def __init__(self,
     ''' Constructor
         @param c0 Initial CoM position
         @param dc0 Initial CoM velocity
         @param g Gravity vector
         @param regularization Weight of the force minimization, the higher this value, the sparser the solution
     assert mass > 0.0, "Mass is not positive"
     assert mu > 0.0, "Friction coefficient is not positive"
     assert np.asarray(
         c0).squeeze().shape[0] == 3, "Com position vector has not size 3"
     assert np.asarray(
         dc0).squeeze().shape[0] == 3, "Com velocity vector has not size 3"
     assert np.asarray(
         contact_points).shape[1] == 3, "Contact points have not size 3"
     assert np.asarray(
         contact_normals).shape[1] == 3, "Contact normals have not size 3"
     assert np.asarray(contact_points).shape[0] == np.asarray(
         0], "Number of contact points do not match number of contact normals"
     self._name = name
     self._maxIter = maxIter
     self._verb = verb
     self._c0 = np.asarray(c0).squeeze().copy()
     self._dc0 = np.asarray(dc0).squeeze().copy()
     self._mass = mass
     self._g = np.asarray(g).squeeze().copy()
     #        self._regularization    = regularization;
     self._mu = mu
     self._contact_points = np.asarray(contact_points).copy()
     self._contact_normals = np.asarray(contact_normals).copy()
     if (norm(self._dc0) != 0.0):
         self._v = self._dc0 / norm(self._dc0)
         self._v = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
     self._com_acc_solver = ComAccLP(self._name + "_comAccLP", self._c0,
                                     self._v, self._contact_points,
                                     self._contact_normals, self._mu,
                                     self._g, self._mass, maxIter, verb - 1,
                                     regularization, solver)
     self._equilibrium_solver = RobustEquilibriumDLP(name + "_robEquiDLP",
                                                     verb=verb - 1)
 def set_contacts(self, contact_points, contact_normals, mu):
     self._com_acc_solver.set_contacts(contact_points, contact_normals, mu)
     self._equilibrium_solver = RobustEquilibriumDLP(self._name,
class StabilityCriterion(object):
    _name = ""
    _maxIter = 0
    _verb = 0
    _com_acc_solver = None
    _equilibrium_solver = None
    _c0 = None
    _dc0 = None
    _v = None

    _computationTime = 0.0
    _outerIterations = 0
    _innerIterations = 0

    def __init__(self,
        ''' Constructor
            @param c0 Initial CoM position
            @param dc0 Initial CoM velocity
            @param g Gravity vector
            @param regularization Weight of the force minimization, the higher this value, the sparser the solution
        assert mass > 0.0, "Mass is not positive"
        assert mu > 0.0, "Friction coefficient is not positive"
        assert np.asarray(
            c0).squeeze().shape[0] == 3, "Com position vector has not size 3"
        assert np.asarray(
            dc0).squeeze().shape[0] == 3, "Com velocity vector has not size 3"
        assert np.asarray(
            contact_points).shape[1] == 3, "Contact points have not size 3"
        assert np.asarray(
            contact_normals).shape[1] == 3, "Contact normals have not size 3"
        assert np.asarray(contact_points).shape[0] == np.asarray(
            0], "Number of contact points do not match number of contact normals"
        self._name = name
        self._maxIter = maxIter
        self._verb = verb
        self._c0 = np.asarray(c0).squeeze().copy()
        self._dc0 = np.asarray(dc0).squeeze().copy()
        self._mass = mass
        self._g = np.asarray(g).squeeze().copy()
        #        self._regularization    = regularization;
        self._mu = mu
        self._contact_points = np.asarray(contact_points).copy()
        self._contact_normals = np.asarray(contact_normals).copy()
        if (norm(self._dc0) != 0.0):
            self._v = self._dc0 / norm(self._dc0)
            self._v = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        self._com_acc_solver = ComAccLP(self._name + "_comAccLP", self._c0,
                                        self._v, self._contact_points,
                                        self._contact_normals, self._mu,
                                        self._g, self._mass, maxIter, verb - 1,
                                        regularization, solver)
        self._equilibrium_solver = RobustEquilibriumDLP(name + "_robEquiDLP",
                                                        verb=verb - 1)

