def main_auto(): # initialize ROS node init_node('auto_mode', anonymous=True) nh = Publisher('ecu', ECU, queue_size=10) # set node rate rateHz = get_param("controller/rate") rate = Rate(rateHz) dt = 1.0 / rateHz t_i = 0 # get experiment parameters t_0 = get_param("controller/t_0") # time to start test t_f = get_param("controller/t_f") # time to end test FxR_target = get_param("controller/FxR_target") d_f_target = pi / 180 * get_param("controller/d_f_target") # main loop while not is_shutdown(): # get command signal (FxR, d_f) = circular(t_i, t_0, t_f, d_f_target, FxR_target) # send command signal ecu_cmd = ECU(FxR, d_f) nh.publish(ecu_cmd) # wait t_i += dt rate.sleep()
def run(self): publishRate = 30 # Hz rosRate = Rate(publishRate) while not is_shutdown(): if not self._multiArray: continue covMat = self._convertToMatrix(self._multiArray) covMatNpTp = np.transpose(np.array(covMat)) (eigValues, eigVectors) = np.linalg.eig(covMatNpTp) loginfo(eigVectors) quaternion = self._getRotation(eigVectors) scaledEigenValues = self._getScaledEigenvalues( eigValues, 0.05, 0.25) ellipsoid = self._createEllipsoidMsg([1, 1, 1], quaternion, scaledEigenValues) self._publisher.publish(ellipsoid) # loginfo(ellipsoid) loginfo(10 * "---") rosRate.sleep()
def main_auto(): # initialize ROS node init_node('auto_mode', anonymous=True) nh = Publisher('ecu', ECU, queue_size = 10) # set node rate rateHz = get_param("controller/rate") rate = Rate(rateHz) dt = 1.0 / rateHz t_i = 0 # get experiment parameters t_0 = get_param("controller/t_0") # time to start test t_f = get_param("controller/t_f") # time to end test FxR_target = get_param("controller/FxR_target") d_f_target = pi/180*get_param("controller/d_f_target") # main loop while not is_shutdown(): # get command signal (FxR, d_f) = circular(t_i, t_0, t_f, d_f_target, FxR_target) # send command signal ecu_cmd = ECU(FxR, d_f) nh.publish(ecu_cmd) # wait t_i += dt rate.sleep()
def local_robot_state_publisher(self, publish_rate=20): if self.publish_robot_state: rate = Rate(publish_rate) # 20hz t = currentThread() while not is_shutdown() and getattr(t, "do_run", True): local_transformer.update_robot_state() rate.sleep() return True
def run(self): rate = Rate(1) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): cameraMessage = self._createCameraInfoMessage() self._cameraInfoPublisher.publish(cameraMessage) rate.sleep()
def run(self): rosRate = Rate(30) while not is_shutdown(): message = self._setForces() loginfo(message) self._publisher.publish(message) rosRate.sleep()
def run(self): rosRate = Rate(30) while not is_shutdown(): self._broadcastTransform(self._markerPose, self._parentFrame, self._childFrame) #map2center rosRate.sleep()
def local_robot_pose_publisher(self, publish_rate=20): "Publishes the base_frame of the robot in reference to the odom frame to tf." if self.publish_robot_base_pose: rate = Rate(publish_rate) # 20hz t = currentThread() while not is_shutdown() and getattr(t, "do_run", True): local_transformer.update_robot_pose() rate.sleep() return True
def do_sample(): pub = Publisher('turtle1/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) init_node('sample_talker') rate = Rate(10) print_instruction() while not is_shutdown(): move = get_move() if move is not None: pub.publish(move) rate.sleep()
def tank_drive(leftFrontVel, leftBackVel, rightFrontVel, rightBackVel): vel_publisher = Publisher("/robot_drive_controller/command", Float64MultiArray, queue_size=10) rospy.init_node("drive_velocity_setpoint", anonymous=True) vel_array = Float64MultiArray() # left front, left_back, right_front right_back = [leftFrontVel, leftBackVel, rightFrontVel, rightBackVel] rate = Rate(10) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.loginfo(vel_array) vel_publisher.publish(vel_array) rate.sleep()
