#     1. You construct at least 2 rg.SimpleTurtle objects.
#     2. Each rg.SimpleTurtle object draws something
#          (by moving, using its rg.Pen).  ANYTHING is fine!
#     3. Each rg.SimpleTurtle moves inside a LOOP.
#   Be creative!  Strive for way-cool pictures!  Abstract pictures rule!
#   If you make syntax (notational) errors, no worries -- get help
#   fixing them at either this session OR at the NEXT session.
#   Don't forget to COMMIT-and-PUSH when you are done with this module
import rosegraphics as rg
window = rg.TurtleWindow()
t1 = rg.SimpleTurtle('turtle')
t2 = rg.SimpleTurtle('turtle')
t1.speed = 200
t2.speed = 200
t1.pen = rg.Pen('blue', 2)
a = 3
t2.pen = rg.Pen('red', a)
for k in range(100):
    a = a**0.9
    t1.draw_circle(42 - k / 3)
    t2.left(5 * k)

Exemplo n.º 2
#    - Makes the SimpleTurtle's pen have color 'green' and thickness 10.
#    - Makes the SimpleTurtle go 150 pixels straight DOWN.
#   Don't forget to:
#     - import rosegraphics and construct a TurtleWindow
#          at the BEGINNING of your code, and to
#     - ask your TurtleWindow to   close_on_mouse_click
#          as the LAST line of your code.
#   See the beginning and end of m4e_loopy_turtles for an example.
#   As always, test by running the module.
#   As always, COMMIT-and-PUSH when you are done with this module.
import rosegraphics as rg
window = rg.TurtleWindow()

turtle = rg.SimpleTurtle()
turtle.pen = rg.Pen('blue', 1)

turtle.go_to(rg.Point(100, -40))
turtle.pen = rg.Pen('green', 10)
def try_methods_and_functions():
    # IMPORTANT: Read the NOTE below before you try to solve this TO-DO!
    Constructs a SimpleTurtle and sets its   pen  to a new rg.Pen
    that is 'blue' with thickness 5.

    Then makes the SimpleTurtle do the following (in the order listed):

      1. Go  backward  150 units.

      2. Change its speed to 1 (slowest).
         Draw 2 squares whose size (width and height) are 100,
         each "twisted" from the previous by 30 degrees.

      3. Change its speed to 5 (faster).
         Change its Pen's color to 'red'.
         Draw 10 squares whose size (width and height) are 50,
         each "twisted" from the previous by 15 degrees.

      4. Change its speed to 100 (about the fastest possible).
         Change its Pen's thickness to 35.
         Draw 8 squares whose size (width and height) are 300,
         each "twisted" from the previous by 60 degrees.

      5. Changes its Pen to be a NEW Pen whose color is 'black'
         and whose thickness is 3.

      6. Goes backward  200 units.

      7. Draw a CIRCLE whose radius is 30.

      8. Draw a SQUARE whose sides are each of length 50.
    # DONE: 5. Implement and test this function, per its doc-string above.
    #    (To test it, put a statement in   main   that calls this function.)
    #   NOTE: This function should ** CALL ** the
    #     draw_many_squares
    #   function defined above.  If you don't see why, ** ASK FOR HELP. **
    blow = rg.SimpleTurtle()
    blow.pen = rg.Pen('blue', 5)

    blow.speed = 1
    draw_many_squares(blow, 2, 100, 30)

    blow.speed = 5
    blow.pen.color = 'red'

    draw_many_squares(blow, 10, 50, 15)

    blow.speed = 100
    blow.pen.thickness = 35

    draw_many_squares(blow, 8, 300, 60)

