def Transform_xy(self, measurement):
        # 0 is box, wall, warehouse
        # 1 is Mark (Direction)
        # 2 is Dist
        # 3 is bearing in Radian

        newAngle = robot.truncate_angle(measurement[3] + self.robot.bearing)
        x = self.robot.x + measurement[2] * math.cos(newAngle)
        y = self.robot.y + measurement[2] * math.sin(newAngle)        
        return [x,y]
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _attempt_down(self, relative_bearing):
        #   The robot will attempt to place the box so that its center point
        #   is at this bearing relative to the robot orientation and at a distance of 0.5 units away.
        #   If the box can be so placed without intersecting
        #   anything, it does so. Otherwise, the placement fails and the robot continues to hold the box.

        #   The cost to set a box down is 1.5 (regardless of the direction in which the robot puts down the box).
        # - If a box is placed on the '@' space, it is considered delivered and is removed from the ware-
        #   house.
        # Illegal moves (do not set box down but incur cost):
        # - putting down a box too far away or so that it's touching a wall, the warehouse exterior,
        #   another box, or the robot
        # - putting down a box while not holding a box



            # find the bearing relative to the warehouse
            bearing = robot.truncate_angle(relative_bearing +

            # the x and y coordinates in the warehouse
            x = self.robot.x + 0.5 * math.cos(bearing)
            y = self.robot.y + 0.5 * math.sin(bearing)

            destination = (x, y)

            destination_is_open = self._is_open(destination, self.BOX_SIZE)
            destination_is_within_warehouse = self._is_within_warehouse(
                destination, self.BOX_SIZE)
            robot_has_box = self._robot_has_box()

            is_legal_down = (destination_is_open
                             and destination_is_within_warehouse
                             and robot_has_box)

            if is_legal_down:
            elif VERBOSE_FLAG:
                if not destination_is_open:
                    print "Could not set box down because destination is not open"
                if not destination_is_within_warehouse:
                    print "Could not set box down because destination is not within warehouse"
                if not robot_has_box:
                    print "Could not set box down because robot is not holding a box"

        except ValueError:
            raise Exception('improperly formatted down bearing: {}'.format(
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _attempt_lift(self, relative_bearing):
        #   If a box's center point is within 0.5 units of the robot's center point and its bearing
        #   is within 0.2 radians of the specified bearing, then the box is lifted. Otherwise, nothing
        #   happens.

        # - The cost to pick up a box is 2, regardless of the direction the box is relative to the robot.
        # - While holding a box, the robot may not pick up another box.
        # Illegal lifts (do not lift a box but incur cost of lift):
        # - picking up a box that doesn't exist or is too far away
        # - picking up a box while already holding one

            legal_lift = False

            if not self._robot_has_box():
                # process all boxes still remaining and lift the first one
                # close enough to be lifted
                for box_id in self.boxes:
                    box_position = (self.boxes[box_id]['ctr_x'],
                     brg) = self.robot.measure_distance_and_bearing_to(
                    if math.fabs(robot.truncate_angle(brg - relative_bearing)
                                 ) <= 0.2 and distance <= 0.5:
                        legal_lift = True

            if not legal_lift and VERBOSE_FLAG:
                if self._robot_has_box():
                    print "*** Could not lift box because robot_has_box = {} ".format(
                    print "*** Could not lift box because no box is close enough"

        except ValueError:
            raise Exception('improperly formatted lift bearing: {}'.format(
Exemplo n.º 4
    def plan_delivery(self):

        ## Make the Grid world with 20x20 resolution
        #print "Height of the warehouse:",len(self.warehouse)
        #print "Width of the warehouse:",len(self.warehouse[0])

        #        print(" ")
        #        print("inputWarehouse")
        #        for i in range(len(self.warehouse)):
        #            print(self.warehouse[i])

        grid_size = 10
        moves = []
        newWarehouse = [[
            '.' for i in range(grid_size * len(self.warehouse[0]))
        ] for j in range(grid_size * len(self.warehouse))]

        #print " "
        #print "newEmptytWarehouse"
        #for i in range(len(newWarehouse)):
        #    print newWarehouse[i]
        walls = []
        drop_zone = []
        for i in range(len(self.warehouse)):
            for j in range(len(self.warehouse[0])):
                if self.warehouse[i][j] == '#':
                    walls.append([i, j])
                elif self.warehouse[i][j] == '@':
                    drop_zone.append([i, j])

        packages = self.todo
        expanded_pkgs = []

        for pkg in packages:
                [abs(int(pkg[1] * grid_size)),
                 int(pkg[0] * grid_size)])

