def generate_bg(img_name): # img_name = '../data/data_sep2019/EXP1/09192019 Graphene/6 graphene-1.tiff' image = im_rgb = np.array(image).astype('float') im_gray = np.array(image.convert( 'L', (0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140, 0))).astype('float') imH, imW = im_gray.shape # im_hsv = color.rgb2hsv(im_rgb) # im_hsv[:,:,2] = im_hsv[:,:,2]/255.0 bg_rgb = [] [C, R] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, imW), np.arange(0, imH)) Y = np.reshape(R, [-1]) / (imH - 1) - 0.5 X = np.reshape(C, [-1]) / (imW - 1) - 0.5 A = np.stack([ np.ones([imH * imW]), X * X, Y * Y, X * Y, X, Y, ], axis=1) for c in range(3): brob_rlm_model = robustfit.RLM(), np.reshape(im_rgb[:, :, c], [-1])) pred_map = np.reshape(brob_rlm_model.predict(A), [imH, imW]) bg_rgb.append(pred_map) bg_rgb = np.stack(bg_rgb, axis=2).astype(np.uint8) bg_hsv = color.rgb2hsv(bg_rgb) # bg_hsv[:,:,2] = bg_hsv[:,:,2]/255.0 # bg_rgb: [0, 255]. bg_hs [0, 1.0], v [0, 255] return bg_rgb, bg_hsv
def perform_robustfit_multichannel(im_hsv, im_gray, im_thre=10, size_thre=10): # im_hsv = im_hsv.astype('float') # im_gray = im_gray.astype('float') im_ghs = np.concatenate([np.expand_dims(im_gray, 2), im_hsv[:, :, :2]], axis=2) imH, imW, _ = im_ghs.shape [C, R] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, imW), np.arange(0, imH)) Y = np.reshape(R, [-1]) / (imH - 1) - 0.5 X = np.reshape(C, [-1]) / (imW - 1) - 0.5 A = np.stack([ np.ones([imH * imW]), X * X, Y * Y, X * Y, X, Y, ], axis=1) res_map = np.zeros([imH, imW]) for c in range(3): im_c = im_ghs[:, :, c] brob_rlm_model = robustfit.RLM(), np.reshape(im_c, [-1])) if c == 0: w = 1 ref_s = brob_rlm_model.sigma else: w = ref_s / brob_rlm_model.sigma res_map = res_map + w * np.abs( np.reshape(brob_rlm_model.resid, [imH, imW])) outlier_map = res_map > im_thre outlier_map = outlier_map.astype(np.uint8) # connected component detection nCC, image_labelmap, _, flake_centroids = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats( outlier_map) # flake_centroid: [m, 2] array, indicates row, column of the centroid flake_centroids = np.flip(flake_centroids, 1) flake_centroids = flake_centroids[1:].astype('int') _, flake_sizes = np.unique(image_labelmap, return_counts=True) # remove the background size flake_sizes = flake_sizes[1:] if size_thre > 0: # remove small connect component large_flakes = flake_sizes > size_thre large_flake_idxs = np.nonzero(large_flakes)[0] new_image_labels = np.zeros([imH, imW]) cnt = 0 for idx in large_flake_idxs: cnt += 1 new_image_labels[image_labelmap == idx + 1] = cnt image_labelmap = new_image_labels num_flakes = large_flakes.sum() flake_centroids = flake_centroids[large_flake_idxs] flake_sizes = flake_sizes[large_flake_idxs] else: num_flakes = nCC - 1 return res_map, image_labelmap, flake_centroids, flake_sizes, num_flakes
def perform_robustfit(im_gray, im_thre=3, size_thre=0): # im_gray = im_gray.astype('float') imH, imW = im_gray.shape [C, R] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, imW), np.arange(0, imH)) Y = np.reshape(R, [-1]) / (imH - 1) - 0.5 X = np.reshape(C, [-1]) / (imW - 1) - 0.5 A = np.stack([ np.ones([imH * imW]), X * X, Y * Y, X * Y, X, Y, ], axis=1) # res_map = np.zeros([imH, imW]) brob_rlm_model = robustfit.RLM(), np.reshape(im_gray, [-1])) print(brob_rlm_model.sigma) res_map = np.abs(np.reshape(brob_rlm_model.resid, [imH, imW])) outlier_map = res_map > im_thre * brob_rlm_model.sigma outlier_map = outlier_map.astype(np.uint8) # connected component detection nCC, image_labelmap, _, flake_centroids = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats( outlier_map) # flake_centroid: [m, 2] array, indicates row, column of the centroid flake_centroids = np.flip(flake_centroids, 1) flake_centroids = flake_centroids[1:].astype('int') _, flake_sizes = np.unique(image_labelmap, return_counts=True) # remove the background size flake_sizes = flake_sizes[1:] if size_thre > 0: # remove small connect component large_flakes = flake_sizes > size_thre large_flake_idxs = np.nonzero(large_flakes)[0] new_image_labels = np.zeros([imH, imW]) cnt = 0 for idx in large_flake_idxs: cnt += 1 new_image_labels[image_labelmap == idx + 1] = cnt image_labelmap = new_image_labels num_flakes = large_flakes.sum() flake_centroids = flake_centroids[large_flake_idxs + 1] flake_sizes = flake_sizes[large_flake_idxs + 1] else: num_flakes = nCC - 1 return res_map, image_labelmap, flake_centroids, flake_sizes, num_flakes
