def __init__(self, camera, output_path, app): self.output_path = output_path self.last_file_path = None = app = camera self.camera_overlay = CameraOverlay( self.printer = Printer() self.green_btn = Button(GREEN_BTN_PIN) self.red_btn = Button(RED_BTN_PIN) self.green_btn.when_pressed = self.pressed_capture_button self.red_btn.when_pressed = self.pressed_reject_print_button self.ui = UI(self.camera_overlay, camera.picam.resolution) self.image_helper = ImageHelper(camera.picam.resolution) self.rotary = Rotary(ROTARY_CLK_PIN, ROTARY_DT_PIN, upperBound=5) self.ui.show_main_screen() self.waiting_for_confirm = False self.busy = False
def __init__(self): self.commander = Commander("init") self.gpio = pigpio.pi() self.rotary = Rotary("init", None) self.decoder = Decoder("init") self.digitalpots = Digitalpots("init") self.static1 = 1 self.mainwindow = Mainwindow(self.static1, "passing commander into mainwindow", commander=self.commander) self.rotary = Rotary(self.static1, "passing gpio into rotary", gpio=self.gpio) self.decoder = Decoder("passing gpio into decoder", gpio=self.gpio) self.static2 = 2 self.rotary = Rotary(self.static2, "passing decoder into rotary", decoder=self.decoder) digitalpots = Digitalpots("passing gpio, decoder into rotary", gpio=self.gpio, decoder=self.decoder) print("Local static val {}".format(self.rotary.static_val))
def test_menu(): from menu import Menu from rotary import Rotary m = Menu([ "First line", "A second menu option", "Now to the third", "On to the forth", "Follow the fifth", "Support the sixth" ]) r = Rotary(**{'menu': m, 'clk': 11, 'dt': 13, 'btn': 15}) if len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1] == 'clear': m.blank(True) else: m.set_highlight(int(sys.argv[1])) m.render() else: m.render() while True: sleep(1)
import utime as time from machine import Pin import ssd1306 # display setup WIDTH = 128 HEIGHT = 64 clock = machine.Pin(2) data = machine.Pin(3) spi = machine.SPI(0, sck=clock, mosi=data) CS = machine.Pin(1) DC = machine.Pin(4) RES = machine.Pin(5) oled = ssd1306.SSD1306_SPI(WIDTH, HEIGHT, spi, DC, RES, CS) rotary = Rotary(16, 17, 22) val = 0 def rotary_changed(change): global val oled.fill(0) oled.text('Rotery Encoder', 0, 0, 1) oled.text('Display Test', 0, 10, 1) if change == Rotary.ROT_CW: val = val + 1 print(val) oled.text(str(val), 0, 30, 1) elif change == Rotary.ROT_CCW: val = val - 1 print(val)
from rotary import Rotary import utime as time rotary = Rotary(0, 1, 2) val = 0 def rotary_changed(change): global val if change == Rotary.ROT_CW: val = val + 1 print(val) elif change == Rotary.ROT_CCW: val = val - 1 print(val) elif change == Rotary.SW_PRESS: print('PRESS') elif change == Rotary.SW_RELEASE: print('RELEASE') rotary.add_handler(rotary_changed) while True: time.sleep(0.1)
trigger = Pin(TRIGGER_PIN, Pin.OUT) # send trigger out to sensor echo = Pin(ECHO_PIN, Pin.IN) # get the delay interval back # create a Pulse Width Modulation Object on this pin speaker = PWM(Pin(SPEAKER_PIN)) WIDTH = 128 HEIGHT = 64 clock=machine.Pin(2) data=machine.Pin(3) spi=machine.SPI(0,sck=clock, mosi=data) CS = machine.Pin(1) DC = machine.Pin(4) RES = machine.Pin(5) oled = ssd1306.SSD1306_SPI(WIDTH, HEIGHT, spi, DC, RES, CS) rotary = Rotary(ROTARY_A_PIN, ROTARY_B_PIN, ROTARY_BUTTON_PIN) # our globals mode = 0 # the program mode mode_function = 0 # the function to change within a mode function_value = 0 # the function value (usually a value of 0-to-5) dist = 0 motor_power = MOTOR_POWER motor_power_val = 2 turn_dist = TURN_DIST turn_dist_val = 3 reverse_time = REVERSE_TIME reverse_time_val = 3 turn_time = TURN_TIME turn_time_val = 3
class PhotoboothController: def __init__(self, camera, output_path, app): self.output_path = output_path self.last_file_path = None = app = camera self.camera_overlay = CameraOverlay( self.printer = Printer() self.green_btn = Button(GREEN_BTN_PIN) self.red_btn = Button(RED_BTN_PIN) self.green_btn.when_pressed = self.pressed_capture_button self.red_btn.when_pressed = self.pressed_reject_print_button self.ui = UI(self.camera_overlay, camera.picam.resolution) self.image_helper = ImageHelper(camera.picam.resolution) self.rotary = Rotary(ROTARY_CLK_PIN, ROTARY_DT_PIN, upperBound=5) self.ui.show_main_screen() self.waiting_for_confirm = False self.busy = False def _reset_state(self): self.waiting_for_confirm = False self.busy = False self.rotary.clearCallback() self.rotary.resetCount() def pressed_capture_button(self): print("\ncapture") output_path = None if self.waiting_for_confirm: self.printer.printFile(self.last_file_path, copies=self.rotary.getValue()) self.ui.clear_screen() self.ui.show_main_screen() self._reset_state() elif not self.busy: self.busy = True # show countdowns self.ui.clear_screen() self.ui.show_countdown() # flash lights # self._flash() # take photo self.last_file_path = self._capture() # confirm with user self._confirm_print(self.last_file_path) self.waiting_for_confirm = True def pressed_reject_print_button(self): if self.waiting_for_confirm: print("\nreject") self.last_file_path = None self.ui.clear_screen() self.ui.show_main_screen() self._reset_state() def _confirm_print(self, path): preview_image = self.image_helper.load_image(path) self.camera_overlay.add_overlay(preview_image) self.ui.show_confirm_screen(1) self.rotary.registerCallback(self.ui.update_confirm_screen) def _flash(self): pass #img = self.image_helper.create_flash_image() #self.camera_overlay.add_overlay(img) #time.sleep(0.2)register #self.camera_overlay.remove_top_overlay() def _capture(self): output_path = self._new_output_path() print("saving photo to " + output_path) return output_path def _new_output_path(self): output_path = self.output_path + "image-%d-%mT%H:%M.png" return strftime(output_path, gmtime())
from machine import Pin from rotary import Rotary from time import sleep # GPIO Pins 16 and 17 are for the encoder pins. 18 is the button press switch. ENCODER_A = 16 ENCODER_B = 17 SWITCH = 18 rotary = Rotary(ENCODER_A, ENCODER_B, SWITCH) val = 0 # this function is called whenever the rotory is changed def rotary_changed(change): global val if change == Rotary.ROT_CW: val = val + 1 print(val) elif change == Rotary.ROT_CCW: val = val - 1 print(val) elif change == Rotary.SW_PRESS: print('PRESS') elif change == Rotary.SW_RELEASE: print('RELEASE') rotary.add_handler(rotary_changed) while True: sleep(0.1)
def setup(): loadingControl = None try: i2c = machine.I2C(-1, machine.Pin(22), machine.Pin(21)) oled = ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(128, 64, i2c) global ui_manager, zone_scheduler, aws_client, rtc_time import ui ui_manager = ui.UiManager(oled) loadingControl = ui.LoadingControl(ui_manager) ui_manager.goto(loadingControl) loadingControl.set_status("config") from sprinklerConfiguration import SprinklerConfiguration configurator = SprinklerConfiguration() configurator.load_config() ui_manager.configurator = configurator loadingControl.set_status("rtc") from rtcTime import RtcTime rtc_time = RtcTime() rtc_time.setup(i2c) ui_manager.rtc_time = rtc_time loadingControl.set_status("shiftr") from shiftR import ShiftR shiftR = ShiftR(shiftR_enable_pin, machine.Pin(14, machine.Pin.OUT), machine.Pin(13, machine.Pin.OUT), machine.Pin(27, machine.Pin.OUT), configurator.get_zone_num()) shiftR.setup() loadingControl.set_status("scheduler") from zoneScheduler import ZoneScheduler zone_scheduler = ZoneScheduler(configurator, shiftR) zone_scheduler.queue_changed_event.add_handler( lambda q: print('queue changed: {}'.format(q.serialise()))) ui_manager.zone_scheduler = zone_scheduler loadingControl.set_status("server") import server server.enable_server(configurator, zone_scheduler) loadingControl.set_status("rotary") from rotary import Rotary rotary = Rotary(ui_manager) rotary.setup(rotary_sw_pin, rotary_cl_pin, rotary_dt_pin) loadingControl.set_status("ap") setup_ap() loadingControl.set_status("wifi") import wifiConnect wifiConnect.try_connect() loadingControl.set_status("aws") from awsClient import AwsClient temp_aws_client = AwsClient(configurator, zone_scheduler) temp_aws_client.setup() aws_client = temp_aws_client loadingControl.set_status("display") ui_manager.goto(ui.DashboardControl(ui_manager)) except Exception as e: if loadingControl: loadingControl.set_detail(repr(e)) sys.print_exception(e) raise
from flask import Flask, jsonify, request # from flask_socketio import SocketIO from flask_cors import CORS import json import threading import sys import os import time import datetime import requests from subprocess import check_output openweathermap_url = ",BE&appid=5ab3cf66921da480525dffd751748008&units=metric&lang=nl" # rotary encoder rotary_encoder = Rotary() # PIR sensor pir = PIR(14) # temperature sensor: name of the one-wire bus file sensor_filename = "/sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0317977998cd/w1_slave" # ledstrip (32 leds) ledstrip = Ledstrip(16) current_user = None # flask app = Flask(__name__) # app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'S4cr4tK4y'