Exemplo n.º 1
 def sanity_slowVsFast(self):
     Comparing 'slow' and 'fast' algorithm.
   wvl = numpy.arange(4999., 5011., 0.04)
   flux = numpy.zeros(len(wvl))
   flux[150] = 0.5
   bfast = fastRotBroad(wvl, flux, 0.37, 37.)
   bslow = rotBroad(wvl, flux, 0.37, 37.)
   indi = numpy.where(numpy.logical_and(wvl > 5000., wvl < 5010.))[0]
   self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.max(numpy.abs( bfast[indi] - bslow[indi] )), 0.0, delta=1e-5)
   flux[150] = 1.0
   A = -0.05
   s = 0.1
   mu = 5004.1635788
   flux += A/numpy.sqrt(2.*numpy.pi*s**2) * \
   bfast = fastRotBroad(wvl, flux, 0.81, 11.37)
   bslow = rotBroad(wvl, flux, 0.81, 11.37)
   indi = numpy.where(numpy.logical_and(wvl > 5000., wvl < 5010.))[0]
   self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.max(numpy.abs( bfast[indi] - bslow[indi] )), 0.0, delta=1e-5)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def sanity_rotBroadEW(self):
     Checking whether "rotBroad" changes the EW.
   import numpy as np
   from PyAstronomy import funcFit as fuf
   import scipy.integrate as sci
   # Create a spectrum with a single Gaussian
   # line using funcFit's GaussFit1d object.
   # Note that this object is not used for
   # fitting here, but only a calculate a
   # Gaussian.
   g = fuf.GaussFit1d()
   g["mu"] = 5005.
   g["A"] = -0.1
   g["sig"] = 0.1
   g["off"] = 1.0
   # Evaluate the spectrum with 0.01 A bin size
   wvl = np.linspace(5003., 5007., 400)
   flux = g.evaluate(wvl)
   refEW = abs(g["A"])
   for broad in np.linspace(0.1, 100., 1.):
     for eps in np.linspace(0., 1., 0.2):
       nflux = rotBroad(wvl, flux, epsilon=eps, vsini=broad)
       ew = 4. - sci.trapz(nflux, wvl)
       self.assertAlmostEqual(ew, refEW, 5, "The EW in rotbroad changes for: vsini = " + \
                              str(broad) + ", and eps = " + str(eps))