        #print " "
        #print "packages at: ", expanded_pkgs
        #print " "
        #print "Walls at: ", walls

        #print " "
        #print "drop_zone at: ", drop_zone

        newWalls = []
        for wall in walls:
            for i in range(-int(0.3 * grid_size),
                           grid_size + int(0.3 * grid_size)):
                for j in range(-int(0.3 * grid_size),
                               grid_size + int(0.3 * grid_size)):
                    newWalls.append([(wall[0] * grid_size) + i,
                                     (wall[1] * grid_size) + j])

        new_drop_zone = []
        for drop in drop_zone:
            for i in range(0, grid_size):
                for j in range(0, grid_size):
                    new_drop_zone.append([(drop[0] * grid_size) + i,
                                          (drop[1] * grid_size) + j])
        #print " "
        #print "NewWalls at: ", newWalls
        robot_init_pos = [
            math.ceil((2 * (drop_zone[0][0] * grid_size) + grid_size) / 2),
            math.ceil((2 * (drop_zone[0][1] * grid_size) + grid_size) / 2)
        #print " "
        #print "Robot initial position"
        #print robot_init_pos

        ## Wall padding
        for i in range(len(newWarehouse)):
            for j in range(len(newWarehouse[0])):
                if ((i < int(0.3 * grid_size))
                        or (i >= len(newWarehouse) - int(0.3 * grid_size))):
                    newWarehouse[i][j] = '#'
                if ((j < int(0.3 * grid_size))
                        or (j >= len(newWarehouse[0]) - int(0.3 * grid_size))):
                    newWarehouse[i][j] = '#'

        for i in range(len(newWarehouse)):
            for j in range(len(newWarehouse[0])):
                if ([i, j] in newWalls):
                    newWarehouse[i][j] = '#'
                if ([i, j] in new_drop_zone):
                    newWarehouse[i][j] = '@'
                if ([i, j] == robot_init_pos):
                    newWarehouse[i][j] = '*'
                if ([i, j] in expanded_pkgs):
                    for k in range(int(0.3 * grid_size)):
                        for l in range(int(0.3 * grid_size)):
                            newWarehouse[i][j] = '#'
                            newWarehouse[i][j + l] = '#'
                            newWarehouse[i + k][j] = '#'
                            newWarehouse[i + k][j + l] = '#'
                            newWarehouse[i - k][j + l] = '#'
                            newWarehouse[i + k][j - l] = '#'
                            newWarehouse[i][j - l] = '#'
                            newWarehouse[i - k][j] = '#'
                            newWarehouse[i - k][j - l] = '#'

        print(" ")
        for i in range(len(newWarehouse)):

        ## Movement Cost
        cost = 1
        delta = [
            [-1, 0],  # go up
            [0, -1],  # go left
            [1, 0],  # go down
            [0, 1],  # go right
            [-1, 1],  # go top right
            [-1, -1],  # go top left
            [1, 1],  # go down right
            [1, -1],  # go down left

        ## Helper Functions
        ## Heuristic Function
        def compute_heu(grid, goal, delta, cost):
            def inGrid(grid, x, y):
                if x >= 0 and x < len(grid[0]) and y >= 0 and y < len(grid):
                    return True
                    return False

            value = [[99999 for x in range(len(grid[0]))]
                     for y in range(len(grid))]

            value[goal[0]][goal[1]] = 0
            openList = []
            openList.append([0, goal[0], goal[1]])
            while len(openList) != 0:
                currentCell = openList.pop(0)
                for i in range(len(delta)):
                    targetX = currentCell[2] + delta[i][1]
                    targetY = currentCell[1] + delta[i][0]
                    if inGrid(grid, targetX, targetY):
                        if (grid[targetY][targetX] == '.'
                                or grid[targetY][targetX]
                                == '@') and value[targetY][targetX] == 99999:
                            openList.append([(currentCell[0] + cost + int(
                                3 *
                                distance_between(goal, [targetX, targetY]))),
                                             targetY, targetX])
                            value[targetY][targetX] = (
                                currentCell[0] + cost +
                                int(3 * distance_between(
                                    goal, [targetX, targetY])))

            return value

        ## Search Function
        def search(grid, init, goal, cost, heuristic, moves):

            closed = [[0 for col in range(len(grid[0]))]
                      for row in range(len(grid))]
            for i in range(len(heuristic)):
                for j in range(len(heuristic)):
                    if (heuristic[i][j] == 99999):
                        closed[i][j] = 1
            #closed[init[0]][init[1]] = 1
            #for i in range(len(closed)):
            #    for j in range(len(closed[0])):
            #        if(closed[i][j] != 99999):
            #            closed[i][j] = 0
            #        else:
            #            closed[i][j] = 1

