def test_rosalind_prob():
    solution = '-5.737 -5.217 -5.263 -5.360 -5.958 -6.628 -7.009'
    test_path = Path('{}/../rosalind_prob_test.txt'.format(__file__)).resolve()
    test_data = get_rosalind_data(test_path)
    # test every individual value
    prob_solution = prob_solve(test_data)
    for prob_sol, test_sol in zip(prob_solution.split(), solution.split()):
        assert is_close(float(prob_sol), float(test_sol))
from collections import Counter
import sys

from rosalind_utils import DNA_ALPHABET, get_rosalind_data

def solve_problem(sequence_data):
    sequence = sequence_data[0]
    nt_counts = dict(Counter(sequence).most_common())
    nt_counts_str = ' '.join([str(nt_counts[nt]) for nt in DNA_ALPHABET])
    return nt_counts_str

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = list(sys.argv)
    if len(args) != 2:
        raise ValueError(
            'Must provide a single argument which is the data file path')
def test_rosalind_splc():
    solution = '1.21428571429'
    test_path = Path('{}/../rosalind_tran_test.txt'.format(__file__)).resolve()
    test_data = get_rosalind_data(test_path)
    assert is_close(float(tran_solve(test_data)), float(solution))
def test_rosalind_splc():
    test_path = Path('{}/../rosalind_splc_test.txt'.format(__file__)).resolve()
    test_data = get_rosalind_data(test_path)
    assert splc_solve(test_data) == solution
def test_rosalind_orf():
    test_path = Path('{}/../rosalind_orf_test.txt'.format(__file__)).resolve()
    test_data = get_rosalind_data(test_path)
    # account for rearranging
    assert sorted(orf_solve(test_data).split()) == sorted(solution.split())
def test_rosalind_mprt():
    solution = '''B5ZC00\n85 118 142 306 395\nP07204_TRBM_HUMAN\n47 115 116 382 409
                  \nP20840_SAG1_YEAST\n79 109 135 248 306 348 364 402 485 501 614'''
    test_path = Path('{}/../rosalind_mprt_test.txt'.format(__file__)).resolve()
    test_data = get_rosalind_data(test_path)
    assert sorted(mprt_solve(test_data).split()) == sorted(solution.split())
def test_rosalind_long():
    test_path = Path('{}/../rosalind_long_test.txt'.format(__file__)).resolve()
    test_data = get_rosalind_data(test_path)
    assert long_solve(test_data) == solution
def test_rosalind_corr():
    test_path = Path('{}/../rosalind_corr_test.txt'.format(__file__)).resolve()
    test_data = get_rosalind_data(test_path)
    # account for rearranging
    assert sorted(corr_solve(test_data).split()) == sorted(solution.split())
Exemplo n.º 9
import sys

from rosalind_utils import get_rosalind_data

# memoize
fib_dict = {1: 1, 2: 1}

def solve_problem(n, k):
    if n <= 2:
        return fib_dict[n]
        # here is the critical factor that is different from usual Fibonacci-- k in front of second sum
        fib_dict[n] = solve_problem(n-1, k) + k*solve_problem(n-2, k)

    return fib_dict[n]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = list(sys.argv)
    if len(args) != 2:
        raise ValueError('Must provide a single argument which is the data file path')
    n, k = map(int, get_rosalind_data(args[-1])[0].split())
    final_count = solve_problem(n, k)