def run(self): rosRate = Rate(60) while not is_shutdown(): buttonMsg = self._setButton() positionMsg = self._setLockState() self._pubPosition.publish(positionMsg) self._pubButton.publish(buttonMsg) rosRate.sleep()
def main(args): init() ihm = Ihm() rospy.init_node('ihm', anonymous=True) try: rate = Rate(1) rate.sleep() rospy.spin() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Shutting down") cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def local_object_pose_publisher(self, publish_rate=20): """ Publishes the given pose of the object of given name in reference to the map frame to tf. :type name: str :type pose: list or Pose """ if self.publish_objects_poses: rate = Rate(publish_rate) t = currentThread() while not is_shutdown() and getattr(t, "do_run", True): local_transformer.update_objects() rate.sleep() return True
def wifi_signal_monitor(): init_node('bthere_wifi_signal_monitor', anonymous=False) pub = Publisher('/bthere/wifi_signal', WifiData, queue_size=10) loginfo('Outputting to /bthere/wifi_signal') test_output = get_param('~test_output', False) update_period = get_param('~update_period', 15.0) quiet = get_param('~quiet', False) rate = Rate(1 / float(update_period)) loginfo('Publishing rate: ' + str(1 / float(update_period)) + 'hz') while not is_shutdown(): if (test_output): output_test_data(rate, pub, quiet) else: output_wifi(rate, pub, quiet) rate.sleep()
def run(self): publishRate = 30 # Hz rosRate = Rate(publishRate) # initialize stiffness feedback class CalcOmniFeedbackForce = CalcHDFeedbackForce([0, 1000], [-3.3, 3.3], [-60, 60]) # [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [5, 5, 5], # [-3.3,-3.3,-3.3], [3.3,3.3,3.3], # [-60,-60,-60],[60,60,60]) while not is_shutdown(): if not (self._stiffnessMessage and self._omniPositionMessage): continue # Get/Set stiffness matrix loginfo(self._omniPositionMessage) stiffnessMatrix = self._convertArrayToMatrix( self._stiffnessMessage) CalcOmniFeedbackForce.setCurrentRobotStiffness(stiffnessMatrix) # Get/Set omni current_position currentPosition = self._omniPositionMessage.current_position CalcOmniFeedbackForce.setCurrentHDPosition( [currentPosition.x, currentPosition.y, currentPosition.z]) # Get/Set omni lock_position position lockPosition = self._omniPositionMessage.lock_position CalcOmniFeedbackForce.setLockPositionHD( [lockPosition.x, lockPosition.y, lockPosition.z]) # Do the calculations CalcOmniFeedbackForce.calcForce() # get the feedbackForces feedBackForce = CalcOmniFeedbackForce.getHDForces() # Set feedback force message message = self._setOmniFeedbackMessage(feedBackForce) # publish feedback force message self._publisher.publish(message) loginfo(10 * "---") rosRate.sleep()
def run(self): rosRate = Rate(30) broadcaster = StaticTransformBroadcaster() while not is_shutdown(): rot = Rotation(self._rotMatrixArray[0], self._rotMatrixArray[1], self._rotMatrixArray[2], self._rotMatrixArray[3], self._rotMatrixArray[4], self._rotMatrixArray[5], self._rotMatrixArray[6], self._rotMatrixArray[7], self._rotMatrixArray[8]) quat = rot.GetQuaternion() staticTransform = self._setTransform(self._robotBaseFrame, self._HDFrame, quat) broadcaster.sendTransform(staticTransform) rosRate.sleep()
def local_static_odom_publisher(self, publish_rate=20): if self.publish_static_odom: rate = Rate(publish_rate) # 20hz t = currentThread() while not is_shutdown() and getattr(t, "do_run", True): published = local_transformer.publish_pose( local_transformer.map_frame, local_transformer.projection_namespace + '/' + local_transformer.odom_frame, [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]], static=True) if not published: logerr( "(publisher) Could not publish static map to odom tf." ) rate.sleep() return True
