def get_uncertainty_graph(hnom, curve_uncert): """ Convert an histogram and a RooCurve into a TGraphAsymmError Parameters ---------- hnom: TH1F, TH1D, ... The histogram of nominal values curve_uncert: RooCurve The uncertainty band around the nominal value TODO: Improve the handling of the underflow and overflow bins """ graph = Graph(hnom.GetNbinsX()) for ibin in xrange(1, hnom.GetNbinsX() + 1): uncerts = [] for ip in xrange(3, curve_uncert.GetN() - 3): x, y = ROOT.Double(0.), ROOT.Double(0.) curve_uncert.GetPoint(ip, x, y) if hnom.GetBinLowEdge(ibin) <= x < hnom.GetBinLowEdge(ibin + 1): uncerts.append(y) log.debug('{0}, bin {1}: {2}'.format(, ibin, uncerts)) low, high = min(uncerts), max(uncerts) bin_center = 0.5 * (hnom.GetBinLowEdge(ibin + 1) + hnom.GetBinLowEdge(ibin)) e_x_low = bin_center - hnom.GetBinLowEdge(ibin) e_x_high = hnom.GetBinLowEdge(ibin + 1) - bin_center bin_content = hnom.GetBinContent(ibin) e_y_low = hnom.GetBinContent(ibin) - low e_y_high = high - hnom.GetBinContent(ibin) graph.SetPoint(ibin - 1, bin_center, bin_content) graph.SetPointError(ibin - 1, e_x_low, e_x_high, e_y_low, e_y_high) return graph
def spread_x( histograms, bin_edges ): """ Usually when plotting multiple histograms with same x-values and similar y-values their markers will overlap. This function spreads the data points across a bin. It creates a set of graphs with the same y-values but different x. @param histograms: list of histograms with same binning @param bin_edges: the bin edges of the histograms """ # construct bins from the bin edges bins = [( bin_lower, bin_upper ) for bin_lower, bin_upper in izip( bin_edges[:-1], bin_edges[1:] )] # now get the bin widths bin_widths = [abs( bin_i[1] - bin_i[0] ) for bin_i in bins] # number of histograms number_of_hists = len( histograms ) # and divide the bins into equidistant bits leaving some space to the bin edges x_locations = [] add_locations = x_locations.append for bin_lower, width in izip( bin_edges, bin_widths ): x_step = width / ( 1.0 * number_of_hists + 1 ) # +1 due to spacing to bin edge add_locations( [bin_lower + n * x_step for n in range( 1, number_of_hists + 1 )] ) # transpose x_locations = map( list, zip( *x_locations ) ) graphs = [] for histogram, x_coordinates in zip( histograms, x_locations ): g = Graph( histogram ) for i, ( x, y ) in enumerate( zip( x_coordinates, histogram.y() ) ): g.SetPoint( i, x, y ) graphs.append( g ) return graphs
def tau_from_L_curve(unfoldingObject): ''' Get best tau via l curve method Not tested ''' lCurve = TGraph() logTauX = TSpline3() logTauY = TSpline3() iBest = unfoldingObject.ScanLcurve(500, 0., 0., lCurve, logTauX, logTauY) # Additional info, plots t = Double(0) x = Double(0) y = Double(0) logTauX.GetKnot(iBest, t, x) logTauY.GetKnot(iBest, t, y) bestLcurve = Graph(1) bestLcurve.SetPoint(1, x, y) lCurve.SetMarkerColor(600) lCurve.SetMarkerSize(1) lCurve.SetMarkerStyle(5) # lCurve.Draw("AP"); bestLcurve.markercolor = 'red' # bestLcurve.Draw("*"); return unfoldingObject.GetTau()
def old_working_points(ana, category, wp_level):'create the workers') names = ['loose', 'medium', 'tight'] cuts = [ wp_level + '_is_loose == 1', wp_level + '_is_medium == 1', wp_level + '_is_tight == 1' ] workers = [FuncWorker(get_sig_bkg, ana, category, cut) for cut in cuts] run_pool(workers, n_jobs=-1) yields = [w.output for w in workers]'--> Calculate the total yields') sig_tot =[1].value bkg_tot =, weighted=True)[1].value gr = Graph(len(cuts)) wps = [] for i, (val, yields, name) in enumerate(zip(cuts, yields, names)): eff_sig = yields[0] / sig_tot eff_bkg = yields[1] / bkg_tot rej_bkg = 1. / eff_bkg if eff_bkg != 0 else 0 wps.append(working_point(val, eff_sig, eff_bkg, name=name)) gr.SetPoint(i, eff_sig, rej_bkg) return gr, wps
def grrScale(gr1, scale): x1 = Double() x_ = Double() x1e = Double() y1 = Double() y1e = Double() y = [] ex = [] ey = [] NC = gr1.GetN() x = [0 for i in range(NC)] for ii in range(NC): x1e = gr1.GetErrorX(ii) y1e = gr1.GetErrorY(ii) gr1.GetPoint(ii, x_, y1) x1 = x_ * 1.0 x[ii] = x1 y.append(y1 * scale) ex.append(x1e) ey.append(y1e * scale) gr = Graph(NC) for x0, y0, x0e, y0e, i in zip(x, y, ex, ey, range(NC)): gr.SetPoint(i, x0, y0) gr.SetPointError(i, x0e, x0e, y0e, y0e) return gr
def roc(ana, category, discr_var): """ Calculates the ROC curve Returns the sorted list of wp and a TGraph """ h_template = Hist(1000, 0, 1) h_sig = ana.tau.get_hist_array({discr_var: h_template}, category=category) h_sig = h_sig[discr_var] h_bkg = ana.jet.get_hist_array({discr_var: h_template}, category=category) h_bkg = h_bkg[discr_var] roc_gr = Graph(h_sig.GetNbinsX()) roc_list = [] for i in range(1, h_sig.GetNbinsX()): eff_sig_i = (h_sig.Integral() - h_sig.Integral(0, i)) / h_sig.Integral() eff_bkg_i = (h_bkg.Integral() - h_bkg.Integral(0, i)) / h_bkg.Integral() rej_bkg_i = 1. / eff_bkg_i if eff_bkg_i != 0 else 0. roc_list.append( working_point(h_sig.GetBinLowEdge(i), eff_sig_i, eff_bkg_i)) roc_gr.SetPoint(i, eff_sig_i, rej_bkg_i) return roc_gr, roc_list
def efficiency_graph(pass_function, function_inputs, xs, bins=None, error=0.005): pass_results = pass_function(function_inputs) if bins is None: # Automatic binning # Compute the number of bins such that the error on the efficiency is equal to 'error' in each bin # The calculation is based on binomial errors and assumes that the efficiency is flat (that the distributions of all and selected events are the same) k = float(np.count_nonzero(pass_results)) n = float(len(pass_results)) percentiles = [0., 100.] if k > 0: nbins = (error * n)**2 / k / (1 - k / n) # Compute the bin bounaries with the same number of events in all bins percentiles = np.arange(0., 100., 100. / nbins) percentiles[-1] = 100. bins = np.unique(np.percentile(xs, percentiles)) # Fill histograms of selected and all events and compute efficiency histo_pass = Hist(bins) histo_total = Hist(bins) fill_hist(histo_pass, xs, pass_results) fill_hist(histo_total, xs) efficiency = Graph() efficiency.Divide(histo_pass, histo_total) return efficiency
def luminosity_vs_time(timing_list, luminosity_list, style, run_name): ''' :param timing_list: Python list containing the timing data :param luminosity_list: Python list containing the luminosity data :param style: ROOT style in string, such as 'ATLAS' :return: ''' # Set ROOT graph style set_style(str(style)) # create graph graph = Graph(len(timing_list)) for i, (xx, yy) in enumerate(zip(timing_list, luminosity_list)): graph.SetPoint(i, xx, yy) # set visual attributes graph.markercolor = 'blue' graph.xaxis.SetTitle("Time") graph.yaxis.SetTitle("Luminosity") graph.xaxis.SetRangeUser(min(timing_list), max(timing_list)) graph.yaxis.SetRangeUser(min(luminosity_list), max(luminosity_list)) # plot with ROOT canvas = Canvas() graph.Draw("AP") label = ROOT.TText(0.8, 0.9, str(run_name)) label.SetTextFont(43) label.SetTextSize(25) label.SetNDC() label.Draw() canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() wait(True)
def tau_from_L_curve( unfoldingObject ): ''' Get best tau via l curve method Not tested ''' lCurve = TGraph() logTauX = TSpline3() logTauY = TSpline3() iBest = unfoldingObject.ScanLcurve(500, 0., 0., lCurve, logTauX, logTauY); # Additional info, plots t = Double(0) x = Double(0) y = Double(0) logTauX.GetKnot(iBest,t,x); logTauY.GetKnot(iBest,t,y); bestLcurve = Graph(1); bestLcurve.SetPoint(1,x,y); lCurve.SetMarkerColor(600) lCurve.SetMarkerSize(1) lCurve.SetMarkerStyle(5) # lCurve.Draw("AP"); bestLcurve.markercolor = 'red' # bestLcurve.Draw("*"); return unfoldingObject.GetTau()
def remap_x_values(hist, corr_hist): """ Map the x values of hist to the y values of map_hist. In order to do so, it is necessary that the x values of hist are also present as x-values in map_hist. Parameters ---------- hist : Hist1D corr_hist : Hist2D Correlations between the quantity on hist's x-axis (also corr_hist's xaxis) and the new quantity to plot agains (on corr_hist's y-axis. Returns ------- Graph Graph of the remapped hist. Errors are ??? TODO """ hist = asrootpy(hist) corr_hist = asrootpy(corr_hist) profx = asrootpy(corr_hist.ProfileX(gen_random_name())) rt_graph = Graph() for i, (nch_ref_bin, counter_bin) in enumerate(zip(profx.bins(), hist.bins())): rt_graph.SetPoint(i, nch_ref_bin.value, counter_bin.value) xerr, yerr = nch_ref_bin.error / 2.0, counter_bin.error / 2.0 rt_graph.SetPointError(i, xerr, xerr, yerr, yerr) return rt_graph
def plot_raw_detector_vs_detector(detector_one_data, detector_two_data, style, name): # Set ROOT graph style set_style(str(style)) detector_one_list = [] detector_two_list = [] for block in range(len(detector_one_data)): for bcid in range(len(detector_one_data[block])): detector_one_list.append(detector_one_data[block][bcid]) detector_two_list.append(detector_two_data[block][bcid]) # create graph graph = Graph(len(detector_one_list)) for i, (xx, yy) in enumerate(zip(detector_one_list, detector_two_list)): graph.SetPoint(i, float(xx), float(yy)) # set visual attributes graph.markercolor = 'blue' graph.xaxis.SetTitle("BCM V [Raw Rate]") graph.yaxis.SetTitle("LUCID BI [Raw Rate]") graph.xaxis.SetRangeUser(0, 1) graph.yaxis.SetRangeUser(0, 1) # plot with ROOT canvas = Canvas() graph.Draw("AP") label = ROOT.TText(0.6, 0.9, str(name)) label.SetTextFont(43) label.SetTextSize(25) label.SetNDC() label.Draw() canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() wait(True)
def plot_percent_luminosity_ratio(detector_one_data, detector_two_data, style, run_name): ''' :param detector_one_data: Data from one detector type, such as ATLAS' LUCID, in a list of lists, every entry is one luminsoity block, with the luminosity block being a list of BCID data, assumed to be same length as detector_two_data :param detector_two_data: Data from another detector type, such as ATLAS' LUCID, in a list of lists, every entry is one luminosity block, with the luminosity block being a list of BCID data, assumed to be same length as detector_one_data :param style: The ROOT style for the graph, generally 'ATLAS' :return: ROOT plots of the ratio of luminosities over the luminosity, as percetnage difference from first data point ''' # Set ROOT graph style set_style(str(style)) print("Number of Luminosity Blocks included: " + str(len(detector_one_data))) # Get ratio of the detectors luminosity_ratio = [] lumi_blocks = [] for block in range(len(detector_one_data)): for bcid in range(len(detector_one_data[block])): detector_one_point = detector_one_data[block][bcid] detector_two_point = detector_two_data[block][bcid] # Check if the blocks are zero if detector_one_point != 0.0 and detector_two_point != 0.0: ratio = -math.log(1 - detector_one_point) / -math.log(1 - detector_two_point) luminosity_ratio.append(ratio) lumi_blocks.append(block) # Get percentage difference based off the first block and BCID first_point = luminosity_ratio[0] for index in range(len(luminosity_ratio)): luminosity_ratio[index] = (luminosity_ratio[index] / first_point) - 1 # create graph graph = Graph(len(lumi_blocks), title=run_name) for i, (xx, yy) in enumerate(zip(lumi_blocks, luminosity_ratio)): graph.SetPoint(i, float(xx), float(yy)) # set visual attributes graph.markercolor = 'blue' graph.xaxis.SetTitle("Luminosity Block") graph.yaxis.SetTitle("Luminosity [Percent Ratio]") graph.xaxis.SetRangeUser(min(lumi_blocks), max(lumi_blocks)) graph.yaxis.SetRangeUser(min(luminosity_ratio), max(luminosity_ratio)) # plot with ROOT canvas = Canvas() graph.Draw("AP") label = ROOT.TText(0.8, 0.9, str(run_name)) label.SetTextFont(43) label.SetTextSize(25) label.SetNDC() label.Draw() canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() wait(True)
