Exemplo n.º 1
def log_robot_status():
    ping = robosensors.get_sensors()
    touch_sensor = robosensors.get_bumper()
    log(">> Speed=%d" % robopower.get_power())
    log(">> Compass=%3.2f" % robosensors.get_compass())
    log(">> Touch=%s, Ping1=%d, Ping2=%d, Ping3=%d" % \
            (touch_sensor, ping[0], ping[1], ping[2]))
Exemplo n.º 2
def navigate_to(latitude, longitude, mode='cone'):
    assert (mode == 'cone') or (mode == 'goto')

    log("Navigate to lat: " + str(latitude) + ", lon: " + str(longitude))
    log("Navigate to mode=" + mode)

    task_complete = False
    while task_complete == False:  #TODO - probably need to time out
        # Get camera, compass heading, and GPS data
        (camera_X, camera_Y, camera_distance) = robocamera.get_data()
        log("Navigate to: camera_X = %03d, camera_Y = %03d, distance = %1.2f" \
                % (camera_X, camera_Y, camera_distance))
        current_heading = robosensors.get_compass()
        log("Navigate to: current heading = %d" % current_heading)

        (gps_distance, heading_to_target) = \
                robonavigation.vector_to_target(latitude, longitude)
        log("Navigate to: target distance = %2.2f, vector = %d" % \
                (gps_distance, heading_to_target))
        # Test to see if we are at the GPS waypoint (within the radius of
        # error). We we are and we're in goto mode, we're done. Otherwise
        # switch to looking for the cone with the camera.
        if gps_distance < roboconfig.gps_radius:
            log("GPS waypoint found")
            if mode == 'goto':
                log("Goto mode - task complete")
                # If we can see the cone at this point, go and locate
                # it. If we can't, keep going until we can see it.
                # Note that locate_cone() may fail if the camera loses
                # sight of the cone. If that happens, we drop back to
                # locating the GPS waypoint again
                if camera_distance < roboconfig.max_camera_distance:
                    if locate_cone() == True:
        # Outside of GPS range - set the steer angle and drive/turn 
        # towards the cone            
        steer_angle = \
            robonavigation.get_steer_angle(current_heading, heading_to_target)
        log("Navigate to: steer_angle = " + str(steer_angle))

        # Slow things down!