    def set_contacts(self, contact_points, contact_normals, mu):
        self._com_acc_solver.set_contacts(contact_points, contact_normals, mu)
        self._equilibrium_solver = RobustEquilibriumDLP(self._name,

    def can_I_stop(self, c0=None, dc0=None, T_0=0.5, MAX_ITER=1000):
        ''' Determine whether the system can come to a stop without changing contacts.
            Keyword arguments:
              c0 -- initial CoM position 
              dc0 -- initial CoM velocity 
              contact points -- a matrix containing the contact points
              contact normals -- a matrix containing the contact normals
              mu -- friction coefficient (either a scalar or an array)
              mass -- the robot mass
              T_0 -- an initial guess for the time to stop
            Output: An object containing the following member variables:
              is_stable -- boolean value
              c -- final com position
              dc -- final com velocity
              ddc_min -- minimum feasible com acceleration at the final com position (to be used as a stability margin)
              t -- time taken to reach the final com state
              computation_time -- time taken to solve all the LPs
        #- Initialize: alpha=0, Dalpha=||dc0||
        #- LOOP:
        #    - Find min com acc for current com pos (i.e. DDalpha_min)
        #    - If DDalpha_min>0: return False
        #    - Find alpha_max (i.e. value of alpha corresponding to right vertex of active inequality)
        #    - Initialize: t=T_0, t_ub=10, t_lb=0
        #    LOOP:
        #        - Integrate LDS until t: DDalpha = d/b - (a/d)*alpha
        #        - if(Dalpha(t)==0 && alpha(t)<=alpha_max):  return (True, alpha(t)*v)
        #        - if(alpha(t)==alpha_max && Dalpha(t)>0):   alpha=alpha(t), Dalpha=Dalpha(t), break
        #        - if(alpha(t)<alpha_max && Dalpha>0):       t_lb=t, t=(t_ub+t_lb)/2
        #        - else                                      t_ub=t, t=(t_ub+t_lb)/2
        assert T_0 > 0.0, "Time is not positive"
        if (c0 is not None):
            assert np.asarray(c0).squeeze().shape[0] == 3, "CoM has not size 3"
            self._c0 = np.asarray(c0).squeeze().copy()
        if (dc0 is not None):
            assert np.asarray(
                dc0).squeeze().shape[0] == 3, "CoM velocity has not size 3"
            self._dc0 = np.asarray(dc0).squeeze().copy()
            if (norm(self._dc0) != 0.0):
                self._v = self._dc0 / norm(self._dc0)
        if ((c0 is not None) or (dc0 is not None)):
            self._com_acc_solver.set_com_state(self._c0, self._v)

        # Initialize: alpha=0, Dalpha=||dc0||
        t_int = 0.0
        alpha = 0.0
        Dalpha = norm(self._dc0)
        last_iteration = False
        self._computationTime = 0.0
        self._outerIterations = 0
        self._innerIterations = 0
        last_ddc_min = None

        if (Dalpha == 0.0):
            r = self._equilibrium_solver.compute_equilibrium_robustness(
            return Bunch(is_stable=(r >= 0.0),

        for iiii in range(MAX_ITER):
            if (last_iteration):
                if (self._verb > 0):
                    print "[%s] Algorithm converged to Dalpha=%.3f" % (
                        self._name, Dalpha)
                return Bunch(is_stable=False,
                             c=self._c0 + alpha * self._v,
                             dc=Dalpha * self._v,