def rejection(eff): htot = asrootpy(eff.GetTotalHistogram()).Clone() hpass = asrootpy(eff.GetPassedHistogram()) if hpass.Integral != 0: rej = htot / hpass else: rej = htot rej = Graph(rej) name = '_'.join('_')[1:]) = 'rej_{0}'.format(name) rej.title = eff.title return rej
def rejection(eff): htot = asrootpy(eff.GetTotalHistogram()).Clone() hpass = asrootpy(eff.GetPassedHistogram()) if hpass.Integral !=0: rej = htot/hpass else: rej = htot rej = Graph(rej) name = '_'.join('_')[1:]) = 'rej_{0}'.format(name) rej.title = eff.title return rej
def test_xerr(): g = Graph(10) list(g.xerr()) g = Graph(10, type='errors') list(g.xerr()) g = Graph(10, type='asymm') list(g.xerr())
def tau_from_scan( unfoldingObject, regularisation_settings ): variable = regularisation_settings.variable # Plots that get outputted by the scan lCurve = TGraph() scanResult = TSpline3() d = 'signal' a = '' # Parameters of scan # Number of points to scan, and min/max tau nScan = 1000 minTau = 1.E-6 maxTau = 1.E-0 if variable == 'abs_lepton_eta': minTau = 1.E-8 maxTau = 1.E-3 elif variable == 'lepton_pt': minTau = 1.E-6 maxTau = 1.E-2 elif variable == 'NJets': minTau = 1.E-6 maxTau = 1.E-2 # Scan is performed here iBest = unfoldingObject.ScanTau(nScan, minTau, maxTau, scanResult, TUnfoldDensity.kEScanTauRhoSquareAvg); # Plot the scan result # Correlation as function of log tau canvas = TCanvas() scanResult.SetMarkerColor(600) scanResult.SetMarkerSize(1) scanResult.SetMarkerStyle(5) scanResult.Draw('LP') # Add point corresponding to optimum tau t = Double(0) x = Double(0) scanResult.GetKnot(iBest,t,x); bestTau = Graph(1) bestTau.SetPoint(1,t,x) bestTau.markercolor = 'red' bestTau.SetMarkerSize(1.25) bestTau.Draw('*') # Write to file output_dir = regularisation_settings.output_folder make_folder_if_not_exists(output_dir) canvas.SaveAs(output_dir + '/{0}.png'.format(variable) ) return unfoldingObject.GetTau()
def draw_curve_8(_func, name, title, ylow, yhigh, num_errs=1): """ Draw 8TeV trigger efficiency curves """ graphs = [] for (trigger, color) in triggers: tool = ROOT.TrigTauEfficiency() tool.loadInputFile(os.path.join(base, 'triggerSF_{0}.root'.format(trigger))) func = getattr(tool, _func) eff = np.array(map(lambda x: func(x, eta, 0, period, prong, wpflag, eveto), pt)) errs_low = [] errs_high = [] for ierr in xrange(num_errs): eff_low = np.array(map(lambda x: func(x, eta, -1, period, prong, wpflag, eveto), pt)) eff_high = np.array(map(lambda x: func(x, eta, 1, period, prong, wpflag, eveto), pt)) errs_low.append(eff_low) errs_high.append(eff_high) # quadrature sum of error eff_low = np.sqrt(np.sum([np.power(err, 2) for err in errs_low], axis=0)) eff_high = np.sqrt(np.sum([np.power(err, 2) for err in errs_high], axis=0)) graph = Graph(len(pt), name=trigger) for i, (p, e, e_low, e_high) in enumerate(zip(pt, eff, eff_low, eff_high)): graph.SetPoint(i, p / 1000, e) graph.SetPointError(i, 0.4, 0.4, e_low, e_high) graph.linecolor = color graph.linewidth = 2 graph.fillstyle = '/' graph.fillcolor = color graphs.append(graph) c = Canvas() leg = Legend(len(graphs), pad=c, topmargin=0.6, leftmargin=0.3, textsize=25, margin=0.2) for i, g in enumerate(graphs): if i == 0: g.Draw('3AL') g.xaxis.title = '#font[52]{p}_{T} [GeV]' g.xaxis.SetLimits(20, 100) g.yaxis.SetLimits(ylow, yhigh) g.yaxis.SetRangeUser(ylow, yhigh) g.yaxis.title = title else: g.Draw('3L SAME') leg.AddEntry(g,, 'L') leg.Draw() lines = [] for thresh in (25, 35): line = Line(thresh, ylow, thresh, yhigh) line.linestyle = 'dashed' line.linewidth = 2 line.Draw() lines.append(line) c.SaveAs('trigger_{0}.png'.format(name)) c.SaveAs('trigger_{0}.eps'.format(name))
def test_init_from_file_1d(): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f: for i in xrange(100): f.write('{0:.3f},{1:.3f}\n'.format(random(), random())) f.flush() g = Graph.from_file(, sep=',') assert_equal(len(g), 100)
def test_errorbar(): from rootpy.plotting import root2matplotlib as rplt h = Hist(100, -5, 5) h.FillRandom('gaus') g = Graph(h) rplt.errorbar(g) rplt.errorbar(h)
def rate(et, thresholds, total_events): pass_thresholds = pass_threshold(et, thresholds) # fill pass and total numbers of events bins = (pass_thresholds[:-1, 0] + pass_thresholds[1:, 0]) / 2. bins = np.append([-bins[0] + 2. * pass_thresholds[0, 0]], bins) bins = np.append(bins, [2. * pass_thresholds[-1, 0] - bins[-1]]) histo_pass = Hist(bins) histo_total = Hist(bins) for b, n in zip(histo_pass[1:-1], pass_thresholds[:, 1]): b.value = n b.error = np.sqrt(n) for b in histo_total[1:-1]: b.value = total_events b.error = np.sqrt(total_events) rates = Graph() rates.Divide(histo_pass, histo_total) return rates
def get_rebinned_graph(graph_origin, binning=None): if binning is None: return graph_origin graph_rebin = Graph(len(binning) - 1) if len(graph_origin) != len(graph_rebin): log.warning('uniform: {0} bins != rebinned: {1} bins'.format( len(graph_origin), len(graph_rebin))) raise RuntimeError('wrong binning') for ipoint, (y, yerr) in enumerate(zip(graph_origin.y(), graph_origin.yerr())): x_rebin_err = 0.5 * (binning[ipoint + 1] - binning[ipoint]) x_rebin = binning[ipoint] + x_rebin_err graph_rebin.SetPoint(ipoint, x_rebin, y) graph_rebin.SetPointError(ipoint, x_rebin_err, x_rebin_err, yerr[0], yerr[1]) return graph_rebin
def test_init_from_file_1d(): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f: for i in xrange(100): f.write('{0:.3f},{1:.3f}\n'.format( random(), random())) f.flush() g = Graph.from_file(, sep=',') assert_equal(len(g), 100)
def double_profile(tprofile_x, tprofile_y): """creates a graph with points whose x and y values and errors are taken from the bins of two profiles with identical binning""" ## Note: underflow and overflow bins are discarded if len(tprofile_x) != len(tprofile_y): raise ValueError( "Cannot build double profile: x and y profiles " "have different number or bins ({} and {})".format( len(tprofile_x) - 2, len(tprofile_y) - 2)) _dp_graph = Graph(len(tprofile_x) - 2, type='errors') # symmetric errors _i_point = 0 for _i_bin, (_bin_proxy_x, _bin_proxy_y) in enumerate(zip(tprofile_x, tprofile_y)): # disregard overflow/underflow bins if _i_bin == 0 or _i_bin == len(tprofile_x) - 1: continue if _bin_proxy_y.value: _dp_graph.SetPoint(_i_point, _bin_proxy_x.value, _bin_proxy_y.value) _dp_graph.SetPointError(_i_point, _bin_proxy_x.error, _bin_proxy_y.error) _i_point += 1 # remove "unfilled" points while (_dp_graph.GetN() > _i_point): _dp_graph.RemovePoint(_dp_graph.GetN() - 1) return _dp_graph
def UncertGraph(hnom, curve_uncert): """ Convert an histogram and a RooCurve into a TGraphAsymmError Parameters ---------- hnom: TH1F, TH1D,... The histogram of nominal values curve_uncert: RooCurve The uncertainty band around the nominal value curve_uncert: RooCurve TODO: Improve the handling of the underflow and overflow bins """ graph = Graph(hnom.GetNbinsX()) # --------------------------------------------- for ibin in xrange(1, hnom.GetNbinsX() + 1): uncerts = [] for ip in xrange(3, curve_uncert.GetN() - 3): x, y = ROOT.Double(0.), ROOT.Double(0.) curve_uncert.GetPoint(ip, x, y) if int(x) == int(hnom.GetBinLowEdge(ibin)): uncerts.append(y) uncerts.sort()'{0}: {1}'.format(, uncerts)) if len(uncerts) != 2: for val in uncerts: if val in uncerts: uncerts.remove(val) if len(uncerts) != 2: raise RuntimeError( 'Need exactly two error values and got {0}'.format(uncerts)) bin_center = 0.5 * (hnom.GetBinLowEdge(ibin + 1) + hnom.GetBinLowEdge(ibin)) e_x_low = bin_center - hnom.GetBinLowEdge(ibin) e_x_high = hnom.GetBinLowEdge(ibin + 1) - bin_center bin_content = hnom.GetBinContent(ibin) e_y_low = hnom.GetBinContent(ibin) - uncerts[0] e_y_high = uncerts[1] - hnom.GetBinContent(ibin) graph.SetPoint(ibin - 1, bin_center, bin_content) graph.SetPointError(ibin - 1, e_x_low, e_x_high, e_y_low, e_y_high) # --------------------------------------------- return graph
def test_operators(): h = Hist(10, -2, 2).FillRandom('gaus') g = Graph(h) g *= 2 g /= 2 g += 2 g -= 2 for point in g: assert_equal(point.y.value, h[point.idx_ + 1].value)
def draw_curve_7(_func, name, title, ylow, yhigh): """ Draw 7TeV trigger efficiency curves """ graphs = [] for (trigger, color) in triggers: tool = ROOT.TauTriggerCorrections(os.path.join(base, 'triggerSF_%s.root' % trigger)) func = getattr(tool, _func) eff = map(lambda x: func(x, 0), pt) eff_low = map(lambda x: func(x, -1), pt) eff_high = map(lambda x: func(x, 1), pt) graph = Graph(len(pt), name=trigger) for i, (p, e, e_low, e_high) in enumerate(zip(pt, eff, eff_low, eff_high)): graph.SetPoint(i, p / 1000, e) graph.SetPointError(i, 0.4, 0.4, e - e_low, e_high - e) graph.linecolor = color graph.linewidth = 2 graph.fillstyle = '/' graph.fillcolor = color graphs.append(graph) c = Canvas() leg = Legend(len(graphs), pad=c, topmargin=0.4, leftmargin=0.3, textsize=25, margin=0.2) for i, g in enumerate(graphs): if i == 0: g.Draw('3AC') g.xaxis.title = '#font[52]{p}_{T} [GeV]' g.xaxis.SetLimits(20, 100) g.yaxis.SetLimits(ylow, yhigh) g.yaxis.SetRangeUser(ylow, yhigh) g.yaxis.title = title else: g.Draw('3C SAME') leg.AddEntry(g,, 'L') leg.Draw() lines = [] for thresh in (25, 35): line = Line(thresh, ylow, thresh, yhigh) line.linestyle = 'dashed' line.linewidth = 2 line.Draw() lines.append(line) c.SaveAs('trigger_{0}.png'.format(name)) c.SaveAs('trigger_{0}.eps'.format(name))
def scaleGraph(gr1, sc): x1 = ROOT.Double() x_ = ROOT.Double() y1 = ROOT.Double() test = [] y = [] NC = gr1.GetN() x = [0 for i in range(NC)] for ii in range(NC): gr1.GetPoint(ii, x_, y1) x1 = x_ * 1.0 x[ii] = x1 y.append(y1 * sc) gr = Graph(NC) for x0, y0, i in zip(x, y, range(NC)): gr.SetPoint(i, x0, y0) return gr
def get_ratios(results_7TeV, results_8TeV): ratios = {} for key in results_7TeV.keys(): ratio = None if 'Graph' in str(type(results_7TeV[key])): ratio = Graph.divide(results_7TeV[key], results_8TeV[key], False) else: ratio = results_7TeV[key].Clone( 'ratio_' + key ) ratio.Divide(results_8TeV[key]) ratios[key] = ratio return ratios
def get_ratios(results_7TeV, results_8TeV): ratios = {} for key in results_7TeV.keys(): ratio = None if 'Graph' in str(type(results_7TeV[key])): ratio = Graph.divide(results_7TeV[key], results_8TeV[key], False) else: ratio = results_7TeV[key].Clone('ratio_' + key) ratio.Divide(results_8TeV[key]) ratios[key] = ratio return ratios
def efficiency_bdt(pass_function, function_inputs, xs): pass_results = pass_function(function_inputs) xs_train = xs.reshape(-1, 1) clf = GradientBoostingClassifier(), pass_results) graph = Graph(100) xs_graph = np.linspace(np.amin(xs), np.amax(xs), num=100) probas = clf.predict_proba(xs_graph.reshape(-1, 1))[:, [1]] print probas fill_graph(graph, np.column_stack((xs_graph, probas))) print np.column_stack((xs_graph, probas)) return graph