#            print(" ")
#            print("closed array in the beginning")
#            for i in range(len(closed[0])):
#                print((closed[i]))

            expand = [[-1 for col in range(len(grid[0]))]
                      for row in range(len(grid))]
            for i in range(len(heuristic)):
                for j in range(len(heuristic)):
                    if (heuristic[i][j] == 99999):
                        expand[i][j] = -9
#            expand = copy.copy(heuristic)
#            for i in range(len(expand)):
#                for j in range(len(expand[0])):
#                    if(expand[i][j] != 99999):
#                        expand[i][j] = -1
#                    if(expand[i][j] == 0):
#                        expand[i][j] = -99
#print(" ")
#print("expand array in the beginning")
#for i in range(len(expand[0])):
#    print(expand[i])
#action = [[-1 for col in range(len(grid[0]))] for row in range(len(grid))]

            x = init[0]
            y = init[1]
            g = 0
            f = g + heuristic[x][y]
            #print(" ")
            #print("heuristic array in the search")
            #for i in range(len(heuristic[0])):
            #    print(heuristic[i])
            open_cells = [[f, g, x, y]]

            found = False  # flag that is set when search is complete
            resign = False  # flag set if we can't find expand
            count = 0

            while not found and not resign:
                if len(open_cells) == 0:
                    resign = True
                    return moves
                    next_cell = open_cells.pop()

                    x = next_cell[2]
                    y = next_cell[3]
                    g = next_cell[1]
                    f = next_cell[0]
                    expand[x][y] = count
                    if (count > 0):
                        mv = 'move ' + str(x) + ' ' + str(y)

                    count += 1

                    if distance_between([x, y], [
                            goal[0], goal[1]
                    ]) <= 0.45 * grid_size or distance_between(
                        [x, y],
                        [goal[0], goal[1]]) == math.sqrt((0.4 * grid_size)**2 +
                                                         (0.4 * grid_size)**2):
                        found = True
                        for i in range(len(expand)):
                        return moves
                        for i in range(len(delta)):
                            x2 = x + delta[i][0]
                            y2 = y + delta[i][1]
                            if x2 >= 0 and x2 < len(
                                    grid) and y2 >= 0 and y2 < len(grid[0]):
                                if closed[x2][y2] == 0 and (grid[x2][y2] == '.'
                                                            or grid[x2][y2]
                                                            == '@'):
                                    g2 = g + cost
                                    f2 = g2 + heuristic[x2][y2]
                                    open_cells.append([f2, g2, x2, y2])
                                    #print("after appending open_cells")
                                    closed[x2][y2] = 1

            for i in range(len(expand[0])):

            return moves

        def distance_between(a, b):
            i, j = a
            p, q = b
            dist = math.sqrt((i - p)**2 + (j - q)**2)
            return dist

        distances = []
        for to in range(len(expanded_pkgs)):
            ddd = distance_between(
            distances.append([ddd, to])


        ## For each package
        for to in range(len(expanded_pkgs)):
            #pos = distances.pop()
            #to = pos[1]
            pkg_pos = expanded_pkgs[to]

            print(" ")
            print(("Package:", to))

            newWarehouse = [[
                '.' for i in range(grid_size * len(self.warehouse[0]))
            ] for j in range(grid_size * len(self.warehouse))]

            newWalls = []
            for wall in walls:
                for i in range(-int(0.3 * grid_size),
                               grid_size + int(0.3 * grid_size)):
                    for j in range(-int(0.3 * grid_size),
                                   grid_size + int(0.3 * grid_size)):
                        newWalls.append([(wall[0] * grid_size) + i,
                                         (wall[1] * grid_size) + j])

