Exemplo n.º 1
   def getHashList(self,path_):
       #Each iteration, if we hit a directory, recurse
       #If not, choose the appropriate file, given the hashes, stored above
       completelist = []
       locallist = []
       path = robohash.get_data(path_)
       listdir = os.listdir(path)
       for ls in listdir:
           if not ls.startswith("."):
               if os.path.isdir(path + "/" + ls):
                   subfiles  = self.getHashList(path + "/" + ls)
                   if subfiles is not None:
                       completelist = completelist + subfiles
                   locallist.append( path + "/" + ls)

       if len(locallist) > 0:
           elementchoice = self.hasharray[self.iter] % len(locallist)
           luckyelement = locallist[elementchoice]
           locallist = []
           self.iter += 1

       completelist = completelist + locallist   
       return completelist
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get(self,string=None):
        # gravatar is picky, it hates quers strings, allow us to fake them by using a uri 
        # /abc.png/s_100x100/set_any = /abc.png?set=any&s=100x100
        # we use underscore as a replacement for = and / as a replacement for [&?]

        args = self.request.arguments.copy()

        for k in args.keys():
          v = args[k]
          if type(v) is list:
            if len(v) > 0:
              args[k] = args[k][0]
              args[k] = ""

        # IF, and Only IF, there is an arg in the list, should we interpret slashes as params
        split = string.split('/')
        if len(split) > 1:
          for st in split:
            b = st.encode('ascii','ignore').split('_')
            if len(b) == 2:
              if b[0] in ['gravatar','ignoreext','size','set','bgset','color']:
                args[b[0]] = b[1]
                string = split[len(split)-1]

        colors = ['blue','brown','green','grey','orange','pink','purple','red','white','yellow']
        sets = ['set1','set2','set3']
        bgsets = ['bg1','bg2']
        #Create a hash for the string as given
        if string is None:
            string = self.request.remote_ip
        # string = urllib.quote_plus(string)
        if "ignoreext" in args:
            client_ignoreext = tornado.escape.xhtml_escape(args["ignoreext"])
            client_ignoreext = None
        #Change to a usuable format
        if string.endswith(('.png','.gif','.jpg','.bmp','.jpeg','.ppm','.datauri')):
            ext = string[string.rfind('.') +1 :len(string)] 
            if ext.lower() == 'jpg':
                ext = 'jpeg'            
            ext = "png"
        if client_ignoreext != "false":
            if string.endswith(('.png','.gif','.jpg','.bmp','.jpeg','.ppm','.datauri')):
                string = string[0:string.rfind('.')]
        r = Robohash(string)

        #Create 10 hashes. This should be long enough for the current crop of variables.
        #This is probably not insecure, sicne we'd be modding anyway. This just spreads it out more.
        #Now, customize the request if possible.
        client_color = ""
        client_set = ""
        client_bgset = ""
        sizex = 300
        sizey = 300
        if "size" in args:
            sizelist = args["size"].split(tornado.escape.xhtml_escape("x"),3)
            if ((int(sizelist[0]) > 0) and (int(sizelist[0]) < 4096)):
                sizex = int(sizelist[0])
            if ((int(sizelist[0]) > 0) and (int(sizelist[0]) < 4096)):
                sizey = int(sizelist[1])        
        if "gravatar" in args:
            if tornado.escape.xhtml_escape(args["gravatar"]) == 'yes':
                default = "404"
                # construct the url
                gravatar_url = "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/" + hashlib.md5(string.lower()).hexdigest() + "?"
                gravatar_url += urllib.urlencode({'default':default, 'size':str(sizey)})
            if tornado.escape.xhtml_escape(args["gravatar"]) == 'hashed':
                string = urllib.quote(string)
                default = "404"
                # construct the url
                gravatar_url = "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/" + string + "?"
                gravatar_url += urllib.urlencode({'default':default, 'size':str(sizey)})
                f = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(gravatar_url))
                self.redirect(gravatar_url, permanent=False)  
                return 0
              badGravatar = True
        if "set" in args:
            if tornado.escape.xhtml_escape(args["set"]) == 'any':
                client_set = sets[r.hasharray[1] % len(sets) ]
            if args["set"] in sets:
                client_set =  tornado.escape.xhtml_escape(args["set"])  
            #If no set specified, you get set 1
            client_set = "set1"
        ##Let people define multiple sets, so I can add more.
        if "sets" in args:
            newsets = tornado.escape.xhtml_escape(args["sets"]).split(",");
            replaceset = []
            for s in newsets:
                if s in sets:
            client_set = replaceset[r.hasharray[1] % len(replaceset) ]

        if client_set == 'set1':
            client_set = colors[r.hasharray[0] % len(colors) ]    
        if "color" in args:
                if args["color"] in colors:
                    client_set = tornado.escape.xhtml_escape(args["color"])
        if "bgset" in args:
            if args["bgset"] in bgsets:
                client_bgset = tornado.escape.xhtml_escape(args["bgset"])
                client_bgset = bgsets[r.hasharray[2] % len(bgsets) ]
        #If they don't specify a color, use hashvalue        
        if ((client_color == "") and (client_set == "")):
            client_set = colors[r.hasharray[0] % len(colors) ]

        self.set_header("Content-Type", "image/" + ext)
        hashlist = r.getHashList(client_set)

        #OK, here's where we do some creative sorting.
        #Basically, we have two integers before every file
        #The first one ensure FS order, which is necessary to match the RH.org server
        #The second one ensures build order.
        #The FS order is only necessary during picking elements. Now, we want the second sort
        #So create a new list, ordered by the second integer
        hlcopy = []
        for element in hashlist:
            element = element[0:element.find("/",element.find("#") -4) +1] + element[element.find("#") +1:len(element)]
        #Now, combine them into tuples, and sort. A tuples list always sorts by the FIRST element.
        duality = zip(hlcopy,hashlist)
        hlcopy,hashlist = zip(*duality)
        print "------"

        rhash = Image.open(hashlist[0])
        rhash = rhash.resize((1024,1024))
        for png in hashlist:
            img = Image.open(png) 
            img = img.resize((1024,1024))
        if ext == 'bmp':
            #Flatten bmps
            r, g, b, a = rhash.split()
            rhash = Image.merge("RGB", (r, g, b))
        if client_bgset is not "":
            bglist = []
            path = robohash.get_data(client_bgset)
            backgrounds = os.listdir(path)
            for ls in backgrounds:
                if not ls.startswith("."):
                    bglist.append(path + "/" + ls)
            bg = Image.open(bglist[r.hasharray[3] % len(bglist)])
            bg = bg.resize((1024,1024))
            rhash = bg               
        rhash = rhash.resize((sizex,sizey),Image.ANTIALIAS)    
        if ext != 'datauri':
          fakefile = cStringIO.StringIO()
          data_uri = fakefile.read().encode("base64").replace("\n", "")
          self.write("data:image/jpeg;base64," + data_uri)