def test_neighborhood_predictions(nrows, ncols, n_neighbors, n_clusters, datatype): X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=nrows, centers=n_clusters, n_features=ncols, cluster_std=0.01, random_state=0) X = X.astype(np.float32) if datatype == "dataframe": X = cudf.DataFrame.from_gpu_matrix(rmm.to_device(X)) y = cudf.DataFrame.from_gpu_matrix(rmm.to_device(y.reshape(nrows, 1))) knn_cu = cuKNN(n_neighbors=n_neighbors), y) predictions = knn_cu.predict(X) if datatype == "dataframe": assert isinstance(predictions, cudf.Series) assert array_equal(predictions.to_frame().astype(np.int32), y.astype(np.int32)) else: assert isinstance(predictions, np.ndarray) assert array_equal(predictions.astype(np.int32), y.astype(np.int32))
def test_predict_multioutput(input_type, output_type): X = np.array([[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1]]).astype(np.float32) y = np.array([[15, 2], [5, 4]]).astype(np.int32) if input_type == "cudf": X = cudf.DataFrame.from_gpu_matrix(rmm.to_device(X)) y = cudf.DataFrame.from_gpu_matrix(rmm.to_device(y)) elif input_type == "cupy": X = cp.asarray(X) y = cp.asarray(y) knn_cu = cuKNN(n_neighbors=1, output_type=output_type), y) p = knn_cu.predict(X) if output_type == "cudf": assert isinstance(p, cudf.DataFrame) elif output_type == "numpy": assert isinstance(p, np.ndarray) elif output_type == "cupy": assert isinstance(p, cp.core.core.ndarray) assert array_equal(p.astype(np.int32), y)
def test_predict_proba_multioutput(input_type, output_type): X = np.array([[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1]]).astype(np.float32) y = np.array([[15, 2], [5, 4]]).astype(np.int32) if input_type == "cudf": X = cudf.DataFrame.from_gpu_matrix(rmm.to_device(X)) y = cudf.DataFrame.from_gpu_matrix(rmm.to_device(y)) elif input_type == "cupy": X = cp.asarray(X) y = cp.asarray(y) expected = (np.array([[0., 1.], [1., 0.]]).astype(np.float32), np.array([[1., 0.], [0., 1.]]).astype(np.float32)) knn_cu = cuKNN(n_neighbors=1, output_type=output_type), y) p = knn_cu.predict_proba(X) assert isinstance(p, tuple) for i in p: if output_type == "cudf": assert isinstance(i, cudf.DataFrame) elif output_type == "numpy": assert isinstance(i, np.ndarray) elif output_type == "cupy": assert isinstance(i, cp.core.core.ndarray) assert array_equal(p[0].astype(np.float32), expected[0]) assert array_equal(p[1].astype(np.float32), expected[1])
def test_predict_proba(nrows, ncols, n_neighbors, n_clusters, datatype): X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=nrows, centers=n_clusters, n_features=ncols, cluster_std=0.01, random_state=0) X = X.astype(np.float32) if datatype == "dataframe": X = cudf.DataFrame.from_gpu_matrix(rmm.to_device(X)) y = cudf.DataFrame.from_gpu_matrix(rmm.to_device(y.reshape(nrows, 1))) knn_cu = cuKNN(n_neighbors=n_neighbors), y) predictions = knn_cu.predict_proba(X) if datatype == "dataframe": assert isinstance(predictions, cudf.DataFrame) predictions = predictions.as_gpu_matrix().copy_to_host() y = y.as_gpu_matrix().copy_to_host().reshape(nrows) else: assert isinstance(predictions, np.ndarray) y_hat = np.argmax(predictions, axis=1) assert array_equal(y_hat.astype(np.int32), y.astype(np.int32)) assert array_equal(predictions.sum(axis=1), np.ones(nrows))
