Exemplo n.º 1
def run():
    f = CurrentFont()
    if f != None:
        myPath = os.path.dirname(f.path)
        fdkPath = setDirectory(myPath, 'fdk')
        exportFDKFiles(f, fdkPath)
        myFile = f.path
        f.naked().modified = 0
        OpenFont(myFile)  # revert font
        myPath = GetFolder('Select folder with vfb source files')
        if myPath:
            fdkPath = setDirectory(myPath, 'fdk')
            allFiles = getFilePaths(myPath, '.vfb')
            for myFile in allFiles:
                f = OpenFont(myFile)
                print ''
                print 'Processing %s...' % os.path.basename(f.path)
                exportFDKFiles(f, fdkPath)
                f.naked().modified = 0
	if nakedFont[0].layers_number == 1:
		return False
		return True
def getLayer(nakedFont, message):
	numberOfLayers = nakedFont[0].layers_number - 1
	layers = []
	while numberOfLayers >= 0:
		numberOfLayers = numberOfLayers - 1
	whichLayer = OneList(layers, message)
	return int(whichLayer)
fontToChange = CurrentFont()
if not hasMM(fontToChange.naked()):
	Message('Font needs to be MM')
	orignalMetricsFont = OpenFont(None, "Which font's sidebearings do you want?")
	orignalMetrics = {}
	tickCount = len(orignalMetricsFont)
	bar = ProgressBar('Getting metrics', tickCount)
	tick = 0	
	if hasMM(orignalMetricsFont.naked()):
		layer = getLayer(orignalMetricsFont.naked(), 'Which layer do you want?')
		for glyph in orignalMetricsFont:
			advanceWidth = int(glyph.naked().GetMetrics(layer).x)
			glyphWidth = int(glyph.naked().GetBoundingRect(layer).width)
			glyphLeft = int(glyph.naked().GetBoundingRect(layer).x)
			glyphRight = advanceWidth - (glyphWidth + glyphLeft)
Exemplo n.º 3
# robothon06
# show OpenType naming records
# in the fontlab API
from robofab.world import CurrentFont
f = CurrentFont()
fn = f.naked()
for r in fn.fontnames:
	print r.nid, r.pid, r.eid, r.lid, r.name
Exemplo n.º 4
        return True

def getLayer(nakedFont, message):
    numberOfLayers = nakedFont[0].layers_number - 1
    layers = []
    while numberOfLayers >= 0:
        numberOfLayers = numberOfLayers - 1
    whichLayer = OneList(layers, message)
    return int(whichLayer)

fontToChange = CurrentFont()
if not hasMM(fontToChange.naked()):
    Message('Font needs to be MM')
    orignalMetricsFont = OpenFont(None,
                                  "Which font's sidebearings do you want?")
    orignalMetrics = {}
    tickCount = len(orignalMetricsFont)
    bar = ProgressBar('Getting metrics', tickCount)
    tick = 0

    if hasMM(orignalMetricsFont.naked()):
        layer = getLayer(orignalMetricsFont.naked(),
                         'Which layer do you want?')
        for glyph in orignalMetricsFont:
            advanceWidth = int(glyph.naked().GetMetrics(layer).x)
            glyphWidth = int(glyph.naked().GetBoundingRect(layer).width)
Exemplo n.º 5
# robothon06
# show encoding 

from robofab.world import CurrentFont

f = CurrentFont()
fn = f.naked()

# object containing encoding records.
# you can iterate through it by using an index.
print fn.encoding

for i in range(len(fn.encoding)):
    er = fn.encoding[i]
    print er, er.name, er.unicode
Exemplo n.º 6
# Getting to feature data in a FontLab
from robofab.world import CurrentFont

f = CurrentFont()

print f.naked().features

# these are raw FontLab feature objects.
Exemplo n.º 7
head = """<ASCII-MAC>
paragraph = "<ParaStyle:NormalParagraphStyle>"

# This is awfully long, but gets the job done
glyph = "<cTypeface:%(style)s><cLigatures:0><cFont:%(family)s><cSpecialGlyph:%(glyph)s><cOTFContAlt:0><0xFFFD><cTypeface:><cLigatures:><cFont:><cSpecialGlyph:><cOTFContAlt:>"

from robofab.world import CurrentFont

font = CurrentFont()
path = font.path.split('.')[0] + '.txt'

family = font.info.openTypeNamePreferredFamilyName
style = font.info.openTypeNamePreferredSubfamilyName

out = head + paragraph

naked = font.naked()

for g in naked.glyphs:
    out = out + glyph % ({'family': family, 'style': style, 'glyph': g.index})
f = open(path, 'w')

Exemplo n.º 8
from robofab.world import CurrentFont
f = CurrentFont()
# this is the high level RoboFab object
print f
# this is the low level FontLab object, not a part of RoboFab
print f.naked()
Exemplo n.º 9
from robofab.world import CurrentFont

f = CurrentFont()
# this is the high level RoboFab object
print f
# this is the low level FontLab object, not a part of RoboFab
print f.naked()
Exemplo n.º 10
# Getting to feature data in a FontLab 
from robofab.world import CurrentFont

f = CurrentFont()

print f.naked().features

# these are raw FontLab feature objects.
Exemplo n.º 11
# Very basic setup for CS5 tagged text. Full spec is here: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/indesign/cs/taggedtext/indesign_cs5_taggedtext.pdf
# Note that <cSpecialGlyph> is not in that spec, however.

head = """<ASCII-MAC>
paragraph = "<ParaStyle:NormalParagraphStyle>"

# This is awfully long, but gets the job done
glyph = "<cTypeface:%(style)s><cLigatures:0><cFont:%(family)s><cSpecialGlyph:%(glyph)s><cOTFContAlt:0><0xFFFD><cTypeface:><cLigatures:><cFont:><cSpecialGlyph:><cOTFContAlt:>"

from robofab.world import CurrentFont

font = CurrentFont()
path = font.path.split('.')[0] + '.txt'

family = font.info.openTypeNamePreferredFamilyName
style = font.info.openTypeNamePreferredSubfamilyName

out = head + paragraph

naked = font.naked()

for g in naked.glyphs:
    out = out + glyph % ({'family': family, 'style': style, 'glyph': g.index})

f = open(path, 'w')