    blow.pen = rg.Pen('black', 3)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next few lines show how to:
#   - CONSTRUCT (make and initialize) a   TurtleWindow   object for animation.
# The definition of a  TurtleWindow  is in the   rg
# (shorthand for rosegraphics) module.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
window = rg.TurtleWindow()
window.delay(20)  # Bigger numbers mean slower animation.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next few lines show how to:
#   - CONSTRUCT (make) a  SimpleTurtle  object and ASSIGN a NAME to the object.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
boris = rg.SimpleTurtle()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next few lines show how to:
#   - Ask the SimpleTurtle object to do things by applying METHODs to it.
# The numbers in the parentheses are called ARGUMENTS.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next few lines show how to:
#   - Construct a second SimpleTurtle,
#     set its  pen  and  speed  INSTANCE VARIABLES, and ask it to do things.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def try_methods_and_functions():
    Constructs a SimpleTurtle and sets its   pen  to a new rg.Pen
    that is 'blue' with thickness 5.

    Then makes the SimpleTurtle do the following (in the order listed):

      1. Go  backward  150 units.

      2. Change its speed to 1 (slowest).
         Draw 2 squares whose size (width and height) are 100,
         each "twisted" from the previous by 30 degrees.

      3. Change its speed to 5 (faster).
         Change its Pen's color to 'red'.
         Draw 10 squares whose size (width and height) are 50,
         each "twisted" from the previous by 15 degrees.

      4. Change its speed to 100 (about the fastest possible).
         Change its Pen's thickness to 35.
         Draw 8 squares whose size (width and height) are 300,
         each "twisted" from the previous by 60 degrees.

      5. Change its Pen to be a NEW Pen whose color is 'black'
         and whose thickness is 3.

      6. Go backward  200 units.

      7. Draw a CIRCLE whose radius is 30.

      8. Draw a SQUARE whose sides are each of length 50.
    # Done: 6. Implement and test this function, per its doc-string above.
    #   The testing code (in main) is already written for you.
    #   NOTE: This function should ** CALL ** the
    #     draw_many_squares
    #   function defined above.  If you don't see why, ** ASK FOR HELP. **
    big_boy = rg.SimpleTurtle('turtle')
    big_boy.pen = rg.Pen('blue', 5)

    big_boy.speed = 1
    draw_many_squares(big_boy, 2, 100, 30)

    big_boy.speed = 5
    big_boy.pen = rg.Pen('red', 5)
    draw_many_squares(big_boy, 10, 50, 15)

    big_boy.speed = 100
    big_boy.pen = rg.Pen('red', 35)
    draw_many_squares(big_boy, 8, 300, 60)

    big_boy.pen = rg.Pen('black', 3)



Exemplo n.º 6

# DONE: 2.
#   You should have RUN the  m5e_loopy_turtles  module and READ its code.
#   (Do so now if you have not already done so.)
#   Below this comment, add ANY CODE THAT YOU WANT, as long as:
#     1. You construct at least 2 rg.SimpleTurtle objects.
#     2. Each rg.SimpleTurtle object draws something
#          (by moving, using its rg.Pen).  ANYTHING is fine!
#     3. Each rg.SimpleTurtle moves inside a LOOP.
#   Be creative!  Strive for way-cool pictures!  Abstract pictures rule!
#   If you make syntax (notational) errors, no worries -- get help
#   fixing them at either this session OR at the NEXT session.
#   Don't forget to COMMIT-and-PUSH when you are done with this module.
import rosegraphics as rg
window = rg.TurtleWindow()
frank = rg.SimpleTurtle()
frank.speed = 50
shane = rg.SimpleTurtle('turtle')
shane.pen = rg.Pen('green', 5)
Exemplo n.º 7
#   change this TO-DO to DONE and  ** continue to the next TOD-DO (below). **