def test_array_split(type, test_size, train_size, shuffle): X = np.zeros((100, 10)) + np.arange(100).reshape(100, 1) y = np.arange(100).reshape(100, 1) if type == 'cupy': X = cp.asarray(X) y = cp.asarray(y) if type == 'numba': X = cuda.to_device(X) y = cuda.to_device(y) if type == 'rmm': X = rmm.to_device(X) y = rmm.to_device(y) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, train_size=train_size, test_size=test_size, shuffle=shuffle, random_state=0) if type == 'cupy': assert isinstance(X_train, cp.ndarray) assert isinstance(X_test, cp.ndarray) assert isinstance(y_train, cp.ndarray) assert isinstance(y_test, cp.ndarray) if type in ['numba', 'rmm']: assert cuda.devicearray.is_cuda_ndarray(X_train) assert cuda.devicearray.is_cuda_ndarray(X_test) assert cuda.devicearray.is_cuda_ndarray(y_train) assert cuda.devicearray.is_cuda_ndarray(y_test) if train_size is not None: assert X_train.shape[0] == X.shape[0] * train_size assert y_train.shape[0] == y.shape[0] * train_size if test_size is not None: assert X_test.shape[0] == X.shape[0] * test_size assert y_test.shape[0] == y.shape[0] * test_size if shuffle is None: assert X_train == X[0:train_size] assert y_train == y[0:train_size] assert X_test == X[-1 * test_size:] assert y_test == y[-1 * test_size:] if tnc(X_train): X_train = PatchedNumbaDeviceArray(X_train) X_test = PatchedNumbaDeviceArray(X_test) y_train = PatchedNumbaDeviceArray(y_train) y_test = PatchedNumbaDeviceArray(y_test) X_rec = cp.sort(cp.concatenate(X_train, X_test)) y_rec = cp.sort(cp.concatenate(y_train, y_test)) assert X_rec == X assert y_rec == y
def input_to_device_arrays(X, params): """ Create output arrays and return them w/ the input array(s) :param arr: A tuple in the form of (X, y) :return: """ if len(X[0]) == 0: return None start_idx = X[0].index[0] stop_idx = X[0].index[-1] X_mat = numba_utils.row_matrix(X[0]) dev = device_of_devicendarray(X_mat) shape = X_mat.shape[0]*params["k"] # Create output numba arrays. I_ndarr = rmm.to_device(np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.int64, order="C")) D_ndarr = rmm.to_device(np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float32, order="C")) # Return canonical device id as string return [(X_mat, I_ndarr, D_ndarr)], dev, (start_idx, stop_idx)
def test_scatter_count(): # regular strings = ["Dickens", "Einstein", "Christie"] dstrings = nvstrings.to_device(strings) expected = [ "Dickens", "Einstein", "Einstein", "Christie", "Christie", "Christie", ] outcome = nvtext.scatter_count(dstrings, [1, 2, 3]) assert outcome.to_host() == expected # with input as GPU mem pointer arr = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype="int32") dev_arr = rmm.to_device(arr) got = nvtext.scatter_count(dstrings, dev_arr.device_ctypes_pointer.value) assert got.to_host() == expected # with nulls expected = ["Dickens", "Dickens"] outcome = nvtext.scatter_count(dstrings, [2, 0, None]) assert outcome.to_host() == expected
def read_data(): import pandas as pd basedir = os.path.dirname(__file__) datapath = os.path.join(basedir, "data", "ipums.pkl") try: df = pd.read_pickle(datapath) except Exception as excpr: if type(excpr).__name__ == "FileNotFoundError": pytest.skip(".pkl file is not found") else: print(type(excpr).__name__) names = [] arrays = [] for k in df.columns: arrays.append(pa.Array.from_pandas(df[k])) names.append(k) batch = pa.RecordBatch.from_arrays(arrays, names) schema = batch.schema.serialize().to_pybytes() schema = np.ndarray(shape=len(schema), dtype=np.byte, buffer=bytearray(schema)) data = batch.serialize().to_pybytes() data = np.ndarray(shape=len(data), dtype=np.byte, buffer=bytearray(data)) darr = rmm.to_device(data) return df, schema, darr
def test_score(nrows, ncols, n_neighbors, n_clusters, datatype): X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=nrows, centers=n_clusters, n_features=ncols, random_state=0, cluster_std=0.01) X = X.astype(np.float32) if datatype == "dataframe": X = cudf.DataFrame.from_gpu_matrix(rmm.to_device(X)) y = cudf.DataFrame.from_gpu_matrix(rmm.to_device(y.reshape(nrows, 1))) knn_cu = cuKNN(n_neighbors=n_neighbors), y) assert knn_cu.score(X, y) >= (1.0 - 0.004)
