Exemplo n.º 1
def calculateDistance( measurement1, measurement2 ):
    validUnitTypes = [
        [ 'length', 'time' ],
        [ 'velocity', 'time' ],
        [ 'acceleration', 'time' ],
        [ 'jerk', 'time' ],
        [ 'jounce', 'time' ]

    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ measurement1, measurement2 ], validUnitTypes )

    if not arguments:
        raise ValueError( '\'distance\' requires specific measurement types (see help)' )

    time = arguments[ 'time' ]

    if 'length' in arguments:
        distance = arguments[ 'length' ]
    elif 'acceleration' in arguments:
        # acceleration and time
        distance = getProduct( [ fdiv( 1, 2 ), arguments[ 'acceleration' ], time, time ] )
    elif 'jerk' in arguments:
        # jerk and time
        distance = calculateDistance( getProduct( [ fdiv( 1, 2 ), arguments[ 'jerk' ], time ] ), time )
    elif 'jounce' in arguments:
        # jounce and time
        distance = calculateDistance( getProduct( [ fdiv( 1, 2 ), arguments[ 'jounce' ], time ] ), time )
        # velocity and time
        distance = multiply( arguments[ 'velocity' ], time )

    return distance.convert( 'meter' )
Exemplo n.º 2
def calculateBlackHoleLifetimeOperator( measurement ):
    validUnitTypes = [
        [ 'mass' ],
        [ 'length' ],
        [ 'acceleration' ],
        [ 'area' ],
        [ 'temperature' ],
        [ 'power' ],
        [ 'tidal_force' ],
        [ 'time' ],

    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ measurement ], validUnitTypes )

    if not arguments:
        raise ValueError( 'black_hole_lifetime: invalid argument' )

    mass = calculateBlackHoleMass( measurement )

    lifetime = divide( getProduct( [ getPower( mass, 3 ), 5120, pi,
                                     getPower( getConstant( 'newton_constant' ), 2 ) ] ),
                       getProduct( [ getConstant( 'reduced_planck_constant' ),
                                     getPower( getConstant( 'speed_of_light' ), 4 ) ] ) )

    return lifetime.convert( 'seconds' )
Exemplo n.º 3
def calculateWindChillOperator( measurement1, measurement2 ):

    validUnitTypes = [
        [ 'velocity', 'temperature' ],

    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ measurement1, measurement2 ], validUnitTypes )

    if not arguments:
        raise ValueError( '\'wind_chill\' requires velocity and temperature measurements' )

    windSpeed = arguments[ 'velocity' ].convert( 'miles/hour' ).value
    temperature = arguments[ 'temperature' ].convert( 'degrees_F' ).value

    if windSpeed < 3:
        raise ValueError( '\'wind_chill\' is not defined for wind speeds less than 3 mph' )

    if temperature > 50:
        raise ValueError( '\'wind_chill\' is not defined for temperatures over 50 degrees fahrenheit' )

    result = fsum( [ 35.74, fmul( temperature, 0.6215 ), fneg( fmul( 35.75, power( windSpeed, 0.16 ) ) ),
                     fprod( [ 0.4275, temperature, power( windSpeed, 0.16 ) ] ) ] )

    # in case someone puts in a silly velocity
    if result < -459.67:
        result = -459.67

    return RPNMeasurement( result, 'degrees_F' ).convert( arguments[ 'temperature' ].units )
Exemplo n.º 4
def calculateBlackHoleTemperatureOperator( measurement ):
    validUnitTypes = [
        [ 'mass' ],
        [ 'length' ],
        [ 'acceleration' ],
        [ 'area' ],
        [ 'temperature' ],
        [ 'power' ],
        [ 'tidal_force' ],
        [ 'time' ],

