Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, robot, arm, grab_entity):
        Pick up an item given an arm and an entity to be picked up
        :param robot: robot to execute this state with
        :param arm: Designator that resolves to the arm to grab the grab_entity with. E.g. UnoccupiedArmDesignator
        :param grab_entity: Designator that resolves to the entity to grab. e.g EntityByIdDesignator
        smach.State.__init__(self, outcomes=['succeeded', 'failed'], output_keys=['arm'])

        # Assign member variables
        self.robot = robot
        self.arm_designator = arm

        check_type(grab_entity, Entity)
        self.grab_entity_designator = grab_entity
        self._gpd = GraspPointDeterminant(robot)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, robot, arm, grab_entity, check_occupancy=False):
        Pick up an item given an arm and an entity to be picked up
        :param robot: robot to execute this state with
        :param arm: Designator that resolves to the arm to grab the grab_entity with. E.g. UnoccupiedArmDesignator
        :param grab_entity: Designator that resolves to the entity to grab. e.g EntityByIdDesignator
        smach.State.__init__(self, outcomes=['succeeded', 'failed'])

        # Assign member variables
        self.robot = robot
        self.arm_designator = arm

        check_type(grab_entity, Entity)
        self.grab_entity_designator = grab_entity
        self._gpd = GraspPointDeterminant(robot)
        self._check_occupancy = check_occupancy
Exemplo n.º 3
class PickUp(smach.State):
    def __init__(self, robot, arm, grab_entity, check_occupancy=False):
        Pick up an item given an arm and an entity to be picked up
        :param robot: robot to execute this state with
        :param arm: Designator that resolves to the arm to grab the grab_entity with. E.g. UnoccupiedArmDesignator
        :param grab_entity: Designator that resolves to the entity to grab. e.g EntityByIdDesignator
        smach.State.__init__(self, outcomes=['succeeded', 'failed'])

        # Assign member variables
        self.robot = robot
        self.arm_designator = arm

        check_type(grab_entity, Entity)
        self.grab_entity_designator = grab_entity
        self._gpd = GraspPointDeterminant(robot)
        self._check_occupancy = check_occupancy

    def execute(self, userdata=None):

        grab_entity = self.grab_entity_designator.resolve()
        if not grab_entity:
            rospy.logerr("Could not resolve grab_entity")
            return "failed"

        arm = self.arm_designator.resolve()
        if not arm:
            rospy.logerr("Could not resolve arm")
            return "failed"

        goal_map = VectorStamped(0, 0, 0, frame_id=grab_entity.id)

            # Transform to base link frame
            goal_bl = goal_map.projectToFrame(
                self.robot.robot_name + '/base_link',
            if goal_bl is None:
                rospy.logerr('Transformation of goal to base failed')
                return 'failed'
        except tf2_ros.TransformException as tfe:
                'Transformation of goal to base failed: {0}'.format(tfe))
            return 'failed'

        # Make sure the torso and the arm are done

        # This is needed because the head is not entirely still when the
        # look_at_point function finishes

        # Resolve the entity again because we want the latest pose
        updated_grab_entity = self.grab_entity_designator.resolve()

        rospy.loginfo("ID to update: {0}".format(grab_entity.id))
        if not updated_grab_entity:
                "Could not resolve the updated grab_entity, "
                "this should not happen [CHECK WHY THIS IS HAPPENING]")
            grab_entity = self.associate(original_entity=grab_entity)
                "Updated pose of entity (dx, dy, dz) : (%f, %f, %f)" %
                (updated_grab_entity.pose.frame.p.x() -
                 updated_grab_entity.pose.frame.p.y() -
                 updated_grab_entity.pose.frame.p.z() -
            grab_entity = updated_grab_entity

        # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        # Grasp point determination
        grasp_framestamped = self._gpd.get_grasp_pose(grab_entity, arm)

        # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

        goal_map = VectorStamped(0, 0, 0, frame_id=grab_entity.id)