            for i in range(len(newWarehouse)):
                for j in range(len(newWarehouse[0])):
                    if ([i, j] in newWalls):
                        newWarehouse[i][j] = '#'
                    if ([i, j] in new_drop_zone):
                        newWarehouse[i][j] = '@'
                    if ([i, j] == robot_init_pos):
                        newWarehouse[i][j] = '*'
                    if ([i, j] not in [pkg_pos] and [i, j] in expanded_pkgs):
                        for k in range(int(0.3 * grid_size)):
                            for l in range(int(0.3 * grid_size)):
                                newWarehouse[i][j] = '#'
                                newWarehouse[i][j + l] = '#'
                                newWarehouse[i + k][j] = '#'
                                newWarehouse[i + k][j + l] = '#'
                                newWarehouse[i - k][j + l] = '#'
                                newWarehouse[i + k][j - l] = '#'
                                newWarehouse[i][j - l] = '#'
                                newWarehouse[i - k][j] = '#'
                                newWarehouse[i - k][j - l] = '#'

            ## Wall padding
            for i in range(len(newWarehouse)):
                for j in range(len(newWarehouse[0])):
                    if ((i < int(0.3 * grid_size)) or
                        (i >= len(newWarehouse) - int(0.3 * grid_size))):
                        newWarehouse[i][j] = '#'
                    if ((j < int(0.3 * grid_size)) or
                        (j >= len(newWarehouse[0]) - int(0.3 * grid_size))):
                        newWarehouse[i][j] = '#'

            print(" ")
            print("ExpandedWarehouse for package:", to)
            for i in range(len(newWarehouse)):
            ## Move towards the package
            heu = compute_heu(
                [int(pkg_pos[0]), int(pkg_pos[1])], delta, cost)

            #            print(" ")
            #            print("Heuristic Grid")
            #            for i in range(len(heu[0])):
            #                print((heu[i]))

            if (to == 0):
                final_pos = [int(robot_init_pos[0]), int(robot_init_pos[1])]

            moves = search(newWarehouse, final_pos,
                           [int(pkg_pos[0]), int(pkg_pos[1])], cost,
                           copy.copy(heu), moves)

            ## Grab the package
            moves.append('lift ' + str(to))
            newWarehouse[int(pkg_pos[0])][int(pkg_pos[1])] = newWarehouse[int(
                pkg_pos[0])][int(pkg_pos[1])].replace('$', '.')

            for i in range(len(moves)):
                mov = moves[-(i + 1)].split()
                if (mov[0] == 'move'):
                    final_pos = int(mov[1]), int(mov[2])
            ## Move towards the drop_zone
            heu = compute_heu(newWarehouse,
                               int(robot_init_pos[1])], delta, cost)
            #            print(" ")
            #            print("Heuristic Grid")
            #            for i in range(len(heu[0])):
            #                print((heu[i]))
            moves = search(newWarehouse, final_pos,
                            int(robot_init_pos[1])], cost, heu, moves)
            ## Drop the Package
            moves.append('down ' + str(int(robot_init_pos[1]) / grid_size) +
                         ' ' + str(int(robot_init_pos[0]) / grid_size))
            for i in range(len(moves)):
                mov = moves[-(i + 1)].split()
                if (mov[0] == 'move'):
                    final_pos = int(mov[1]), int(mov[2])

        cal_moves = []

        def truncate_angle(t):
            return ((t + PI) % (2 * PI)) - PI

        myrobot = robot.Robot(x=robot_init_pos[1] / grid_size,
                              y=-robot_init_pos[0] / grid_size,
        #print("Robot's init pos:",myrobot)
        robot_pos = myrobot.__repr__()
        for move in moves:
            mv = move.split()
            if (mv[0] == 'lift'):
            if (mv[0] == 'down'):
            if (mv[0] == 'move'):
                x, y = float(mv[2]) / grid_size, -float(mv[1]) / grid_size
                dist, bearing = myrobot.measure_distance_and_bearing_to([x, y])
                target_bearing = myrobot.bearing + bearing
                steer = robot.truncate_angle(target_bearing - myrobot.bearing)

                steer = max(-self.max_steering, steer)
                steer = min(self.max_steering, steer)

                while (steer > 0.0000000000000006
                       or steer < -0.0000000000000006):
                    steer = robot.truncate_angle(target_bearing -
                    steer = max(-self.max_steering, steer)
                    steer = min(self.max_steering, steer)
                    m = "move " + str(steer) + " " + str(0)
                    myrobot.move(steer, 0)
                    #print("robot bearing",myrobot.bearing)
                    #print("target bearing",target_bearing)

                while (dist > 0.0000001):
                    dist, bearing = myrobot.measure_distance_and_bearing_to(
                        [x, y])
                    dist = max(0, dist)
                    dist = min(self.max_distance, dist)
                    #print("Distance to point",dist)
                    m = "move " + str(0) + " " + str(dist)
                    myrobot.move(0, dist)
                    #print("robot position",myrobot.__repr__(),"Robot bearing:",myrobot.bearing)
                    #print("target position",[x,y])