    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ measurement ], validUnitTypes )

    if not arguments:
        raise ValueError( 'black_hole_temperature: invalid argument' )

    mass = calculateBlackHoleMass( measurement )

    temperature = divide( getProduct( [ getConstant( 'reduced_planck_constant' ),
                                        getPower( getConstant( 'speed_of_light' ), 3 ) ] ),
                          getProduct( [ mass, 8, getConstant( 'boltzmann_constant' ), pi,
                                        getConstant( 'newton_constant' ) ] ) )

    return temperature.convert( 'kelvin' )
Exemplo n.º 5
def getAntitransitTime( arg1, arg2, arg3 ):
    validUnitTypes = [ [ 'location', 'datetime', 'body' ] ]
    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ arg1, arg2, arg3 ], validUnitTypes )

    if not arguments:
        raise ValueError( 'unexpected arguments' )

    return arguments[ 'body' ].getAntitransitTime( arguments[ 'location' ], arguments[ 'datetime' ] )
Exemplo n.º 6
def getDistanceFromSunOperator( arg1, arg2 ):
    validUnitTypes = [ [ 'body', 'datetime' ] ]
    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ arg1, arg2 ], validUnitTypes )

    if not arguments:
        raise ValueError( 'unexpected arguments' )

    return RPNMeasurement( arguments[ 'body' ].getDistanceFromSun( arguments[ 'datetime' ] ), 'meters' )
Exemplo n.º 7
def calculateOrbitalVelocityOperator( measurement1, measurement2 ):
    To solve the velocity of a circular orbit, we need Newton's gravitational
    constant and two of the following three items:

    G = Newton's gravitational constant

    m = planetary mass (i.e., mass of the thing being orbited)
    r = orbit radius (the distance from the center of mass)
    T = orbital period

    ---- velocity in terms of mass and radius
    v = sqrt( G*m/r )

    ---- velocity in terms of radius and period
    v = 2*pi*r/T

    ---- velocity in terms of mass and period
    v = ( 2*pi*cbrt( T^2*G*m/4*pi^2 ) ) / T
    validUnitTypes = [
        [ 'mass', 'time' ],
        [ 'length', 'time' ],
        [ 'mass', 'length' ],

    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ measurement1, measurement2 ], validUnitTypes )

    if not arguments:
        raise ValueError( '\'orbital_velocity\' requires specific measurement types (see help)' )

    if 'mass' in arguments:
        mass = arguments[ 'mass' ]

        if 'length' in arguments:
            bRadius = True
            radius = arguments[ 'length' ]
            bRadius = False
            period = arguments[ 'time' ]
        # radius and period
        radius = arguments[ 'length' ]
        period = arguments[ 'time' ]
        velocity = divide( getProduct( [ 2, pi, radius ] ), period )
        return velocity.convert( 'meter/second' )

    if bRadius:
        # mass and radius
        velocity = getRoot( divide( multiply( getConstant( 'newton_constant' ), mass ), radius ), 2 )
        # mass and period
        term = divide( getProduct( [ period, period, getConstant( 'newton_constant' ), mass ] ),
                       getProduct( [ 4, pi, pi ] ) )

        velocity = divide( getProduct( [ 2, pi, getRoot( term, 3 ) ] ), period )

    return velocity.convert( 'meter/second' )
Exemplo n.º 8
def getPreviousAntitransit( arg1, arg2, arg3 ):
    validUnitTypes = [ [ 'location', 'datetime', 'body' ] ]
    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ arg1, arg2, arg3 ], validUnitTypes )

    if not arguments:
        raise ValueError( 'unexpected arguments' )

    result = arguments[ 'body' ].getPreviousAntitransit( arguments[ 'location' ], arguments[ 'datetime' ] )
    return result.getLocalTime( tz.gettz( getTimeZone( arguments[ 'location' ] ) ) )
Exemplo n.º 9
def getAngularSizeOperator( arg1, arg2, arg3 ):
    '''Returns the angular size of an astronomical object in radians.'''
    validUnitTypes = [ [ 'location', 'datetime', 'body' ] ]
    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ arg1, arg2, arg3 ], validUnitTypes )