        # In case grasp point determination didn't work
        if not grasp_framestamped:
            goal_bl = goal_map.projectToFrame(
                self.robot.robot_name + '/base_link',
            if goal_bl is None:
                return 'failed'
                return 'failed'
            # We do have a grasp pose, given as a kdl frame in map
                    "/map", self.robot.robot_name + "/base_link",
                    rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(10))
                # Transform to base link frame
                goal_bl = grasp_framestamped.projectToFrame(
                    self.robot.robot_name + "/base_link",
                if goal_bl is None:
                    return 'failed'
            except tf2_ros.TransformException as tfe:
                    'Transformation of goal to base failed: {0}'.format(tfe))
                return 'failed'

        # Pre-grasp --> this is only necessary when using visual servoing
        # rospy.loginfo('Starting Pre-grasp')
        # if not arm.send_goal(goal_bl.x, goal_bl.y, goal_bl.z, 0, 0, 0,
        #                      frame_id='/'+self.robot.robot_name+'/base_link',
        #                      timeout=20, pre_grasp=True, first_joint_pos_only=True
        #                      ):
        #     rospy.logerr('Pre-grasp failed:')
        #     arm.reset()
        #     arm.send_gripper_goal('close', timeout=None)
        #     return 'failed'

        # Grasp
        rospy.loginfo('Start grasping')
        if not arm.send_goal(goal_bl,
                'I am sorry but I cannot move my arm to the object position',
            rospy.logerr('Grasp failed')
            arm.send_gripper_goal('close', timeout=0.0)
            return 'failed'

        # Close gripper

        arm.occupied_by = grab_entity

        # Lift
        goal_bl = grasp_framestamped.projectToFrame(
            self.robot.robot_name + "/base_link",
        rospy.loginfo('Start lifting')
        roll = 0.0

        goal_bl.frame.p.z(goal_bl.frame.p.z() + 0.05)  # Add 5 cm
        goal_bl.frame.M = kdl.Rotation.RPY(roll, 0, 0)  # Update the roll
        rospy.loginfo("Start lift")
        if not arm.send_goal(
                goal_bl, timeout=20, allowed_touch_objects=[grab_entity.id]):
            rospy.logerr('Failed lift')

        # Retract
        goal_bl = grasp_framestamped.projectToFrame(
            self.robot.robot_name + '/base_link',
        rospy.loginfo('Start retracting')
        roll = 0.0

        goal_bl.frame.p.x(goal_bl.frame.p.x() - 0.1)  # Retract 10 cm
        goal_bl.frame.p.z(goal_bl.frame.p.z() + 0.05)  # Go 5 cm higher
        goal_bl.frame.M = kdl.Rotation.RPY(roll, 0.0, 0.0)  # Update the roll
        rospy.loginfo("Start retract")
        if not arm.send_goal(
                goal_bl, timeout=0.0, allowed_touch_objects=[grab_entity.id]):
            rospy.logerr('Failed retract')
        self.robot.base.force_drive(-0.125, 0, 0, 2.0)

        # Update Kinect once again to make sure the object disappears from ED
        segm_res = self.robot.ed.update_kinect("%s" % grab_entity.id)


        # Carrying pose
        # rospy.loginfo('start moving to carrying pose')
        arm.send_joint_goal('carrying_pose', timeout=0.0)

        result = 'succeeded'
        if self._check_occupancy:
            # Check if the object is present in the gripper
            if arm.object_in_gripper_measurement.is_empty:
                # If state is empty, grasp has failed
                result = "failed"
                rospy.logerr("Gripper is not holding an object")
                    "Whoops, something went terribly wrong")
                arm.occupied_by = None  # Set the object the arm is holding to None
                # State is holding, grasp succeeded.
                # If unknown: sensor not there, assume gripper is holding and hope for the best
                result = "succeeded"
                if arm.object_in_gripper_measurement.is_unknown:
                    rospy.logwarn("GripperMeasurement unknown")

        # Reset head

        return result

    def associate(self, original_entity):
        """ Tries to associate the original entity with one of the entities in the world model. This is useful if
        after an update, the original entity is no longer present in the world model. If no good map can be found,
        the original entity will be returned as the associated entity.
        :param original_entity:
        :return: associated entity
        # Get all entities
        entities = self.robot.ed.get_entities(parse=False)