def process_one_image(img_name, save_name, fig_save_name, bg_name=None): print('process %s' % (img_name)) image = im_rgb = np.array(image).astype('float') im_gray = np.array(image.convert( 'L', (0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140, 0))).astype('float') imH, imW = im_gray.shape # to have same result as matlab im_hsv = color.rgb2hsv(im_rgb) im_hsv[:, :, 2] = im_hsv[:, :, 2] / 255.0 if bg_name is not None: bg_image = bg_rgb = np.array(bg_image).astype('float') bg_gray = np.array(bg_image.convert( 'L', (0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140, 0))).astype('float') # to have same result as matlab bg_hsv = color.rgb2hsv(bg_rgb) bg_hsv[:, :, 2] = bg_hsv[:, :, 2] / 255.0 else: # estimate bg image bg_rgb = [] [C, R] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, imW), np.arange(0, imH)) Y = np.reshape(R, [-1]) / (imH - 1) - 0.5 X = np.reshape(C, [-1]) / (imW - 1) - 0.5 A = np.stack([ np.ones([imH * imW]), X * X, Y * Y, X * Y, X, Y, ], axis=1) for c in range(3): brob_rlm_model = robustfit.RLM(), np.reshape(im_rgb[:, :, c], [-1])) pred_map = np.reshape(brob_rlm_model.predict(A), [imH, imW]) bg_rgb.append(pred_map) bg_rgb = np.stack(bg_rgb, axis=2).astype('float') bg_hsv = color.rgb2hsv(bg_rgb) bg_hsv[:, :, 2] = bg_hsv[:, :, 2] / 255.0 bg_gray = color.rgb2gray(bg_rgb) res_map, image_labelmap, flake_centroids, flake_sizes, num_flakes = utils.perform_robustfit_multichannel_v2( im_hsv, im_gray, hyperparams['im_thre'], hyperparams['size_thre']) if num_flakes != len(flake_sizes): print(len(flake_sizes), num_flakes, img_name) return # get contrast color features contrast_gray = im_gray - bg_gray contrast_hsv = im_hsv - bg_hsv contrast_rgb = im_rgb - bg_rgb flakes = [] kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8) im_tosave = im_rgb.astype(np.uint8) # get features for each flake for i in range(num_flakes): f_mask_r, f_mask_c = np.nonzero(image_labelmap == i + 1) f_mask_r_min = min(f_mask_r) f_mask_r_max = max(f_mask_r) f_mask_height = f_mask_r_max - f_mask_r_min f_mask_c_min = min(f_mask_c) f_mask_c_max = max(f_mask_c) f_mask_width = f_mask_c_max - f_mask_c_min flake_exact_bbox = [ f_mask_r_min, f_mask_r_max + 1, f_mask_c_min, f_mask_c_max + 1 ] flake_large_bbox = [ max(0, f_mask_r_min - int(0.1 * f_mask_height)), min(imH, f_mask_r_max + int(0.1 * f_mask_height)), max(0, f_mask_c_min - int(0.1 * f_mask_width)), min(imW, f_mask_c_max + int(0.1 * f_mask_width)) ] bwmap = (image_labelmap == i + 1).astype(np.uint8) _, flake_contours, _ = cv2.findContours(bwmap, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) im_tosave = cv2.drawContours(im_tosave, flake_contours[0], -1, (255, 0, 0), 2) flake_contours = np.squeeze(flake_contours[0], 1) # row, column flake_contours = np.flip(flake_contours, 1) # compute convex hull of the contours flake_convexhull = cv2.convexHull(flake_contours) # shape fea flake_shape_len_area_ratio = flake_contours.shape[0] / (bwmap.sum() + 0.0) contours_center_dis = cdist(np.expand_dims(flake_centroids[i], 0), flake_contours) flake_shape_contour_hist = np.histogram(contours_center_dis, bins=15)[0] flake_shape_contour_hist = flake_shape_contour_hist / flake_shape_contour_hist.sum( ) flake_shape_fracdim = utils.fractal_dimension(bwmap) inner_bwmap = cv2.erode(bwmap, kernel, iterations=1) # color fea flake_color_fea = [im_gray[bwmap>0].mean(), im_hsv[bwmap>0, 2].mean()] + \ [im_gray[bwmap>0].mean(), im_gray[bwmap>0].std()] + \ list(im_hsv[bwmap>0].mean(0)) + list(im_hsv[bwmap>0].std(0)) + \ list(im_rgb[bwmap>0].mean(0)) + list(im_rgb[bwmap>0].std(0)) # flake_color_entropy = entropy(im_gray[bwmap>0].astype('uint8'), disk(5)) flake_color_entropy = cv2.calcHist( [im_gray[bwmap > 0].astype('uint8')], [0], None, [256], [0, 256]) flake_color_entropy = entropy(flake_color_entropy, base=2) flake_inner_color_fea = [0] * 16 flake_inner_color_entropy = 0 flake_inner_contrast_color_fea = [0] * 16 if inner_bwmap.sum() > 0: flake_inner_color_fea = [im_gray[inner_bwmap>0].mean(), im_hsv[inner_bwmap>0, 2].mean()] + \ [im_gray[inner_bwmap>0].mean(), im_gray[inner_bwmap>0].std()] + \ list(im_hsv[inner_bwmap>0].mean(0)) + list(im_hsv[inner_bwmap>0].std(0)) + \ list(im_rgb[inner_bwmap>0].mean(0)) + list(im_rgb[inner_bwmap>0].std(0)) # flake_inner_color_entropy = entropy(im_gray[inner_bwmap>0].astype('uint8'), disk(5)) flake_inner_color_entropy = cv2.calcHist( [im_gray[inner_bwmap > 0].astype('uint8')], [0], None, [256], [0, 256]) flake_inner_color_entropy = entropy(flake_inner_color_entropy, base=2) flake_inner_contrast_color_entropy = cv2.calcHist( [contrast_gray[inner_bwmap > 0].astype('uint8')], [0], None, [256], [0, 256]) flake_inner_contrast_color_entropy = entropy( flake_inner_contrast_color_entropy, base=2) flake_inner_contrast_color_fea = [contrast_gray[inner_bwmap>0].mean(), contrast_hsv[inner_bwmap>0, 