    if not arguments:
        raise ValueError( 'unexpected arguments' )

    return arguments[ 'body' ].getAngularSize( arguments[ 'location' ], arguments[ 'datetime' ] )
Exemplo n.º 10
    def getPreviousAntitransit( self, arg1, arg2, horizon=None, useCenter=False, matchUSNO=False ):
        validUnitTypes = [ [ 'location', 'datetime' ] ]
        arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ arg1, arg2 ], validUnitTypes )

        if not arguments:
            raise ValueError( 'unexpected arguments' )

        return self.getAstronomicalEvent( arguments[ 'location' ], arguments[ 'datetime' ],
                                          ephem.Observer.previous_antitransit, horizon, useCenter, matchUSNO )
Exemplo n.º 11
def calculateOrbitalMassOperator( measurement1, measurement2 ):
    To solve for the planetary mass for an object in a circular orbit, we need
    Newton's gravitational constant and two of the following three items:

    G = Newton's gravitational constant

    T = orbital period
    v = orbital velocity
    r = orbit radius (the distance from the center of mass)

    ---- mass in terms of period and velocity
    m = v^3*T/2*pi*G

    ---- mass in terms of period and radius
    m = 4*pi^2*r3/G*T^2

    ---- mass in terms of velocity and radius
    m = v^2*r/G
    validUnitTypes = [
        [ 'time', 'length' ],
        [ 'velocity', 'length' ],
        [ 'time', 'velocity' ],

    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ measurement1, measurement2 ], validUnitTypes )

    if not arguments:
        raise ValueError( '\'orbital_mass\' requires specific measurement types (see help)' )

    if 'time' in arguments:
        period = arguments[ 'time' ]

        if 'length' in arguments:
            bRadius = True
            radius = arguments[ 'length' ]
            bRadius = False
            velocity = arguments[ 'velocity' ]
        # velocity and radius
        radius = arguments[ 'length' ]
        velocity = arguments[ 'velocity' ]
        mass = divide( getProduct( [ velocity, velocity, radius ] ), getConstant( 'newton_constant' ) )
        return mass.convert( 'kilogram' )

    if bRadius:
        # radius and period
        mass = divide( getProduct( [ 4, pi, pi, radius, radius, radius ] ),
                       getProduct( [ getConstant( 'newton_constant' ), period, period ] ) )
        # velocity and period
        mass = divide( getProduct( [ velocity, velocity, velocity, period ] ),
                       getProduct( [ 2, pi, getConstant( 'newton_constant' ) ] ) )

    return mass.convert( 'kilogram' )
Exemplo n.º 12
def calculateOrbitalPeriodOperator( measurement1, measurement2 ):
    To solve the period of a circular orbit, we need Newton's gravitational
    constant and two of the following three items:

    G = Newton's gravitational constant

    m = planetary mass (i.e., mass of the thing being orbited)
    r = orbit radius (the distance from the center of mass)
    v = orbital velocity

    ---- period in terms of radius and mass
    T = 2*pi*sqrt( r^3/G*m )

    ---- period in terms of radius and velocity
    T = 2*pi*r/v

    ---- period in terms of mass and velocity
    T = 2*pi*G*m/v^3
    validUnitTypes = [
        [ 'mass', 'length' ],
        [ 'velocity', 'length' ],
        [ 'mass', 'velocity' ],