#                    m = "move " + str(steer) + " " + str(dist)
#                    cal_moves.append(m)
#                    print("new dist:",dist,"new steer",steer)
#                    myrobot.move(steer,dist)
#                    print("new robot pos",myrobot)
#                    robot_pos = myrobot.__repr__()

        return cal_moves
Exemplo n.º 5
    def plan_delivery(self):

        grid_size = 10
        moves = []
        newWarehouse = [[
            '.' for i in range(grid_size * len(self.warehouse[0]))
        ] for j in range(grid_size * len(self.warehouse))]

        walls = []
        drop_zone = []
        for i in range(len(self.warehouse)):
            for j in range(len(self.warehouse[0])):
                if self.warehouse[i][j] == '#':
                    walls.append([i, j])
                elif self.warehouse[i][j] == '@':
                    drop_zone.append([i, j])

        packages = self.todo
        expanded_pkgs = []

        for pkg in packages:
                [abs(int(pkg[1] * grid_size)),
                 int(pkg[0] * grid_size)])

        newWalls = []
        for wall in walls:
            for i in range(-int(0.3 * grid_size),
                           grid_size + int(0.3 * grid_size)):
                for j in range(-int(0.3 * grid_size),
                               grid_size + int(0.3 * grid_size)):
                    newWalls.append([(wall[0] * grid_size) + i,
                                     (wall[1] * grid_size) + j])

        new_drop_zone = []
        for drop in drop_zone:
            for i in range(0, grid_size):
                for j in range(0, grid_size):
                    new_drop_zone.append([(drop[0] * grid_size) + i,
                                          (drop[1] * grid_size) + j])

        robot_init_pos = [
            math.ceil((2 * (drop_zone[0][0] * grid_size) + grid_size) / 2),
            math.ceil((2 * (drop_zone[0][1] * grid_size) + grid_size) / 2)

        ## Wall padding
        for i in range(len(newWarehouse)):
            for j in range(len(newWarehouse[0])):
                if ((i < int(0.3 * grid_size))
                        or (i >= len(newWarehouse) - int(0.3 * grid_size))):
                    newWarehouse[i][j] = '#'
                if ((j < int(0.3 * grid_size))
                        or (j >= len(newWarehouse[0]) - int(0.3 * grid_size))):
                    newWarehouse[i][j] = '#'

        for i in range(len(newWarehouse)):
            for j in range(len(newWarehouse[0])):
                if ([i, j] in newWalls):
                    newWarehouse[i][j] = '#'
                if ([i, j] in new_drop_zone):
                    newWarehouse[i][j] = '@'
                if ([i, j] == robot_init_pos):
                    newWarehouse[i][j] = '*'
                if ([i, j] in expanded_pkgs):
                    newWarehouse[i][j] = '$'

        ## Movement Cost
        cost = 1
        delta = [
            [-1, 0],  # go up
            [0, -1],  # go left
            [1, 0],  # go down
            [0, 1],  # go right
            [-1, 1],  # go top right
            [-1, -1],  # go top left
            [1, 1],  # go down right
            [1, -1],  # go down left

        ## Helper Functions
        ## Heuristic Function
        def compute_heu(grid, goal, delta, cost):
            def inGrid(grid, x, y):
                if x >= 0 and x < len(grid[0]) and y >= 0 and y < len(grid):
                    return True
                    return False

            value = [[99999 for x in range(len(grid[0]))]
                     for y in range(len(grid))]

            value[goal[0]][goal[1]] = 0
            openList = []
            openList.append([0, goal[0], goal[1]])
            while len(openList) != 0:
                currentCell = openList.pop(0)
                for i in range(len(delta)):
                    targetX = currentCell[2] + delta[i][1]
                    targetY = currentCell[1] + delta[i][0]
                    if inGrid(grid, targetX, targetY):
                        if (grid[targetY][targetX] == '.'
                                or grid[targetY][targetX]
                                == '@') and value[targetY][targetX] == 99999:
                            openList.append([(currentCell[0] + cost + int(
                                3 *
                                distance_between(goal, [targetX, targetY]))),
                                             targetY, targetX])
                            value[targetY][targetX] = (
                                currentCell[0] + cost +
                                int(3 * distance_between(
                                    goal, [targetX, targetY])))