def main_auto(): global read_yaw0, yaw_local # initialize ROS node init_node('auto_mode', anonymous=True) ecu_pub = Publisher('ecu', ECU, queue_size=10) se_sub = Subscriber('imu', Imu, imu_callback) # set node rate rateHz = get_param("controller/rate") rate = Rate(rateHz) dt = 1.0 / rateHz # get PID parameters p = get_param("controller/p") i = get_param("controller/i") d = get_param("controller/d") pid = PID(P=p, I=i, D=d) setReference = False # get experiment parameters t_0 = get_param("controller/t_0") # time to start test t_f = get_param("controller/t_f") # time to end test FxR_target = get_param("controller/FxR_target") t_params = (t_0, t_f, dt) while not is_shutdown(): # OPEN LOOP if read_yaw0: # set reference angle if not setReference: pid.setPoint(yaw_local) setReference = True t_i = 0.0 print('yaw_local', yaw_local) # apply open loop command else: (FxR, d_f) = straight(t_i, pid, t_params, FxR_target) ecu_cmd = ECU(FxR, -d_f) ecu_pub.publish(ecu_cmd) t_i += dt # wait rate.sleep()
def motorMaster(): ''' The Master Node defined as a function. Using a multiarray message, the 4 angles are calculated by the functions brought in from motorControls and then published to a single topic. Each motor pulls its respective command from that multiarray. ''' angPub = Publisher('motAngs', DOFArray, queue_size=10) init_node('master', anonymous=True) while not is_shutdown(): for i in dataFrame.values: angles = DOFArray() angles.baseAng, angles.mainAng, \ angles.secAng, angles.toolAng = genAngles(list(i)) rate = Rate(.5) loginfo("\n" + str(angles)) angPub.publish(angles) rate.sleep()
def imu(): #define publisher pub0 = Publisher('imu_data', Imu, queue_size=10) pub1 = Publisher('yaw_rate', Float64WithHeader, queue_size=10) pub2 = Publisher('yaw_rate_control', Float64, queue_size=10) init_node('imu', anonymous=True) rate = Rate(10) # 10hz print('Running IMU node.') while not is_shutdown(): # # Read IMU data. data = imu_t.get_data() imu_data.header.stamp = imu_data.header.stamp = get_rostime() # # Get quaternion. roll = 180 * math.atan(data[3] / math.sqrt(data[4]**2 + data[5]**2)) / math.pi pitch = 180 * math.atan(data[4] / math.sqrt(data[3]**2 + data[5]**2)) / math.pi yaw = 180 * math.atan(data[5] / math.sqrt(data[3]**2 + data[5]**2)) / math.pi quaternion = quaternion_from_euler(roll,pitch,yaw) # # Fill message. imu_data.orientation.w = quaternion[0] imu_data.orientation.x = quaternion[1] imu_data.orientation.y = quaternion[2] imu_data.orientation.z = quaternion[3] imu_data.linear_acceleration.x = data[3] imu_data.linear_acceleration.y = data[4] imu_data.linear_acceleration.z = data[5] imu_data.linear_acceleration_covariance[0] = -1 imu_data.angular_velocity.x = data[0] imu_data.angular_velocity.y = data[1] imu_data.angular_velocity.z = data[2] imu_data.angular_velocity_covariance[0] = -1 pub0.publish(imu_data) yaw_rate = Float64WithHeader() yaw_rate.header.stamp = get_rostime() = data[2] pub1.publish(yaw_rate) pub2.publish(data[2]/250.0) #data2 is yaw rate, 1 is pitch rate, 0 roll, have to fix the imudata # loginfo(imu_data) # loginfo(yaw_rate) rate.sleep()
def main_auto(): global read_yaw0, yaw_local # initialize ROS node init_node('auto_mode', anonymous=True) ecu_pub = Publisher('ecu', ECU, queue_size = 10) se_sub = Subscriber('imu/data', Imu, imu_callback) # set node rate rateHz = get_param("controller/rate") rate = Rate(rateHz) dt = 1.0 / rateHz # get PID parameters p = get_param("controller/p") i = get_param("controller/i") d = get_param("controller/d") pid = PID(P=p, I=i, D=d) setReference = False # get experiment parameters t_0 = get_param("controller/t_0") # time to start test t_f = get_param("controller/t_f") # time to end test FxR_target = get_param("controller/FxR_target") t_params = (t_0, t_f, dt) while not is_shutdown(): # OPEN LOOP if read_yaw0: # set reference angle if not setReference: pid.setPoint(yaw_local) setReference = True t_i = 0.0 # apply open loop command else: (FxR, d_f) = straight(t_i, pid, t_params, FxR_target) ecu_cmd = ECU(FxR, d_f) ecu_pub.publish(ecu_cmd) t_i += dt # wait rate.sleep()