    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ measurement1, measurement2 ], validUnitTypes )

    if not arguments:
        raise ValueError( '\'orbital_period\' requires specific measurement types (see help)' )

    if 'mass' in arguments:
        mass = arguments[ 'mass' ]

        if 'length' in arguments:
            bRadius = True
            radius = arguments[ 'length' ]
            bRadius = False
            velocity = arguments[ 'velocity' ]
        # radius and velocity
        radius = arguments[ 'length' ]
        velocity = arguments[ 'velocity' ]
        period = divide( getProduct( [ 2, pi, radius ] ), velocity )
        return period.convert( 'second' )

    if bRadius:
        # radius and mass
        term = divide( getPower( radius, 3 ), multiply( getConstant( 'newton_constant' ), mass ) )
        period = getProduct( [ 2, pi, getRoot( term, 2 ) ] )
        # velocity and mass
        period = divide( getProduct( [ 2, pi, getConstant( 'newton_constant' ), mass ] ),
                         getPower( velocity, 3 ) )

    return period.convert( 'second' )
Exemplo n.º 13
def calculateOrbitalRadiusOperator( measurement1, measurement2 ):
    To solve the radius of a circular orbit, we need Newton's gravitational
    constant and two of the following three items:

    G = Newton's gravitational constant

    m = planetary mass (i.e., mass of the thing being orbited)
    T = orbital period
    v = orbital velocity

    ---- radius in terms of period and mass
    r = cbrt( T^2*G*m/4*pi^2 )

    ---- radius in terms of velocity and mass
    r = G*m/v^2

    ---- radius in terms of velocity and period
    r = v*T/2*pi
    validUnitTypes = [
        [ 'mass', 'time' ],
        [ 'velocity', 'time' ],
        [ 'mass', 'velocity' ],

    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ measurement1, measurement2 ], validUnitTypes )

    if not arguments:
        raise ValueError( '\'orbital_radius\' requires specific measurement types (see help)' )

    if 'mass' in arguments:
        mass = arguments[ 'mass' ]

        if 'time' in arguments:
            bPeriod = True
            period = arguments[ 'time' ]
            bPeriod = False
            velocity = arguments[ 'velocity' ]
        # period and velocity
        period = arguments[ 'time' ]
        velocity = arguments[ 'velocity' ]
        radius = divide( multiply( velocity, period ), fmul( 2, pi ) )
        return radius.convert( 'meter' )

    if bPeriod:
        # period and mass
        term = divide( getProduct( [ getPower( period, 2 ), getConstant( 'newton_constant' ), mass ] ),
                       fmul( 4, power( pi, 2 ) ) )
        radius = getRoot( term, 3 )
        # velocity and mass
        radius = divide( multiply( getConstant( 'newton_constant' ), mass ), getPower( velocity, 2 ) )

    return radius.convert( 'meter' )
Exemplo n.º 14
def getAngularSeparationOperator( body1, body2, arg3, arg4 ):
    '''Returns the angular separation of two astronomical objects in radians.'''
    validUnitTypes = [ [ 'location', 'datetime' ] ]
    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ arg3, arg4 ], validUnitTypes )

    if not isinstance( body1, RPNAstronomicalObject ) or not isinstance( body2, RPNAstronomicalObject ) or \
       not arguments:
        raise ValueError( 'expected two astronomical objects, a location and a date-time' )

    return body1.getAngularSeparation( body2, arguments[ 'location' ], arguments[ 'datetime' ] )
Exemplo n.º 15
def getNextDusk( arg1, arg2, horizon = -6 ):
    validUnitTypes = [ [ 'location', 'datetime' ] ]
    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ arg1, arg2 ], validUnitTypes )

    if not arguments:
        raise ValueError( 'unexpected arguments' )

    result = RPNAstronomicalObject( ephem.Sun( ) ).getNextSetting( arguments[ 'location' ],
                                                                   arguments[ 'datetime' ], horizon=horizon )
    return result.getLocalTime( tz.gettz( getTimeZone( arguments[ 'location' ] ) ) )
Exemplo n.º 16
def getPreviousSetting( arg1, arg2, arg3 ):
    '''Returns the previous setting time for an astronomical object.'''
    validUnitTypes = [ [ 'location', 'datetime', 'body' ] ]
    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ arg1, arg2, arg3 ], validUnitTypes )