            return value

        ## Search Function
        def search(grid, init, goal, cost, heuristic, moves):

            closed = [[0 for col in range(len(grid[0]))]
                      for row in range(len(grid))]
            for i in range(len(heuristic)):
                for j in range(len(heuristic)):
                    if (heuristic[i][j] == 99999):
                        closed[i][j] = 1

            expand = [[-1 for col in range(len(grid[0]))]
                      for row in range(len(grid))]

            x = init[0]
            y = init[1]
            g = 0
            f = g + heuristic[x][y]

            open_cells = [[f, g, x, y]]

            found = False  # flag that is set when search is complete
            resign = False  # flag set if we can't find expand
            count = 0

            while not found and not resign:
                if len(open_cells) == 0:
                    resign = True
                    return moves
                    next_cell = open_cells.pop()

                    x = next_cell[2]
                    y = next_cell[3]
                    g = next_cell[1]
                    f = next_cell[0]
                    expand[x][y] = count
                    if (count > 0):
                        mv = 'move ' + str(x) + ' ' + str(y)

                    count += 1

                    if distance_between(
                        [x, y], [goal[0], goal[1]]
                    ) <= 0.4 * grid_size:  # or distance_between([x,y],[goal[0],goal[1]]) == math.sqrt((0.4*grid_size)**2 +(0.4*grid_size)**2):
                        found = True
                        return moves
                        for i in range(len(delta)):
                            x2 = x + delta[i][0]
                            y2 = y + delta[i][1]
                            if x2 >= 0 and x2 < len(
                                    grid) and y2 >= 0 and y2 < len(grid[0]):
                                if closed[x2][y2] == 0 and (grid[x2][y2] == '.'
                                                            or grid[x2][y2]
                                                            == '@'):
                                    g2 = g + cost
                                    f2 = g2 + heuristic[x2][y2]
                                    open_cells.append([f2, g2, x2, y2])

                                    closed[x2][y2] = 1

            return moves

        def distance_between(a, b):
            i, j = a
            p, q = b
            dist = math.sqrt((i - p)**2 + (j - q)**2)
            return dist

        distances = []
        for to in range(len(expanded_pkgs)):
            ddd = distance_between(
            distances.append([ddd, to])


        ## For each package
        for to in range(len(expanded_pkgs)):

            pkg_pos = expanded_pkgs[to]

            newWarehouse = [[
                '.' for i in range(grid_size * len(self.warehouse[0]))
            ] for j in range(grid_size * len(self.warehouse))]

            newWalls = []
            for wall in walls:
                for i in range(-int(0.4 * grid_size),
                               grid_size + int(0.4 * grid_size)):
                    for j in range(-int(0.4 * grid_size),
                                   grid_size + int(0.4 * grid_size)):
                        newWalls.append([(wall[0] * grid_size) + i,
                                         (wall[1] * grid_size) + j])

            for i in range(len(newWarehouse)):
                for j in range(len(newWarehouse[0])):
                    if ([i, j] in newWalls):
                        newWarehouse[i][j] = '#'
                    if ([i, j] in new_drop_zone):
                        newWarehouse[i][j] = '@'
                    if ([i, j] == robot_init_pos):
                        newWarehouse[i][j] = '*'
                    if ([i, j] not in [pkg_pos] and [i, j] in expanded_pkgs):
                        for k in range(int(0.4 * grid_size)):
                            for l in range(int(0.4 * grid_size)):
                                newWarehouse[i][j] = '#'
                                newWarehouse[i][j + l] = '#'
                                newWarehouse[i + k][j] = '#'
                                newWarehouse[i + k][j + l] = '#'
                                newWarehouse[i - k][j + l] = '#'
                                newWarehouse[i + k][j - l] = '#'
                                newWarehouse[i][j - l] = '#'
                                newWarehouse[i - k][j] = '#'
                                newWarehouse[i - k][j - l] = '#'

            ## Wall padding
            for i in range(len(newWarehouse)):
                for j in range(len(newWarehouse[0])):
                    if ((i < int(0.4 * grid_size)) or
                        (i >= len(newWarehouse) - int(0.4 * grid_size))):
                        newWarehouse[i][j] = '#'
                    if ((j < int(0.4 * grid_size)) or
                        (j >= len(newWarehouse[0]) - int(0.4 * grid_size))):
                        newWarehouse[i][j] = '#'

