Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, rooms, default_room, creatures, use_void=True):
        # init properties
        self.rooms = {}

        # build map
        for r in rooms:
            room = Room(r['uid'], r['name'], r['description'])
            self.rooms[room.uid] = room

        # set up exits and items
        for r in rooms:
            room = self.rooms[r['uid']]

            # add exits
            for e in r['exits']:
                ex = self.rooms.get(e[1], None)
                if ex is not None:
                    room.add_exit(e[0], ex)

            # add items
            for i in r['items']:
                item = Item(i[0], i[2])

            for n in r['npc']:
                cname = n[0]
                npc = Creature(cname, creatures[cname], n[1])

        self.default_room = self.rooms.get(default_room)
        self.spawn_room = self.default_room

        if use_void and len(self.rooms.keys()) == 0:
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_dungeon_build():
    """method to build a dungeon for testing and dev."""
    dungeon_name = "Test Dungeon"
    room_one_date =["Entry Room", "The first room in the test dungeon"]
    room_one = Room(room_one_date)
    roomtwo_data = ["second Room", "The second room of the test dungeon"]
    room_two = Room(roomtwo_data)
    exit1 = Exit("n", room_one, room_two)
    exit2 = Exit("s", room_two, room_one)
    test_dungeon = Dungeon(dungeon_name, room_one)
    item_one_stats = ["Apple", "A red Fuji Apple", .2]
    item_one_actions = {"eat": "consume-You eat the apple", "examine": "It's a\
         red apple. It looks really tasty.", "throw": "destroy-You hurl the \
             apple agaisnt the wall. It smashes agaisnt it with a splat."}
    item_one_date = ["Apple", "A red Fuji Apple", 0.2,item_one_actions]
    item_one = item(item_one_date)
    item_two_stats = ["Spoon", "a metal spoon", .01]
    item_two_actions = {"examine": "examine-The spoon is made of some form of lite metal, perhaps tin.", "throw": "remove-You hurl the \
             spoon agaisnt the wall. It clashes against the wall with a clatter."}
    item_two_data = ["Spoon", "a metal spoon", 0.01,item_two_actions]
    item_two = item(item_two_data)
    return test_dungeon
Exemplo n.º 3
from thing import Thing
from room import Room
from console import Console

## "game" is a special global variable, an object of class Game that holds
## the actual game state.
game = Game()
nulspace = Room(
    'nulspace', pref_id=None
)  #"nulspace" is a room for objects that should be deleted. TODO: Automaticly delete items from nulspace every 10 heartbeats.
nulspace.game = game
    'This is an empty void where dead and destroyed things go. Good luck getting out!'
nulspace.add_exit('north', 'nulspace')
nulspace.add_exit('south', 'nulspace')
nulspace.add_exit('east', 'nulspace')
nulspace.add_exit('west', 'nulspace')
game.events.schedule(game.time + 5, game.clear_nulspace)
game.nulspace = nulspace

Thing.game = game

start_room_mod = importlib.import_module('domains.school.school.great_hall')
start_room = start_room_mod.load()
Exemplo n.º 4
            return 'Did you mean to write something on the paper?'
            'You write "%s" on the paper and feel a magical shift occur.' %
            "&nD%s writes something on the paper and vanishes before your eyes!"
            % cons.user.id, cons.user)
        del self.location.exits['west']
            self.location.exits['west'] = self.written_on
        except KeyError:
                'The text on the paper morphs back into the word "woods".')
            self.written_on = 'woods'
            self.location.exits['west'] = Thing.ID_dict[self.written_on]
        self.long_desc = 'This magical paper says "%s" on it.' % self.written_on
        return True

waterfall = Room('waterfall')
    'beautiful waterfall base',
    'This is a beautiful waterfall base. From here you can stand and look at the rushing waterfall. This place makes you feel peaceful inside and happy. You will always remember this place.'
waterfall.add_adjectives('waterfall', 'beautiful', 'special')
waterfall.add_names('place', 'base')
waterfall.add_exit('west', 'woods')

paper = PlaceChooser('magic paper', 'trunk of a tree')
Exemplo n.º 5
famlyroom = Room("family room")
dungeon = Room("dungeon")
aviary = Room("aviary")

dock.set_description("dock", "A long wooden dock covered in moss.")
water1.set_description("ocean", "A blue ocean.")
water2.set_description("ocean", "Ablue ocean.")
water3.set_description("water", "A blue ocean.")
hall.set_description("big hall", "A big long hall.")
entryway.set_description("wonderfull entryway",
                         "This entryway is good. You don't want to leave it.")
    "pair of steep stair",
    "Theese stairs are great! They are made of fancey oak.")
    "normal bedroom",
    "This is an ordinary bedroom. It has white walls and a bed.")
famlyroom.set_description("nice family room",
                          "This is a nice family room with a couch.")
    "This is a scary dungeon like the ones from movies. You are scared.")
    "This is a beutiful and large aviary. You see many birds and poles for them to perch on."

dock.add_exit('east', water1.id)
dock.add_exit('west', water2.id)
dock.add_exit('north', water3.id)
Exemplo n.º 6
from domains.wizardry.deep_pocket import DeepPocketSignUpWizard
from domains.wizardry.gems import *

central_fountain = Room('square', safe=True)
government_entrences = Room('cobbled street', safe=True)
south_shopping_one = Room('shopping', safe=True)
restraunt_one = Room('gathernia', safe=True)

wizardry_transporter = TransportRoom('learn wizardry', central_fountain)

central_fountain.set_description('central square', 'This is a central square at the intersection of two major roads. You see stores to the south, government buildings to the north, houses to the east, and a sign for a wizardry school to the west.')
government_entrences.set_description('cobbled street', 'This is a cobbled street with many government buildings on the side. There are many doors to a variety of buildings. To the south you see the central fountain, while to the north the street continues.')
south_shopping_one.set_description('street covered with shops', 'This is a street covered with shops on two stories--ground floor and the floor above. To get to the higher shops you must fly, which is made possible by the sapphires you see mounted in the roadway. A restaurant called "Gathernia" catches your eye.') #TODO: Auto generate more shops (like books on the bookshelf)
restraunt_one.set_description('busy restaurant named Gathernia', 'This is a busy restaurant named "Gathernia". Here you see many people eating and talking.')

central_fountain.add_exit('north', government_entrences.id)
central_fountain.add_exit('south', south_shopping_one.id)
government_entrences.add_exit('south', central_fountain.id)
south_shopping_one.add_exit('north', central_fountain.id)
restraunt_one.add_exit('out', south_shopping_one.id)

south_shopping_one.add_enter('gathernia', restraunt_one.id)

central_fountain.add_adjectives('busy', 'central')
government_entrences.add_adjectives('dark', 'cobbled')
south_shopping_one.add_adjectives('lively', 'bright', 'busy')


fountain = Scenery('fountain', 'crystal clear fountain', 'This is studded with gems in the center. All of the water coming out of the fountain is crystal clear.')
fountain.add_adjectives('gem-studded', 'crystal','clear')
Exemplo n.º 7
def create_world():
    a = Room("You are in room 1")
    b = Room("You are in room 2")
    c = Room("You are in room 3")
    d = Room("You are in room 4")
    e = Room("You are in room 5")
    f = Room("You are in room 6")
    g = Room("You are in room 7")
    a.add_exit(b, "east")
    b.add_exit(c, "east")
    c.add_exit(d, "east")
    d.add_exit(e, "south")
    e.add_exit(f, "west")
    f.add_exit(g, "west")
    g.add_exit(b, "north")
    player.location = a
    mob = Mob("Goblin")