    if not arguments:
        raise ValueError( 'unexpected arguments' )

    result = arguments[ 'body' ].getPreviousSetting( arguments[ 'location' ], arguments[ 'datetime' ] )
    return result.getLocalTime( tz.gettz( getTimeZone( arguments[ 'location' ] ) ) )
Exemplo n.º 17
def getSkyLocationOperator( arg1, arg2, arg3 ):
    '''Returns the location of an astronomical object in the sky in terms of azimuth and altitude.'''
    validUnitTypes = [ [ 'location', 'datetime', 'body' ] ]
    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ arg1, arg2, arg3 ], validUnitTypes )

    if not arguments:
        raise ValueError( 'unexpected arguments' )

    altitude, azimuth = arguments[ 'body' ].getAltitudeAndAzimuth( arguments[ 'location' ], arguments[ 'datetime' ] )

    return [ altitude.convert( 'degree' ), azimuth.convert( 'degree' ) ]
Exemplo n.º 18
    def getAntitransitTime( self, arg1, arg2, horizon=None, useCenter=False, matchUSNO=False ):
        validUnitTypes = [ [ 'location', 'datetime' ] ]
        arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ arg1, arg2 ], validUnitTypes )

        if not arguments:
            raise ValueError( 'unexpected arguments' )

        result1 = self.getAstronomicalEvent( arguments[ 'location' ], arguments[ 'datetime' ],
                                             ephem.Observer.next_setting, horizon, useCenter, matchUSNO )
        result2 = self.getAstronomicalEvent( arguments[ 'location' ], result1,
                                             ephem.Observer.next_rising, horizon, useCenter, matchUSNO )

        return subtract( result2, result1 )
Exemplo n.º 19
def calculateKineticEnergyOperator( measurement1, measurement2 ):
    validUnitTypes = [
        [ 'velocity', 'mass' ],

    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ measurement1, measurement2 ], validUnitTypes )

    if not arguments:
        raise ValueError( '\'kinetic_energy\' requires velocity and mass measurements' )

    mass = arguments[ 'mass' ]
    velocity = arguments[ 'velocity' ]
    energy = getProduct( [ fdiv( 1, 2 ), mass, velocity, velocity ] )
    return energy.convert( 'joule' )
Exemplo n.º 20
def calculateHeatIndexOperator( measurement1, measurement2 ):
    # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    validUnitTypes = [
        [ 'temperature', 'constant' ],

    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ measurement1, measurement2 ], validUnitTypes )

    if not arguments:
        raise ValueError( '\'heat_index\' requires a temperature measurement and the relative humidity in percent' )

    T = arguments[ 'temperature' ].convert( 'degrees_F' ).value
    R = arguments[ 'constant' ]

    if T < 80:
        raise ValueError( '\'heat_index\' is not defined for temperatures less than 80 degrees fahrenheit' )

    if R < 0.4 or R > 1.0:
        raise ValueError( '\'heat_index\' requires a relative humidity value ranging from 40% to 100%' )

    R = fmul( R, 100 )

    c1 = -42.379
    c2 = 2.04901523
    c3 = 10.14333127
    c4 = -0.22475541
    c5 = -6.83783e-3
    c6 = -5.481717e-2
    c7 = 1.22874e-3
    c8 = 8.5282e-4
    c9 = -1.99e-6

    heatIndex = fsum( [ c1, fmul( c2, T ), fmul( c3, R ), fprod( [ c4, T, R ] ), fprod( [ c5, T, T ] ),
                        fprod( [ c6, R, R ] ), fprod( [ c7, T, T, R ] ), fprod( [ c8, T, R, R ] ),
                        fprod( [ c9, T, T, R, R ] ) ] )

    return RPNMeasurement( heatIndex, 'fahrenheit' ).convert( arguments[ 'temperature' ].units )
Exemplo n.º 21
def calculateVelocityOperator( measurement1, measurement2 ):
    validUnitTypes = [
        [ 'length', 'time' ],
        [ 'acceleration', 'length' ],
        [ 'jerk', 'length' ],
        [ 'jounce', 'length' ],
        [ 'velocity', 'time' ],
        [ 'velocity', 'length' ],
        [ 'acceleration', 'time' ],
        [ 'jerk', 'time' ],
        [ 'jounce', 'time' ],