            ## Move towards the package
            heu = compute_heu(
                [int(pkg_pos[0]), int(pkg_pos[1])], delta, cost)

            if (to == 0):
                final_pos = [int(robot_init_pos[0]), int(robot_init_pos[1])]

            moves = search(newWarehouse, final_pos,
                           [int(pkg_pos[0]), int(pkg_pos[1])], cost,
                           copy.copy(heu), moves)

            ## Grab the package
            moves.append('lift ' + str(to))
            newWarehouse[int(pkg_pos[0])][int(pkg_pos[1])] = newWarehouse[int(
                pkg_pos[0])][int(pkg_pos[1])].replace('$', '.')

            for i in range(len(moves)):
                mov = moves[-(i + 1)].split()
                if (mov[0] == 'move'):
                    final_pos = int(mov[1]), int(mov[2])
            ## Move towards the drop_zone
            heu = compute_heu(newWarehouse,
                               int(robot_init_pos[1])], delta, cost)

            moves = search(newWarehouse, final_pos,
                            int(robot_init_pos[1])], cost, heu, moves)
            ## Drop the Package
            moves.append('down ' + str(int(robot_init_pos[1]) / grid_size) +
                         ' ' + str(int(-robot_init_pos[0]) / grid_size))
            for i in range(len(moves)):
                mov = moves[-(i + 1)].split()
                if (mov[0] == 'move'):
                    final_pos = int(mov[1]), int(mov[2])


        cal_moves = []

        def truncate_angle(t):
            return ((t + PI) % (2 * PI)) - PI

        myrobot = robot.Robot(x=robot_init_pos[1] / grid_size,
                              y=-robot_init_pos[0] / grid_size,
        #print("Robot's init pos:",myrobot)
        robot_pos = myrobot.__repr__()
        for move in moves:
            mv = move.split()
            if (mv[0] == 'lift'):
            if (mv[0] == 'down'):
            if (mv[0] == 'move'):
                x, y = float(mv[2]) / grid_size, -float(mv[1]) / grid_size
                dist, bearing = myrobot.measure_distance_and_bearing_to([x, y])
                target_bearing = myrobot.bearing + bearing
                steer = robot.truncate_angle(target_bearing - myrobot.bearing)

                steer = max(-self.max_steering, steer)
                steer = min(self.max_steering, steer)

                while (steer > 0.0000000000000006
                       or steer < -0.0000000000000006):
                    steer = robot.truncate_angle(target_bearing -
                    steer = max(-self.max_steering, steer)
                    steer = min(self.max_steering, steer)
                    mm = "move " + str(steer) + " " + str(0)
                    myrobot.move(steer, 0)

                while (dist > 0.000001):
                    dist, bearing = myrobot.measure_distance_and_bearing_to(
                        [x, y])
                    dist = max(0, dist)
                    dist = min(self.max_distance, dist)

                    mm = "move " + str(0) + " " + str(dist)
                    myrobot.move(0, dist)

#        mod_moves = []
#        for i in range(len(cal_moves)):
#            if(cal_moves[i].split()[0] == 'move'):
#                old_move = cal_moves[i].split()[1:]
#                break
#        mod_moves.append(cal_moves[i])
#        for move in cal_moves[1:]:
#            mv = move.split()
#            if(mv[0]=='move'):
#                new_move = mv[1:]
#                if(new_move[0] == '0' and new_move[1] == '0'):
#                    continue
#                if(new_move[0] == old_move[0]):
#                    if(float(new_move[1])+float(old_move[1]) < self.max_distance):
#                        agg_move = [new_move[0],str(float(new_move[1])+float(old_move[1]))]
#                        mmm = "move "+ agg_move[0]+ " " + agg_move[1]
#                        mod_moves.append(mmm)
#                if(old_move[1] != new_move[1]):
#                    if((float(new_move[0])+float(old_move[0]))<=self.max_steering):
#                        agg_move = [str(float(new_move[0])+float(old_move[0])),new_move[1],]
#                        mmm = "move "+ agg_move[0]+ " " + agg_move[1]
#                        mod_moves.append(mmm)
#                old_move = new_move
#            else:
#                mod_moves.append(move)

        return cal_moves