            (imode, DDalpha_min, a, alpha_min,
             alpha_max) = self._com_acc_solver.compute_max_deceleration(alpha)

            self._computationTime += self._com_acc_solver.getLpTime()
            self._outerIterations += 1

            if (imode == LP_status.INFEASIBLE):
                # Linear Program was not feasible, suggesting there is no feasible CoM acceleration for the given CoM position
                if (self._verb > 1):
                    from com_acc_LP import ComAccPP
                    self._comAccPP = None
                        self._comAccPP = ComAccPP(self._name + "_comAccPP",
                                                  verb=self._verb - 1)
                        (imode2, DDalpha_min2, a2, alpha_max2
                         ) = self._comAccPP.compute_max_deceleration(alpha)
                    except Exception as e:
                        print "[%s] Error while trying to compute min com acc with ComAccPP. " % (
                            self._name) + str(e)

                    if (self._comAccPP is not None and imode2 == 0):
                        raise ValueError(
                            "[%s] Computing min com acc with PP gave different result than with LP: "
                            % (self._name) + str(DDalpha_min2))
                return Bunch(is_stable=False,
                             c=self._c0 + alpha * self._v,
                             dc=Dalpha * self._v,

            if (imode != LP_status.OPTIMAL):
                raise ValueError("[%s] Error while solving com acc LP: %s" %
                                 (self._name, LP_status_string[imode]))

            last_ddc_min = DDalpha_min

            if (self._verb > 0):
                print "[%s] DDalpha_min=%.3f, alpha=%.3f, Dalpha=%.3f, alpha_max=%.3f, a=%.3f" % (
                    self._name, DDalpha_min, alpha, Dalpha, alpha_max, a)

            if (DDalpha_min > -EPS):
                if (self._verb > 0):
                    print "[%s] Minimum com acceleration is positive, so I cannot stop" % (
                return Bunch(is_stable=False,
                             c=self._c0 + alpha * self._v,
                             dc=Dalpha * self._v,

            # DDalpha_min is the acceleration corresponding to the current value of alpha
            # compute DDalpha_0, that is the acceleration corresponding to alpha=0
            DDalpha_0 = DDalpha_min - a * alpha

            # If DDalpha_min is not always negative on the current segment then update
            # alpha_max to the point where DDalpha_min becomes zero
            if (DDalpha_0 + a * alpha_max > 0.0):
                alpha_max = -DDalpha_0 / a
                last_iteration = True
                if (self._verb > 0):
                    print "[%s] Updated alpha_max %.3f" % (self._name,

            # Initialize: t=T_0, t_ub=10, t_lb=0
            t = T_0
            t_ub = 10.0
            # hypothesis: 10 seconds are always sufficient to stop
            t_lb = 0.0
            if (abs(a) < EPS):
                # if the acceleration is constant over time I can compute directly the time needed
                # to bring the velocity to zero:
                #     Dalpha(t) = Dalpha(0) + t*DDalpha = 0
                #     t = -Dalpha(0)/DDalpha
                t_zero = -Dalpha / DDalpha_min
                alpha_t = alpha + t_zero * Dalpha + 0.5 * t_zero * t_zero * DDalpha_min
                if (alpha_t <= alpha_max + EPS):
                    if (self._verb > 0):
                        print "DDalpha_min is independent from alpha, algorithm converged to Dalpha=0"
                    return Bunch(is_stable=True,
                                 c=self._c0 + alpha_t * self._v,
                                 dc=0.0 * self._v,
                                 t=t_int + t_zero,