    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ measurement1, measurement2 ], validUnitTypes )

    if 'velocity' in arguments:
        velocity = arguments[ 'velocity' ]
    elif 'length' in arguments:
        if 'time' in arguments:
            velocity = divide( arguments[ 'length' ], arguments[ 'time' ] )
        elif 'acceleration' in arguments:
            acceleration = arguments[ 'acceleration' ]
            time = getRoot( multiply( divide( arguments[ 'length' ], acceleration ), 2 ), 2 )
            velocity = multiply( acceleration, time )
        elif 'jerk' in arguments:
            jerk = arguments[ 'jerk' ]
            time = getRoot( multiply( divide( arguments[ 'length' ], jerk ), 6 ), 3 )
            velocity = getProduct( [ jerk, time, time, fdiv( 1, 2 ) ] )
        elif 'jounce' in arguments:
            jounce = arguments[ 'jounce' ]
            time = getRoot( multiply( divide( arguments[ 'length' ], jounce ), 24 ), 4 )
            velocity = getProduct( [ jounce, time, time, time, fdiv( 1, 6 ) ] )
    elif 'acceleration' in arguments:
        velocity = divide( multiply( arguments[ 'acceleration' ], arguments[ 'time' ] ), 2 )
    elif 'jerk' in arguments:
        velocity = divide( multiply( arguments[ 'jerk' ], getPower( arguments[ 'time' ], 2 ) ), 4 )
    elif 'jounce' in arguments:
        velocity = divide( multiply( arguments[ 'jounce' ], getPower( arguments[ 'time' ], 3 ) ), 8 )

    return velocity.convert( 'meter/second' )
Exemplo n.º 22
def calculateBlackHoleSurfaceGravityOperator( measurement ):
    validUnitTypes = [
        [ 'mass' ],
        [ 'length' ],
        [ 'acceleration' ],
        [ 'area' ],
        [ 'temperature' ],
        [ 'power' ],
        [ 'tidal_force' ],
        [ 'time' ],

    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ measurement ], validUnitTypes )

    if not arguments:
        raise ValueError( 'black_hole_surface_gravity: invalid argument' )

    mass = calculateBlackHoleMass( measurement )

    gravity = divide( getPower( getConstant( 'speed_of_light' ), 4 ),
                      getProduct( [ mass, 4, getConstant( 'newton_constant' ) ] ) )
    return gravity.convert( 'meter/second^2' )
Exemplo n.º 23
def calculateAccelerationOperator( measurement1, measurement2 ):
    validUnitTypes = [
        [ 'velocity', 'length' ],
        [ 'velocity', 'time' ],
        [ 'length', 'time' ],
        [ 'acceleration', 'time' ],
        [ 'acceleration', 'length' ],

    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ measurement1, measurement2 ], validUnitTypes )

    if 'acceleration' in arguments:
        acceleration = arguments[ 'acceleration' ]
    elif 'velocity' in arguments:
        if 'length' in arguments:
            acceleration = divide( getPower( arguments[ 'velocity' ], 2 ), multiply( arguments[ 'length' ], 2 ) )
            acceleration = divide( arguments[ 'velocity' ], arguments[ 'time' ] )
    elif 'length' in arguments and 'time' in arguments:
        acceleration = multiply( 2, divide( arguments[ 'length' ], getPower( arguments[ 'time' ], 2 ) ) )

    return acceleration.convert( 'meter/second^2' )
Exemplo n.º 24
def calculateBlackHoleRadiusOperator( measurement ):
    validUnitTypes = [
        [ 'mass' ],
        [ 'length' ],
        [ 'acceleration' ],
        [ 'area' ],
        [ 'temperature' ],
        [ 'power' ],
        [ 'tidal_force' ],
        [ 'time' ],