def makeSystError(gr1, gr2, **kwargs): x_ = Double() x1e = Double() x2 = Double() x2e = Double() y1 = Double() y1e = Double() y2 = Double() y2e = Double() NC = gr1.GetN() print("Number of points: {}".format(NC)) y = [] ex = [] ey = [] x = [0 for i in range(NC)] for ii in range(NC): x1e = gr1.GetErrorX(ii) y1e = gr1.GetErrorY(ii) gr1.GetPoint(ii, x_, y1) x1 = x_ * 1.0 gr2.GetPoint(ii, x2, y2) x2e = gr2.GetErrorX(ii) y2e = gr2.GetErrorY(ii) x[ii] = x1 if (kwargs.get('abs', False)): y.append(math.fabs(y1 - y2)) elif (kwargs.get('rel', False)): y.append((y1 - y2) / (y1 + y2)) else: y.append(y1 - y2) ex.append(x1e) ey.append(math.sqrt(y1e**2 + y2e**2)) gr = Graph(NC) for x0, y0, x0e, y0e, i in zip(x, y, ex, ey, range(NC)): gr.SetPoint(i, x0, y0) print("Set point {} {},{}".format(i, x0, y0)) gr.SetPointError(i, x0e, x0e, y0e, y0e) return gr
def grrDivide(gr1, gr2): x1 = Double() x_ = Double() x1e = Double() x2 = Double() x2e = Double() y1 = Double() y1e = Double() y2 = Double() y2e = Double() test = [] y = [] ex = [] ey = [] NC = gr1.GetN() x = [0 for i in range(NC)] test = [0 for i in range(NC)] for ii in range(NC): x1e = gr1.GetErrorX(ii) y1e = gr1.GetErrorY(ii) gr1.GetPoint(ii, x_, y1) x1 = x_ * 1.0 gr2.GetPoint(ii, x2, y2) x2e = gr2.GetErrorX(ii) y2e = gr2.GetErrorY(ii) x[ii] = x1 y.append(y1 / y2 if y2 != 0 else 0) ex.append(x2e) ey.append( math.sqrt(pow(y1e / y2, 2) + pow(y1 * y2e / (y2 * y2), 2)) if y2 != 0 else 0) gr = Graph(NC) for x0, y0, x0e, y0e, i in zip(x, y, ex, ey, range(NC)): gr.SetPoint(i, x0, y0) gr.SetPointError(i, x0e, x0e, y0e, y0e) return gr
def find_best_working_point(effs, signal_efficiencies, background_efficiencies): # Compute efficiency gradients effs_diff = np.ediff1d(effs) signal_efficiencies_diff = np.ediff1d(signal_efficiencies) background_efficiencies_diff = np.ediff1d(background_efficiencies) signal_efficiencies_diff = np.divide(signal_efficiencies_diff, effs_diff) background_efficiencies_diff = np.divide(background_efficiencies_diff, effs_diff) # Interpolate and find points where background efficiency gradient > signal efficiency gradient (with some tolerance) interp_x = np.linspace(np.amin(effs[1:]), np.amax(effs[1:]), 1000) interp_signal = np.interp(interp_x, effs[1:], signal_efficiencies_diff) interp_background = np.interp(interp_x, effs[1:], background_efficiencies_diff) optimal_points = np.argwhere( np.greater(interp_background - 0.05, interp_signal)).ravel( ) # Use a tolerance of 0.02 in case of fluctuations if len(optimal_points) == 0: print 'WARNING: no working point found where the efficiency gradient is larger for background than for signal' # Find optimal point with smallest efficiency ## Compute spacing between points, and select those with an efficiency separation > 2% optimal_discontinuities = np.argwhere( np.ediff1d(interp_x[optimal_points]) > 0.02).ravel() ## Select the point with the largest efficiency optimal_index = np.amax(optimal_discontinuities) + 1 if len( optimal_discontinuities) > 0 else 0 optimal_point = interp_x[optimal_points[optimal_index]] # Create graphs signal_efficiencies_diff_graph = Graph(len(effs) - 1) background_efficiencies_diff_graph = Graph(len(effs) - 1) optimal_points_graph = Graph(len(optimal_points)) fill_graph(signal_efficiencies_diff_graph, np.column_stack((effs[1:], signal_efficiencies_diff))) fill_graph(background_efficiencies_diff_graph, np.column_stack((effs[1:], background_efficiencies_diff))) fill_graph( optimal_points_graph, np.column_stack( (interp_x[optimal_points], interp_signal[optimal_points]))) signal_efficiencies_diff_graph.SetName('efficiencies_signal') background_efficiencies_diff_graph.SetName('efficiencies_background') optimal_points_graph.SetName('signal_background_optimal_points') return signal_efficiencies_diff_graph, background_efficiencies_diff_graph, optimal_points_graph, optimal_point
def draw_curve_7(_func, name, title, ylow, yhigh): """ Draw 7TeV trigger efficiency curves """ graphs = [] for (trigger, color) in triggers: tool = ROOT.TauTriggerCorrections( os.path.join(base, 'triggerSF_%s.root' % trigger)) func = getattr(tool, _func) eff = map(lambda x: func(x, 0), pt) eff_low = map(lambda x: func(x, -1), pt) eff_high = map(lambda x: func(x, 1), pt) graph = Graph(len(pt), name=trigger) for i, (p, e, e_low, e_high) in enumerate(zip(pt, eff, eff_low, eff_high)): graph.SetPoint(i, p / 1000, e) graph.SetPointError(i, 0.4, 0.4, e - e_low, e_high - e) graph.linecolor = color graph.linewidth = 2 graph.fillstyle = '/' graph.fillcolor = color graphs.append(graph) c = Canvas() leg = Legend(len(graphs), pad=c, topmargin=0.4, leftmargin=0.3, textsize=25, margin=0.2) for i, g in enumerate(graphs): if i == 0: g.Draw('3AC') g.xaxis.title = '#font[52]{p}_{T} [GeV]' g.xaxis.SetLimits(20, 100) g.yaxis.SetLimits(ylow, yhigh) g.yaxis.SetRangeUser(ylow, yhigh) g.yaxis.title = title else: g.Draw('3C SAME') leg.AddEntry(g,, 'L') leg.Draw() lines = [] for thresh in (25, 35): line = Line(thresh, ylow, thresh, yhigh) line.linestyle = 'dashed' line.linewidth = 2 line.Draw() lines.append(line) c.SaveAs('trigger_{0}.png'.format(name)) c.SaveAs('trigger_{0}.eps'.format(name))
def luminosity_block_log_time(luminosity_list, style): ''' :param timing_list: Python list containing the timing data :param luminosity_list: Python list containing the luminosity data :param style: ROOT style in string, such as 'ATLAS' :return: Graph of the luminosity over a single block ''' # Set ROOT graph style set_style(str(style)) luminosity_ratio = [] for bcid in range(len(luminosity_list)): detector_one_point = luminosity_list[bcid] # Check if the blocks are zero if detector_one_point != 0.0: ratio = -math.log(1 - detector_one_point) luminosity_ratio.append(ratio) # create graph graph = Graph(len(luminosity_ratio)) for i, (xx, yy) in enumerate(zip(range(len(luminosity_ratio)), luminosity_ratio)): graph.SetPoint(i, xx, yy) # set visual attributes graph.markercolor = 'blue' graph.xaxis.SetTitle("Time") graph.yaxis.SetTitle("-Ln(1 - Rate) [Single Detector]") graph.xaxis.SetRangeUser(0, 3564) graph.yaxis.SetRangeUser(min(luminosity_ratio), max(luminosity_ratio)) # plot with ROOT canvas = Canvas() graph.Draw("AP") wait(True)
def get_mean_rms(category, var): gr_mean = Graph(len(SIGNALS_14TEV)) gr_rms = Graph(len(SIGNALS_14TEV)) for ip, signal in enumerate(SIGNALS_14TEV): with root_open('efficiencies/eff_presel_{0}_v{1}.root'.format( signal, VERSION)) as fsig: h_s = fsig[category].Get('h_' + category + '_' + var['name']) gr_mean.SetPoint(ip, DATASETS[signal]['mu'], h_s.GetMean()) gr_mean.SetPointError(ip, 0, 0, h_s.GetMeanError(), h_s.GetMeanError()) gr_rms.SetPoint(ip, DATASETS[signal]['mu'], h_s.GetRMS()) gr_rms.SetPointError(ip, 0, 0, h_s.GetRMSError(), h_s.GetRMSError()) gr_mean.xaxis.title = 'Average Interactions Per Bunch Crossing' gr_mean.yaxis.title = 'Mean of ' + get_label(var) gr_rms.xaxis.title = 'Average Interactions Per Bunch Crossing' gr_rms.yaxis.title = 'RMS of ' + get_label(var) return gr_mean, gr_rms
def addConstantError(gr1, error, **kwargs): x_ = Double() x1e = Double() y1_ = Double() y1e = Double() NC = gr1.GetN() y2 = [0 for i in range(NC)] ex = [] ey = [] x = [0 for i in range(NC)] gr = Graph(NC) for ii in range(NC): x1e = gr1.GetErrorX(ii) y1e = gr1.GetErrorY(ii) gr1.GetPoint(ii, x_, y1_) print("{} {} {}".format(i, x_, y1_)) x1 = x_ * 1.0 x[ii] = x1 y1 = y1_ * 1.0 y2[ii] = y1 print("Append y with {}".format(y1)) print(y2) ex.append(x1e) if (kwargs.get('rel'), False): ey.append(math.sqrt(y1e**2 + (error * y1)**2)) print("Old error: {}, New Error: {}".format( y1e, math.sqrt(y1e**2 + (error * y1)**2))) else: ey.append(math.sqrt(y1e**2 + error**2)) # gr.SetPoint(i,x1,y1) # print("Set point {} {},{}".format(i,x1,y1)) # # if(kwargs.get('rel'),False): # gr.SetPointError(i,x1e,x1e,math.sqrt(y1e**2+(error*y1)**2),math.sqrt(y1e**2+(error*y1)**2)) # print("Set point Error {} {},{}".format(i,x1e,math.sqrt(y1e**2+(error*y1)**2))) # else: # gr.SetPointError(i,x1e,x1e,math.sqrt(y1e**2+error**2),math.sqrt(y1e**2+error**2)) gr = Graph(NC) print(x) print(y2) print(ex) print(ey) for x0, y0, x0e, y0e, i in zip(x, y2, ex, ey, range(NC)): gr.SetPoint(i, x0, y0) print("Set point {} {},{}".format(i, x0, y0)) gr.SetPointError(i, x0e, x0e, y0e, y0e) print("Set point Error {} {},{}".format(i, x0e, y0e)) print(gr) return gr
Hist(100, -5, 5, color='salmon', drawstyle='hist').FillRandom(F1('TMath::Gaus(x, 2, 1)'), 500)) stack.Add( Hist(100, -5, 5, color='powderblue', drawstyle='hist').FillRandom(F1('TMath::Gaus(x, 2, 0.6)'), 300)) objects.append(stack) # create some random histograms for i, (mu, sigma, n, c, s) in enumerate(zip(mus, sigmas, events, colors, styles)): hist = Hist(100, -5, 5, color=c, fillstyle=s, drawstyle='hist' if i % 2 == 0 else '') hist.FillRandom(F1('TMath::Gaus(x,{0},{1})'.format(mu, sigma)), n) objects.append(hist) # create a graph graph = Graph(10, drawstyle='P') for i in range(10): x = -2 + i * 4 / 10. graph.SetPoint(i, x, 40 + 10 * sin(x)) objects.append(graph) draw(objects, xtitle='Some Variable [Units]', ytitle='Events', ypadding=0.05) # see rootpy.plotting.utils.get_limits for details on what arguments are # supported for setting the axes ranges. wait()
def plot_normalized_luminosity_ratio(detector_one_data, detector_two_data, style, run_name): ''' :param detector_one_data: Data from one detector type, such as ATLAS' LUCID, in a list of lists, every entry is one luminsoity block, with the luminosity block being a list of BCID data, assumed to be same length as detector_two_data :param detector_two_data: Data from another detector type, such as ATLAS' LUCID, in a list of lists, every entry is one luminosity block, with the luminosity block being a list of BCID data, assumed to be same length as detector_one_data :param style: The ROOT style for the graph, generally 'ATLAS' :return: ROOT plots of the ratio of luminosities over the luminosity, normalized to one ''' # Set ROOT graph style set_style(str(style)) print("Number of Luminosity Blocks included: " + str(len(detector_one_data))) # Get ratio of the detectors luminosity_ratio = [] lumi_blocks = [] for block in range(len(detector_one_data)): for bcid in range(len(detector_one_data[block])): detector_one_point = detector_one_data[block][bcid] detector_two_point = detector_two_data[block][bcid] # Check if the blocks are zero if detector_one_point != 0.0 and detector_two_point != 0.0: ratio = -math.log(1 - detector_one_point) / -math.log(1 - detector_two_point) luminosity_ratio.append(ratio) lumi_blocks.append(block) # Normalize the ratios def normalize(x, x_min, x_max): top = x - x_min bottom = x_max - x_min return top / bottom max_ratio = max(luminosity_ratio) min_ratio = min(luminosity_ratio) print("Max ratio: " + str(max_ratio)) print("Min Ratio: " + str(min_ratio)) for ratio_entry in range(len(luminosity_ratio)): luminosity_ratio[ratio_entry] = normalize(luminosity_ratio[ratio_entry], x_max=max_ratio, x_min=min_ratio) # create graph graph = Graph(len(lumi_blocks), title=run_name) for i, (xx, yy) in enumerate(zip(lumi_blocks, luminosity_ratio)): graph.SetPoint(i, float(xx), float(yy)) # set visual attributes graph.markercolor = 'blue' graph.xaxis.SetTitle("Luminosity Block") graph.yaxis.SetTitle("Luminosity [Normalized Ratio]") graph.xaxis.SetRangeUser(min(lumi_blocks), max(lumi_blocks)) graph.yaxis.SetRangeUser(min(luminosity_ratio), max(luminosity_ratio)) # plot with ROOT canvas = Canvas() graph.Draw("AP") label = ROOT.TText(0.8, 0.9, str(run_name)) label.SetTextFont(43) label.SetTextSize(25) label.SetNDC() label.Draw() canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() wait(True)
