Exemplo n.º 1
def test_negative_add_image_rhev_with_invalid_uuid(rhev, module_os):
    """Attempt to add invalid image to the RHEV compute resource

    :id: e8a653f9-9749-4c76-95ed-2411a7c0a117

    :setup: Images/templates should be present in RHEV-M itself,
        so that satellite can use them.


        1. Create a compute resource of type rhev.
        2. Create a image for the compute resource with invalid value for
           uuid parameter, compute-resource image create.

    :expectedresults: The image should not be added to the CR

    :BZ: 1829239
    comp_res = make_compute_resource({
        'provider': 'Ovirt',
        'user': rhev.username,
        'password': rhev.password,
        'datacenter': rhev.datacenter,
        'url': rhev.hostname,
    assert comp_res['name']
    with pytest.raises(CLIReturnCodeError):
            'compute-resource': comp_res['name'],
            'name': f'img {gen_string(str_type="alpha")}',
            'uuid': f'invalidimguuid {gen_string(str_type="alpha")}',
            'operatingsystem': module_os.title,
            'architecture': rhev.image_arch,
            'username': "******",
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_negative_add_image_rhev_with_invalid_name(self):
        """Attempt to add invalid image name to the RHEV compute resource

        :id: 873a7d79-1e89-4e4f-81ca-b6db1e0246da

        :setup: Images/templates should be present in RHEV-M itself,
            so that satellite can use them.


            1. Create a compute resource of type rhev.
            2. Create a image for the compute resource with invalid value for
               name parameter, compute-resource image create.

        :expectedresults: The image should not be added to the CR

        if self.image_uuid is None:
            self.skipTest('Missing configuration for rhev.image_uuid')

        comp_res = make_compute_resource({
            'provider': 'Ovirt',
            'user': self.username,
            'password': self.password,
            'datacenter': self.datacenter,
            'url': self.current_rhev_url,

        with self.assertRaises(CLIReturnCodeError):
                # too long string (>255 chars)
                'img {}'.format(gen_string(str_type='alphanumeric',
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_positive_add_image_rhev_with_name(self):
        """Add images to the RHEV compute resource

        :id: 2da84165-a56f-4282-9343-94828fa69c13

        :setup: Images/templates should be present in RHEV-M itself,
            so that satellite can use them.


            1. Create a compute resource of type rhev.
            2. Create a image for the compute resource with valid parameter,
               compute-resource image create

        :expectedresults: The image is added to the CR successfully
        if self.image_uuid is None:
            self.skipTest('Missing configuration for rhev.image_uuid')

        comp_res = make_compute_resource({
            'provider': 'Ovirt',
            'user': self.username,
            'password': self.password,
            'datacenter': self.datacenter,
            'url': self.current_rhev_url,
            'img {}'.format(gen_string(str_type='alpha')),
        result = ComputeResource.image_list(
            {'compute-resource': comp_res['name']})
        self.assertEqual(result[0]['uuid'], self.image_uuid)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_negative_add_image_rhev_with_invalid_name(rhev, module_os):
    """Attempt to add invalid image name to the RHEV compute resource

    :id: 873a7d79-1e89-4e4f-81ca-b6db1e0246da

    :setup: Images/templates should be present in RHEV-M itself,
        so that satellite can use them.


        1. Create a compute resource of type rhev.
        2. Create a image for the compute resource with invalid value for
           name parameter, compute-resource image create.

    :expectedresults: The image should not be added to the CR

    if rhev.image_uuid is None:
        pytest.skip('Missing configuration for rhev.image_uuid')

    comp_res = make_compute_resource(
            'provider': 'Ovirt',
            'user': rhev.username,
            'password': rhev.password,
            'datacenter': rhev.datacenter,
            'url': rhev.hostname,

    assert comp_res['name']
    with pytest.raises(CLIReturnCodeError):
                'compute-resource': comp_res['name'],
                # too long string (>255 chars)
                'name': f'img {gen_string(str_type="alphanumeric", length=256)}',
                'uuid': rhev.image_uuid,
                'operatingsystem': module_os.title,
                'architecture': rhev.image_arch,
                'username': "******",
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_negative_add_image_rhev_with_invalid_uuid(self):
        """Attempt to add invalid image to the RHEV compute resource

        :id: e8a653f9-9749-4c76-95ed-2411a7c0a117

        :setup: Images/templates should be present in RHEV-M itself,
            so that satellite can use them.


            1. Create a compute resource of type rhev.
            2. Create a image for the compute resource with invalid value for
               uuid parameter, compute-resource image create.

        :expectedresults: The image should not be added to the CR

        :BZ: 1829239
        comp_res = make_compute_resource({
            'provider': 'Ovirt',
            'user': self.username,
            'password': self.password,
            'datacenter': self.datacenter,
            'url': self.current_rhev_url,
        with self.assertRaises(CLIReturnCodeError):
                'img {}'.format(gen_string(str_type='alpha')),
                'invalidimguuid {}'.format(gen_string(str_type='alpha')),
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_positive_add_image_rhev_with_name(rhev, module_os):
    """Add images to the RHEV compute resource

    :id: 2da84165-a56f-4282-9343-94828fa69c13

    :setup: Images/templates should be present in RHEV-M itself,
        so that satellite can use them.