    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ measurement ], validUnitTypes )

    if not arguments:
        raise ValueError( 'black_hole_radius: invalid argument' )

    mass = calculateBlackHoleMass( measurement )

    radius = getProduct( [ 2, getConstant( 'newton_constant' ), mass ] ). \
             divide( getPower( getConstant( 'speed_of_light' ), 2 ) )
    return radius.convert( 'meter' )
Exemplo n.º 25
def calculateSurfaceGravityOperator( measurement1, measurement2 ):
    validUnitTypes = [
        [ 'mass', 'density' ],
        [ 'mass', 'length' ],
        [ 'mass', 'volume' ],
        [ 'density', 'length' ],
        [ 'density', 'volume' ],

    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ measurement1, measurement2 ], validUnitTypes )

    if not arguments:
        raise ValueError( '\'surface_gravity\' requires length and mass measurements' )

    if 'mass' in arguments:
        mass = arguments[ 'mass' ]

        if 'length' in arguments:
            length = arguments[ 'length' ]
        elif 'density' in arguments:
            volume = divide( mass, arguments[ 'density' ] )
            length = getKSphereRadius( volume, 3 )
            length = getKSphereRadius( arguments[ 'volume' ], 3 )
    elif 'volume' in arguments:
        # density, volume
        volume = arguments[ 'volume' ]
        mass = multiply( arguments[ 'density' ], volume )
        length = getKSphereRadius( volume, 3 )
        # density, length
        length = arguments[ 'length' ]
        volume = getPower( length, 3 )
        mass = multiply( arguments[ 'density' ], volume )

    gravity = multiply( divide( mass, getPower( length, 2 ) ), getConstant( 'newton_constant' ) )
    return gravity.convert( 'meters/seconds^2' )
Exemplo n.º 26
def getEclipseTotalityOperator( body1, body2, arg1, arg2 ):
    '''Returns the angular size of an astronomical object in radians.'''
    validUnitTypes = [ [ 'location', 'datetime' ] ]
    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ arg1, arg2 ], validUnitTypes )

    if not isinstance( body1, RPNAstronomicalObject ) or not isinstance( body2, RPNAstronomicalObject ) or \
       not arguments:
        raise ValueError( 'expected two astronomical objects, a location and a date-time' )

    separation = body1.getAngularSeparation( body2, arguments[ 'location' ], arguments[ 'datetime' ] ).value

    radius1 = body1.getAngularSize( ).value
    radius2 = body2.getAngularSize( ).value

    if separation > fadd( radius1, radius2 ):
        return 0

    distance1 = body1.getDistanceFromEarth( arguments[ 'datetime' ] )
    distance2 = body2.getDistanceFromEarth( arguments[ 'datetime' ] )

    area1 = fmul( pi, power( radius1, 2 ) )
    area2 = fmul( pi, power( radius2, 2 ) )

    # pylint: disable=arguments-out-of-order
    areaOfIntersection = fadd( getCircleIntersectionTerm( radius1, radius2, separation ),
                               getCircleIntersectionTerm( radius2, radius1, separation ) )

    if distance1 > distance2:
        result = fdiv( areaOfIntersection, area1 )
        result = fdiv( areaOfIntersection, area2 )

    if result > 1:
        return 1
        return result
Exemplo n.º 27
def calculateBlackHoleEntropyOperator( measurement ):
    validUnitTypes = [
        [ 'mass' ],
        [ 'length' ],
        [ 'acceleration' ],
        [ 'area' ],
        [ 'temperature' ],
        [ 'power' ],
        [ 'tidal_force' ],
        [ 'time' ],

