Exemplo n.º 1
 def clean_species(self):
     Custom validation for the species field to ensure that a valid adjacency
     list has been provided.
         nasa = self.cleaned_data['NASA']
         if nasa == '':
             return ''
     except Exception:
         import traceback
         raise forms.ValidationError('Invalid NASA Polynomial.')
     return nasa
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_read_thermo_block_5_elem(self):
        """Test that we can read a thermo block with 5 elements"""
        species, thermo, formula = read_thermo_entry(self.entry2)

        self.assertEqual(species, 'CH3NO2X')
        self.assertEqual(formula, {'X': 1, 'C': 1, 'O': 2, 'H': 3, 'N': 1})
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_read_thermo_block(self):
        """Test that we can read a normal thermo block"""
        species, thermo, formula = read_thermo_entry(self.entry1)

        self.assertEqual(species, 'C2H6')
        self.assertEqual(formula, {'H': 6, 'C': 2})
Exemplo n.º 4
def evaluateNASA(request):
    Creates webpage form form entering a chemkin format NASA Polynomial and quickly
    obtaining it's enthalpy and Cp values.
    from rmgpy.chemkin import read_thermo_entry
    form = NASAForm()
    thermo = None
    thermo_data = None
    if request.method == 'POST':
        posted = NASAForm(request.POST, error_class=DivErrorList)
        initial = request.POST.copy()

        if posted.is_valid():
            nasa = posted.cleaned_data['nasa']
            if nasa != '':
                species, thermo, formula = read_thermo_entry(nasa)
                    thermo_data = thermo.to_thermo_data()
                    # if we cannot convert the thermo to thermo data, we will not be able to display the
                    # H298, S298, and Cp values, but that's ok.

        form = NASAForm(initial, error_class=DivErrorList)

    return render(request, 'NASA.html', {'form': form, 'thermo': thermo, 'thermoData': thermo_data})
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_read_thermo_entry_bad_element_count(self, mock_logging):
        Test that invalid element count logs the appropriate warning.

        This test uses the `mock` module in order to test calls to logging.
        The `mock.patch` decorator replaces the logging module instance in
        rmgpy.chemkin with a mock instance that can be accessed by this
        unit test. By using the mock instance, it is possible to assert that
        the expected logging statements are being created.
        entry = """C2H6                    H   XC   X          L   100.000  5000.000  827.28      1
                2.44813916E+00 1.83377834E-02-7.25714119E-06 1.35300042E-09-9.60327447E-14    2
                -1.19655244E+04 8.07917520E+00 3.50507145E+00-3.65219841E-03 6.32200490E-05    3
                -8.01049582E-08 3.19734088E-11-1.15627878E+04 6.67152939E+00                   4
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

            "Trouble reading line 'C2H6                    H   XC   X          L   100.000  5000.000  827.28      1' element segment 'H   X'")
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_read_thermo_entry_no_temperature_range(self):
        """Test that missing temperature range can be handled for thermo entry."""
        entry = """C2H6                    H   6C   2          G                                  1
 2.44813916E+00 1.83377834E-02-7.25714119E-06 1.35300042E-09-9.60327447E-14    2
-1.19655244E+04 8.07917520E+00 3.50507145E+00-3.65219841E-03 6.32200490E-05    3
-8.01049582E-08 3.19734088E-11-1.15627878E+04 6.67152939E+00                   4
        species, thermo, formula = read_thermo_entry(entry, Tmin=100.0, Tint=827.28, Tmax=5000.0)

        self.assertEqual(species, 'C2H6')
        self.assertEqual(formula, {'H': 6, 'C': 2})
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(thermo, NASA))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_read_thermo_entry_not_float(self, mock_logging):
        Test that non-float parameters log the appropriate warning.

        This test uses the `mock` module in order to test calls to logging.
        The `mock.patch` decorator replaces the logging module instance in
        rmgpy.chemkin with a mock instance that can be accessed by this
        unit test. By using the mock instance, it is possible to assert that
        the expected logging statements are being created.
        entry = """C2H6                    H   6C   2          G   100.000  5000.000  827.28      1
 X.44813916E+00 1.83377834E-02-7.25714119E-06 1.35300042E-09-9.60327447E-14    2
-1.19655244E+04 8.07917520E+00 3.50507145E+00-3.65219841E-03 6.32200490E-05    3
-8.01049582E-08 3.19734088E-11-1.15627878E+04 6.67152939E+00                   4
        species, thermo, formula = read_thermo_entry(entry)

        mock_logging.warning.assert_called_with("could not convert string to float: 'X.44813916E+00'")
        self.assertEqual(species, 'C2H6')