                # if alpha reaches alpha_max before the velocity is zero, then compute the time needed to reach alpha_max
                #     alpha(t) = alpha(0) + t*Dalpha(0) + 0.5*t*t*DDalpha = alpha_max
                #     t = (- Dalpha(0) +/- sqrt(Dalpha(0)^2 - 2*DDalpha(alpha(0)-alpha_max))) / DDalpha;
                # where DDalpha = -d[i_DDalpha_min]
                # Having two solutions, we take the smallest one because we want to find the first time
                # at which alpha reaches alpha_max
                delta = sqrt(Dalpha**2 - 2 * DDalpha_min * (alpha - alpha_max))
                t = (-Dalpha + delta) / DDalpha_min
                if (t < 0.0):
                    # If the smallest time at which alpha reaches alpha_max is negative print a WARNING because this should not happen
                    print "[%s] WARNING: Time is negative: t=%.3f, alpha=%.3f, Dalpha=%.3f, DDalpha_min=%.3f, alpha_max=%.3f" % (
                        self._name, t, alpha, Dalpha, DDalpha_min, alpha_max)
                    t = (-Dalpha - delta) / DDalpha_min
                    if (t < 0.0):
                        # If also the largest time is negative print an ERROR and return
                        raise ValueError(
                            "[%s] ERROR: Time is still negative: t=%.3f, alpha=%.3f, Dalpha=%.3f, DDalpha_min=%.3f, alpha_max=%.3f"
                            % (self._name, t, alpha, Dalpha, DDalpha_min,
                # Try to compute the time at which the velocity will be zero:
                #   Dalpha(t) = omega*sh*alpha + ch*Dalpha + omega*sh*(DDalpha_0/a) = 0
                #   omega*th*alpha + Dalpha + omega*th*(DDalpha_0/a) = 0
                #   th*omega*(alpha + DDalpha_0/a) = - Dalpha
                #   tanh(omega*t) = - Dalpha / (omega*(alpha + DDalpha_0/a))
                #   omega*t = atanh(- Dalpha / (omega*(alpha + DDalpha_0/a)))
                #   t = atanh(- Dalpha / (omega*(alpha + DDalpha_0/a))) / omega
                omega = sqrt(a + 0j)
                tmp = -Dalpha / (omega * (alpha + (DDalpha_0 / a)))
                if (abs(np.real(tmp)) < 1.0):
                    t = np.arctanh(tmp) / omega
                    if (np.imag(t) != 0.0):
                        raise ValueError(
                            "[%s] ERROR time to reach zero vel is imaginary: "
                            % self._name + str(t) + "a=%.3f" % (a))
                    t = np.real(t)
                    t_ub = t
                    # use this time as an upper bound for the search
                    # Here I already know that I won't be able to stop, but I keep integrating to find the min velocity I can reach.
                    if (self._verb > 0):
                        print "[%s] INFO argument of arctanh greater than 1 (%.3f), meaning that zero vel will never be reached" % (
                            self._name, np.real(tmp))
                    #return Bunch(is_stable=False, c=self._c0+alpha*self._v, dc=Dalpha*self._v, t=t_int);

            bisection_converged = False
            for jjjj in range(MAX_ITER):
                # Integrate LDS until t: DDalpha = a*alpha - d
                if (abs(a) > EPS):
                    # if a!=0 then the acceleration is a linear function of the position and I need to use this formula to integrate
                    sh = np.sinh(omega * t)
                    ch = np.cosh(omega * t)
                    alpha_t = ch * alpha + sh * Dalpha / omega - (1.0 - ch) * (
                        DDalpha_0 / a)
                    Dalpha_t = omega * sh * alpha + ch * Dalpha + omega * sh * (
                        DDalpha_0 / a)
                    # if a==0 then the acceleration is constant and I need to use this formula to integrate
                    alpha_t = alpha + t * Dalpha + 0.5 * t * t * DDalpha_0
                    Dalpha_t = Dalpha + t * DDalpha_0

                if (np.imag(alpha_t) != 0.0):
                    raise ValueError("ERROR alpha is imaginary: " +
                if (np.imag(Dalpha_t) != 0.0):
                    raise ValueError("ERROR Dalpha is imaginary: " +

                alpha_t = np.real(alpha_t)
                Dalpha_t = np.real(Dalpha_t)
                if (self._verb > 1):
                    print "[%s] Bisection iter" % (
                    ), jjjj, "alpha", alpha_t, "Dalpha", Dalpha_t, "t", t