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# CONSTRUCT (make) a   TurtleWindow   object and set it up for animation.
# The definition of a  TurtleWindow  is in the   rg  (shorthand for
# rosegraphics) module.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
window = rg.TurtleWindow()
window.delay(20)  # Bigger numbers mean slower animation.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# CONSTRUCT (make) a  SimpleTurtle  object and ASSIGN a NAME to the object.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
boris = rg.SimpleTurtle()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ask the SimpleTurtle object to do things by applying METHODs to it:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Construct a second SimpleTurtle,
# set its  pen  and  speed  INSTANCE VARIABLES, and ask it to do things.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
natasha = rg.SimpleTurtle('turtle')
natasha.pen = rg.Pen('red', 30)  # Second argument is the Pen's thickness
natasha.speed = 10  # Faster
#   Don't forget to:
#     - import rosegraphics and construct a TurtleWindow
#          at the BEGINNING of your code, and to
#     - ask your TurtleWindow to   close_on_mouse_click
#          as the LAST line of your code.
#   See the beginning and end of m4e_loopy_turtles for an example.
#   As always, test by running the module.
#   As always, COMMIT-and-PUSH when you are done with this module.
import rosegraphics as rg

window = rg.TurtleWindow()

tom = rg.SimpleTurtle()
tom = rg.SimpleTurtle('turtle')
tom.pen = rg.Pen('blue', 20)
tom.pen = rg.Pen('green', 10)
#  Below this comment, add ANY CODE THAT YOUR WANT, as long as:
#    1. You construct at least 2 rg.SimpleTurtle objects.
#    2. Each rg.SimpleTurtle object draws something
#         (by moving, using its rg.Pen).  ANYTHING is fine!
#    3. Each rg.SimpleTurtle moves inside a LOOP.
#  Be creative!  Strive for way-cool pictures!  Abstract pictures rule!
#  If you make syntax (notational) errors, no worries -- get help
#  fixing them at either this session OR at the NEXT session.
#  Don't forget to COMMIT your work by using  VCS ~ Commit and Push.
import rosegraphics as rg
window = rg.TurtleWindow()
red_turtle = rg.SimpleTurtle('turtle')
red_turtle.pen = rg.Pen('red', 5)
red_turtle.speed = 5
for j in range(5):

import rosegraphics as rg
window = rg.TurtleWindow()
black_turtle = rg.SimpleTurtle('turtle')
black_turtle.pen = rg.Pen('black', 3)
black_turtle.speed = 10
Exemplo n.º 10
#     - Tells the SimpleTurtle to go 150 pixels straight DOWN.
# Don't forget to:
#     - import rosegraphics and construct a TurtleWindow
#          at the BEGINNING of your code, and to
#     - ask your TurtleWindow to   close_on_mouse_click
#          as the LAST line of your code.
#   See the beginning and end of m4e_loopy_turtles for an example.
#      ** Nothing fancy is required. **
#      ** The NEXT exercise will let you show your creativity. **
#   As always, test by running the module.
#   As always, COMMIT-and-PUSH when you are done with this module.
import rosegraphics as rg
window = rg.TurtleWindow()

stalin = rg.SimpleTurtle('circle')
stalin.pen = rg.Pen('blue', 1)
stalin.go_to(rg.Point(100, -40))
stalin.pen = rg.Pen('green', 10)

Exemplo n.º 11
An exercise that summarizes what you have learned in this Session.

Authors: David Mutchler, Dave Fisher, Valerie Galluzzi, Amanda Stouder,
         their colleagues and Todd Kuebelbeck.
# DONE: 1.
#   On Line 5 above, replace  PUT_YOUR_NAME_HERE  with your own name.
import rosegraphics as rg

window = rg.TurtleWindow() # constructing a window as "window"

todd = rg.SimpleTurtle() #constructing a SimpleTurtle object as assigned to "todd" and the shape is a dog
todd.pen = rg.Pen('red', 5)

for k in range(4):


# DONE: 2.
#   Write code that constructs a SimpleTurtle with a red Pen
Exemplo n.º 12
#          (by moving, using its rg.Pen).  ANYTHING is fine!
#     3. Each rg.SimpleTurtle moves inside a LOOP.
#   Be creative!  Strive for way-cool pictures!  Abstract pictures rule!
#   If you make syntax (notational) errors, no worries -- get help
#   fixing them at either this session OR at the NEXT session.
#   Don't forget to COMMIT-and-PUSH when you are done with this module.