def plot_percent_luminosity_ratio_sum(detector_one_data, detector_two_data, style, run_name): ''' :param detector_one_data: Data from one detector type, such as ATLAS' LUCID, in a list of lists, every entry is one luminsoity block, with the luminosity block being a list of BCID data, assumed to be same length as detector_two_data :param detector_two_data: Data from another detector type, such as ATLAS' LUCID, in a list of lists, every entry is one luminosity block, with the luminosity block being a list of BCID data, assumed to be same length as detector_one_data :param style: The ROOT style for the graph, generally 'ATLAS' :return: ROOT plots of the ratio of luminosity sums over the luminosity, as percentage difference from first data point ''' # Set ROOT graph style set_style(str(style)) print("Number of Luminosity Blocks included: " + str(len(detector_one_data))) # Get average value of the rate for each luminosity block temp_detector_one = [[] for _ in xrange(len(detector_one_data))] temp_detector_two = [[] for _ in xrange(len(detector_one_data))] for block in range(len(detector_one_data)): detector_one_avg = 0 one_count = 0 detector_two_avg = 0 two_count = 0 for bcid in range(len(detector_one_data[block])): detector_one_point = detector_one_data[block][bcid] detector_two_point = detector_two_data[block][bcid] detector_one_avg += detector_one_point one_count += 1 detector_two_avg += detector_two_point two_count += 1 if one_count != 0: detector_one_avg = detector_one_avg / one_count detector_two_avg = detector_two_avg / two_count temp_detector_one[block].append(detector_one_avg) temp_detector_two[block].append(detector_two_avg) # Reassign temp to the original lists detector_one_data = temp_detector_one detector_two_data = temp_detector_two # Get ratio of the detectors luminosity_ratio = [] lumi_blocks = [] for block in range(len(detector_one_data)): for bcid in range(len(detector_one_data[block])): detector_one_point = detector_one_data[block][bcid] detector_two_point = detector_two_data[block][bcid] # Check if the blocks are zero if detector_one_point != 0.0 and detector_two_point != 0.0: ratio = -math.log(1 - detector_one_point) / -math.log(1 - detector_two_point) luminosity_ratio.append(ratio) lumi_blocks.append(block) # Get percentage difference based off the first block and BCID first_point = luminosity_ratio[0] for index in range(len(luminosity_ratio)): luminosity_ratio[index] = (luminosity_ratio[index] / first_point) - 1 # Delete last point, when the beams are being shut down and there are massive spikes luminosity_ratio = luminosity_ratio[:-1] lumi_blocks = lumi_blocks[:-1] # create graph graph = Graph(len(lumi_blocks), title=run_name) for i, (xx, yy) in enumerate(zip(lumi_blocks, luminosity_ratio)): graph.SetPoint(i, float(xx), float(yy)) # set visual attributes graph.markercolor = 'blue' graph.xaxis.SetTitle("Luminosity Block") graph.yaxis.SetTitle("Luminosity [Average Percent Ratio]") graph.xaxis.SetRangeUser(min(lumi_blocks), max(lumi_blocks)) graph.yaxis.SetRangeUser(min(luminosity_ratio), max(luminosity_ratio)) # plot with ROOT canvas = Canvas() graph.Draw("AP") label = ROOT.TText(0.8, 0.9, str(run_name)) label.SetTextFont(43) label.SetTextSize(25) label.SetNDC() label.Draw() canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() wait(True)
# remove the errorbars tmphandles = [] tmplabels = [] for a,b in zip(handles,labels): if type(a)==Line2D: continue tmphandles.append(a[0]) tmplabels.append(b) # use them in the legend axes.legend(tmphandles, tmplabels, loc='best',numpoints=1) if 'Data' in hists: # print list(stack.sum.y()) # ratioplot = Graph.divide( Graph(hists['Data']), stack.sum ) ratioplot = Graph() ratioplot.Divide( hists['Data'], stack.sum , 'pois' ) ratioplot.color = "black" if hists["Data"].Integral(): tmpyerror,tmpyerror2 = zip(*list(ratioplot.yerr()) ) tmpx = list(ratioplot.x()) tmpy = list(ratioplot.y()) tmpxy = zip(tmpx,tmpy,tmpyerror) # print tmpxy tmpxy = [tmp for tmp in tmpxy if tmp[1]!=0 ] # print tmpxy tmpx,tmpy,tmpyerror = zip(*tmpxy) # print tmpyerror axes_ratio.errorbar(tmpx, tmpy, # list(ratioplot.y()),
def draw_ratio(a, b, field, category, textsize=22, ratio_range=(0, 2), ratio_line_values=[0.5, 1, 1.5], optional_label_text=None, normalize=True, logy=False): """ Draw a canvas with two Hists normalized to unity on top and a ratio plot between the two hist Parameters: - a: Nominal Hist (denominator in the ratio) - b: Shifted Hist (numerator in the ratio) - field: variable field (see - category: analysis category (see categories/*) """ xtitle = get_xtitle(field) plot = RatioPlot(xtitle=xtitle, ytitle='{0}Events'.format( 'Normalized ' if normalize else ''), ratio_title='A / B', ratio_limits=ratio_range, ratio_line_values=ratio_line_values, logy=logy) if normalize: a_integral = a.integral() if a_integral != 0: a /= a_integral b_integral = b.integral() if b_integral != 0: b /= b_integral a.title = 'A: ' + a.title b.title = 'B: ' + b.title a.color = 'black' b.color = 'red' a.legendstyle = 'L' b.legendstyle = 'L' a.markersize = 0 b.markersize = 0 a.linewidth = 2 b.linewidth = 2 a.fillstyle = 'hollow' b.fillstyle = 'hollow' a.linestyle = 'solid' b.linestyle = 'dashed' a.drawstyle='hist E0' b.drawstyle='hist E0' plot.draw('main', [a, b], ypadding=(0.3, 0.)) ratio = Hist.divide(a, b, fill_value=-1) ratio.drawstyle = 'hist' ratio.color = 'black' ratio_band = Graph(ratio, fillstyle='/', fillcolor='black', linewidth=0) ratio_band.drawstyle = '20' plot.draw('ratio', [ratio_band, ratio]) with plot.pad('main') as pad: # legend # leg = Legend([a, b], 0.2, 0.2, 0.45, # margin=0.35, textsize=textsize) leg = Legend([a, b]) leg.Draw() # draw the category label if category is not None: label = ROOT.TLatex( pad.GetLeftMargin() + 0.04, 0.87, category.label) label.SetNDC() label.SetTextFont(43) label.SetTextSize(textsize) label.Draw() # show p-value and chi^2 if a.integral() != 0 and b.integral() != 0: pvalue = a.Chi2Test(b, 'WW') chi2 = a.Chi2Test(b, 'WW CHI2/NDF') else: pvalue = -9999. chi2 = -9999. pvalue_label = ROOT.TLatex( pad.GetLeftMargin() + 0.04, 0.8, "p-value={0:.2f}".format(pvalue)) pvalue_label.SetNDC(True) pvalue_label.SetTextFont(43) pvalue_label.SetTextSize(textsize) pvalue_label.Draw() chi2_label = ROOT.TLatex( pad.GetLeftMargin() + 0.04, 0.72, "#frac{{#chi^{{2}}}}{{ndf}}={0:.2f}".format(chi2)) chi2_label.SetNDC(True) chi2_label.SetTextFont(43) chi2_label.SetTextSize(textsize) chi2_label.Draw() if optional_label_text is not None: optional_label = ROOT.TLatex(pad.GetLeftMargin()+0.01, 1 - pad.GetTopMargin() + 0.005, optional_label_text ) optional_label.SetNDC(True) optional_label.SetTextFont(43) optional_label.SetTextSize(textsize) optional_label.Draw() if ATLAS_LABEL.lower() == 'internal': x = 0.67 y = 1-pad.GetTopMargin()+0.005 else: x = (1. - pad.GetRightMargin() - 0.03) - len(ATLAS_LABEL) * 0.025 y = 1-pad.GetTopMargin()+0.01 ATLAS_label(x, y, sep=0.132, pad=pad, sqrts=None, text=ATLAS_LABEL, textsize=textsize) return plot
def plot_multiple_all_luminosity_block_ratio(all_detector_one_data, all_detector_two_data, all_detector_three_data, background_list, style, name): ''' :param all_detector_one_data: A dictionary of the run name to a list of lists of luminosity blocks :param all_detector_two_data: A dictionary of the run name to a list of lists of luminosity blocks :param style: a string corresponding to a ROOT graphing style, e.g. 'ATLAS' :return: Plot of all the detector data on a graph chronologically according to run number ''' # Set ROOT graph style set_style(str(style)) # Get average value of the rate for each luminosity block temp_detector_one = copy.deepcopy(all_detector_one_data) temp_detector_two = copy.deepcopy(all_detector_two_data) temp_detector_three = copy.deepcopy(all_detector_three_data) print(sorted(all_detector_one_data.keys())) for run in sorted(all_detector_one_data.keys()): block_count = 0 for block in range(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run)) - 1): del temp_detector_one.get(run)[block][:] del temp_detector_two.get(run)[block][:] del temp_detector_three.get(run)[block][:] block_count += 1 detector_one_avg = 0 one_count = 0 detector_two_avg = 0 two_count = 0 detector_three_avg = 0 three_count = 0 for bcid in range(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block])): # Gets the previous BCID luminosity to subtract as the background if run == "286282": detector_one_point_background = all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid - 1] detector_two_point_background = all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid - 1] detector_three_point_background = all_detector_three_data.get(run)[block][bcid - 1] print("BCID [N-1]: " + str(detector_one_point_background)) print("BCID [N]: " + str(all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid])) detector_one_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) \ + math.log(1 - detector_one_point_background) detector_three_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_three_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) \ + math.log(1 - detector_three_point_background) print("Detector 1 Point: " + str(detector_one_point)) detector_two_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) \ + math.log(1 - detector_two_point_background) detector_one_avg += detector_one_point one_count += 1 detector_two_avg += detector_two_point two_count += 1 detector_three_avg += detector_three_point three_count += 1 else: detector_one_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) detector_two_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) detector_three_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_three_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) detector_one_avg += detector_one_point one_count += 1 detector_two_avg += detector_two_point two_count += 1 detector_three_avg += detector_three_point three_count += 1 if one_count != 0: detector_one_avg = detector_one_avg / one_count detector_two_avg = detector_two_avg / two_count detector_three_avg = detector_three_avg / three_count temp_detector_one.get(run)[block_count - 1].append(detector_one_avg) temp_detector_two.get(run)[block_count - 1].append(detector_two_avg) temp_detector_three.get(run)[block_count - 1].append(detector_three_avg) # Remove the last luminosity block from each run, the one that generally spikes temp_detector_one[run] = temp_detector_one[run][:-10] temp_detector_two[run] = temp_detector_two[run][:-10] temp_detector_three[run] = temp_detector_three[run][:-10] # Reassign temp to the original lists all_detector_one_data = temp_detector_one all_detector_two_data = temp_detector_two all_detector_three_data = temp_detector_three # Get ratio of the detectors 1 and 2 luminosity_ratio = [] lumi_blocks = [] block_count1 = 0 for run in sorted(all_detector_one_data.keys()): for block in range(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run))): block_count1 += 1 for bcid in range(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block])): detector_one_point = all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid] detector_two_point = all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid] # Check if the blocks are zero if detector_one_point != 0.0 and detector_two_point != 0.0: ratio = detector_one_point / detector_two_point luminosity_ratio.append(ratio) lumi_blocks.append(block_count1) # Get ratio of the detectors 1 and 3 luminosity_ratio_1 = [] lumi_blocks_1 = [] block_count2 = 0 for run in sorted(all_detector_one_data.keys()): for block in range(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run))): block_count2 += 1 for bcid in range(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block])): detector_one_point = all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid] detector_three_point = all_detector_three_data.get(run)[block][bcid] # Check if the blocks are zero if detector_one_point != 0.0 and detector_three_point != 0.0: ratio = detector_one_point / detector_three_point luminosity_ratio_1.append(ratio) lumi_blocks_1.append(block_count2) # Get percentage difference based off the first block and BCID first_point = luminosity_ratio[0] first_point_1 = luminosity_ratio_1[0] for index in range(len(luminosity_ratio)): luminosity_ratio[index] = 100 * ((luminosity_ratio[index] / first_point) - 1) for index in range(len(luminosity_ratio_1)): luminosity_ratio_1[index] = 100 * ((luminosity_ratio_1[index] / first_point_1) - 1) # create graph graph = Graph(len(lumi_blocks)) for i, (xx, yy) in enumerate(zip(lumi_blocks, luminosity_ratio)): graph.SetPoint(i, float(xx), float(yy)) # set visual attributes graph.markercolor = 'blue' graph.xaxis.SetTitle("Luminosity Block") graph.yaxis.SetTitle("Luminosity [Average Percent Ratio]") graph.xaxis.SetRangeUser(min(lumi_blocks), max(lumi_blocks)) graph.yaxis.SetRangeUser(min(luminosity_ratio), max(luminosity_ratio)) # plot with ROOT canvas = Canvas() graph.Draw("AP") canvas.Update() # add points from detectors 1 and 3 # create graph graph1 = Graph(len(lumi_blocks_1)) for i, (xx, yy) in enumerate(zip(lumi_blocks_1, luminosity_ratio_1)): graph1.SetPoint(i, float(xx), float(yy)) # set visual attributes graph1.linecolor = 'white' # Hides the lines at this time graph1.markercolor = 'red' # graph1.xaxis.SetRangeUser(min(lumi_blocks_1), max(lumi_blocks_1)) # graph1.yaxis.SetRangeUser(min(luminosity_ratio_1), max(luminosity_ratio_1)) graph1.Draw("P") canvas.Update() # Draw lines for different runs run_length = 0 for run in sorted(all_detector_one_data.keys()): run_length += len(all_detector_one_data.get(run)) line = ROOT.TLine(run_length, min(luminosity_ratio), run_length, max(luminosity_ratio)) line.Draw() line_label = ROOT.TText(run_length - 30, max(luminosity_ratio) - 1.5, str(run)) line_label.SetTextAngle(90) line_label.SetTextSize(18) line_label.SetTextFont(43) line_label.Draw() label = ROOT.TText(0.7, 0.8, str(name)) label.SetTextFont(43) label.SetTextSize(25) label.SetNDC() label.Draw() canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() wait(True)
print '[%d]' % i, entry idx = raw_input('which one should I use? ') idx = int(idx) _, to_use = matches[idx] print to_use.start.str, '-->', time.str points.append((to_use.start.time, time.time)) #linear fit from rootpy import ROOT ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch() from rootpy.plotting import Graph, F1, Canvas fcn = F1(args.fitfunc) graph = Graph(len(points)) for idx, point in enumerate(points): x, y = point graph.SetPoint(idx, x, y) canvas = Canvas() graph.Draw() canvas.SaveAs("shifts.png") with open(args.out, 'w') as out: for i, entry in enumerate(entries): entry.remap(fcn) out.write('%d\n' % i) out.write('%s\n\n' % entry.string)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import AutoMinorLocator, MultipleLocator # set the random seed ROOT.gRandom.SetSeed(42) np.random.seed(42) # points x = np.sort(np.random.random(10)) * 3500 y = np.random.random(10) # set style for ROOT set_style('ATLAS') # create graph graph = Graph(x.shape[0]) for i, (xx, yy) in enumerate(zip(x, y)): graph.SetPoint(i, xx, yy) # set visual attributes graph.linecolor = 'blue' graph.markercolor = 'blue' graph.xaxis.SetTitle("E_{T} [GeV]") graph.yaxis.SetTitle("d#sigma_{jet}/dE_{T,jet} [fb/GeV]") graph.xaxis.SetRangeUser(0, 3500) graph.yaxis.SetRangeUser(0, 1) # plot with ROOT canvas = Canvas() graph.Draw("APL")
axislabel = "" for chunk in histogramName.split("_"): if "SR" in chunk or "minus" in chunk: continue axislabel += chunk # axislabel = " ".join(histogramName.split("_")[2:]) axislabel = axislabel.split("<")[0].split(">")[0] if 'DataMain' in hists: if hists["DataMain"].Integral() and plotWithMPL: ratioplot = Graph() ratioplot.Divide( hists['DataMain'], stack.sum , 'pois' ) # ratioplot.color = "green" tmpyerror,tmpyerror2 = zip(*list(ratioplot.yerr()) ) tmpx = list(ratioplot.x()) tmpy = list(ratioplot.y()) tmpxy = zip(tmpx,tmpy,tmpyerror) # print tmpxy tmpxy = [tmp for tmp in tmpxy if tmp[1]!=0 ] # print tmpxy tmpx,tmpy,tmpyerror = zip(*tmpxy) # print tmpyerror # axes_ratio.errorbar(tmpx,tmpy, yerr = tmpyerror,xerr=False, emptybins=False, marker='o', lw=1, color="black") axes_ratio.errorbar(tmpx, tmpy, # list(ratioplot.y()), yerr = tmpyerror,
# axes_ratio.set_xlabel(histogramName.replace("_"," ").replace(">","$>$").replace("<","$<$") ) # get handles handles, labels = axes.get_legend_handles_labels() # remove the errorbars handles = [h[0] for h in handles] # use them in the legend axes.legend(handles, labels, loc='best',numpoints=1) if 'Data' in hists: ratioplot = Graph.divide( Graph(hists['Data']), stack.sum , 'pois' ) ratioplot.color = "black" axes_ratio.errorbar(list(ratioplot.x()) , list(ratioplot.y()), yerr=[ x[0] for x in list(ratioplot.yerr() ) ] , # xerr=list(ratioplot.y()), fmt='o', color="black") yticks(arange(0,2.0,0.2)) ylim([0,2]) axes_ratio.set_ylabel('Data/MC')
def plot_all_integrated_luminosity(all_detector_one_data, all_detector_two_data, all_detector_three_data, block_length, bcid_status, background_list, style, name, detector_one_calibration, detector_two_calibration, detector_three_calibration): ''' Take all the luminosity ratio for each luminosity block and multiply by the time to get the integrated luminosity :param all_detector_one_data: A dictionary of the run name to a list of lists of luminosity blocks :param all_detector_two_data: A dictionary of the run name to a list of lists of luminosity blocks :param block_length: A dictionary the same length as the detector arrays containing the luminosity block length (time) :param style: a string corresponding to a ROOT graphing style, e.g. 'ATLAS' :return: Plot of all the detector data on a graph chronologically according to run number ''' # Set ROOT graph style set_style(str(style)) # Get average value of the rate for each luminosity block temp_detector_one = copy.deepcopy(all_detector_one_data) temp_detector_two = copy.deepcopy(all_detector_two_data) temp_detector_three = copy.deepcopy(all_detector_three_data) print(sorted(all_detector_one_data.keys())) for run in sorted(all_detector_one_data.keys()): block_count = 0 for block in range(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run)) - 1): del temp_detector_one.get(run)[block][:] del temp_detector_two.get(run)[block][:] del temp_detector_three.get(run)[block][:] block_count += 1 detector_one_avg = 0 one_count = 0 detector_two_avg = 0 two_count = 0 detector_three_avg = 0 three_count = 0 for bcid in range(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block])): # Gets the previous BCID luminosity to subtract as the background if run in background_list: if bcid_status.get(run)[block][bcid - 1] == 0: detector_one_point_background = all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid - 1] detector_two_point_background = all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid - 1] detector_three_point_background = all_detector_three_data.get(run)[block][bcid - 1] print("BCID [N-1] Stability: " + str(bcid_status.get(run)[block][bcid - 1])) print("BCID [N] Stability: " + str(bcid_status.get(run)[block][bcid])) detector_one_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) \ + math.log(1 - detector_one_point_background) print("Detector 1 Point: " + str(detector_one_point)) detector_two_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) \ + math.log(1 - detector_two_point_background) print("Detector 2 Point: " + str(detector_two_point)) detector_three_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_three_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) \ + math.log(1 - detector_three_point_background) detector_one_avg += detector_one_point one_count += 1 detector_two_avg += detector_two_point two_count += 1 detector_three_avg += detector_three_point three_count += 1 else: print("No empty BCID to subtract background from") ''' print("BCID [N] Stability: " + str(bcid_status.get(run)[block][bcid])) detector_one_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) #\ #+ math.log(1 - detector_one_point_background) print("Detector 1 Point: " + str(detector_one_point)) detector_two_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) #\ #+ math.log(1 - detector_two_point_background) print("Detector 2 Point: " + str(detector_two_point)) detector_three_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_three_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) #\ #+ math.log(1 - detector_three_point_background) detector_one_avg += detector_one_point one_count += 1 detector_two_avg += detector_two_point two_count += 1 detector_three_avg += detector_three_point three_count += 1 ''' if bcid_status.get(run)[block][bcid] > 0.0: detector_one_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) detector_two_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) detector_three_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_three_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) detector_one_avg += detector_one_point one_count += 1 detector_two_avg += detector_two_point two_count += 1 detector_three_avg += detector_three_point three_count += 1 if one_count != 0: detector_one_avg = detector_one_avg / one_count detector_two_avg = detector_two_avg / two_count detector_three_avg = detector_three_avg / three_count temp_detector_one.get(run)[block_count - 1].append(detector_one_avg) temp_detector_two.get(run)[block_count - 1].append(detector_two_avg) temp_detector_three.get(run)[block_count - 1].append(detector_three_avg) # Remove the last luminosity block from each run, the one that generally spikes temp_detector_one[run] = temp_detector_one[run][:-10] temp_detector_two[run] = temp_detector_two[run][:-10] temp_detector_three[run] = temp_detector_three[run][:-10] # Reassign temp to the original lists all_detector_one_data = temp_detector_one all_detector_two_data = temp_detector_two all_detector_three_data = temp_detector_three # Get integrated luminosity of the detectors integrated_luminosity_one = [] integrated_luminosity_two = [] integrated_luminosity_three = [] luminosity_ratio_two = [] luminosity_ratio_three = [] lumi_blocks = [] block_count1 = 0 lumi_total = 0 lumi_total_two = 0 lumi_total_three = 0 # To keep track of how long each run actually is when plotting run_length_dict = {} for run in sorted(all_detector_one_data.keys()): run_length_dict[run] = 0 for block in range(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run))): block_count1 += 1 for bcid in range(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block])): detector_one_point = all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid] detector_two_point = all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid] detector_three_point = all_detector_three_data.get(run)[block][bcid] if detector_one_point != 0.0 and detector_two_point != 0.0 and detector_three_point != 0.0: # Use conversion factor converted_point_one = convert_to_raw_luminosity(11.245, 20.8, detector_one_point) converted_point_two = convert_to_raw_luminosity(11.245, 20.8, detector_two_point) converted_point_three = convert_to_raw_luminosity(11.245, 20.8, detector_three_point) ratio_one_two = converted_point_one / converted_point_two ratio_one_three = converted_point_one / converted_point_three luminosity_ratio_two.append(ratio_one_two) luminosity_ratio_three.append(ratio_one_three) length = block_length.get(run)[block][bcid] lumi_total += converted_point_one * length lumi_total_two += converted_point_two * length lumi_total_three += converted_point_three * length integrated_luminosity_one.append(lumi_total) integrated_luminosity_two.append(lumi_total_two) integrated_luminosity_three.append(lumi_total_three) lumi_blocks.append(block_count1) run_length_dict[run] += 1 # Get percentage difference based off the first block and BCID first_point = detector_one_calibration / detector_two_calibration third_point = detector_one_calibration / detector_three_calibration for index in range(len(integrated_luminosity_one)): luminosity_ratio_two[index] = 100 * ((luminosity_ratio_two[index] / first_point) - 1) luminosity_ratio_three[index] = 100 * ((luminosity_ratio_three[index] / third_point) - 1) # create graph graph = Graph(len(integrated_luminosity_one)) for i, (xx, yy) in enumerate(zip(integrated_luminosity_one, luminosity_ratio_two)): graph.SetPoint(i, float(xx), float(yy)) # set visual attributes # Set temp list for the min and max functions luminosity_ratio = luminosity_ratio_two + luminosity_ratio_three integrated_luminosity = integrated_luminosity_one #integrated_luminosity = lumi_blocks graph.markercolor = 'blue' graph.yaxis.SetTitle("Luminosity Ratio [Percent]") graph.xaxis.SetTitle("Luminosity [Integrated]") graph.yaxis.SetRangeUser(min(luminosity_ratio), max(luminosity_ratio)) graph.xaxis.SetRangeUser(min(integrated_luminosity), max(integrated_luminosity)) # plot with ROOT canvas = Canvas() graph.Draw("AP") canvas.Update() # add points from detectors 1 and 3 # create graph graph1 = Graph(len(integrated_luminosity)) for i, (xx, yy) in enumerate(zip(integrated_luminosity, luminosity_ratio_three)): graph1.SetPoint(i, float(xx), float(yy)) # set visual attributes graph1.linecolor = 'white' # Hides the lines at this time graph1.markercolor = 'red' graph1.Draw("P") canvas.Update() # Draw lines for different runs run_length = 0 total_length = 0 num_run = 0 print"Integrated Luminosity length: ",len(integrated_luminosity) for run in sorted(all_detector_one_data.keys()): print str(run) total_length += run_length_dict[run] print"Total Length: ",total_length #run_length = integrated_luminosity[total_length - 1] print"Run Length", run_length line = ROOT.TLine(run_length, min(luminosity_ratio), run_length, max(luminosity_ratio)) line.Draw() line_label = ROOT.TText(run_length - 30, max(luminosity_ratio) - 1.5, str(run)) line_label.SetTextAngle(90) line_label.SetTextSize(18) line_label.SetTextFont(43) line_label.Draw() label = ROOT.TText(0.2, 0.9, str(name)) label.SetTextFont(43) label.SetTextSize(25) label.SetNDC() label.Draw() canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() wait(True)
def qqplot(h1, h2, quantiles=None): """ Return a Graph of a QQ plot and confidence band """ if quantiles is None: quantiles = max(min(len(h1), len(h2)) / 2, 1) nq = quantiles xq = array('d', [0.] * nq) # position where to compute the quantiles in [0,1] yq1 = array('d', [0.] * nq) # array to contain the quantiles yq2 = array('d', [0.] * nq) # array to contain the quantiles for i in xrange(nq): xq[i] = float(i + 1) / nq h1.GetQuantiles(nq, yq1, xq) h2.GetQuantiles(nq, yq2, xq) xq_plus = array('d', [0.] * nq) xq_minus = array('d', [0.] * nq) yq2_plus = array('d', [0.] * nq) yq2_minus = array('d', [0.] * nq) """ KS_cv: KS critical value 1.36 KS_cv = ----------- sqrt( N ) Where 1.36 is for alpha = 0.05 (confidence level 1-5%=95%, about 2 sigma) For 1 sigma (alpha=0.32, CL=68%), the value in the nominator is 0.9561, it is gotten by GetCriticalValue(1, 1 - 0.68). NOTE: * For 1-sample KS test (data and theoretic), N should be n * For 2-sample KS test (2 data set), N should be sqrt(m*n/(m+n))! Here is the case m or n (size of samples) should be effective size for a histogram * Critical value here is valid for only for sample size >= 80 (some references say 35) which means, for example, for a unweighted histogram, it must have more than 80 (or 35) entries filled and then confidence band is reliable. """ esum1 = effective_sample_size(h1) esum2 = effective_sample_size(h2) # one sigma band KS_cv = (critical_value(1, 1 - 0.68) / sqrt( (esum1 * esum2) / (esum1 + esum2))) for i in xrange(nq): xq_plus[i] = float(xq[i] + KS_cv) # upper limit xq_minus[i] = float(xq[i] - KS_cv) # lower limit h2.GetQuantiles(nq, yq2_plus, xq_plus) h2.GetQuantiles(nq, yq2_minus, xq_minus) yq2_err_plus = array('d', [0.] * nq) yq2_err_minus = array('d', [0.] * nq) for i in xrange(nq): yq2_err_plus[i] = yq2_plus[i] - yq2[i] yq2_err_minus[i] = yq2[i] - yq2_minus[i] #forget the last point, so number of points: (nq-1) gr = Graph(nq - 1) for i in xrange(nq - 1): gr[i] = (yq1[i], yq2[i]) # confidence level band gr.SetPointEYlow(i, yq2_err_minus[i]) gr.SetPointEYhigh(i, yq2_err_plus[i]) return gr
def pvalue_plot(poi, pvalues, pad=None, xtitle='X', ytitle='P_{0}', linestyle=None, linecolor=None, yrange=None, verbose=False): """ Draw a pvalue plot Parameters ---------- poi : list List of POI values tested pvalues : list List of p-values or list of lists of p-values to overlay multiple p-value curves pad : Canvas or Pad, optional (default=None) Pad to draw onto. Create new pad if None. xtitle : str, optional (default='X') The x-axis label (POI name) ytitle : str, optional (default='P_{0}') The y-axis label linestyle : str or list, optional (default=None) Line style for the p-value graph or a list of linestyles for multiple p-value graphs. linecolor : str or list, optional (default=None) Line color for the p-value graph or a list of linestyles for multiple p-value graphs. Returns ------- pad : Canvas The pad. graphs : list of Graph The p-value graphs """ if not pvalues: raise ValueError("pvalues is empty") if not poi: raise ValueError("poi is empty") # determine if pvalues is list or list of lists if not isinstance(pvalues[0], (list, tuple)): pvalues = [pvalues] if linecolor is not None: if not isinstance(linecolor, list): linecolor = [linecolor] linecolor = cycle(linecolor) if linestyle is not None: if not isinstance(linestyle, list): linestyle = [linestyle] linestyle = cycle(linestyle) with preserve_current_canvas(): if pad is None: pad = Canvas() pad.SetLogy() # create the axis min_poi, max_poi = min(poi), max(poi) haxis = Hist(1000, min_poi, max_poi) xaxis = haxis.xaxis yaxis = haxis.yaxis xaxis.SetRangeUser(min_poi, max_poi) haxis.Draw('AXIS') min_pvalue = float('inf') graphs = [] for ipv, pv in enumerate(pvalues): graph = Graph(len(poi), linestyle='dashed', drawstyle='L', linewidth=2) for idx, (point, pvalue) in enumerate(zip(poi, pv)): graph.SetPoint(idx, point, pvalue) if linestyle is not None: graph.linestyle = if linecolor is not None: graph.linecolor = graphs.append(graph) curr_min_pvalue = min(pv) if curr_min_pvalue < min_pvalue: min_pvalue = curr_min_pvalue if verbose: for graph in graphs:['{0:1.1f}'.format(xval) for xval in list(graph.x())])['{0:0.3f}'.format(yval) for yval in list(graph.y())]) # automatically handles axis limits axes, bounds = draw(graphs, pad=pad, same=True, logy=True, xtitle=xtitle, ytitle=ytitle, xaxis=xaxis, yaxis=yaxis, ypadding=(0.2, 0.1), logy_crop_value=1E-300) if yrange is not None: xaxis, yaxis = axes yaxis.SetLimits(*yrange) yaxis.SetRangeUser(*yrange) min_pvalue = yrange[0] # draw sigma levels up to minimum of pvalues line = Line() line.SetLineStyle(2) line.SetLineColor(2) latex = ROOT.TLatex() latex.SetNDC(False) latex.SetTextSize(20) latex.SetTextColor(2) sigma = 0 while True: pvalue = gaussian_cdf_c(sigma) if pvalue < min_pvalue: break keepalive(pad, latex.DrawLatex(max_poi, pvalue, " {0}#sigma".format(sigma))) keepalive(pad, line.DrawLine(min_poi, pvalue, max_poi, pvalue)) sigma += 1 pad.RedrawAxis() pad.Update() return pad, graphs
def test_divide(): Graph.divide(Graph(Hist(10, 0, 1).FillRandom('gaus')), Hist(10, 0, 1).FillRandom('gaus'), 'pois')
def main(args): fileList = glob('/data/nawoods/lepsForSIP/*.root') files = {int(f.split('_M')[1].split('.')[0]) : f for f in fileList} checkers = {m : MuonSIPChecker('m={}'.format(m), [f]) for m,f in files.iteritems()} sipRMS = Graph(len(fileList), type='errors') sipHists = [] dxyRMS = Graph(len(fileList), type='errors') dxyHists = [] dzRMS = Graph(len(fileList), type='errors') dzHists = [] ipHists = [] ipErrHists = [] fracFailing = Graph(len(fileList), type='errors') for i, m in enumerate(sorted(files.keys())): checkers[m].processSample() checkers[m].hists['sip'].Sumw2() sipRMS.SetPoint(i, float(m), checkers[m].hists['sip'].GetRMS()) sipRMS.SetPointError(i, 0., checkers[m].hists['sip'].GetRMSError()) sipHists.append(checkers[m].hists['sip']) sipHists[-1].color = getColor(m) sipHists[-1].title = "m_{{H}} = {}".format(m) sipHists[-1].drawstyle = 'hist' sipHists[-1].legendstyle = 'L' sipHists[-1].linewidth = 2 sipHists[-1].scale(1./sipHists[-1].integral()) ipHists.append(checkers[m].hists['ip']) ipHists[-1].color = getColor(m) ipHists[-1].title = "m_{{H}} = {}".format(m) ipHists[-1].drawstyle = 'hist' ipHists[-1].legendstyle = 'L' ipHists[-1].linewidth = 2 ipHists[-1].scale(1./ipHists[-1].integral()) ipErrHists.append(checkers[m].hists['ipErr']) ipErrHists[-1].color = getColor(m) ipErrHists[-1].title = "m_{{H}} = {}".format(m) ipErrHists[-1].drawstyle = 'hist' ipErrHists[-1].legendstyle = 'L' ipErrHists[-1].linewidth = 2 ipErrHists[-1].scale(1./ipErrHists[-1].integral()) checkers[m].hists['dxy'].Sumw2() dxyRMS.SetPoint(i, float(m), checkers[m].hists['dxy'].GetRMS()) dxyRMS.SetPointError(i, 0., checkers[m].hists['dxy'].GetRMSError()) dxyHists.append(checkers[m].hists['dxy']) dxyHists[-1].color = getColor(m) dxyHists[-1].title = "m_{{H}} = {}".format(m) dxyHists[-1].drawstyle = 'hist' dxyHists[-1].legendstyle = 'L' dxyHists[-1].linewidth = 2 dxyHists[-1].scale(1./dxyHists[-1].integral()) checkers[m].hists['dz'].Sumw2() dzRMS.SetPoint(i, float(m), checkers[m].hists['dz'].GetRMS()) dzRMS.SetPointError(i, 