def step(): publisher = Publisher('turtle1/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) init_node('control') rate = Rate(100) while not is_shutdown(): keys = { "fwd": get_param('fwd'), "bwd": get_param('bwd'), "rht": get_param('rht'), "lft": get_param('lft') } system('clear') display(keys) move = getMove(keys) if move == 'quit': return True break if move is not None: publisher.publish(move) rate.sleep()
def main_auto(): # initialize ROS node init_node('auto_mode', anonymous=True) ecu_pub = Publisher('ecu', ECU, queue_size=10) # set node rate rateHz = get_param("controller/rate") rate = Rate(rateHz) dt = 1.0 / rateHz # get experiment parameters FxR_target = get_param("controller/FxR_target") while not is_shutdown(): # OPEN LOOP ecu_cmd = ECU(FxR_target, 0) ecu_pub.publish(ecu_cmd) # wait rate.sleep()
def main_auto(): global throttle, steering # initialize the ROS node init_node('manual_control', anonymous=True) Subscriber('rc_inputs', ECU, rc_inputs_callback) nh = Publisher('ecu_pwm', ECU, queue_size = 10) # set node rate rateHz = 50 dt = 1.0/rateHz rate = Rate(rateHz) throttle = 90 steering = 90 # main loop while not is_shutdown(): ecu_cmd = ECU(throttle, steering) nh.publish(ecu_cmd) rate.sleep()
def main_auto(): global throttle, steering # initialize the ROS node init_node('manual_control', anonymous=True) Subscriber('rc_inputs', ECU, rc_inputs_callback) nh = Publisher('ecu_pwm', ECU, queue_size=10) # set node rate rateHz = 50 dt = 1.0 / rateHz rate = Rate(rateHz) throttle = 90 steering = 90 # main loop while not is_shutdown(): ecu_cmd = ECU(throttle, steering) nh.publish(ecu_cmd) rate.sleep()
def sonar(): pub = Publisher('sonar_meas', Float64WithHeader, queue_size=10) pub1 = Publisher('sonar_meas_control', Float64, queue_size=10) init_node('sonar', anonymous=True) rate = Rate(20) # 10hz while not is_shutdown(): GPIO.output(TRIG, True) time.sleep(0.00001) GPIO.output(TRIG, False) count = 0 while GPIO.input(ECHO) == 0: if count > 1000: break pulse_start = time.time() count += 1 count = 0 while GPIO.input(ECHO) == 1: if count > 1000: break pulse_end = time.time() count += 1 pulse_duration = pulse_end - pulse_start distance = pulse_duration * 17150 distance = distance / 100.0 sonar_data = Float64WithHeader() sonar_data.header.stamp = get_rostime() if abs(distance) < 2.0: = distance pub1.publish(distance) else: = 0.0 pub1.publish(0.0) pub.publish(sonar_data) rate.sleep()
def cpu_monitor(): """Publishes CPU data to /bthere/cpu_data.""" architecture = uname()[ 4] # This will return 'x86_64', 'aarc64' (for 64 bit arm), etc. if (not architecture in SUPPORTED_ARCHITECTURES): logerr( "This architecture doesn't appear to be one that is supported. Consider adding it and openning" + " a pull request on github!") exit() init_node("bthere_cpu_monitor", anonymous=False) pub = Publisher("/bthere/cpu_data", CPUData, queue_size=10) loginfo("Outputting to /bthere/cpu_data") #update period should to be somewhat small since the cpu load data is average since you last checked, #a slower update rate will be less accurate for bursty loads and may introduce more lag than expected #if a load is added later in the time between updates for example. update_period = get_param('~update_period', 1.0) rate = Rate(1 / float(update_period)) loginfo("Publishing rate: " + str(1.0 / update_period) + " hz") quiet = get_param("~quiet", False) #since the temperature-getting seems likely to be failure