                if (abs(Dalpha_t) < EPS and alpha_t <= alpha_max + EPS):
                    if (self._verb > 0):
                        print "[%s] Algorithm converged to Dalpha=0" % self._name
                    self._innerIterations += jjjj
                    t_int += t
                    return Bunch(is_stable=True,
                                 c=self._c0 + alpha_t * self._v,
                                 dc=Dalpha_t * self._v,
                                 ddc_min=DDalpha_0 + a * alpha_t)
                if (abs(alpha_t - alpha_max) < EPS and Dalpha_t > 0):
                    alpha = alpha_max + EPS
                    Dalpha = Dalpha_t
                    t_int += t
                    bisection_converged = True
                    self._innerIterations += jjjj
                if (alpha_t < alpha_max and Dalpha_t > 0):
                    t_lb = t
                    t = 0.5 * (t_ub + t_lb)
                    t_ub = t
                    t = 0.5 * (t_ub + t_lb)

            if (not bisection_converged):
                raise ValueError(
                    "[%s] Bisection search did not converge in %d iterations" %
                    (self._name, MAX_ITER))

        raise ValueError("[%s] Algorithm did not converge in %d iterations" %
                         (self._name, MAX_ITER))

    def predict_future_state(self, t_pred, c0=None, dc0=None, MAX_ITER=1000):
        ''' Compute what the CoM state will be at the specified time instant if the system
            applies maximum CoM deceleration parallel to the current CoM velocity
            Keyword arguments:
            t_pred -- Future time at which the prediction is made
            c0 -- initial CoM position 
            dc0 -- initial CoM velocity 
            Output: An object with the following member variables:
            t -- time at which the integration has stopped (equal to t_pred, unless something went wrong)
            c -- final com position
            dc -- final com velocity
        #- Initialize: alpha=0, Dalpha=||dc0||
        #- LOOP:
        #    - Find min com acc for current com pos (i.e. DDalpha_min)
        #    - If DDalpha_min>0: return False
        #    - Find alpha_max (i.e. value of alpha corresponding to right vertex of active inequality)
        #    - Initialize: t=T_0, t_ub=10, t_lb=0
        #    LOOP:
        #        - Integrate LDS until t: DDalpha = d/b - (a/d)*alpha
        #        - if(Dalpha(t)==0 && alpha(t)<=alpha_max):  return (True, alpha(t)*v)
        #        - if(alpha(t)==alpha_max && Dalpha(t)>0):   alpha=alpha(t), Dalpha=Dalpha(t), break
        #        - if(alpha(t)<alpha_max && Dalpha>0):       t_lb=t, t=(t_ub+t_lb)/2
        #        - else                                      t_ub=t, t=(t_ub+t_lb)/2
        assert t_pred > 0.0, "Prediction time is not positive"
        if (c0 is not None):
            assert np.asarray(
                c0).squeeze().shape[0] == 3, "CoM position has not size 3"
            self._c0 = np.asarray(c0).squeeze().copy()
        if (dc0 is not None):
            assert np.asarray(
                dc0).squeeze().shape[0] == 3, "CoM velocity has not size 3"
            self._dc0 = np.asarray(dc0).squeeze().copy()
            if (norm(self._dc0) != 0.0):
                self._v = self._dc0 / norm(self._dc0)
        if ((c0 is not None) or (dc0 is not None)):
            self._com_acc_solver.set_com_state(self._c0, self._dc0)