import rosegraphics as rg

window = rg.TurtleWindow()

star = rg.SimpleTurtle()
star.pen = rg.Pen('pink', 5)
star.speed = 10
circle = rg.SimpleTurtle()
circle.pen = rg.Pen('red', 5)
circle.speed = star.speed

size = 120

for k in range(10):

Exemplo n.º 13
#   On Line 5 above, replace  PUT_YOUR_NAME_HERE  with your own name.

# Done
#   Write code that constructs a SimpleTurtle with a red Pen
#   and makes it move around a bit.  Don't forget to:
#     -- import rosegraphics and construct a TurtleWindow
#          at the BEGINNING of your code, and to
#     -- ask your TurtleWindow to   close_on_mouse_click
#          as the LAST line of your code.
#   See the beginning and end of m4e_loopy_turtles for an example.
#      ** Nothing fancy is required. **
#      ** The NEXT exercise will let you show your creativity. **
#   As always, test by running the module.
#   As always, COMMIT-and-PUSH when you are done with this module.
import rosegraphics as rg
window = rg.TurtleWindow()
simon = rg.SimpleTurtle()
simon.pen = rg.Pen('red', 3)
simon.speed = 5
Exemplo n.º 14
#    2. Each rg.SimpleTurtle object draws something
#         (by moving, using its rg.Pen).  ANYTHING is fine!
#    3. Each rg.SimpleTurtle moves inside a LOOP.
#  Be creative!  Strive for way-cool pictures!  Abstract pictures rule!
#  If you make syntax (notational) errors, no worries -- get help
#  fixing them at either this session OR at the NEXT session.
#  Don't forget to COMMIT your work by using  VCS ~ Commit and Push.
import rosegraphics as rg

window = rg.TurtleWindow()

red_turtle = rg.SimpleTurtle('turtle')
red_turtle.pen = rg.Pen('red', 4)
red_turtle.speed = 10

size = 300

for k in range(10):

    size = size - 45

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next few lines show how to:
#   - CONSTRUCT (make and initialize) a   TurtleWindow   object for animation.
# The definition of a  TurtleWindow  is in the   rg
# (shorthand for rosegraphics) module.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
window = rg.TurtleWindow()
window.delay(20)  # Bigger numbers mean slower animation.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next few lines show how to:
#   - CONSTRUCT (make) a  SimpleTurtle  object and ASSIGN a NAME to the object.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
boris = rg.SimpleTurtle()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next few lines show how to:
#   - Ask the SimpleTurtle object to do things by applying METHODs to it.
# The numbers in the parentheses are called ARGUMENTS.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next few lines show how to:
#   - Construct a second SimpleTurtle,
#     set its  pen  and  speed  INSTANCE VARIABLES, and ask it to do things.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 16
# DONE: 2.
#   Write code that constructs a SimpleTurtle with a red Pen
#   and makes it move around a bit.  Don't forget to:
#     -- import rosegraphics and construct a TurtleWindow
#          at the BEGINNING of your code, and to
#     -- ask your TurtleWindow to   close_on_mouse_click
#          as the LAST line of your code.
#   See the beginning and end of m4e_loopy_turtles for an example.
#      ** Nothing fancy is required. **
#      ** The NEXT exercise will let you show your creativity. **
#   As always, test by running the module.
#   As always, COMMIT-and-PUSH when you are done with this module.
import rosegraphics as rg
window = rg.TurtleWindow()
skovald = rg.SimpleTurtle()
skovald.pen = rg.Pen('red', 30)
Exemplo n.º 17

