Exemplo n.º 1
def update(robot_id):
    # print "updating", robot_id
    robot.set_linear_velocity(robot_id, 1, 0, 0)
    robot.set_angular_velocity(robot_id, 0, 0, .1)

    # print robot.gazebo_pose(robot_id)

    # print robot.neighbors(robot_id)
    # print "pose:", robot.pose(robot_id)
    # print "search_area:", robot.search_area(robot_id)
    # print "camera",robot_id,":", robot.camera(robot_id)

    for neigh in robot.neighbors(robot_id):
        # print "->", neigh, robot.send_to(robot_id, "hi ", neigh)
        robot.send_to(robot_id, "hi ", neigh)
Exemplo n.º 2
def update(robot_id):
        global old_phi
        ########## Get pose #####################
        rx, ry, rz, rrx, rry, rrz = robot.gazebo_pose(robot_id)

        rho = math.sqrt(rx ** 2 + ry ** 2)
        phi = math.atan2(ry, rx)

        # Distance between two angles
        angle_distance = lambda phi1, phi2: math.atan2(math.sin(phi1 - phi2), math.cos(phi1 - phi2))

        # delta phi
        dphi = angle_distance(phi, old_phi[robot_id])
        # if old_phi[robot_id] == 0:
        #     phi = dphi + 2 * math.pi
        # else:
        phi = old_phi[robot_id] + dphi
        old_phi[robot_id] = phi

        # Share location
        # for neigh in robot.neighbors(robot_id):
        #     if neigh == "boo":
        #         continue
        #     print "->", neigh, robot.send_to(robot_id, "hi ", neigh)
        #     robot.send_to(robot_id, str(phi), neigh)
        #     print "fff"

        ############# Send location to the neighbors ##############
        # Next in ring
        next = (robot_id + 1) % n
        next_ip = IP_FORMAT % ((robot_id + 2) % (n + 1)) if (robot_id + 2) % (n + 1) != 0 else  IP_FORMAT % 1
        # robot.send_to(robot_id, str(phi), next_ip)
        # # Before in ring
        before = (robot_id - 1) % n
        before_ip = IP_FORMAT % (robot_id % (n + 1)) if robot_id != 0 else  IP_FORMAT % n
        # robot.send_to(robot_id, str(phi), before_ip)

        robot_ip = IP_FORMAT % ((robot_id + 1) % (n + 1))
        on_data_received(next, robot_ip, next_ip, 55, str(phi))
        on_data_received(before, robot_ip, before_ip, 55, str(phi))

        # print robot_id, inbox

        # No inbox
        if robot_id not in inbox:
            print "Warning: no inbox for", robot_id
        if before_ip not in inbox[robot_id] or next_ip not in inbox[robot_id]:
            print "Warning: no data from neighbors for", robot_id, "neighbours:", inbox[robot_id], (before_ip, next_ip)

        if inbox[robot_id][before_ip] is None or inbox[robot_id][next_ip] is None:
            print "Warning: missed neighbor for", robot_id

        ############### Controller ##############
        # Average Phi from neighbors
        back1 = float(inbox[robot_id][before_ip])
        front1 = float(inbox[robot_id][next_ip])
        phi_av = (back1 + front1) / 2.
        # phi_av = back1 + angle_distance(front1, back1) / 2.

        if robot_id == 0:
            phi_av -= math.pi
        if robot_id == n - 1:
            phi_av += math.pi

        # Control input
        dot_rho = kp * (R - rho)
        dot_phi = Omeg + kphi * (phi_av - phi)
        dot_alt = ka * (A - rz)

        # print robot_id, (front1, back1), angle_distance(front1, back1), phi_av, phi
        # print robot_id, math.degrees(phi_av - phi), (math.degrees(back1), math.degrees(front1)), \
        #     (math.degrees(phi_av), math.degrees(phi))

        # Convert to cartesian coordinates
        dot_x = dot_rho * math.cos(phi) - rho * dot_phi * math.sin(phi)
        dot_y = dot_rho * math.sin(phi) + rho * dot_phi * math.cos(phi)

        # robot.set_linear_velocity(robot_id, dot_x, dot_y, dot_alt)

        # Print metric
        if robot_id == 1:
            target_phi = 2 * math.pi / n
            metrics = [(angle_distance(old_phi[i], old_phi[i - 1]) - target_phi) ** 2 for i in range(len(old_phi))]
            total_metric = sum(metrics)
            robot.gzmsg(robot_id, "metric: %f" % total_metric)

        # Feedback linearization
        d = .1
        vi = dot_x * math.cos(rrz) + dot_y * math.sin(rrz)
        wi = - dot_x * math.sin(rrz) / d + dot_y * math.cos(rrz) / d

        robot.set_linear_velocity(robot_id, vi, 0, 0)
        robot.set_angular_velocity(robot_id, 0, 0, wi)

        print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()