def test_gpu_parse_arrow_int(dtype): depdelay = np.array([0, 0, -3, -2, 11, 6, -7, -4, 4, -3], dtype=dtype) arrdelay = np.array([5, -3, 1, -2, 22, 11, -12, -5, 4, -9], dtype=dtype) d_depdelay = pa.array(depdelay) d_arrdelay = pa.array(arrdelay) batch = pa.RecordBatch.from_arrays( [d_depdelay, d_arrdelay], ["depdelay", "arrdelay"] ) schema_bytes = batch.schema.serialize().to_pybytes() recordbatches_bytes = batch.serialize().to_pybytes() schema = np.ndarray( shape=len(schema_bytes), dtype=np.byte, buffer=bytearray(schema_bytes) ) rb_cpu_data = np.ndarray( shape=len(recordbatches_bytes), dtype=np.byte, buffer=bytearray(recordbatches_bytes), ) rb_gpu_data = rmm.to_device(rb_cpu_data) gar = GpuArrowReader(schema, rb_gpu_data) columns = gar.to_dict() assert columns["depdelay"].dtype == dtype assert set(columns) == {"depdelay", "arrdelay"} assert list(columns["depdelay"]) == [0, 0, -3, -2, 11, 6, -7, -4, 4, -3]
def test_neighborhood_predictions(nrows, ncols, n_neighbors, n_clusters, datatype): if not has_scipy(): pytest.skip('Skipping test_neighborhood_predictions because ' + 'Scipy is missing') X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=nrows, centers=n_clusters, n_features=ncols, random_state=0) X = X.astype(np.float32) if datatype == "dataframe": X = cudf.DataFrame.from_gpu_matrix(rmm.to_device(X)) knn_cu = cuKNN() neigh_ind = knn_cu.kneighbors(X, n_neighbors=n_neighbors, return_distance=False) if datatype == "dataframe": assert isinstance(neigh_ind, cudf.DataFrame) neigh_ind = neigh_ind.as_gpu_matrix().copy_to_host() else: assert isinstance(neigh_ind, np.ndarray) labels, probs = predict(neigh_ind, y, n_neighbors) assert array_equal(labels, y)
def test_gpu_parse_arrow_data(): batch = make_gpu_parse_arrow_data_batch() schema_data = batch.schema.serialize() recbatch_data = batch.serialize() # To ensure compatibility for OmniSci we're going to create this numpy # array to be read-only as that's how numpy arrays created from foreign # memory buffers will be set cpu_schema = np.frombuffer(schema_data, dtype=np.uint8) cpu_data = np.frombuffer(recbatch_data, dtype=np.uint8) gpu_data = rmm.to_device(cpu_data) del cpu_data # test reader reader = GpuArrowReader(cpu_schema, gpu_data) assert reader[0].name == "dest_lat" assert reader[1].name == "dest_lon" lat = reader[0].data.copy_to_host() lon = reader[1].data.copy_to_host() assert lat.size == 23 assert lon.size == 23 np.testing.assert_array_less(lat, 42) np.testing.assert_array_less(27, lat) np.testing.assert_array_less(lon, -76) np.testing.assert_array_less(-105, lon) dct = reader.to_dict() np.testing.assert_array_equal(lat, dct["dest_lat"].to_array()) np.testing.assert_array_equal(lon, dct["dest_lon"].to_array())
def test_cuml_against_sklearn(input_type, nrows, n_feats, k): X, _ = make_blobs(n_samples=nrows, n_features=n_feats, random_state=0) knn_sk = skKNN(metric="euclidean") D_sk, I_sk = knn_sk.kneighbors(X, k) if input_type == "dataframe": X = cudf.DataFrame.from_gpu_matrix(rmm.to_device(X)) knn_cu = cuKNN() D_cuml, I_cuml = knn_cu.kneighbors(X, k) if input_type == "dataframe": assert isinstance(D_cuml, cudf.DataFrame) assert isinstance(I_cuml, cudf.DataFrame) D_cuml_arr = D_cuml.as_gpu_matrix().copy_to_host() I_cuml_arr = I_cuml.as_gpu_matrix().copy_to_host() else: assert isinstance(D_cuml, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(I_cuml, np.ndarray) D_cuml_arr = D_cuml I_cuml_arr = I_cuml assert array_equal(D_cuml_arr, D_sk, 1e-2, with_sign=True) assert I_cuml_arr.all() == I_sk.all()