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next few lines show how to:
#   - CONSTRUCT (make and initialize) a   TurtleWindow   object for animation.
# The definition of a  TurtleWindow  is in the   rg
# (shorthand for rosegraphics) module.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
window = rg.TurtleWindow()
window.delay(20)  # Bigger numbers mean slower animation.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next few lines show how to:
#   - CONSTRUCT (make) a  SimpleTurtle  object and ASSIGN a NAME to the object.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
boris = rg.SimpleTurtle()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next few lines show how to:
#   - Ask the SimpleTurtle object to do things by applying METHODs to it.
# The numbers in the parentheses are called ARGUMENTS.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next few lines show how to:
#   - Construct a second SimpleTurtle,
#     set its  pen  and  speed  INSTANCE VARIABLES, and ask it to do things.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next few lines show how to:
#   - CONSTRUCT (make and initialize) a   TurtleWindow   object for animation.
# The definition of a  TurtleWindow  is in the   rg
# (shorthand for rosegraphics) module.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
window = rg.TurtleWindow()
window.delay(20)  # Bigger numbers mean slower animation.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next few lines show how to:
#   - CONSTRUCT (make) a  SimpleTurtle  object and ASSIGN a NAME to the object.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
boris = rg.SimpleTurtle()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next few lines show how to:
#   - Ask the SimpleTurtle object to do things by applying METHODs to it.
# The numbers in the parentheses are called ARGUMENTS.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next few lines show how to:
#   - Construct a second SimpleTurtle,
#     set its  pen  and  speed  INSTANCE VARIABLES, and ask it to do things.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#     3. Each rg.SimpleTurtle moves inside a LOOP.
#   Be creative!  Strive for way-cool pictures!  Abstract pictures rule!
#   If you make syntax (notational) errors, no worries -- get help
#   fixing them at either this session OR at the NEXT session.
#   Don't forget to COMMIT-and-PUSH when you are done with this module.

import rosegraphics as rg

window = rg.TurtleWindow()

alfred = rg.SimpleTurtle('turtle')

rachel = rg.SimpleTurtle('arrow')

jerry = rg.SimpleTurtle('square')
#    - Makes the SimpleTurtle's pen have color 'green' and thickness 10.
#    - Makes the SimpleTurtle go 150 pixels straight DOWN.
#   Don't forget to:
#     - import rosegraphics and construct a TurtleWindow
#          at the BEGINNING of your code, and to
#     - ask your TurtleWindow to   close_on_mouse_click
#          as the LAST line of your code.
#   See the beginning and end of m4e_loopy_turtles for an example.
#   As always, test by running the module.
#   As always, COMMIT-and-PUSH when you are done with this module.
import rosegraphics as rg

window = rg.TurtleWindow()

ben = rg.SimpleTurtle('turtle')
ben.pen = rg.Pen('blue', 10)

ben.go_to(rg.Point(0, 200))
ben.go_to(rg.Point(100, -40))
ben.pen = rg.Pen('green', 10)
ben.go_to(rg.Point(100, -140))

 * The DOT trick: Type expressions like the following,
     pausing after typing the DOT (period, full stop).
     The window that pops up give lots of clues for what you can do!

Authors: David Mutchler, Dave Fisher, Valerie Galluzzi, Amanda Stouder,
         and their colleagues.
import rosegraphics as rg

window = rg.TurtleWindow()

blue_turtle = rg.SimpleTurtle('turtle')
blue_turtle.pen = rg.Pen('midnight blue', 3)
blue_turtle.speed = 10  # Fast

# The first square will be 300 x 300 pixels:
size = 300

# Do the indented code 13 times.  Each time draws a square.
for k in range(13):

    # Put the pen down, then draw a square of the given size:

    # Move a little below and to the right of where the previous
    # square started.  Do this with the pen up (so nothing is drawn).
Exemplo n.º 22