        # Initialize: alpha=0, Dalpha=||dc0||
        alpha = 0.0
        Dalpha = norm(self._dc0)
        Dalpha_min = Dalpha
        # minimum velocity found while integrating
        self._computationTime = 0.0
        self._outerIterations = 0
        self._innerIterations = 0
        t_int = 0.0
        # current time
        t_min = 0.0
        # time corresponding to minimum velocity
        min_vel_reached = False

        if (Dalpha == 0.0):
            r = self._equilibrium_solver.compute_equilibrium_robustness(
            if (r >= 0.0):
                return Bunch(t=t_pred,
            raise ValueError(
                "[%s] NOT IMPLEMENTED YET: initial velocity is zero but system is not in static equilibrium!"
                % (self._name))

        for iiii in range(MAX_ITER):
            (imode, DDalpha_min, a, alpha_min,
             alpha_max) = self._com_acc_solver.compute_max_deceleration(alpha)

            self._computationTime += self._com_acc_solver.getLpTime()
            self._outerIterations += 1

            if (imode != 0):
                # Linear Program was not feasible, suggesting there is no feasible CoM acceleration for the given CoM position
                if (min_vel_reached):
                    return Bunch(t=t_int,
                                 c=self._c0 + alpha * self._v,
                                 dc=Dalpha * self._v,
                                 dc_min=Dalpha_min * self._v)
                return Bunch(t=t_int,
                             c=self._c0 + alpha * self._v,
                             dc=Dalpha * self._v,
                             dc_min=Dalpha * self._v)

            if (self._verb > 0):
                print "[%s] t=%.3f, DDalpha_min=%.3f, alpha=%.3f, Dalpha=%.3f, alpha_max=%.3f, a=%.3f" % (
                    self._name, t_int, DDalpha_min, alpha, Dalpha, alpha_max,

            # DDalpha_min is the acceleration corresponding to the current value of alpha
            # compute DDalpha_0, that is the acceleration corresponding to alpha=0
            DDalpha_0 = DDalpha_min - a * alpha

            if (not min_vel_reached):
                if (DDalpha_min >= 0.0):
                    min_vel_reached = True
                    Dalpha_min = Dalpha
                    t_min = t_int
                elif (DDalpha_0 + a * alpha_max > 0.0):
                    # If we have not found yet the point of minimum velocity,
                    # if DDalpha_min is not always negative on the current segment then update
                    # alpha_max to the point where DDalpha_min becomes zero
                    alpha_max = -DDalpha_0 / a
                    if (self._verb > 0):
                        print "[%s] Updated alpha_max %.3f" % (self._name,

            # Initialize initial guess and bounds on integration time
            t_ub = t_pred - t_int
            t_lb = 0.0
            t = t_ub
            if (abs(a) < EPS):
                # if the acceleration is constant over time I can compute directly the time needed
                # to bring the velocity to zero:
                #     Dalpha(t) = Dalpha(0) + t*DDalpha = 0
                #     t = -Dalpha(0)/DDalpha
                t = -Dalpha / DDalpha_min
                alpha_t = alpha + t * Dalpha + 0.5 * t * t * DDalpha_min
                if (alpha_t <= alpha_max + EPS):
                    if (self._verb > 0):
                        print "DDalpha_min is independent from alpha, algorithm converged to Dalpha=0"
                    # hypothesis: after I reach Dalpha=0 I can maintain it (i.e. DDalpha=0 is feasible)
                    return Bunch(t=t_pred,
                                 c=self._c0 + alpha_t * self._v,
                                 dc=0.0 * self._v,
                                 t_min=t_int + t,
                                 dc_min=0 * self._v)

                # if alpha reaches alpha_max before the velocity is zero, then compute the time needed to reach alpha_max
                #     alpha(t) = alpha(0) + t*Dalpha(0) + 0.5*t*t*DDalpha = alpha_max
                #     t = (- Dalpha(0) +/- sqrt(Dalpha(0)^2 - 2*DDalpha(alpha(0)-alpha_max))) / DDalpha;
                # where DDalpha = -d[i_DDalpha_min]
                # Having two solutions, we take the smallest one because we want to find the first time
                # at which alpha reaches alpha_max
                delta = sqrt(Dalpha**2 - 2 * DDalpha_min * (alpha - alpha_max))
                t = (-Dalpha + delta) / DDalpha_min
                if (t < 0.0):
                    raise ValueError(
                        "[%s] ERROR: Time to reach alpha_max with constant acceleration is negative: t=%.3f, alpha=%.3f, Dalpha=%.3f, DDalpha_min=%.3f, alpha_max=%.3f"
                        (self._name, t, alpha, Dalpha, DDalpha_min, alpha_max))
                # ensure we do not overpass the specified t_pred
                t = min([t, t_ub])