        # Remove all entities with a shape. These are probably not the ones we want to grasp
        for e in entities:
            if e.is_a("furniture"):
        entities = sorted(
            key=lambda entity: entity.distance_to_3d(original_entity._pose.p))

        if self.distance(
                entities[0], original_entity
        ) < 0.05:  # Objects Less than 5 cm apart might be associated
            return entities[0]
            return original_entity

    def distance(e1, e2):
        """ Computes the distance between two entities """
        return e1.distance_to_3d(e2._pose.p)
Exemplo n.º 4
class PickUp(smach.State):
    def __init__(self, robot, arm, grab_entity, check_occupancy=False):
        Pick up an item given an arm and an entity to be picked up
        :param robot: robot to execute this state with
        :param arm: Designator that resolves to the arm to grab the grab_entity with. E.g. UnoccupiedArmDesignator
        :param grab_entity: Designator that resolves to the entity to grab. e.g EntityByIdDesignator
        smach.State.__init__(self, outcomes=['succeeded', 'failed'])

        # Assign member variables
        self.robot = robot
        self.arm_designator = arm

        check_type(grab_entity, Entity)
        self.grab_entity_designator = grab_entity
        self._gpd = GraspPointDeterminant(robot)
        self._check_occupancy = check_occupancy

    def execute(self, userdata=None):

        grab_entity = self.grab_entity_designator.resolve()
        if not grab_entity:
            rospy.logerr("Could not resolve grab_entity")
            return "failed"

        arm = self.arm_designator.resolve()
        if not arm:
            rospy.logerr("Could not resolve arm")
            return "failed"

        goal_map = VectorStamped(0, 0, 0, frame_id=grab_entity.id)

            # Transform to base link frame
            goal_bl = goal_map.projectToFrame(self.robot.robot_name+'/base_link', tf_listener=self.robot.tf_listener)
            if goal_bl is None:
                rospy.logerr('Transformation of goal to base failed')
                return 'failed'
        except tf2_ros.TransformException as tfe:
            rospy.logerr('Transformation of goal to base failed: {0}'.format(tfe))
            return 'failed'

        # Make sure the torso and the arm are done

        # This is needed because the head is not entirely still when the
        # look_at_point function finishes

        # Resolve the entity again because we want the latest pose
        updated_grab_entity = self.grab_entity_designator.resolve()

        rospy.loginfo("ID to update: {0}".format(grab_entity.id))
        if not updated_grab_entity:
            rospy.logerr("Could not resolve the updated grab_entity, "
                         "this should not happen [CHECK WHY THIS IS HAPPENING]")
            grab_entity = self.associate(original_entity=grab_entity)
            rospy.loginfo("Updated pose of entity (dx, dy, dz) : (%f, %f, %f)" %
                          (updated_grab_entity.pose.frame.p.x() - grab_entity.pose.frame.p.x(),
                           updated_grab_entity.pose.frame.p.y() - grab_entity.pose.frame.p.y(),
                           updated_grab_entity.pose.frame.p.z() - grab_entity.pose.frame.p.z()))
            grab_entity = updated_grab_entity

        # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        # Grasp point determination
        grasp_framestamped = self._gpd.get_grasp_pose(grab_entity, arm)

        # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

        goal_map = VectorStamped(0, 0, 0, frame_id=grab_entity.id)

        # In case grasp point determination didn't work
        if not grasp_framestamped:
            goal_bl = goal_map.projectToFrame(self.robot.robot_name + '/base_link', tf_listener=self.robot.tf_listener)
            if goal_bl is None:
                return 'failed'
                return 'failed'
            # We do have a grasp pose, given as a kdl frame in map
                self.robot.tf_listener.waitForTransform("/map", self.robot.robot_name + "/base_link", rospy.Time(0),
                # Transform to base link frame
                goal_bl = grasp_framestamped.projectToFrame(self.robot.robot_name + "/base_link",
                if goal_bl is None:
                    return 'failed'
            except tf2_ros.TransformException as tfe:
                rospy.logerr('Transformation of goal to base failed: {0}'.format(tfe))
                return 'failed'