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next few lines show how to:
#   - CONSTRUCT (make and initialize) a   TurtleWindow   object for animation.
# The definition of a  TurtleWindow  is in the   rg
# (shorthand for rosegraphics) module.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
window = rg.TurtleWindow()
window.delay(20)  # Bigger numbers mean slower animation.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next few lines show how to:
#   - CONSTRUCT (make) a  SimpleTurtle  object and ASSIGN a NAME to the object.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
boris = rg.SimpleTurtle()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next few lines show how to:
#   - Ask the SimpleTurtle object to do things by applying METHODs to it.
# The numbers in the parentheses are called ARGUMENTS.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next few lines show how to:
#   - Construct a second SimpleTurtle,
#     set its  pen  and  speed  INSTANCE VARIABLES, and ask it to do things.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 23
#   Then look at the code below.  Raise your hand as you have questions
#   about what the code is doing.

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set up a   TurtleWindow   object for animation.  The definition of a
#     TurtleWindow is in the   rg  (shorthand for rosegraphics) module.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
window = rg.TurtleWindow()
window.delay(20)  # Bigger numbers mean slower animation.

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Makes (constructs) a   SimpleTurtle   object.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dave = rg.SimpleTurtle()

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ask the SimpleTurtle objects to do things:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Construct a new turtle and ask it to do things.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
matt = rg.SimpleTurtle('turtle')
matt.pen = rg.Pen('red', 30)
matt.speed = 10  # Faster
Exemplo n.º 24
#   Then look at the code below.  Raise your hand as you have questions
#   about what the code is doing.

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set up a   TurtleWindow   object for animation.  The definition of a
#     TurtleWindow is in the   rg  (shorthand for rosegraphics) module.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
window = rg.TurtleWindow()
window.delay(20)  # Bigger numbers mean slower animation.

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Makes (constructs) a   SimpleTurtle   object.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dave = rg.SimpleTurtle()

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ask the SimpleTurtle objects to do things:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Construct a new turtle and ask it to do things.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
matt = rg.SimpleTurtle('turtle')
matt.pen = rg.Pen('red', 30)
matt.speed = 10  # Faster
Exemplo n.º 25

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next few lines show how to:
#   - CONSTRUCT (make and initialize) a   TurtleWindow   object for animation.
# The definition of a  TurtleWindow  is in the   rg
# (shorthand for rosegraphics) module.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
window = rg.TurtleWindow()
window.delay(20)  # Bigger numbers mean slower animation.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next few lines show how to:
#   - CONSTRUCT (make) a  SimpleTurtle  object and ASSIGN a NAME to the object.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
boris = rg.SimpleTurtle()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next few lines show how to:
#   - Ask the SimpleTurtle object to do things by applying METHODs to it.
# The numbers in the parentheses are called ARGUMENTS.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next few lines show how to:
#   - Construct a second SimpleTurtle
#       (using an optional argument that sets the shape displayed - try it!),
#     set its  pen  and  speed  INSTANCE VARIABLES, and ask it to do things.
#     2. Each rg.SimpleTurtle object draws something
#          (by moving, using its rg.Pen).  ANYTHING is fine!
#     3. Each rg.SimpleTurtle moves inside a LOOP.
#   Be creative!  Strive for way-cool pictures!  Abstract pictures rule!
#   If you make syntax (notational) errors, no worries -- get help
#   fixing them at either this session OR at the NEXT session.
#   Don't forget to COMMIT-and-PUSH when you are done with this module.
import rosegraphics as rg

window = rg.TurtleWindow()

turtle1 = rg.SimpleTurtle('turtle')
turtle1.pen = rg.Pen('purple', 5)
turtle1.speed = 15

size = 300

for k in range(12):
    turtle1.draw_regular_polygon(3, size)
    size = size - 15

Exemplo n.º 27
#   Then look at the code below.  Raise your hand as you have questions
#   about what the code is doing.

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set up a   TurtleWindow   object for animation.  The definition of a
#     TurtleWindow is in the   rg  (shorthand for rosegraphics) module.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
window = rg.TurtleWindow()
window.delay(10)  # Bigger numbers mean slower animation.