prone, try it once to check. able_to_get_temps = True if (isnan(get_cpu_temps(architecture)[0])): logwarn("Unable to get CPU temperatures") able_to_get_temps = False last_cpu_times = [] while not is_shutdown(): data = CPUData() gated_loginfo(quiet, "------ CPU Data ------") if (able_to_get_temps): # If temperature data can be collected, add it to the CPUData to be published and log package_temp, core_temps = get_cpu_temps(architecture) gated_loginfo(quiet, "CPU Package temp. (C): " + str(package_temp)) data.package_temp = package_temp if (len(core_temps) > 0): for core in range(len(core_temps)): gated_loginfo( quiet, "CPU Core " + str(core) + "temp. (C): " + str(core_temps[core])) data.core_temps = core_temps else: # If the data is unavailable just publish NaN and log gated_loginfo(quiet, "CPU temperatures unavailable") data.package_temp = float("NaN") data.core_temps = [float("NaN")] if (len(last_cpu_times) == 0): # If this hasn't been initialized, we just won't publish this info yet and init. # last_cpu_times can't just be initialized before the loop because it should (for consistency) be the same # time between data collections and getting the initial data before the loop would make the time between # data collections small and potentially make the data misleading due to burst loads. last_cpu_times = get_load_data() gated_loginfo(quiet, "CPU load not yet available") else: overall_load, per_cores, last_cpu_times = get_cpu_load( last_cpu_times) gated_loginfo( quiet, "Overall CPU load: " + str(round(overall_load * 100, 1)) + "%") data.overall_cpu_load = overall_load if (len(per_cores) > 0): for core in range(len(per_cores)): gated_loginfo( quiet, "CPU core " + str(core) + " load: " + str(round(per_cores[core] * 100, 1)) + "%") data.core_loads = per_cores # Add the header information: header = Header( # The frame_id property seems to be to do with tf frames of reference. That isn't useful for something like # this, so just leave it empty. (this might be the wrong way to do this, but I don't have any other info.) # The sequential id is apparently set by the publisher. data.header = header pub.publish(data) rate.sleep()
def sonar(): init_node('sonar', anonymous=True) rate = Rate(20) # 10hz while not is_shutdown(): pi.gpio_trigger(TRIGGER, 10) rate.sleep()
class Node: def __init__(self): init_node(NODE_NAME, anonymous=True) Service(SERVICE_NAME, Planning, self.callback) rospy.Subscriber("pose", Float32MultiArray, self.pose_callback) self.planner = Planner() self.navigator = Navigator() self.position = Position() self.status = IDLE self.publisher = Publisher(PUBLISH_TO, Float32MultiArray, queue_size=10) self.rate = Rate(10) self.goal = None self.calculating = False def callback(self, request): commands = loads(request.req) response = {'status': 'type error'} if commands['type'] == SET_GOAL: self.planner.update_goal( (commands['goal'][0], commands['goal'][1])) self.goal = commands['goal'] self.calculating = True self.planner.plan() self.position.update_plan(self.planner.planned) self.calculating = False response['status'] = 'ok' elif commands['type'] == MOVE: if commands['status'] == COMMAND_PAUSE: self.status = PAUSED response['status'] = 'ok' elif commands['status'] == COMMAND_GO: self.status = WALKING response['status'] = 'ok' elif commands['status'] == COMMAND_CANCEL: self.planner.clear() self.navigator.clear() self.status = IDLE response['status'] = 'ok' elif commands['type'] == SET_MAP: self.planner.update_map(commands['map']) response['state'] = self.status response['target'] = self.goal response['path'] = self.planner.get_path() response['status'] = 'ok' return dumps(response) def operate(self): if self.calculating: self.publisher.publish(Float32MultiArray(data=[0, 0])) return planned_position = self.position.get_position( *self.planner.current_position) if self.position.threshold_check(POSITION_ERROR_THRES): self.publisher.publish(Float32MultiArray(data=[0, 0])) print('Node : Hm... where am I?') self.planner.plan() self.position.update_plan(self.planner.planned) planned_position = self.position.get_position( *self.planner.current_position) return if not planned_position: self.status = IDLE self.publisher.publish(Float32MultiArray(data=[0, 0])) return self.publisher.publish( Float32MultiArray(data=self.navigator.get_motor_speed( self.planner.current_position, planned_position, time()))) def pose_callback(self, input): new_pose = ([3],[4], ([2] * 180 / np.pi + 360) % 360) self.planner.update_position(new_pose) def publish(self): while not is_shutdown(): if self.status == IDLE or self.status == PAUSED: self.publisher.publish(Float32MultiArray(data=[0, 0])) elif self.status == WALKING: if not validate_planned(self.planner.planned, self.planner.plan() self.position.update_plan(self.planner.planned) self.operate() self.rate.sleep() def run(self): self.publish()
elif key in vSpeedBindings.keys(): fixedV = fixedV*vSpeedBindings[key][0] elif key in wSpeedBindings.keys(): fixedW = fixedW*wSpeedBindings[key][0] elif key in altitudeBindings.keys(): z += altitudeBindings[key] z = max(min(1.75,z),0.2) else: v = 0.0 w = 0.0 if (key == '\x03'): break print 'v %f w %f z %f m \n'%(v,w,z) pub_a.publish(z) pub_v.publish(v) pub_w.publish(w) rate.sleep() except ROSInterruptException: pass finally: print 'IM SHOOKETH' pub_a.publish(z) pub_v.publish(v) pub_w.publish(w) termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, settings)
def control(): global read_yaw0, yaw_local, est_yaw # global location # initialize ROS node init_node('adas', anonymous=True) Subscriber('imu/data', Imu, imu_callback) Subscriber('scan', LaserScan, laser_callback) # Subscriber('vel_est', Encoder, vel_callback) # Subscriber('range', Float32MultiArray, range_callback) Subscriber('pose_estimate', Vector3, pose_callback) ecu_pub = Publisher('ecu', ECU, queue_size=1) encoder_pub = Publisher('filtered_vel', Float32, queue_size=1) yaw_pub = Publisher('filtered_yaw', Float32, queue_size=1) scenario = (get_param("adas/scenario")) (p, i, d) = (get_param("adas/PID")[0], get_param("adas/PID")[1], get_param("adas/PID")[2]) stime = 0.02 # simulation time step rate = Rate(1 / stime) aeb = False setReference = False setReference1 = False trigger = False pid = PID(P=p, I=i, D=d) t_i = 0.0 (t0, tf, ttc) = (0, 0, 0) while not is_shutdown(): t0 = rospy.get_time() if scenario == "AEB": # if 0.0 < location < 15.0: # for camera based detection if dist < 1: if not aeb: aeb = True else: aeb = False if aeb: if not setReference: pid.setPoint(0) setReference = True (F, dx) = (-1 / dist * 3, 0) else: setReference = False (F, dx) = (2.0, 0.0) elif scenario == "Lane Change": if t_i >= 50: (F, dx) = (0, 0) else: # if 0.0 < location < 15.0: # for camera based detection if dist < 1: if not trigger: trigger = True x1 = dist ttc = vel_avg * x1 net_time = ttc + t_i if trigger: if net_time >= t_i: if not setReference: pid.setPoint(30 / 57.3) setReference = True setReference1 = False (F, dx) = (3, pid.update(est_yaw, stime)) else: if not setReference1: pid.setPoint(0) setReference1 = True setReference = False (F, dx) = (3, pid.update(est_yaw, stime)) else: (F, dx) = (3, 0) trigger = False setReference1 = False setReference = False ecu_pub.publish(ECU(F, dx)) encoder_pub.publish(Float32(vel_avg)) yaw_pub.publish(Float32(yaw_local)) rate.sleep() tf = rospy.get_time() t_elapsed = tf - t0 t_i += t_elapsed print('time elapsed=' + str(t_i) + '\nloop time=' + str(t_elapsed)) print('ttc=' + str(ttc)) print('vel avg=' + str(vel_avg)) print('range=' + str(dist))