def _request_transfer(key, remoteinfo):"rebuild from: %s for %r", remoteinfo, key) context = zmq.Context() socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ) socket.connect("tcp://{0}:{1}".format(*remoteinfo)) myaddr = _global_addr[0] theiraddr = remoteinfo[0] if myaddr == theiraddr: # Same machine go by IPC"request by IPC") socket.send(pickle.dumps(("IPC", key))) rcv = socket.recv() ipch = pickle.loads(rcv) # Open IPC and copy to local context with ipch as data: copied = rmm.device_array_like(data) copied.copy_to_device(data) # Release _request_drop(socket, key) return copied else: # Different machine go by NET"request by NET: %s->%s", theiraddr, myaddr) socket.send(pickle.dumps(("NET", key))) rcv = socket.recv() output = rmm.to_device(pickle.loads(rcv)) # Release _request_drop(socket, key) return output
def test_gpu_parse_arrow_timestamps(dtype): timestamp = ( cudf.datasets.timeseries( start="2000-01-01", end="2000-01-02", freq="3600s", dtypes={} ) .reset_index()["timestamp"] .reset_index(drop=True) ) gdf = cudf.DataFrame({"timestamp": timestamp.astype(dtype)}) pdf = gdf.to_arrow(preserve_index=False) schema_data = pdf.schema.serialize() recbatch_data = pdf.to_batches()[0].serialize() # To ensure compatibility for OmniSci we're going to create this numpy # array to be read-only as that's how numpy arrays created from foreign # memory buffers will be set cpu_schema = np.frombuffer(schema_data, dtype=np.uint8) cpu_data = np.frombuffer(recbatch_data, dtype=np.uint8) gpu_data = rmm.to_device(cpu_data) del cpu_data # test reader reader = GpuArrowReader(cpu_schema, gpu_data) assert reader[0].name == "timestamp" timestamp_arr = reader[0].data.copy_to_host() np.testing.assert_array_equal(timestamp_arr, gdf["timestamp"].to_array()) dct = reader.to_dict() np.testing.assert_array_equal(timestamp_arr, dct["timestamp"].to_array())
def __getitem__(self, index): from numbers import Number if isinstance(index, slice): start, stop, step = index.indices(len(self)) sln = (stop - start) // step sln = max(0, sln) start += self._start stop += self._start if sln == 0: return RangeIndex(0, None, elif step == 1: return RangeIndex(start, stop, else: return index_from_range(start, stop, step) elif isinstance(index, Number): index = utils.normalize_index(index, len(self)) index += self._start return index elif isinstance(index, (list, np.ndarray)): index = np.asarray(index) index = rmm.to_device(index) else: if is_scalar(index): index = min_signed_type(index)(index) index = column.as_column(index) return as_index(self._values[index],
def host_to_device(s: DeviceSerialized) -> object: frames = [ cuda_memory_manager.to_device(f) if ic else f for ic, f in zip(s.is_cuda, ] return deserialize(s.header, frames)
def buffers_from_pyarrow(pa_arr, dtype=None): from cudf.core.buffer import Buffer from cudf.utils.cudautils import copy_array buffers = pa_arr.buffers() if buffers[0]: mask_dev_array = make_mask(len(pa_arr)) arrow_dev_array = rmm.to_device(np.array(buffers[0]).view("int8")) copy_array(arrow_dev_array, mask_dev_array) pamask = Buffer(mask_dev_array) else: pamask = None if dtype: new_dtype = dtype else: if isinstance(pa_arr, pa.DictionaryArray): new_dtype = pa_arr.indices.type.to_pandas_dtype() else: new_dtype = pa_arr.type.to_pandas_dtype() if buffers[1]: padata = Buffer( np.array(buffers[1]).view(new_dtype)[pa_arr.offset:pa_arr.offset + len(pa_arr)]) else: padata = Buffer(np.empty(0, dtype=new_dtype)) return (pamask, padata)