0., checkers[m].hists['dz'].GetRMSError()) dzHists.append(checkers[m].hists['dz']) dzHists[-1].color = getColor(m) dzHists[-1].title = "m_{{H}} = {}".format(m) dzHists[-1].drawstyle = 'hist' dzHists[-1].legendstyle = 'L' dzHists[-1].linewidth = 2 dzHists[-1].scale(1./dzHists[-1].integral()) fracFailing.SetPoint(i, float(m), 1. - float(checkers[m].nPassSIP) / checkers[m].nTot) cSIP = Canvas(1000,1000) draw(sipHists, cSIP, xtitle='#frac{IP_{3D}}{#sigma_{IP_{3D}}}', ytitle='arb.') legSIP = Legend(sipHists, cSIP, textsize=.03, entrysep=0.015, leftmargin=0.6, entryheight=0.04) legSIP.Draw("same") cSIP.Print('/afs/') cSIPLog = Canvas(1000,1000) draw(sipHists, cSIPLog, xtitle='#frac{IP_{3D}}{#sigma_{IP_{3D}}}', ytitle='arb.', logy=True) legSIPLog = Legend(sipHists, cSIPLog, textsize=.027, entrysep=0.012, leftmargin=0.6, entryheight=0.03) legSIPLog.Draw("same") cSIPLog.Print('/afs/') cSIPRMS = Canvas(1000, 1000) sipRMS.color = 'b' sipRMS.drawstyle = 'PE' sipRMS.legendstyle = 'PE' draw(sipRMS, cSIPRMS, xtitle="m_{H}", ytitle="RMS(SIP_{3D})", xlimits=(0.,2600.)) cSIPRMS.Print('/afs/') cIP = Canvas(1000,1000) draw(ipHists, cIP, xtitle='IP_{3D}', ytitle='arb.') legIP = Legend(ipHists, cIP, textsize=.03, entrysep=0.015, leftmargin=0.6, entryheight=0.04) legIP.Draw("same") cIP.Print('/afs/') cIPLog = Canvas(1000,1000) draw(ipHists, cIPLog, xtitle='#frac{IP_{3D}}{#sigma_{IP_{3D}}}', ytitle='arb.', logy=True) legIPLog = Legend(ipHists, cIPLog, textsize=.027, entrysep=0.012, leftmargin=0.6, entryheight=0.03) legIPLog.Draw("same") cIPLog.Print('/afs/') cIPErr = Canvas(1000,1000) draw(ipErrHists, cIPErr, xtitle='#sigma_{IP_{3D}}', ytitle='arb.') legIPErr = Legend(ipErrHists, cIPErr, textsize=.03, entrysep=0.015, leftmargin=0.6, entryheight=0.04) legIPErr.Draw("same") cIPErr.Print('/afs/') cIPErrLog = Canvas(1000,1000) draw(ipErrHists, cIPErrLog, xtitle='#sigma_{IP_{3D}}', ytitle='arb.', logy=True) legIPErrLog = Legend(ipErrHists, cIPErrLog, textsize=.027, entrysep=0.012, leftmargin=0.6, entryheight=0.03) legIPErrLog.Draw("same") cIPErrLog.Print('/afs/') cFail = Canvas(1000, 1000) fracFailing.color = 'b' fracFailing.drawstyle = 'PE' fracFailing.legendstyle = 'PE' draw(fracFailing, cSIPRMS, xtitle="m_{H}", ytitle="Fraction failing SIP", xlimits=(0.,2600.)) cSIPRMS.Print('/afs/') cDXY = Canvas(1000,1000) draw(dxyHists, cDXY, xtitle='#Delta_{xy}', ytitle='arb.') legDXY = Legend(dxyHists, cDXY, textsize=.03, entrysep=0.015, leftmargin=0.6, entryheight=0.04) legDXY.Draw("same") cDXY.Print('/afs/') cDXYRMS = Canvas(1000, 1000) dxyRMS.color = 'b' dxyRMS.drawstyle = 'PE' dxyRMS.legendstyle = 'PE' draw(dxyRMS, cDXYRMS, xtitle="m_{H}", ytitle="RMS(#Delta_{xy})", xlimits=(0.,2600.)) cDXYRMS.Print('/afs/') cDZ = Canvas(1000,1000) draw(dzHists, cDZ, xtitle='#Delta_{z}', ytitle='arb.') legDZ = Legend(dzHists, cDZ, textsize=.03, entrysep=0.015, leftmargin=0.6, entryheight=0.04) legDZ.Draw("same") cDZ.Print('/afs/') cDZRMS = Canvas(1000, 1000) dzRMS.color = 'b' dzRMS.drawstyle = 'PE' dzRMS.legendstyle = 'PE' draw(dzRMS, cDZRMS, xtitle="m_{H}", ytitle="RMS(#Delta_{z})", xlimits=(0.,2600.)) cDZRMS.Print('/afs/')
def __init__(self, filename): self.parameters = {} sys_name ='Output/(\w+)/', filename).group(1) file_list = glob.glob(filename + '/*.txt') # Get parameter names and corresponding line numbers with open(file_list[1]) as f: lines = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in f] candidates = [[item.split()[0], i] for i, item in enumerate(lines) if"\+\/\-.*|Chi2", item)] for cand in candidates: self.parameters[cand[0]] = [cand[1], []] print(self.parameters) for ifile in file_list: [iy, ipt] ="y(\d)_pt(\d+)", ifile).groups() iy = int(iy) ipt = int(ipt) with open(ifile) as ftmp: lines = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in ftmp] mean_pt = float(lines[0].split()[1]) for par in self.parameters: graphs = self.parameters[par][1] parno = self.parameters[par][0] try: graph = next(igraph for igraph in graphs if == 'g_{0}_y{1}_{2}'.format( sys_name, iy, par)) except StopIteration: graph = Graph(len(bins_pt) - 1, name='g_{0}_y{1}_{2}'.format( sys_name, iy, par), type='asymm') graphs.append(graph) try: data = lines[parno].split() except IndexError: continue if par == 'Chi2/nDOF:': par_value = float(data[1]) par_error = [0, 0] else: par_value = float(data[2]) if (data[3] == "+/-"): if (data[4][0] == "("): par_error = [ float(data[4][2:-1]), float(data[5][:-1]) ] else: if float(data[4]) > 0.3 * par_value: par_error = [ 0.3 * par_value, 0.3 * par_value ] else: par_error = [ float(data[4]), float(data[4]) ] else: par_error = [999, 999] graph[ipt] = (mean_pt, par_value) graph[ipt].x.error_hi = bins_pt[ipt + 1] - mean_pt graph[ipt].x.error_low = -bins_pt[ipt] + mean_pt graph[ipt].y.error_low = par_error[0] graph[ipt].y.error_hi = par_error[1] for par in self.parameters: graphs = self.parameters[par][1] for graph, color in zip(graphs, colors): graph.color = color
'mmmm' : lambda row: getattr(row, 'm3_m4_%s'%massVar), } def selectLowMass(row): return row.MassDREtFSR < 110. for ana in ['full', 'z4l']: if ana == 'z4l': selector = selectLowMass else: selector = lambda *args: True g = {} for ch in plotter.channels: g[ch] = Graph(plotter.ntuples['data']['data'][ch].GetEntries(), title=titles[ch]) g[ch].color = colors[ch] g[ch].markerstyle = markers[ch] g[ch].drawstyle = 'P' g[ch].SetMarkerSize(g[ch].GetMarkerSize()*1.5) if ch == 'mmmm': g[ch].SetMarkerSize(g[ch].GetMarkerSize()*1.18) for ch in plotter.channels: #nWithFSR = 0 for i, row in enumerate(plotter.ntuples['data']['data'][ch]): if selector(row): g[ch].SetPoint(i, getMZ1[ch](row), getMZ2[ch](row)) #if row.Mass != row.MassDREtFSR: # nWithFSR += 1 #print "%s: %d / %d"%(ch, nWithFSR, int(plotter.ntuples['data']['data'][ch].GetEntries()))
def main(): print('Number of arguments: ', len(sys.argv), 'arguments.') print('Argument list:', str(sys.argv)) filename = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 2: fileData = sys.argv[2] else: fileData = None print("Input file: ") print(filename) Njets = 9 if fileData is not None: fD = root_open(fileData, 'read') iS = 0 gGausRMSData = fD.Get("gGausRMS{:02d}".format(iS)) gGausRMSerrData = fD.Get("gGausRMS{:02d}_Systematics".format(iS)) gGausYieldData = fD.Get("gGausYield{:02d}".format(iS)) gGausYielderrData = fD.Get("gGausYield{:02d}_Systematics".format(iS)) gGammaRMSData = fD.Get("gGammaRMS{:02d}".format(iS)) gGammaRMSerrData = fD.Get("gGammaRMS{:02d}_Systematics".format(iS)) gGammaYieldData = fD.Get("gGammaYield{:02d}".format(iS)) gGammaYielderrData = fD.Get("gGammaYield{:02d}_Systematics".format(iS)) with root_open(filename, 'read') as f: FullJets_jT = [] colors = (1, 2, 3) for iF, c in zip((8, 6, 7), colors): jT = [ f.get( 'AliJJetJtTask/AliJJetJtHistManager/JetConeJtWeightBin/JetConeJtWeightBinNFin{:02d}JetPt{:02d}' .format(iF, ij)) for ij in range(Njets) ] bgJt = [ f.get( 'AliJJetJtTask/AliJJetJtHistManager/BgJtWeightBin/BgJtWeightBinNFin{:02d}JetPt{:02d}' .format(iF, ij)) for ij in range(Njets) ] jetPtBin = [ f.get( 'AliJJetJtTask/AliJJetJtHistManager/JetPtBin/JetPtBinNFin{:02d}JetPt{:02d}' .format(iF, ij)) for ij in range(Njets) ] nJets = [h.Integral() for h in jetPtBin] nBgs = [ f.get( 'AliJJetJtTask/AliJJetJtHistManager/BgTrkNumberBin/BgTrkNumberBinNFin{:02d}JetPt{:02d}' .format(iF, ij)).Integral() for ij in range(Njets) ] FullJets_jT.append(jT) #FullJets_bgJt.append(bgJt) #FullJets_jetPtBin.append(jetPtBin) for j, b, nj, nb in zip(jT, bgJt, nJets, nBgs): j.Rebin(2) b.Rebin(2) j.Scale(1.0 / nj, "width") b.Scale(1.0 / nb, "width") j.SetMarkerColor(c) b.SetMarkerColor(c) j.Add(b, -1.0) jetPt = [ (int('p_{T,jet} : ([\d]*)\.[\d] - ([\d]*).[\d]*', h.GetTitle(), re.M | re.I).group(1)), int('p_{T,jet} : ([\d]*)\.[\d] - ([\d]*).[\d]*', h.GetTitle(), re.M | re.I).group(2))) for h in FullJets_jT[0] ] #Use regular expressions to extract jet pT range from histogram titles jetPtCenter = array('d', [(a + b) / 2.0 for a, b in jetPt]) jetPtErrors = array('d', [(b - a) / 2.0 for a, b in jetPt]) print(jetPt, type(jetPt)) print(jetPtCenter, type(jetPtCenter)) print(jetPtErrors, type(jetPtErrors)) FullJets_fit = [] FullJets_parameters = [] FullJets_gausRMS = [] FullJets_gammaRMS = [] FullJets_gausYield = [] FullJets_gammaYield = [] for jT in FullJets_jT: gausRMS = [] gammaRMS = [] gausRMSe = [] gammaRMSe = [] gausYield = [] gammaYield = [] gausYielde = [] gammaYielde = [] fits = [] parameters = [] for h, i in zip(jT, range(Njets)): fit, d = fitJtHisto(h, '', 1, i, 8) fits.append(fit) parameters.append(d) gausRMS.append(d['gausRMS']) gausRMSe.append(d['gausRMSe']) gammaRMS.append(d['gammaRMS']) gammaRMSe.append(d['gammaRMSe']) gausYield.append(d['gausYield']) gausYielde.append(d['gausYielde']) gammaYield.append(d['gammaYield']) gammaYielde.append(d['gammaYielde']) gausRMSg = Graph(len(gausRMS) - 2) gammaRMSg = Graph(len(gammaRMS) - 2) gausYieldg = Graph(len(gausYield) - 2) gammaYieldg = Graph(len(gammaYield) - 2) for h, he, g in zip((gausYield, gammaYield), (gausYielde, gammaYielde), (gausYieldg, gammaYieldg)): for x, xe, a, e, i in zip(jetPtCenter[2:], jetPtErrors[2:], h[2:], he[2:], range(len(gausRMS) - 2)): g.SetPoint(i, x, a) g.SetPointError(i, xe, xe, e, e) for a, b, c, d, e, f, i in zip(gausRMS[2:], gammaRMS[2:], gausRMSe[2:], gammaRMSe[2:], jetPtCenter[2:], jetPtErrors[2:], range(len(gausRMS) - 2)): gausRMSg.SetPoint(i, e, a) gausRMSg.SetPointError(i, f, f, c, c) gammaRMSg.SetPoint(i, e, b) gammaRMSg.SetPointError(i, f, f, d, d) FullJets_gausRMS.append(gausRMSg) FullJets_gammaRMS.append(gammaRMSg) FullJets_gausYield.append(gausYieldg) FullJets_gammaYield.append(gammaYieldg) FullJets_fit.append(fits) FullJets_parameters.append(parameters) if fileData is not None: FullJets_gausRMS.append(gGausRMSData) FullJets_gammaRMS.append(gGammaRMSData) FullJets_gausYield.append(gGausYieldData) FullJets_gammaYield.append(gGammaYieldData) fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(7, 7)) ax = axs[0] ax.set_xlim([0.1, 15]) ax.set_ylim([5e-6, 2e3]) ax.set_xlabel(r'$j_{T}\left(GeV/c\right)$', fontsize=labelsize) ax.set_ylabel(r'$\frac{1}{N_{jets}}\frac{dN}{j_{T}dj_{T}}$', fontsize=labelsize) ratios = [] ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') for h, c, R in zip(FullJets_jT, (0, 1, 2, 3), Rs): h[6].SetMarkerColor(colors[c]) h[6].SetMarkerStyle(styles[c]) h[6].SetLineColor(colors[c]) ratio = h[6].Clone() ratio.Divide(FullJets_jT[1][6]) ratios.append(ratio) plot = rplt.errorbar(h[6], xerr=False, emptybins=False, label='R = {:.1f}'.format(R), axes=ax, fmt='+') line = plot.get_children()[0] line.set_markersize(mSize) if (styles[c] > 23): line.set_markerfacecolor('none') #line.set_markeredgecolor(color) line.set_color(colors[c]) ax.text( 0.15, 0.001, 'Pythia \n Full Jets\n' + r'Anti-$k_T$' + '\n' + r'$p_{{T,\mathrm{{jet}}}}$: {:02d}-{:02d} GeV/c'.format(60, 80), fontsize=10) handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() handles = [ container.ErrorbarContainer(h, has_xerr=False, has_yerr=True) if isinstance(h, container.ErrorbarContainer) else h for h in handles ] ax.legend(handles, labels, loc='upper