    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ measurement ], validUnitTypes )

    if not arguments:
        raise ValueError( 'black_hole_entropy: invalid argument' )

    mass = calculateBlackHoleMass( measurement )

    entropy = divide( getProduct( [ getPower( mass, 2 ), 4, pi, getConstant( 'newton_constant' ) ] ),
                      getProduct( [ getConstant( 'reduced_planck_constant' ),
                                    getConstant( 'speed_of_light' ), ln( 10.0 ) ] ) )

    return getConstant( 'boltzmann_constant' ).multiply( entropy ).convert( 'bit' )
Exemplo n.º 28
def calculateBlackHoleMass( measurement ):
    # pylint: disable=line-too-long
    validUnitTypes = [
        [ 'mass' ],
        [ 'length' ],
        [ 'acceleration' ],
        [ 'area' ],
        [ 'temperature' ],
        [ 'power' ],
        [ 'tidal_force' ],
        [ 'time' ],

    arguments = matchUnitTypes( [ measurement ], validUnitTypes )

    if not arguments:
        raise ValueError( 'black_hole_mass: invalid argument' )

    if 'mass' in arguments:
        return arguments[ 'mass' ].convert( 'kilogram' )

    if 'length' in arguments:
        radius = arguments[ 'length' ]

        return divide( getProduct( [ getPower( getConstant( 'speed_of_light' ), 2 ), radius ] ),
                       getProduct( [ 2, getConstant( 'newton_constant' ) ] ) ).convert( 'kilogram' )

    if 'acceleration' in arguments:
        gravity = arguments[ 'acceleration' ]

        return divide( getPower( getConstant( 'speed_of_light' ), 4 ),
                       getProduct( [ 4, getConstant( 'newton_constant' ), gravity ] ) ).convert( 'kilogram' )

    if 'area' in arguments:
        area = arguments[ 'area' ].convert( 'meters^2' )

        return getRoot( divide( getProduct( [ getPower( getConstant( 'speed_of_light' ), 4 ), area ] ),
                                getProduct( [ 16, pi, getPower( getConstant( 'newton_constant' ), 2 ) ] ) ), 2 ).convert( 'kilogram' )

    if 'temperature' in arguments:
        temperature = arguments[ 'temperature' ]

        return divide( getProduct( [ getConstant( 'reduced_planck_constant' ), getPower( getConstant( 'speed_of_light' ), 3 ) ] ),
                       getProduct( [ temperature, 8, getConstant( 'boltzmann_constant' ), pi, getConstant( 'newton_constant' ) ] ) ).convert( 'kilogram' )

    if 'power' in arguments:
        luminosity = arguments[ 'power' ]

        return getRoot( divide( getProduct( [ getConstant( 'reduced_planck_constant' ), getPower( getConstant( 'speed_of_light' ), 6 ) ] ),
                                getProduct( [ luminosity.convert( 'kilogram*meter^2/second^3' ), 15360, pi,
                                              getPower( getConstant( 'newton_constant' ), 2 ) ] ) ), 2  ).convert( 'kilogram' )

    if 'tidal_force' in arguments:
        tidalForce = arguments[ 'tidal_force' ]

        return getRoot( divide( getPower( getConstant( 'speed_of_light' ), 6 ),
                                getProduct( [ 4, tidalForce, getPower( getConstant( 'newton_constant' ), 2 ) ] ) ), 2 ).convert( 'kilogram' )

    if 'time' in arguments:
        lifetime = arguments[ 'time' ]

        return getRoot( divide( getProduct( [ lifetime, getConstant( 'reduced_planck_constant' ), getPower( getConstant( 'speed_of_light' ), 4 ) ] ),
                                getProduct( [ 5120, pi, getPower( getConstant( 'newton_constant' ), 2 ) ] ) ), 3 ).convert( 'kilogram' )

    raise ValueError( 'invalid arguments to black hole operator' )