        1. Create a compute resource of type rhev.
        2. Create a image for the compute resource with valid parameter,
           compute-resource image create

    :expectedresults: The image is added to the CR successfully
    if rhev.image_uuid is None:
        pytest.skip('Missing configuration for rhev.image_uuid')

    comp_res = make_compute_resource(
            'provider': 'Ovirt',
            'user': rhev.username,
            'password': rhev.password,
            'datacenter': rhev.datacenter,
            'url': rhev.hostname,
    assert comp_res['name']
            'compute-resource': comp_res['name'],
            'name': f'img {gen_string(str_type="alpha")}',
            'uuid': rhev.image_uuid,
            'operatingsystem': module_os.title,
            'architecture': rhev.image_arch,
            'username': "******",
    result = ComputeResource.image_list({'compute-resource': comp_res['name']})
    assert result[0]['uuid'] == rhev.image_uuid
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_positive_image_crud(self, default_architecture, module_azurerm_cr, default_os, image):
        """ Finish template/Cloud_init image along with username is being Create, Read, Update and
        Delete in AzureRm compute resources

        :id: e4f40640-46dd-4ef8-8be5-99c625056aff

        :parametrized: yes

            1. Create an AzureRm Compute Resource.
            2. Create a finish template/Cloud_init based image in it.
            3. List/info the created image
            4. Update image name and username
            5. Delete created image

        :expectedresults: Finish template/Cloud_init image should be created, list, updated and
                          deleted in AzureRm CR along with username

        :CaseImportance: Critical

        :CaseLevel: Integration

        # Create
        img_name = gen_string('alpha')
        username = gen_string('alpha')
        img_ft = ComputeResource.image_create(
                'name': img_name,
                'operatingsystem-id': default_os.id,
                'architecture-id': default_architecture.id,
                'uuid': image,
                'compute-resource': module_azurerm_cr.name,
                'username': username,
                'user-data': 'no',
        assert img_ft['message'] == 'Image created.'
        assert img_ft['name'] == img_name

        # Info Image
        img_info = ComputeResource.image_info(
            {'name': img_name, 'compute-resource': module_azurerm_cr.name}
        assert img_info['operating-system'] == default_os.title
        assert img_info['username'] == username
        assert img_info['uuid'] == image
        assert img_info['user-data'] == 'false'
        assert img_info['architecture'] == default_architecture.name

        # List image
        list_img = ComputeResource.image_list({'compute-resource': module_azurerm_cr.name})
        assert len(list_img) == 1
        assert list_img[0]['name'] == img_name

        # Update image
        new_img_name = gen_string('alpha')
        new_username = gen_string('alpha')
        result = ComputeResource.image_update(
                'name': img_name,
                'compute-resource': module_azurerm_cr.name,
                'new-name': new_img_name,
                'username': new_username,
        assert result['message'] == 'Image updated.'
        assert result['name'] == new_img_name

        img_info = ComputeResource.image_info(
            {'name': new_img_name, 'compute-resource': module_azurerm_cr.name}
        assert img_info['username'] == new_username

        # Delete Image
        result = ComputeResource.image_delete(
            {'name': new_img_name, 'compute-resource': module_azurerm_cr.name}
        assert result['message'] == 'Image deleted.'
        assert result['name'] == new_img_name
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_positive_provision_rhev_image_based_and_disassociate(
        provisioning, rhev, tear_down, setting_update):
    """Provision a host on RHEV compute resource using image-based provisioning

    :Requirement: Computeresource RHV

    :CaseComponent: ComputeResources-RHEV

    :Assignee: lhellebr

    :id: ba78858f-5cff-462e-a35d-f5aa4d11db52

    :parametrized: yes

    :customerscenario: true

    :BZ: 1356126

    :setup: RHEV with a template on it


        1. Create a RHEV CR
        1. Create an image on that CR
        2. Create a new host using that CR and image
        3. Disassociate the host from the CR

    :expectedresults: Host should be provisioned with image, associated to CR, then disassociated

    :CaseAutomation: Automated
        name = gen_string('alpha')
        rhv_cr = ComputeResource.create({
            'name': name,
            'provider': 'Ovirt',
            'user': rhev.username,
            'password': rhev.password,
            'datacenter': rhev.datacenter,
            'url': rhev.hostname,
            'ovirt-quota': rhev.quota,
            'organizations': provisioning.org_name,
            'locations': provisioning.loc_name,
        assert rhv_cr['name'] == name
        host_name = gen_string('alpha').lower()
        # use some RHEL (usually latest)
        os = (entities.OperatingSystem().search(
                f'name="RedHat" AND (major="{RHEL_6_MAJOR_VERSION}" OR '
        image = ComputeResource.image_create({
            'compute-resource': rhv_cr['name'],
            'name': f'img {gen_string(str_type="alpha")}',
            'uuid': rhev.image_uuid,
            'operatingsystem-id': os.id,
            'architecture': rhev.image_arch,
            'username': '******',
            'password': rhev.image_password,
            'user-data': 'yes',  # so finish template won't be used
        host = make_host({
            f"compute_name=nic1, compute_network={rhev.network_id}",
        hostname = f'{host_name}.{provisioning.config_env["domain"]}'
        assert hostname == host['name']
        host_info = Host.info({'name': hostname})
        # Check on RHV, if VM exists
        assert rhev.rhv_api.does_vm_exist(hostname)
        # Get the information of created VM
        rhv_vm = rhev.rhv_api.get_vm(hostname)
        # Assert of Satellite mac address for VM and Mac of VM created is same
        assert host_info.get('network').get(
            'mac') == rhv_vm.get_nics()[0].mac.address
        # Check the host is associated to the CR
        assert 'compute-resource' in host_info
        assert host_info['compute-resource'] == name
        # Done. Do not try to SSH, this image-based test should work even without
        # being in the same network as RHEV. We checked the VM exists and
        # that's enough.

        # Disassociate the host from the CR, check it's disassociated
        Host.disassociate({'name': hostname})
        host_info = Host.info({'name': hostname})
        assert 'compute-resource' not in host_info


        # Now, let's just remove the host
        Host.delete({'id': host['id']})
        # Delete the VM since the disassociated VM won't get deleted