right', numpoints=1, prop={'family': 'monospace'}) #ax.legend(loc = 'upper right') ax.set_xlim([0.1, 15]) ax.set_ylim([5e-6, 2e3]) ax.grid(True) ax = axs[1] ax.grid(True) ax.set_xlabel(r'$j_{T}\left[GeV\right]$', fontsize=labelsize) ax.set_ylabel('Ratio', fontsize=labelsize) #Add x-axis labels for bottom row for ratio, c in zip(ratios, (0, 1, 2, 3)): #ratio.SetMarkerColor(c) #ratio.SetMarkerStyle(24) plot = rplt.errorbar(ratio, xerr=False, emptybins=False, axes=ax) line = plot.get_children()[0] line.set_markersize(mSize) if (styles[c] > 23): line.set_markerfacecolor('none') #line.set_markeredgecolor(color) line.set_color(colors[c]) ax.set_xlim([0.1, 15]) ax.set_ylim([0.1, 3]) ax.set_xscale('log') plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0) #Set space between subfigures to 0 plt.savefig("PythonFigures/RcomparisonSignalPt6080.pdf".format(file), format='pdf') #Save figure #Draw figure on screen drawWithErrors2Combined(FullJets_gausRMS, FullJets_gammaRMS, 15, 500, 1, 0, 1.65, 0, r'jet $p_T (GeV/c)$', r'$\sqrt{\left<j_T^2\right>}$', 'Pythia', 'PythonFigures/RcomparisonRMS', separate=True) return drawWithErrors2Combined( FullJets_gausYield, FullJets_gammaYield, 15, 500, 1, 0, 10, 0, r'jet $p_T$', r'Yield', 'Pythia', 'PythonFigures/RcomparisonYield', ) ratios = [] for hists in FullJets_jT: if hists is not None: ratio = [] for h, true in zip(hists, FullJets_jT[1]): h2 = h.Clone() h2.Divide(true) ratio.append(h2) else: ratio = None ratios.append(ratio) fig, axs = defs.makegrid(4, 2, xlog=True, ylog=False, d=d, shareY=False) axs = axs.reshape(8) axs[4].set_ylabel("Ratio to R = 0.4", fontsize=labelsize) axs[7].set_ylabel("Ratio to R = 0.4", fontsize=labelsize) axs[1].text( 0.02, 0.005, 'Pythia\n' r'pPb $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 5.02 \mathrm{TeV}$' '\n Full jets \n' r'Anti-$k_T$', fontsize=7 ) #Add text to second subfigure, first parameters are coordinates in the drawn scale/units for hists, R in zip(FullJets_jT, Rs): for jT, ax, i, pT in zip(hists[2:], axs[0:4], range(0, 9), jetPt[2:]): rplt.errorbar(jT, emptybins=False, xerr=False, label="R = {:.1f}".format(R), axes=ax, fmt='o') #Plot jT histogram, ax.text( 0.3, 1e2, r'$p_{{T,\mathrm{{jet}}}}$:' '\n' r' {:02d}-{:02d} GeV'.format(pT[0], pT[1])) ax.set_xlim([0.01, 20]) #Set x-axis limits ax.set_ylim([5e-4, 2e3]) #Set y-axis limits ax.set_yscale('log') ax.grid(True) for ratio in ratios: for r, ax in zip(ratio[2:], axs[4:8]): rplt.errorbar(r, axes=ax, emptybins=False, xerr=False) ax.set_xlim([0.01, 20]) ax.set_ylim([0.1, 3]) ax.grid(True) axs[0].legend(loc='lower left') plt.savefig("PythonFigures/RcomparisonSignal.pdf", format='pdf') #Save figure #Draw figure on screen
def tau_from_scan( unfoldingObject, regularisation_settings ): variable = regularisation_settings.variable # Plots that get outputted by the scan lCurve = TGraph() scanResult = TSpline3() d = 'signal' a = '' # Parameters of scan # Number of points to scan, and min/max tau nScan = 200 minTau = 1.E-6 maxTau = 1.E-0 if variable == 'abs_lepton_eta': minTau = 1.E-8 maxTau = 1.E-3 elif variable == 'lepton_pt': minTau = 1.E-6 maxTau = 1.E-2 elif variable == 'NJets': minTau = 1.E-6 maxTau = 1.E-2 # Scan is performed here iBest = unfoldingObject.ScanTau(nScan, minTau, maxTau, scanResult, TUnfoldDensity.kEScanTauRhoSquareAvg); # Plot the scan result # Correlation as function of log tau canvas = TCanvas() # Add point corresponding to optimum tau t = Double(0) x = Double(0) scanResult.GetKnot(iBest,t,x); bestTau = Graph(1) bestTau.SetPoint(1,t,x) bestTau.markercolor = 'red' bestTau.SetMarkerSize(1.5) bestTau.SetMarkerStyle(34) bestTau.GetXaxis().SetTitle('log(#tau)') bestTau.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Average global correlation coefficient squared') bestTau.SetTitle('{0} {1}'.format(variable, bestTau.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(x*0.8,0.95) bestTau.GetXaxis().SetLimits(log(minTau, 10), log(maxTau, 10)) bestTau.Draw('AP') scanResult.SetMarkerColor(600) scanResult.SetMarkerSize(0.5) scanResult.SetMarkerStyle(20) scanResult.Draw('LPSAME') # Redraw to get it to appear on top of TSpline3... bestTau.Draw('PSAME') # Write to file output_dir = regularisation_settings.output_folder make_folder_if_not_exists(output_dir) canvas.SaveAs(output_dir + '/{0}_{1}.png'.format(variable, ) return unfoldingObject.GetTau()
def plot_all_luminosity_block_ratio(all_detector_one_data, all_detector_two_data, background_list, status_data, style, name, detector_one_calibration, detector_two_calibration): ''' :param all_detector_one_data: A dictionary of the run name to a list of lists of luminosity blocks :param all_detector_two_data: A dictionary of the run name to a list of lists of luminosity blocks :param style: a string corresponding to a ROOT graphing style, e.g. 'ATLAS' :return: Plot of all the detector data on a graph chronologically according to run number ''' # Set ROOT graph style set_style(str(style)) # Get average value of the rate for each luminosity block temp_detector_one = copy.deepcopy(all_detector_one_data) temp_detector_two = copy.deepcopy(all_detector_two_data) # print(sorted(all_detector_one_data.keys())) for run in sorted(all_detector_one_data.keys()): block_count = 0 print"Starting run", run for block in range(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run)) - 1): del temp_detector_one.get(run)[block][:] del temp_detector_two.get(run)[block][:] block_count += 1 detector_one_avg = 0 one_count = 0 detector_two_avg = 0 two_count = 0 for bcid in range(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block])): # Gets the previous BCID luminosity to subtract as the background if run in background_list: if status_data.get(run)[block][bcid - 1] <= 0.0: detector_one_point_background = all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid - 1] detector_two_point_background = all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid - 1] print("BCID [N-1] Stability: " + str(status_data.get(run)[block][bcid - 1])) else: print("No empty BCID to subtract background from") if all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid] < 1 and all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid] < 1: print("BCID [N] Stability: " + str(status_data.get(run)[block][bcid])) detector_one_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) \ + math.log(1 - detector_one_point_background) print("Detector 1 Point: " + str(detector_one_point)) detector_two_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) \ + math.log(1 - detector_two_point_background) print("Detector 2 Point: " + str(detector_two_point)) detector_one_avg += detector_one_point one_count += 1 detector_two_avg += detector_two_point two_count += 1 else: #print(" RUN: " + str(run) + " END") #print(all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) # Checking if the status is stable if 1 > all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid] > 0.0 and 1 > all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid] > 0.0\ and status_data.get(run)[block][bcid] > 0.0: #print("Value of Block, BCID: " + str(block) + " " + str(bcid) + " " + str(all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid])) detector_one_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) detector_two_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) detector_one_avg += detector_one_point one_count += 1 detector_two_avg += detector_two_point two_count += 1 if one_count != 0: detector_one_avg = detector_one_avg / one_count detector_two_avg = detector_two_avg / two_count if run == "286282": print("One Average: " + str(detector_one_avg)) temp_detector_one.get(run)[block_count - 1].append(detector_one_avg) temp_detector_two.get(run)[block_count - 1].append(detector_two_avg) # Remove the last luminosity block from each run, the one that generally spikes temp_detector_one[run] = temp_detector_one[run][:-10] temp_detector_two[run] = temp_detector_two[run][:-10] # Reassign temp to the original lists all_detector_one_data = temp_detector_one all_detector_two_data = temp_detector_two # Get ratio of the detectors luminosity_ratio = [] lumi_blocks = [] block_count1 = 0 for run in sorted(all_detector_one_data.keys()): for block in range(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run))): block_count1 += 1 for bcid in range(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block])): detector_one_point = all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid] detector_two_point = all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid] # Check if the blocks are zero if detector_one_point != 0.0 or detector_two_point != 0.0: ratio = detector_one_point / detector_two_point luminosity_ratio.append(ratio) lumi_blocks.append(block_count1) else: print("Run", str(run), " Block:", str(block), "One:", str(detector_one_point), "Two:", str(detector_two_point)) print("Length lumi_blocks: " + str(len(lumi_blocks))) print("length lumi_ratio: " + str((len(luminosity_ratio)))) # Get percentage difference based off the first block and BCID first_point = detector_one_calibration / detector_two_calibration for index in range(len(luminosity_ratio)): luminosity_ratio[index] = 100 * ((luminosity_ratio[index] / first_point) - 1) # create graph graph = Graph(len(lumi_blocks)) for i, (xx, yy) in enumerate(zip(lumi_blocks, luminosity_ratio)): #print (xx, yy) graph.SetPoint(i, float(xx), float(yy)) # set visual attributes graph.markercolor = 'blue' graph.xaxis.SetTitle("Luminosity Block") graph.yaxis.SetTitle("Luminosity [Average Percent Ratio]") graph.xaxis.SetRangeUser(min(lumi_blocks), max(lumi_blocks)) #graph.yaxis.SetRangeUser(min(luminosity_ratio), max(luminosity_ratio)) graph.yaxis.SetRangeUser(-5, 5) # plot with ROOT canvas = Canvas() graph.Draw("AP") # Draw lines for different runs run_length = 0 for run in sorted(all_detector_one_data.keys()): #print("Length of Run " + str(run) + ": " + str(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run)))) run_length += len(all_detector_one_data.get(run)) line = ROOT.TLine(run_length, -5, #min(luminosity_ratio), run_length, 5,) # max(luminosity_ratio)) line.Draw() line_label = ROOT.TText(run_length - 30, 5 -1.5, str(run)) #max(luminosity_ratio) - 1.5, str(run)) line_label.SetTextAngle(90) line_label.SetTextSize(18) line_label.SetTextFont(43) line_label.Draw() label = ROOT.TText(0.7, 0.8, str(name)) label.SetTextFont(43) label.SetTextSize(25) label.SetNDC() label.Draw() canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() wait(True)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import AutoMinorLocator, MultipleLocator # set the random seed ROOT.gRandom.SetSeed(42) np.random.seed(42) # points x = np.sort(np.random.random(10)) * 3500 y = np.random.random(10) # set style for ROOT set_style('ATLAS') # create graph graph = Graph(x.shape[0]) for i, (xx, yy) in enumerate(zip(x, y)): graph.SetPoint(i, xx, yy) # set visual attributes graph.linecolor = 'blue' graph.markercolor = 'blue' graph.markerstyle = 'diamond' graph.xaxis.SetTitle("E_{T} [GeV]") graph.yaxis.SetTitle("d#sigma_{jet}/dE_{T,jet} [fb/GeV]") graph.xaxis.SetRangeUser(0, 3500) graph.yaxis.SetRangeUser(0, 1) # plot with ROOT canvas = Canvas() graph.Draw("APL")