Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_geometry_fail(self):
        l0 = rp.ELink()
        col = gm.Box([1, 1, 1])
        l0.geometry = col
        l0.geometry = [col, col]

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            l0.geometry = [1, 1, 1]

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            l0.geometry = 1
    def test_jindex_4(self):
        e1 = rtb.ELink(rtb.ETS.rz())
        e2 = rtb.ELink(rtb.ETS.rz(), parent=e1)
        e3 = rtb.ELink(rtb.ETS.rz(), parent=e2)
        e4 = rtb.ELink(rtb.ETS.rz(), parent=e3)
        e5 = rtb.ELink(rtb.ETS.rz(), parent=e4)
        e6 = rtb.ELink(rtb.ETS.rz(), parent=e5)
        e7 = rtb.ELink(rtb.ETS.rz(), parent=e6)

        rtb.ERobot([e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7], gripper_links=e3)
    def test_complex(self):
        l0 = rtb.ELink(rtb.ETS.tx(0.1), rtb.ETS.rx())
        l1 = rtb.ELink(rtb.ETS.tx(0.1), rtb.ETS.ry(), parent=l0)
        l2 = rtb.ELink(rtb.ETS.tx(0.1), rtb.ETS.rz(), parent=l1)
        l3 = rtb.ELink(rtb.ETS.tx(0.1), rtb.ETS.tx(), parent=l2)
        l4 = rtb.ELink(rtb.ETS.tx(0.1), rtb.ETS.ty(), parent=l3)
        l5 = rtb.ELink(rtb.ETS.tx(0.1), rtb.ETS.tz(), parent=l4)

        r = rtb.ERobot([l0, l1, l2, l3, l4, l5])
        r.q = [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]

        ans = np.array([[
            -0., 0.08752679, -0.74761985, 0.41198225, 0.05872664, 0.90929743
                            1.46443609, 2.80993063, 0.52675075, -0.68124272,
                            -0.64287284, 0.35017549
                            -1.04432, -1.80423571, -2.20308833, 0.60512725,
                            -0.76371834, -0.2248451
                        ], [1., 0., 0.90929743, 0., 0., 0.],
                        [0., 0.54030231, 0.35017549, 0., 0., 0.],
                        [0., 0.84147098, -0.2248451, 0., 0., 0.]])

        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(r.jacob0(), ans)
    def test_I(self):
        l0 = rp.ELink(I=[1, 2, 3])
        l1 = rp.ELink(I=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        l2 = rp.ELink(I=np.eye(3))

        I0 = np.array([
            [1, 0, 0],
            [0, 2, 0],
            [0, 0, 3]

        I1 = np.array([
            [0, 3, 5],
            [3, 1, 4],
            [5, 4, 2]

        I2 = np.eye(3)

        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(l0.I, I0)
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(l1.I, I1)
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(l2.I, I2)
    def test_A2(self):
        rx = rp.ETS.rx(np.pi)
        ry = rp.ETS.ry(np.pi)
        tz = rp.ETS.tz()

        l0 = rp.ELink(rx * ry, tz)

        ans = sm.SE3.Rx(np.pi) * sm.SE3.Ry(np.pi) * sm.SE3.Tz(1.2)

        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(l0.A(1.2).A, ans.A)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_jindex_fail(self):
        e1 = rtb.ELink(rtb.ETS.rz(), jindex=0)
        e2 = rtb.ELink(rtb.ETS.rz(), jindex=1, parent=e1)
        e3 = rtb.ELink(rtb.ETS.rz(), jindex=2, parent=e2)
        e4 = rtb.ELink(rtb.ETS.rz(), jindex=5, parent=e3)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            rtb.ERobot([e1, e2, e3, e4])

        e1 = rtb.ELink(rtb.ETS.rz(), jindex=0)
        e2 = rtb.ELink(rtb.ETS.rz(), jindex=1, parent=e1)
        e3 = rtb.ELink(rtb.ETS.rz(), jindex=2, parent=e2)
        e4 = rtb.ELink(rtb.ETS.rz(), parent=e3)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            rtb.ERobot([e1, e2, e3, e4])
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_dyn(self):
        l0 = rp.ELink(Tc=[0.4, -0.43],
                      qlim=[-2.79, 2.79],
                      I=np.diag([0, 0.35, 0]))