            # integrate until either of these conditions is true:
            # - you reach t=t_pred (while not passing over alpha_max and maintaining Dalpha>=0)
            # - you reach alpha_max (while not passing over t_pred and maintaining Dalpha>=0)
            # - you reach Dalpha=0 (while not passing over alpha_max and t_pred)
            bisection_converged = False
            for jjjj in range(MAX_ITER):
                # Integrate LDS until t: DDalpha = a*alpha - d
                if (abs(a) > EPS):
                    # if a!=0 then the acceleration is a linear function of the position and I need to use this formula to integrate
                    omega = sqrt(a + 0j)
                    sh = np.sinh(omega * t)
                    ch = np.cosh(omega * t)
                    alpha_t = ch * alpha + sh * Dalpha / omega - (1.0 - ch) * (
                        DDalpha_0 / a)
                    Dalpha_t = omega * sh * alpha + ch * Dalpha + omega * sh * (
                        DDalpha_0 / a)
                    # if a==0 then the acceleration is constant and I need to use this formula to integrate
                    alpha_t = alpha + t * Dalpha + 0.5 * t * t * DDalpha_0
                    Dalpha_t = Dalpha + t * DDalpha_0

                if (np.imag(alpha_t) != 0.0):
                    raise ValueError("ERROR alpha is imaginary: " +
                if (np.imag(Dalpha_t) != 0.0):
                    raise ValueError("ERROR Dalpha is imaginary: " +

                alpha_t = np.real(alpha_t)
                Dalpha_t = np.real(Dalpha_t)
                if (self._verb > 1):
                    print "[%s] Bisection iter" % (
                    ), jjjj, "alpha", alpha_t, "Dalpha", Dalpha_t, "t", t

                if (alpha_t <= alpha_max + EPS and
                    (abs(Dalpha_t) < EPS or
                     (Dalpha_t > -EPS and abs(t + t_int - t_pred) < EPS))):
                    # if I did not pass over alpha_max and velocity is zero OR
                    # if I did not pass over alpha_max and velocity is positive and I reached t_pred
                    if (self._verb > 0):
                        print "[%s] Algorithm converged to Dalpha=%.3f" % (
                            self._name, Dalpha_t)
                    self._innerIterations += jjjj
                    if (min_vel_reached):
                        return Bunch(t=t_pred,
                                     c=self._c0 + alpha_t * self._v,
                                     dc=Dalpha_t * self._v,
                                     dc_min=Dalpha_min * self._v)
                    return Bunch(t=t_pred,
                                 c=self._c0 + alpha_t * self._v,
                                 dc=Dalpha_t * self._v,
                                 dc_min=Dalpha_t * self._v)

                if (abs(alpha_t - alpha_max) < EPS and Dalpha_t > 0):
                    alpha = alpha_max + EPS
                    Dalpha = Dalpha_t
                    t_int += t
                    bisection_converged = True
                    self._innerIterations += jjjj

                if (alpha_t < alpha_max and Dalpha_t > 0):
                    t_lb = t
                    t = 0.5 * (t_ub + t_lb)
                    t_ub = t
                    t = 0.5 * (t_ub + t_lb)

            if (not bisection_converged):
                raise ValueError(
                    "[%s] Bisection search did not converge in %d iterations" %
                    (self._name, MAX_ITER))

        raise ValueError("[%s] Algorithm did not converge in %d iterations" %
                         (self._name, MAX_ITER))