2].mean()] + \ [contrast_gray[inner_bwmap>0].std()] + \ list(contrast_hsv[inner_bwmap>0].mean(0)) + list(contrast_hsv[inner_bwmap>0].std(0)) + \ list(contrast_rgb[inner_bwmap>0].mean(0)) + list(contrast_rgb[inner_bwmap>0].std(0)) + list(flake_inner_contrast_color_entropy) # get contrast color features flake_contrast_color_entropy = cv2.calcHist( [contrast_gray[bwmap > 0].astype('uint8')], [0], None, [256], [0, 256]) flake_contrast_color_entropy = entropy(flake_contrast_color_entropy, base=2) # gray, h, gray std, hsv mean, hsv std, rgb mean, rgb std, gray entropy flake_contrast_color_fea = [contrast_gray[bwmap>0].mean(), contrast_hsv[bwmap>0, 2].mean()] + \ [contrast_gray[bwmap>0].std()] + \ list(contrast_hsv[bwmap>0].mean(0)) + list(contrast_hsv[bwmap>0].std(0)) + \ list(contrast_rgb[bwmap>0].mean(0)) + list(contrast_rgb[bwmap>0].std(0)) + [flake_contrast_color_entropy] flake_bg_color_fea = [bg_gray[bwmap>0].mean()] + \ [bg_gray[bwmap>0].std()] + \ list(bg_hsv[bwmap>0].mean(0)) + list(bg_hsv[bwmap>0].std(0)) + \ list(bg_rgb[bwmap>0].mean(0)) + list(bg_rgb[bwmap>0].std(0)) flake_i = dict() flake_i['img_name'] = img_name flake_i['flake_id'] = i + 1 flake_i['flake_size'] = flake_sizes[i] flake_i['flake_exact_bbox'] = flake_exact_bbox flake_i['flake_large_bbox'] = flake_large_bbox flake_i['flake_contour_loc'] = flake_contours.astype('int16') flake_i['flake_convexcontour_loc'] = flake_convexhull.astype('int16') flake_i['flake_center'] = flake_centroids[i] # flake_i['flake_img'] = im_rgb[flake_large_bbox[0]: flake_large_bbox[1], flake_large_bbox[2]:flake_large_bbox[3], :].astype(np.uint8) flake_i['flake_shape_fea'] = np.array([flake_shape_len_area_ratio] + list(flake_shape_contour_hist) + [flake_shape_fracdim]) flake_i['flake_color_fea'] = np.array(flake_color_fea + [flake_color_entropy] + flake_inner_color_fea + [flake_inner_color_entropy]) flake_i['flake_contrast_color_fea'] = np.array( flake_contrast_color_fea) flake_i['flake_innercontrast_color_fea'] = np.array( flake_inner_contrast_color_fea) flake_i['flake_bg_color_fea'] = np.array(flake_bg_color_fea) flake_i['flake_shape_fea_names'] = [ 'len_area_ratio' ] + ['contour_hist'] * 15 + ['fracdim'] flake_i['flake_color_fea_names'] = [ 'gray_avg', 'v_avg', 'gray_avg', 'gray_std', 'h_avg', 's_avg', 'v_avg', 'h_std', 's_std', 'v_std', 'r_avg', 'g_avg', 'b_avg', 'r_std', 'g_std', 'b_std', 'gray_entropy', 'inner_gray_avg', 'inner_v_avg', 'inner_gray_avg', 'inner_gray_std', 'inner_h_avg', 'inner_s_avg', 'inner_v_avg', 'inner_h_std', 'inner_s_std', 'inner_v_std', 'inner_r_avg', 'inner_g_avg', 'inner_b_avg', 'inner_r_std', 'inner_g_std', 'inner_b_std', 'inner_gray_entropy' ] flake_i['flake_contrast_color_fea_names'] = [ 'contrast_gray_avg', 'contrast_v_avg', 'contrast_gray_avg', 'contrast_gray_std', 'contrast_h_avg', 'contrast_s_avg', 'contrast_v_avg', 'contrast_h_std', 'contrast_s_std', 'contrast_v_std', 'contrast_r_avg', 'contrast_g_avg', 'contrast_b_avg', 'contrast_r_std', 'contrast_g_std', 'contrast_b_std', 'contrast_gray_entropy', ] flake_i['flake_bg_color_fea_names'] = [ 'bg_gray_avg', 'bg_gray_std', 'bg_h_avg', 'bg_s_avg', 'bg_v_avg', 'bg_h_std', 'bg_s_std', 'bg_v_std', 'bg_r_avg', 'bg_g_avg', 'bg_b_avg', 'bg_r_std', 'bg_g_std', 'bg_b_std' ] # subsegment the flake if flake_i['flake_size'] > 100: n_clusters = hyperparams['n_clusters'] flake_rgb = im_rgb[bwmap > 0] flake_gray = im_gray[bwmap > 0] flake_hsv = im_hsv[bwmap > 0] flake_contrast_rgb = im_rgb[bwmap > 0] - bg_rgb[bwmap > 0] flake_contrast_gray = im_gray[bwmap > 0] - bg_gray[bwmap > 0] flake_contrast_hsv = im_hsv[bwmap > 0] - bg_hsv[bwmap > 0] pixel_features = np.concatenate( [flake_rgb, flake_hsv, np.expand_dims(flake_gray, 1)], 1) pixel_features = StandardScaler().fit_transform(pixel_features) cluster_rslt = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, random_state=0, n_jobs=-1).fit(pixel_features) assignment = cluster_rslt.labels_ # # get the overlayed image # n_pixel = pixel_features.shape[0] # overlay = np.zeros([n_pixel, 3], dtype=np.uint8) # overlay[assignment==0] = (255,0,0) # overlay[assignment==1] = (0,255,0) # overlay[assignment==2] = (0,0,255) # ori_bgr = im_bgr_tosave[bwmap>0] # overlay_bgr = cv2.addWeighted(np.expand_dims(ori_bgr,0), 0.75, np.expand_dims(overlay,0), 0.25, 0) # im_bgr_tosave[bwmap>0] = overlay_bgr[0,:,:] all_subsegment_features = [] all_subsegment_keys = [] for ci in range(n_clusters): subseg_gray = flake_gray[assignment == ci] subseg_contrast_gray = flake_contrast_gray[assignment == ci] # print(len(subseg_gray)) subseg_hsv = flake_hsv[assignment == ci] subseg_rgb = flake_rgb[assignment == ci] subseg_contrast_hsv = flake_contrast_hsv[assignment == ci] subseg_contrast_rgb = flake_contrast_rgb[assignment == ci] sub_flake_color_entropy = cv2.calcHist( [subseg_gray.astype('uint8')], [0], None, [256], [0, 256]) sub_flake_color_entropy = entropy(sub_flake_color_entropy, base=2)[0] sub_flake_contrast_color_entropy = cv2.calcHist( [subseg_contrast_gray.astype('uint8')], [0], None, [256], [0, 256]) sub_flake_contrast_color_entropy = entropy( sub_flake_contrast_color_entropy, base=2)[0] sub_flake_color_fea = [subseg_gray.mean(), subseg_hsv[:, 2].mean()] + \ [subseg_hsv.std()] + \ list(subseg_hsv.mean(0)) + list(subseg_hsv.std(0)) + \ list(subseg_rgb.mean(0)) + list(subseg_rgb.std(0)) + [sub_flake_color_entropy] + \ [subseg_contrast_gray.mean(), subseg_contrast_hsv[:, 2].mean()] + \ [subseg_contrast_gray.std()] + \ list(subseg_contrast_hsv.mean(0)) + list(subseg_contrast_hsv.std(0)) + \ list(subseg_contrast_rgb.mean(0)) + list(subseg_contrast_rgb.std(0)) + [sub_flake_contrast_color_entropy] all_subsegment_features.append(sub_flake_color_fea) all_subsegment_keys.append(sub_flake_color_fea[0]) # sort based on gray values subsegment_features = [] key_ids = np.argsort(all_subsegment_keys) for key_id in key_ids: subsegment_features.extend(all_subsegment_features[key_id]) subsegment_features = np.array(subsegment_features) subsegment_features[np.isnan( subsegment_features )] = 0 # some flake can only be clustered into one cluster. if subsegment_features.shape[0] != 32 * n_clusters: print('wrong', save_name, i, subsegment_features.shape) assert subsegment_features.shape[0] == 32 * n_clusters flake_i['subsegment_features_%d' % (n_clusters)] = subsegment_features flake_i['subsegment_assignment_%d' % (n_clusters)] = assignment flakes.append(flake_i) # save mat and images to_save = dict() to_save['bg_rgb'] = bg_rgb to_save['res_map'] = res_map to_save['image_labelmap'] = image_labelmap to_save['flakes'] = flakes pickle.dump(to_save, open(save_name + '.p', 'wb')) cv2.imwrite(fig_save_name + '.png', np.flip(im_tosave, 2))
def load_one_image(args_color, flake_path, fname, data_path, size_thre): tmp_flake = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(flake_path, fname), 'rb')) image_labelmap = tmp_flake['image_labelmap'] tmp_flake = tmp_flake['flakes'] flakes = [] feats = [] if len(tmp_flake) > 0: image =, fname[:-2] + 'tiff')) im_rgb = np.array(image).astype('float') im_hsv = color.rgb2hsv(im_rgb) im_hsv[:, :, 2] = im_hsv[:, :, 2] / 255.0 im_gray = color.rgb2gray(im_rgb) imH, imW, _ = im_rgb.shape # background fitting if args_color == 'contrast' or args_color == 'both' or 'bg' in args_color: bg_rgb = [] [C, R] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, imW), np.arange(0, imH)) Y = np.reshape(R, [-1]) / (imH - 1) - 0.5 X = np.reshape(C, [-1]) / (imW - 1) - 0.5 A = np.stack([ np.ones([imH * imW]), X * X, Y * Y, X * Y, X, Y, ], axis=1) for c in range(3): brob_rlm_model = robustfit.RLM(), np.reshape(im_rgb[:, :, c], [-1])) pred_map = np.reshape(brob_rlm_model.predict(A), [imH, imW]) bg_rgb.append(pred_map) bg_rgb = np.stack(bg_rgb, axis=2).astype('float') bg_hsv = color.rgb2hsv(bg_rgb) bg_hsv[:, :, 2] = bg_hsv[:, :, 2] / 255.0 bg_gray = color.rgb2gray(bg_rgb) for i in range(len(tmp_flake)): if tmp_flake[i]['flake_size'] > size_thre: # names.append(fname+'-'+str(tmp_flake[i]['flake_id'])) f_mask_r_min, f_mask_r_max, f_mask_c_min, f_mask_c_max = tmp_flake[ i]['flake_exact_bbox'] f_mask_height = f_mask_r_max - f_mask_r_min f_mask_width = f_mask_c_max - f_mask_c_min flake_large_bbox = [ max(0, f_mask_r_min - int(0.5 * f_mask_height)), min(imH, f_mask_r_max + int(0.5 * f_mask_height)), max(0, f_mask_c_min - int(0.5 * f_mask_width)), min(imW, f_mask_c_max + int(0.5 * f_mask_width)) ] tmp_flake[i]['flake_large_bbox'] = flake_large_bbox tmp_flake[i]['flake_img'] = im_rgb[ flake_large_bbox[0]:flake_large_bbox[1], flake_large_bbox[2]:flake_large_bbox[3], :].astype( np.uint8) flakes.append(tmp_flake[i]) tmp_fea_ori = tmp_flake[i]['flake_color_fea'] bwmap = (image_labelmap == i + 1).astype(np.uint8) if 'ori' in args_color: tmp_color_fea = list(tmp_fea_ori) elif 'contrast' in args_color or 'both' in args_color: # color fea assert bwmap.sum() == tmp_flake[i]['flake_size'] contrast_gray = im_gray - bg_gray contrast_hsv = im_hsv - bg_hsv contrast_rgb = im_rgb - bg_rgb flake_color_entropy = cv2.calcHist( [contrast_gray[bwmap > 0].astype('uint8')], [0], None, [256], [0, 256]) flake_color_entropy = entropy(flake_color_entropy, base=2) # gray, h, gray std, hsv mean, hsv std, rgb mean, rgb std, gray entropy tmp_fea_contrast = [contrast_gray[bwmap>0].mean(), contrast_hsv[bwmap>0, 2].mean()] + \ [contrast_gray[bwmap>0].std()] + \ list(contrast_hsv[bwmap>0].mean(0)) + list(contrast_hsv[bwmap>0].std(0)) + \ list(contrast_rgb[bwmap>0].mean(0)) + list(contrast_rgb[bwmap>0].std(0)) + [flake_color_entropy] if 'contrast' in args_color: tmp_color_fea = list(tmp_fea_contrast) elif 'both' in args_color: tmp_color_fea = list(tmp_fea_ori) + list( tmp_fea_contrast) else: raise NotImplementedError if 'bg' in args_color: tmp_bg_fea = [bg_gray[bwmap>0].mean()] + \ [bg_gray[bwmap>0].std()] + \ list(bg_hsv[bwmap>0].mean(0)) + list(bg_hsv[bwmap>0].std(0)) + \ list(bg_rgb[bwmap>0].mean(0)) + list(bg_rgb[bwmap>0].std(0)) tmp_color_fea = list(tmp_color_fea) + list(tmp_bg_fea) if 'shape' in args_color: tmp_shape_fea = tmp_flake[i]['flake_shape_fea'] len_area_ratio = tmp_shape_fea[0] fracdim = tmp_shape_fea[-1] tmp_color_fea = list(tmp_color_fea) + [ len_area_ratio, fracdim ] feats.append(tmp_color_fea) return flakes, feats
def process_one_image_step1(img_name, save_name, fig_save_name): image = im_rgb = np.array(image).astype('float') im_gray = np.array(image.convert( 'L', (0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140, 0))).astype('float') imH, imW = im_gray.shape # im_hsv = np.array(image.convert('HSV')).astype('float') # to have same result as matlab im_hsv = color.rgb2hsv(im_rgb) im_hsv[:, :, 2] = im_hsv[:, :, 2] / 255.0 im_ghs = np.concatenate([np.expand_dims(im_gray, 2), im_hsv[:, :, :2]], axis=2) if os.path.exists(save_name + '.p'): rslt = pickle.load(open(save_name + '.p', 'rb')) bg_ghs = rslt['bg_ghs'] bg_rgb = rslt['bg_rgb'] # return bg_ghs, bg_rgb return bg_ghs, bg_rgb, im_ghs, im_rgb print('process %s' % (img_name)) # res_map, image_labelmap, flake_centroids, flake_sizes, num_flakes = utils.perform_robustfit_multichannel(im_hsv, im_gray, hyperparams['im_thre'], hyperparams['size_thre']) all_res_map, all_image_labelmap, all_flake_centroids, all_flake_sizes, all_num_flakes, bg_ghs = utils.perform_robustfit_multichannel_v4( im_hsv, im_gray, hyperparams['ori_im_thre_pairs'], hyperparams['size_thre']) # if num_flakes != len(flake_sizes): # print(len(flake_sizes), num_flakes, img_name) # return # get bg bg_rgb = [] [C, R] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, imW), np.arange(0, imH)) Y = np.reshape(R, [-1]) / (imH - 1) - 0.5 X = np.reshape(C, [-1]) / (imW - 1) - 0.5 A = np.stack([ np.ones([imH * imW]), X * X, Y * Y, X * Y, X, Y, ], axis=1) for c in range(3): brob_rlm_model = robustfit.RLM(), np.reshape(im_rgb[:, :, c], [-1])) pred_map = np.reshape(brob_rlm_model.predict(A), [imH, imW]) bg_rgb.append(pred_map) bg_rgb = np.stack(bg_rgb, axis=2).astype('float') bg_hsv = color.rgb2hsv(bg_rgb) bg_hsv[:, :, 2] = bg_hsv[:, :, 2] / 255.0 bg_gray = color.rgb2gray(bg_rgb) # # get contrast color features # contrast_gray = im_gray - bg_gray # contrast_hsv = im_hsv - bg_hsv # contrast_rgb = im_rgb - bg_rgb # flakes = [] # kernel = np.ones((5,5),np.uint8) cv2.imwrite(fig_save_name + '_ori_bg.png', np.flip(bg_rgb.astype(np.uint8), 2)) all_im_tosave = [] for pi, thre_pair in enumerate(hyperparams['ori_im_thre_pairs']): im_tosave = im_rgb.astype(np.uint8) # get features for each flake for i in range(all_num_flakes[pi]): bwmap = (all_image_labelmap[pi] == i + 1).astype(np.uint8) _, flake_contours, _ = cv2.findContours(bwmap, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) im_tosave = cv2.drawContours(im_tosave, flake_contours[0], -1, (255, 0, 0), 2) all_im_tosave.append(im_tosave) cv2.imwrite( fig_save_name + '_ori_thre-' + str(thre_pair[0]) + '-' + str(thre_pair[1]) + '.png', np.flip(im_tosave, 2)) # save mat and images to_save = dict() to_save['bg_rgb'] = bg_rgb to_save['bg_ghs'] = bg_ghs to_save['all_res_map'] = all_res_map to_save['all_image_labelmap'] = all_image_labelmap to_save['all_im_tosave'] = all_im_tosave # to_save['flakes'] = flakes pickle.dump(to_save, open(save_name + '.p', 'wb')) return bg_ghs, bg_rgb, im_ghs, im_rgb
def perform_robustfit_multichannel_v4(im_hsv, im_gray, thre_pairs, size_thre=10): # im_hsv = im_hsv.astype('float') # im_gray = im_gray.astype('float') im_ghs = np.concatenate([np.expand_dims(im_gray, 2), im_hsv[:, :, :2]], axis=2) imH, imW, _ = im_ghs.shape [C, R] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, imW), np.arange(0, imH)) Y = np.reshape(R, [-1]) / (imH - 1) - 0.5 X = np.reshape(C, [-1]) / (imW - 1) - 0.5 A = np.stack([ np.ones([imH * imW]), X * X, Y * Y, X * Y, X, Y, ], axis=1) res_map = np.zeros([imH, imW]) bg_ghs = [] im_thres = [] for c in range(3): im_c = im_ghs[:, :, c] brob_rlm_model = robustfit.RLM(), np.reshape(im_c, [-1])) pred_map = np.reshape(brob_rlm_model.predict(A), [imH, imW]) bg_ghs.append(pred_map) if