        s0 = l0.dyn()

            s0, """m     =         0 
r     =         0        0        0 
        |        0        0        0 | 
I     = |        0     0.35        0 | 
        |        0        0        0 | 
Jm    =         0 
B     =         0 
Tc    =       0.4(+)    -0.43(-) 
G     =       -63 
qlim  =      -2.8 to      2.8""")
Exemplo n.º 8
        :return: gear ratio
        :rtype: float

        - ``link.G = ...`` checks and sets the gear ratio

        .. note::
            - The ratio of motor motion : link motion
            - The gear ratio can be negative, see also the ``flip`` attribute.

        :seealso: :func:`flip`
        return self._G

    def G(self, G_new):
        self._G = G_new

if __name__ == "__main__":  # pragma nocover

    import roboticstoolbox as rtb
    from spatialmath.base import sym

    ET = rtb.ETS

    d, a, theta = sym.symbol('d, a, theta')

    e = ET.tx(d) * ET.ty(a) * ET.rz(theta)
    link = rtb.ELink()
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_qlim(self):
        l0 = rp.ELink(qlim=[-1, 1])

        self.assertEqual(l0.islimit(-0.9), False)
        self.assertEqual(l0.islimit(-1.9), True)
        self.assertEqual(l0.islimit(2.9), True)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_init_fail(self):
        rx = rp.ETS.rx(1.543)
        ty = rp.ETS.ty()

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            rp.ELink([rx, ty])
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_setB(self):
        l0 = rp.ELink()

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            l0.B = [1, 2]
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_fail_parent(self):

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_properties(self):
        l0 = rp.ELink()

        self.assertEqual(l0.m, 0.0)
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(l0.r, np.zeros(3))
        self.assertEqual(l0.Jm, 0.0)
    def test_invdyn(self):
        # create a 2 link robot
        # Example from Spong etal. 2nd edition, p. 260
        E = rtb.ETS
        l1 = rtb.ELink(ets=E.ry(), m=1, r=[0.5, 0, 0], name='l1')
        l2 = rtb.ELink(ets=E.tx(1) * E.ry(),
                       r=[0.5, 0, 0],
        robot = rtb.ERobot([l1, l2], name="simple 2 link")
        z = np.zeros(robot.n)

        # check gravity load
        tau = robot.rne(z, z, z) / 9.81
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(tau, np.r_[-2, -0.5])

        tau = robot.rne([0, -pi / 2], z, z) / 9.81
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(tau, np.r_[-1.5, 0])

        tau = robot.rne([-pi / 2, pi / 2], z, z) / 9.81
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(tau, np.r_[-0.5, -0.5])

        tau = robot.rne([-pi / 2, 0], z, z) / 9.81
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(tau, np.r_[0, 0])

        # check velocity terms
        robot.gravity = [0, 0, 0]
        q = [0, -pi / 2]
        h = -0.5 * sin(q[1])

        tau = robot.rne(q, [0, 0], z)
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(tau, np.r_[0, 0] * h)

        tau = robot.rne(q, [1, 0], z)
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(tau, np.r_[0, -1] * h)

        tau = robot.rne(q, [0, 1], z)
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(tau, np.r_[1, 0] * h)

        tau = robot.rne(q, [1, 1], z)
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(tau, np.r_[3, -1] * h)

        # check inertial terms

        d11 = 1.5 + cos(q[1])
        d12 = 0.25 + 0.5 * cos(q[1])
        d21 = d12
        d22 = 0.25

        tau = robot.rne(q, z, [0, 0])
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(tau, np.r_[0, 0])

        tau = robot.rne(q, z, [1, 0])
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(tau, np.r_[d11, d21])

        tau = robot.rne(q, z, [0, 1])
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(tau, np.r_[d12, d22])

        tau = robot.rne(q, z, [1, 1])
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(tau, np.r_[d11 + d12, d21 + d22])