def get_sorted_inds(by, ascending=True, na_position="last"): """ Sort by the values. Parameters ---------- by : Column or list of Column Column or list of Column objects to sort by. ascending : bool or list of bool, default True If True, sort values in ascending order, otherwise descending. na_position : {‘first’ or ‘last’}, default ‘last’ Argument ‘first’ puts NaNs at the beginning, ‘last’ puts NaNs at the end. Returns ------- col_inds : cuDF Column of indices sorted based on input Difference from pandas: * Support axis='index' only. * Not supporting: inplace, kind * Ascending can be a list of bools to control per column """ if isinstance(by, (ColumnBase)): by = [by] col_inds = column.as_column(cudautils.arange(len(by[0]), dtype="int32")) # This needs to be updated to handle list of bools for ascending if ascending is True: if na_position == "last": na_position = 0 elif na_position == "first": na_position = 1 elif ascending is False: if na_position == "last": na_position = 1 elif na_position == "first": na_position = 0 else: logging.warning( "When using a sequence of booleans for `ascending`, `na_position` " "flag is not yet supported and defaults to treating nulls as " "greater than all numbers") na_position = 0 # If given a scalar need to construct a sequence of length # of columns if np.isscalar(ascending): ascending = [ascending] * len(by) # If given a list-like need to convert to a numpy array and copy to device if isinstance(ascending, # Need to flip the boolean here since libcudf has 0 as ascending ascending = [not val for val in ascending] ascending = rmm.to_device(np.array(ascending, dtype="int8")) else: raise ValueError("Must use a boolean or list of booleans") libcudf.sort.order_by(by, col_inds, ascending, na_position) return col_inds
def test_score(nrows, ncols, n_neighbors, n_clusters, datatype): # Using make_blobs here to check averages and neighborhoods X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=nrows, centers=n_clusters, cluster_std=0.01, n_features=ncols, random_state=0) X = X.astype(np.float32) y = y.astype(np.float32) if datatype == "dataframe": X = cudf.DataFrame.from_gpu_matrix(rmm.to_device(X)) y = cudf.DataFrame.from_gpu_matrix(rmm.to_device(y.reshape(nrows, 1))) knn_cu = cuKNN(n_neighbors=n_neighbors), y) assert knn_cu.score(X, y) >= 0.9999
def test_gather_single_col(): col = column.as_column(np.arange(100), dtype=np.int32) gather_map = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21], dtype=np.int32) device_gather_map = rmm.to_device(gather_map) out = libcudf.copying.gather(col, device_gather_map) np.testing.assert_array_equal(out.to_array(), gather_map)
def test_from_offsets_dev_data(): values = np.array( [97, 112, 112, 108, 101, 112, 101, 97, 114], dtype=np.int8 ) offsets = np.array([0, 5, 5, 9], dtype=np.int32) bitmask = np.array([5], dtype=np.int8) values = rmm.to_device(values) offsets = rmm.to_device(offsets) bitmask = rmm.to_device(bitmask) s = nvstrings.from_offsets( values.device_ctypes_pointer.value, offsets.device_ctypes_pointer.value, 3, bitmask.device_ctypes_pointer.value, 1, True, ) expected = ["apple", None, "pear"] assert_eq(s, expected)
def test_rf_classification_multi_class(datatype, column_info, nrows, n_classes, type): ncols, n_info = column_info X, y = make_classification(n_samples=nrows, n_features=ncols, n_clusters_per_class=1, n_informative=n_info, random_state=0, n_classes=n_classes) X = X.astype(datatype[0]) y = y.astype(np.int32) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, train_size=0.8, random_state=0) X_test = X_test.astype(datatype[1]) # Initialize, fit and predict using cuML's # random forest classification model cuml_model = curfc() if type == 'dataframe': X_train_df = cudf.DataFrame.from_gpu_matrix(rmm.to_device(X_train)) y_train_df = cudf.Series(y_train) X_test_df = cudf.DataFrame.from_gpu_matrix(rmm.to_device(X_test)), y_train_df) cu_preds = cuml_model.predict(X_test_df, predict_model="CPU").to_array() else:, y_train) cu_preds = cuml_model.predict(X_test, predict_model="CPU") cu_acc = accuracy_score(y_test, cu_preds) # sklearn random forest classification model # initialization, fit and predict if nrows < 500000: sk_model = skrfc(max_depth=16, random_state=10), y_train) sk_preds = sk_model.predict(X_test) sk_acc = accuracy_score(y_test, sk_preds) assert cu_acc >= (sk_acc - 0.07)