c == 0: w = 1 ref_s = brob_rlm_model.sigma im_thre = brob_rlm_model.sigma im_thres.append(im_thre) else: w = ref_s / brob_rlm_model.sigma im_thre = w * brob_rlm_model.sigma im_thres.append(im_thre) res_map = res_map + w * np.abs( np.reshape(brob_rlm_model.resid, [imH, imW])) # print(im_thre, brob_rlm_model.sigma) bg_ghs = np.stack(bg_ghs, axis=2).astype('float') all_res_map = [] all_image_labelmap = [] all_flake_centroids = [] all_flake_sizes = [] all_num_flakes = [] for thre_pair in thre_pairs: im_thre = np.sum(im_thres) * thre_pair[0] # true_fg_map = res_map>im_thre bg_map = res_map <= im_thre # recompute threshold based on background regions # bg_sigma = np.std(res_map[bg_map]) bg_sigma = get_sigma(res_map[bg_map]) outlier_map = res_map > bg_sigma * thre_pair[1] outlier_map = outlier_map.astype(np.uint8) # connected component detection nCC, image_labelmap, _, flake_centroids = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats( outlier_map) # flake_centroid: [m, 2] array, indicates row, column of the centroid flake_centroids = np.flip(flake_centroids, 1) flake_centroids = flake_centroids[1:].astype('int') _, flake_sizes = np.unique(image_labelmap, return_counts=True) # remove the background size flake_sizes = flake_sizes[1:] if size_thre > 0: # remove small connect component large_flakes = flake_sizes > size_thre large_flake_idxs = np.nonzero(large_flakes)[0] new_image_labels = np.zeros([imH, imW]) cnt = 0 for idx in large_flake_idxs: cnt += 1 new_image_labels[image_labelmap == idx + 1] = cnt image_labelmap = new_image_labels num_flakes = large_flakes.sum() flake_centroids = flake_centroids[large_flake_idxs] flake_sizes = flake_sizes[large_flake_idxs] else: num_flakes = nCC - 1 all_res_map.append(res_map) all_image_labelmap.append(image_labelmap) all_flake_centroids.append(flake_centroids) all_flake_sizes.append(flake_sizes) all_num_flakes.append(num_flakes) # print(num_flakes) return all_res_map, all_image_labelmap, all_flake_centroids, all_flake_sizes, all_num_flakes, bg_ghs
def load_one_image_v2(data_path, result_path, fname, exp_name, subexp_name, all_labeled_flake_name_ids, output_img_size=256): # fname = labeled_flake_name_ids.rsplit('-', 1)[0] # flake_id = int(labeled_flake_name_ids.rsplit('-', 1)[1]) flake_info = pickle.load( open(os.path.join(result_path, exp_name, subexp_name, fname), 'rb')) img_name = fname.split('.')[0] + '.tiff' image =, exp_name, subexp_name, img_name)) im_rgb = np.array(image).astype('float') im_hsv = color.rgb2hsv(im_rgb) im_hsv[:, :, 2] = im_hsv[:, :, 2] / 255.0 im_gray = color.rgb2gray(im_rgb) imH, imW = im_gray.shape # get bg image bg_rgb = [] [C, R] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, imW), np.arange(0, imH)) Y = np.reshape(R, [-1]) / (imH - 1) - 0.5 X = np.reshape(C, [-1]) / (imW - 1) - 0.5 A = np.stack([ np.ones([imH * imW]), X * X, Y * Y, X * Y, X, Y, ], axis=1) for c in range(3): brob_rlm_model = robustfit.RLM(), np.reshape(im_rgb[:, :, c], [-1])) pred_map = np.reshape(brob_rlm_model.predict(A), [imH, imW]) bg_rgb.append(pred_map) bg_rgb = np.stack(bg_rgb, axis=2).astype('float') bg_hsv = color.rgb2hsv(bg_rgb) bg_hsv[:, :, 2] = bg_hsv[:, :, 2] / 255.0 bg_gray = color.rgb2gray(bg_rgb) # build a list of flakes image_labelmap = flake_info['image_labelmap'] flakes = flake_info['flakes'] # print(labeled_flake_name_ids, flake_id, len(flakes)) flake = flakes[flake_id] flake_centroids = flake['flake_center'].astype('int') flake_large_bbox = [ max(0, flake_centroids[0] - output_img_size // 2), min(imH, flake_centroids[0] + output_img_size // 2), max(0, flake_centroids[1] - output_img_size // 2), min(imW, flake_centroids[1] + output_img_size // 2) ] f_img = np.zeros([output_img_size, output_img_size, 3], dtype=np.uint8) r_min = output_img_size // 2 - (flake_centroids[0] - flake_large_bbox[0]) r_max = r_min + (flake_large_bbox[1] - flake_large_bbox[0]) c_min = output_img_size // 2 - (flake_centroids[1] - flake_large_bbox[2]) c_max = c_min + (flake_large_bbox[3] - flake_large_bbox[2]) # print(r_min, r_max, c_min, c_max) f_img[r_min:r_max, c_min:c_max, :] = im_rgb[flake_large_bbox[0]:flake_large_bbox[1], flake_large_bbox[2]:flake_large_bbox[3], :] f_img = f_img.astype(np.uint8) # get contour image im_tosave_withcontour = im_rgb.astype(np.uint8) contour_color = (255, 255, 255) contours = flakes[flake_id]['flake_contour_loc'] contours = np.expand_dims(np.flip(contours), 1).astype(np.int32) im_tosave_withcontour = cv2.drawContours(im_tosave_withcontour, contours, -1, contour_color, 2) f_img_withcontour = np.zeros([output_img_size, output_img_size, 