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Makes (constructs) a   SimpleTurtle   object.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dave = rg.SimpleTurtle("turtle")
matt = rg.SimpleTurtle()

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ask the SimpleTurtle objects to do things:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Construct a new turtle and ask it to do things.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
matt = rg.SimpleTurtle('turtle')
matt.pen = rg.Pen('blue', 15)
Exemplo n.º 28
#   Write code that constructs a SimpleTurtle with a red Pen
#   and makes it move around a bit.  Don't forget to:
#     -- import rosegraphics and construct a TurtleWindow
#          at the BEGINNING of your code, and to
#     -- ask your TurtleWindow to   close_on_mouse_click
#          as the LAST line of your code.
#   See the beginning and end of m4e_loopy_turtles for an example.
#      ** Nothing fancy is required. **
#      ** The NEXT exercise will let you show your creativity. **
#   As always, test by running the module.
#   As always, COMMIT-and-PUSH when you are done with this module.

import rosegraphics as rg

window = rg.TurtleWindow()

tom = rg.SimpleTurtle()
tom.pen = rg.Pen('red', 15)


def try_methods_and_functions():
    Constructs a SimpleTurtle and sets its   pen  to a new rg.Pen
    that is 'blue' with thickness 5.

    Then makes the SimpleTurtle do the following (in the order listed):

      1. Go  backward  150 units.

      2. Change its speed to 1 (slowest).
         Draw 2 squares whose size (width and height) are 100,
         each "twisted" from the previous by 30 degrees.

      3. Change its speed to 5 (faster).
         Change its Pen's color to 'red'.
         Draw 10 squares whose size (width and height) are 50,
         each "twisted" from the previous by 15 degrees.

      4. Change its speed to 100 (about the fastest possible).
         Change its Pen's thickness to 35.
         Draw 8 squares whose size (width and height) are 300,
         each "twisted" from the previous by 60 degrees.

      5. Changes its Pen to be a NEW Pen whose color is 'black'
         and whose thickness is 3.

      6. Goes backward  200 units.

      7. Draw a CIRCLE whose radius is 30.

      8. Draw a SQUARE whose sides are each of length 50.
    # DONE: 5. Implement this function, per its doc-string above.
    #    Put a statement in   main   to test this function
    #    (by calling this function).  IMPORTANT, IMPORTANT, IMPORTANT:
    #    Keep reading the rest of this TO DO before doing the above!
    # IMPORTANT: This function should ** CALL ** the
    #   draw_many_squares
    # function defined above.  If you don't see why, ** ASK FOR HELP. **
    angle = rg.SimpleTurtle()
    angle.pen = rg.Pen('blue', 5)

    angle.speed = 1
    draw_many_squares(angle, 2, 100, 30)

    angle.speed = 5
    angle.pen = rg.Pen('red', 5)
    draw_many_squares(angle, 10, 50, 15)

    angle.speed = 100
    angle.pen = rg.Pen('red', 35)
    draw_many_squares(angle, 8, 300, 60)

    angle.pen = rg.Pen('black', 3)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next few lines show how to:
#   - CONSTRUCT (make and initialize) a   TurtleWindow   object for animation.
# The definition of a  TurtleWindow  is in the   rg
# (shorthand for rosegraphics) module.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
window = rg.TurtleWindow()
window.delay(20)  # Bigger numbers mean slower animation.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next few lines show how to:
#   - CONSTRUCT (make) a  SimpleTurtle  object and ASSIGN a NAME to the object.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
boris = rg.SimpleTurtle()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next few lines show how to:
#   - Ask the SimpleTurtle object to do things by applying METHODs to it.
# The numbers in the parentheses are called ARGUMENTS.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next few lines show how to:
#   - Construct a second SimpleTurtle,
#     set its  pen  and  speed  INSTANCE VARIABLES, and ask it to do things.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------