def column_hash_values(column0, *other_columns, initial_hash_values=None): """Hash all values in the given columns. Returns a new NumericalColumn[int32] """ columns = [column0] + list(other_columns) buf = Buffer(rmm.device_array(len(column0), dtype=np.int32)) result = NumericalColumn(data=buf, dtype=buf.dtype) if initial_hash_values: initial_hash_values = rmm.to_device(initial_hash_values) libcudf.hash.hash_columns(columns, result, initial_hash_values) return result
def test_predict_multioutput(datatype): X = np.array([[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1]]).astype(np.float32) y = np.array([[15, 2], [5, 4]]).astype(np.int32) if datatype == "dataframe": X = cudf.DataFrame.from_gpu_matrix(rmm.to_device(X)) y = cudf.DataFrame.from_gpu_matrix(rmm.to_device(y)) knn_cu = cuKNN(n_neighbors=1), y) p = knn_cu.predict(X) if datatype == "dataframe": assert isinstance(p, cudf.DataFrame) else: assert isinstance(p, np.ndarray) assert array_equal(p.astype(np.int32), y)
def array_tester(dtype, nelem): # data h_in = np.full(nelem, 3.2, dtype) h_result = np.empty(nelem, dtype) d_in = rmm.to_device(h_in) d_result = rmm.device_array_like(d_in) d_result.copy_to_device(d_in) h_result = d_result.copy_to_host() np.testing.assert_array_equal(h_result, h_in)
def column_hash_values(column0, *other_columns, initial_hash_values=None): """Hash all values in the given columns. Returns a new NumericalColumn[int32] """ from cudf.core.column import column_empty columns = [column0] + list(other_columns) result = column_empty(len(column0), dtype=np.int32, masked=False) if initial_hash_values: initial_hash_values = rmm.to_device(initial_hash_values) libcudf.hash.hash_columns(columns, result, initial_hash_values) return result
def _build_train_test_data(X, y, datatype, train_ratio=0.9): train_selection = np.random.RandomState(42).choice( [True, False], X.shape[0], replace=True, p=[train_ratio, 1.0 - train_ratio]) X_train = X[train_selection] y_train = y[train_selection] X_test = X[~train_selection] y_test = y[~train_selection] if datatype == "dataframe": X_train = cudf.DataFrame.from_gpu_matrix(rmm.to_device(X_train)) y_train = cudf.DataFrame.from_gpu_matrix( rmm.to_device(y_train.reshape(y_train.shape[0], 1))) X_test = cudf.DataFrame.from_gpu_matrix(rmm.to_device(X_test)) y_test = cudf.DataFrame.from_gpu_matrix( rmm.to_device(y_test.reshape(y_test.shape[0], 1))) return X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test
def test_compare(): strs = nvstrings.to_device( ["hello", "there", "world", "accéntéd", None, ""]) got ="there") expected = [-12, 0, 3, -19, None, -1] assert_eq(got, expected) # device array arr = np.arange(strs.size(), dtype=np.int32) d_arr = rmm.to_device(arr) devmem = d_arr.device_ctypes_pointer.value"there", devmem) expected = [-12, 0, 3, -19, -1, -1] assert_eq(d_arr.copy_to_host().tolist(), expected)
def test_rmm_csv_log(dtype, nelem): # data h_in = np.full(nelem, 3.2, dtype) d_in = rmm.to_device(h_in) d_result = rmm.device_array_like(d_in) d_result.copy_to_device(d_in) csv = rmm.csv_log() assert (csv.find("Event Type,Device ID,Address,Stream,Size (bytes)," "Free Memory,Total Memory,Current Allocs,Start,End," "Elapsed,Location") >= 0)