Exemplo n.º 1
def gbest_calculator(): 
    global bot1_pbest, bot2_pbest,bot3_pbest,bot4_pbest,bot5_pbest, goal
    if bot1_pbest and bot2_pbest and bot3_pbest and bot4_pbest and bot5_pbest:
        l = 8.5
        f1 = -np.exp(-(np.linalg.norm(np.array(goal)-np.array(bot1_pbest))**2)/l)
        f2 = -np.exp(-(np.linalg.norm(np.array(goal)-np.array(bot2_pbest))**2)/l)
        f3 = -np.exp(-(np.linalg.norm(np.array(goal)-np.array(bot3_pbest))**2)/l)
        f4 = -np.exp(-(np.linalg.norm(np.array(goal)-np.array(bot4_pbest))**2)/l)
        f5 = -np.exp(-(np.linalg.norm(np.array(goal)-np.array(bot5_pbest))**2)/l)
        t = min(f1, f2, f3 ,f4, f5)
        if t == f1:
            g_gbest = bot1_pbest
        if t == f2:
            g_gbest = bot2_pbest
        if t == f3:
            g_gbest = bot3_pbest
        if t == f4:
            g_gbest = bot4_pbest
        if t == f5:
            g_gbest = bot5_pbest
        print("gbest is here", g_gbest)
        gbest_pub = rospy.Publisher('/gbest_calc', swarm, queue_size= 1)
        update_gbest = swarm()
        update_gbest.gbest = g_gbest
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
    global ini_pos, vel, gbestl_1, domain
    ini_pos = [
        list(random.uniform(domain[0], domain[1]) for i in range(2))
        for t in range(1)
    vel = [[0, 0]]
    start_pos = [-8, -2]
    robot_id = 0
    pso_run = pso_ros(robot_id)
    print("ini_pos", ini_pos)

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        mypub = rospy.Publisher('/Bot_1/pbest', swarm, queue_size=1)
        tmp_pos = ini_pos
        tmp_vel = vel
        bot1 = swarm()
        bot1.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        bot1.header.frame_id = '/Bot-1'
        bot1.pbest = tmp_pos[0]
        get_gbest = rospy.Subscriber('/gbest_calc', swarm, callback_s)
        print("gbestl", gbestl_1)
        if gbestl_1:
            print("am i violating swarm 1", gbestl_1)
            new_pos, n_vel = pso_run.run_pso(tmp_pos, tmp_vel, gbestl_1)
            laser_topic = '/robot_0/base_scan'
            pose_topic = '/robot_0/odom'
            pub_topic = '/robot_0/cmd_vel'
            oa_obj = pso_movement(laser_topic, pose_topic, pub_topic,
                                  start_pos, new_pos[0])
            if oa_obj.flag == 1:
                ini_pos = new_pos
                vel = n_vel
                start_pos = new_pos[0]
                # pflag = 0