3], dtype=np.uint8) f_img_withcontour[r_min:r_max, c_min:c_max, :] = im_tosave_withcontour[ flake_large_bbox[0]:flake_large_bbox[1], flake_large_bbox[2]:flake_large_bbox[3], :] # stick withcontour and without contour together black_strip = np.zeros( [output_img_size, int(output_img_size * 0.03), 3], f_img_withcontour = np.concatenate([f_img_withcontour, black_strip, f_img], 1) # get bg image f_bg_img = np.zeros([output_img_size, output_img_size, 3], dtype=np.uint8) f_bg_img[r_min:r_max, c_min:c_max, :] = bg_rgb[ flake_large_bbox[0]:flake_large_bbox[1], flake_large_bbox[2]:flake_large_bbox[3], :] f_bg_img = f_bg_img.astype(np.uint8) # get mask mask = (image_labelmap == flake['flake_id']).astype(np.uint8) mask[mask == 1] = 255 f_mask = np.zeros([output_img_size, output_img_size], dtype=np.uint8) f_mask[r_min:r_max, c_min:c_max] = mask[flake_large_bbox[0]:flake_large_bbox[1], flake_large_bbox[2]:flake_large_bbox[3]] f_contrast = np.zeros([output_img_size, output_img_size, 3], dtype=np.uint8) f_contrast[r_min:r_max, c_min:c_max, 0] = np.abs(im_gray[flake_large_bbox[0]: flake_large_bbox[1], flake_large_bbox[2]:flake_large_bbox[3]] - \ bg_gray[flake_large_bbox[0]: flake_large_bbox[1], flake_large_bbox[2]:flake_large_bbox[3]]) f_contrast[r_min:r_max, c_min:c_max, 1] = np.abs(im_hsv[flake_large_bbox[0]: flake_large_bbox[1], flake_large_bbox[2]:flake_large_bbox[3], 0] - \ bg_hsv[flake_large_bbox[0]: flake_large_bbox[1], flake_large_bbox[2]:flake_large_bbox[3], 0]) f_contrast = f_contrast.astype(np.uint8) flake['flake_img'] = f_img flake['flake_mask'] = f_mask flake['flake_contrast'] = f_contrast flake['flake_img_withcontour'] = f_img_withcontour flake['bg_img'] = f_bg_img return flake
def process_one_img(ins_name, img_dir, rslt_dir, ae_img_path, ae_mask_path, ae_contrast_path, ae_bg_path, output_img_size=256): ins_name = ins_name.split('.')[0] # load the detected flake and get features for the flake if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(rslt_dir, ins_name + '..p')): return flake_info = pickle.load( open(os.path.join(rslt_dir, ins_name + '..p'), 'rb')) image =, ins_name + '.tiff')) # im_gray = np.array(image.convert('L', (0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140, 0))).astype('float') # imH, imW = im_gray.shape # im_hsv = np.array(image.convert('HSV')).astype('float') # im_rgb = np.array(image).astype(np.uint8) im_rgb = np.array(image).astype('float') im_hsv = color.rgb2hsv(im_rgb) im_hsv[:, :, 2] = im_hsv[:, :, 2] / 255.0 im_gray = color.rgb2gray(im_rgb) imH, imW = im_gray.shape # build a list of flakes num_flakes = len(flake_info['flakes']) image_labelmap = flake_info['image_labelmap'] assert num_flakes == image_labelmap.max() flakes = flake_info['flakes'] large_flake_idxs = [] cnt = 0 # get bg image bg_rgb = [] [C, R] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, imW), np.arange(0, imH)) Y = np.reshape(R, [-1]) / (imH - 1) - 0.5 X = np.reshape(C, [-1]) / (imW - 1) - 0.5 A = np.stack([ np.ones([imH * imW]), X * X, Y * Y, X * Y, X, Y, ], axis=1) for c in range(3): brob_rlm_model = robustfit.RLM(), np.reshape(im_rgb[:, :, c], [-1])) pred_map = np.reshape(brob_rlm_model.predict(A), [imH, imW]) bg_rgb.append(pred_map) bg_rgb = np.stack(bg_rgb, axis=2).astype('float') bg_hsv = color.rgb2hsv(bg_rgb) bg_hsv[:, :, 2] = bg_hsv[:, :, 2] / 255.0 bg_gray = color.rgb2gray(bg_rgb) for i in range(num_flakes): flake_size = flakes[i]['flake_size'] flake_centroids = flakes[i]['flake_center'].astype('int') if flake_size > hyperparams['size_thre']: # if flake_size > hyperparams['size_thre'] and flake_centroids[0] - output_img_size/2 >=0 and flake_centroids[0] + output_img_size/2 < imH and flake_centroids[1] - output_img_size/2 >=0 and flake_centroids[1] + output_img_size/2 < imW: large_flake_idxs.append(i) flake_large_bbox = [ max(0, flake_centroids[0] - output_img_size // 2), min(imH, flake_centroids[0] + output_img_size // 2), max(0, flake_centroids[1] - output_img_size // 2), min(imW, flake_centroids[1] + output_img_size // 2) ] f_img = np.zeros([output_img_size, output_img_size, 3], dtype=np.uint8) r_min = output_img_size // 2 - (flake_centroids[0] - flake_large_bbox[0]) r_max = r_min + (flake_large_bbox[1] - flake_large_bbox[0]) c_min = output_img_size // 2 - (flake_centroids[1] - flake_large_bbox[2]) c_max = c_min + (flake_large_bbox[3] - flake_large_bbox[2]) # print(r_min, r_max, c_min, c_max) f_img[r_min:r_max, c_min:c_max, :] = im_rgb[ flake_large_bbox[0]:flake_large_bbox[1], flake_large_bbox[2]:flake_large_bbox[3], :] f_img = f_img.astype(np.uint8) f_bg_img = np.zeros([output_img_size, output_img_size, 3], dtype=np.uint8) f_bg_img[r_min:r_max, c_min:c_max, :] = bg_rgb[ flake_large_bbox[0]:flake_large_bbox[1], flake_large_bbox[2]:flake_large_bbox[3], :] f_bg_img = f_bg_img.astype(np.uint8) # get mask mask = (image_labelmap == i + 1).astype(np.uint8) mask[mask == 1] = 255 f_mask = np.zeros([output_img_size, output_img_size], dtype=np.uint8) f_mask[r_min:r_max, c_min:c_max] = mask[flake_large_bbox[0]:flake_large_bbox[1], flake_large_bbox[2]:flake_large_bbox[3]] f_contrast = np.zeros([output_img_size, output_img_size, 3], dtype=np.uint8) f_contrast[r_min:r_max, c_min:c_max, 0] = np.abs(im_gray[flake_large_bbox[0]: flake_large_bbox[1], flake_large_bbox[2]:flake_large_bbox[3]] - \ bg_gray[flake_large_bbox[0]: flake_large_bbox[1], flake_large_bbox[2]:flake_large_bbox[3]] ) f_contrast[r_min:r_max, c_min:c_max, 1] = np.abs(im_hsv[flake_large_bbox[0]: flake_large_bbox[1], flake_large_bbox[2]:flake_large_bbox[3], 0] - \ bg_hsv[flake_large_bbox[0]: flake_large_bbox[1], flake_large_bbox[2]:flake_large_bbox[3], 0]) f_contrast = f_contrast.astype(np.uint8) cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(ae_img_path, '%s-%d.png' % (ins_name, cnt)), np.flip(f_img, 2)) cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(ae_mask_path, '%s-%d.png' % (ins_name, cnt)), f_mask) cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(ae_contrast_path, '%s-%d.png' % (ins_name, cnt)), f_contrast) cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(ae_bg_path, '%s-%d.png' % (ins_name, cnt)), np.flip(f_bg_img, 2)) cnt += 1
def load_one_image(fname, flake_path, data_path, output_img_size=256): flake_info = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(flake_path, fname), 'rb')) img_name = fname.split('.')[0] + '.tiff' image =, img_name)) im_rgb = np.array(image).astype('float') im_hsv = color.rgb2hsv(im_rgb) im_hsv[:, :, 2] = im_hsv[:, :, 2] / 255.0 im_gray = color.rgb2gray(im_rgb) imH, imW = im_gray.shape # get bg image bg_rgb = [] [C, R] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, imW), np.arange(0, imH)) Y = np.reshape(R, [-1]) / (imH - 1) - 0.5 X = np.reshape(C, [-1]) / (imW - 1) - 0.5 A = np.stack([ np.ones([imH * imW]), X * X, Y * Y, X * Y, X, Y, ], axis=1) for c in range(3): brob_rlm_model = robustfit.RLM(), np.reshape(im_rgb[:, :, c], [-1])) pred_map = np.reshape(brob_rlm_model.predict(A), [imH, imW]) bg_rgb.append(pred_map) bg_rgb = np.stack(bg_rgb, axis=2).astype('float') bg_hsv = color.rgb2hsv(bg_rgb) bg_hsv[:, :, 2] = bg_hsv[:, :, 2] / 255.0 bg_gray = color.rgb2gray(bg_rgb) # build a list of flakes num_flakes = len(flake_info['flakes']) image_labelmap = flake_info['image_labelmap'] flakes = flake_info['flakes'] large_flake_idxs = [] for i in range(num_flakes): flake_size = flakes[i]['flake_size'] if flake_size > hyperparams['size_thre']: large_flake_idxs.append(i) flake_centroids = flakes[i]['flake_center'].astype('int') flake_large_bbox = [ max(0, flake_centroids[0] - output_img_size // 2), min(imH, flake_centroids[0] + output_img_size // 2), max(0, flake_centroids[1] - output_img_size // 2), min(imW, flake_centroids[1] + output_img_size // 2) ] f_img = np.zeros([output_img_size, output_img_size, 3], dtype=np.uint8) r_min = output_img_size // 2 - (flake_centroids[0] - flake_large_bbox[0]) r_max = r_min + (flake_large_bbox[1] - flake_large_bbox[0]) c_min = output_img_size // 2 - (flake_centroids[1] - flake_large_bbox[2]) c_max = c_min + (flake_large_bbox[3] - flake_large_bbox[2]) # print(r_min, r_max, c_min, c_max) f_img[r_min:r_max, c_min:c_max, :] = im_rgb[ flake_large_bbox[0]:flake_large_bbox[1], flake_large_bbox[2]:flake_large_bbox[3], :] f_img = f_img.astype(np.uint8) # get mask mask = (image_labelmap == flakes[i]['flake_id']).astype(np.uint8) mask[mask == 1] = 255 f_mask = np.zeros([output_img_size, output_img_size], dtype=np.uint8) f_mask[r_min:r_max, c_min:c_max] = mask[flake_large_bbox[0]:flake_large_bbox[1], flake_large_bbox[2]:flake_large_bbox[3]] f_contrast = np.zeros([output_img_size, output_img_size, 3], dtype=np.uint8) f_contrast[r_min:r_max, c_min:c_max, 0] = np.abs(im_gray[flake_large_bbox[0]: flake_large_bbox[1], flake_large_bbox[2]:flake_large_bbox[3]] - \ bg_gray[flake_large_bbox[0]: flake_large_bbox[1], flake_large_bbox[2]:flake_large_bbox[3]]) f_contrast[r_min:r_max, c_min:c_max, 1] = np.abs(im_hsv[flake_large_bbox[0]: flake_large_bbox[1], flake_large_bbox[2]:flake_large_bbox[3], 0] - \ bg_hsv[flake_large_bbox[0]: flake_large_bbox[1], flake_large_bbox[2]:flake_large_bbox[3], 0]) f_contrast = f_contrast.astype(np.uint8) flakes[i]['flake_img'] = f_img flakes[i]['flake_mask'] = f_mask flakes[i]['flake_contrast'] = f_contrast flakes = [flakes[j] for j in large_flake_idxs] return flakes