        # Pre-grasp --> this is only necessary when using visual servoing
        # rospy.loginfo('Starting Pre-grasp')
        # if not arm.send_goal(goal_bl.x, goal_bl.y, goal_bl.z, 0, 0, 0,
        #                      frame_id='/'+self.robot.robot_name+'/base_link',
        #                      timeout=20, pre_grasp=True, first_joint_pos_only=True
        #                      ):
        #     rospy.logerr('Pre-grasp failed:')
        #     arm.reset()
        #     arm.send_gripper_goal('close', timeout=None)
        #     return 'failed'

        # Grasp
        rospy.loginfo('Start grasping')
        if not arm.send_goal(goal_bl, timeout=20, pre_grasp=True, allowed_touch_objects=[grab_entity.id]):
            self.robot.speech.speak('I am sorry but I cannot move my arm to the object position', block=False)
            rospy.logerr('Grasp failed')
            arm.send_gripper_goal('close', timeout=0.0)
            return 'failed'

        # Close gripper

        arm.occupied_by = grab_entity

        # Lift
        goal_bl = grasp_framestamped.projectToFrame(self.robot.robot_name + "/base_link",
        rospy.loginfo('Start lifting')
        roll = 0.0

        goal_bl.frame.p.z(goal_bl.frame.p.z() + 0.05)  # Add 5 cm
        goal_bl.frame.M = kdl.Rotation.RPY(roll, 0, 0)  # Update the roll
        rospy.loginfo("Start lift")
        if not arm.send_goal(goal_bl, timeout=20, allowed_touch_objects=[grab_entity.id]):
            rospy.logerr('Failed lift')

        # Retract
        goal_bl = grasp_framestamped.projectToFrame(self.robot.robot_name + '/base_link',
        rospy.loginfo('Start retracting')
        roll = 0.0

        goal_bl.frame.p.x(goal_bl.frame.p.x() - 0.1)  # Retract 10 cm
        goal_bl.frame.p.z(goal_bl.frame.p.z() + 0.05)  # Go 5 cm higher
        goal_bl.frame.M = kdl.Rotation.RPY(roll, 0.0, 0.0)  # Update the roll
        rospy.loginfo("Start retract")
        if not arm.send_goal(goal_bl, timeout=0.0, allowed_touch_objects=[grab_entity.id]):
            rospy.logerr('Failed retract')
        self.robot.base.force_drive(-0.125, 0, 0, 2.0)

        # Update Kinect once again to make sure the object disappears from ED
        segm_res = self.robot.ed.update_kinect("%s" % grab_entity.id)


        # Carrying pose
        # rospy.loginfo('start moving to carrying pose')
        arm.send_joint_goal('carrying_pose', timeout=0.0)

        result = 'succeeded'
        if self._check_occupancy:
            # Check if the object is present in the gripper
            if arm.object_in_gripper_measurement.is_empty:
                # If state is empty, grasp has failed
                result = "failed"
                rospy.logerr("Gripper is not holding an object")
                self.robot.speech.speak("Whoops, something went terribly wrong")
                arm.occupied_by = None  # Set the object the arm is holding to None
                # State is holding, grasp succeeded.
                # If unknown: sensor not there, assume gripper is holding and hope for the best
                result = "succeeded"
                if arm.object_in_gripper_measurement.is_unknown:
                    rospy.logwarn("GripperMeasurement unknown")

        # Reset head

        return result

    def associate(self, original_entity):
        """ Tries to associate the original entity with one of the entities in the world model. This is useful if
        after an update, the original entity is no longer present in the world model. If no good map can be found,
        the original entity will be returned as the associated entity.
        :param original_entity:
        :return: associated entity
        # Get all entities
        entities = self.robot.ed.get_entities(parse=False)

        # Remove all entities with a shape. These are probably not the ones we want to grasp
        for e in entities:
            if e.is_a("furniture"):
        entities = sorted(entities,
                          key=lambda entity: entity.distance_to_3d(original_entity._pose.p))

        if self.distance(entities[0], original_entity) < 0.05:  # Objects Less than 5 cm apart might be associated
            return entities[0]
            return original_entity

    def distance(e1, e2):
        """ Computes the distance between two entities """
        return e1.distance_to_3d(e2._pose.p)