
        return self.t.get(self.attitude) * self.attitudeRates

    def _calcAttitudeRates(self, angularVelocity):
        """Attitude rates in the body frame."""
        return self.t.get(self.attitude).getI() * angularVelocity

    def _calcThrust(self):
        """Thrust in the body frame."""
        xComponent = 0
        yComponent = 0
        zComponent = self.c["thrust"] * sum(self.state["inputs"])

        return ut.makeVector((xComponent, yComponent, zComponent))

    def _calcTorque(self):
        """Torque in the body frame."""
        inputs = self.state["inputs"]
        l = self.c["armLength"]
        th = self.c["thrust"]
        tq = self.c["torque"]

        rollComponent = l * th * (inputs[0] - inputs[2])
        pitchComponent = l * th * (inputs[1] - inputs[3])
        yawComponent = tq * (inputs[0] - inputs[1] + inputs[2] - inputs[3])

        return ut.makeVector((rollComponent, pitchComponent, yawComponent))

    def _calcLinearAcceleration(self):
        """Linear acceleration in the world frame."""
        r = self.r.get(self.attitude)
        gravity = ut.makeVector((0, 0, -self.c["g"]))
        thrust = r * self._calcThrust()
        drag = -self.c["drag"] * self.state["positionRates"]

        return gravity + (thrust / self.c["mass"]) + drag

    def _calcAngularAcceleration(self):
        """Angular acceleration in the world frame."""
        torque = self._calcTorque()
        angularVelocity = self._calcAngularVelocity()
        crossed = np.cross(angularVelocity, self.c["intertia"] * angularVelocity, axis=0)

        return inertia.getI() * (torque - crossed)