Exemplo n.º 1
    def getReduced( self ):
        debugPrint( 'getReduced 1:', self, [ ( i, self.units[ i ] ) for i in self.units ] )
        if not g.unitConversionMatrix:
            loadUnitConversionMatrix( )

        value = self.value
        units = RPNUnits( )

        debugPrint( 'value', value )

        for unit in self.units:
            newUnit = g.basicUnitTypes[ getUnitType( unit ) ].baseUnit
            debugPrint( 'unit', unit, 'newUnit', newUnit )

            if unit != newUnit:
                value = fmul( value, power( mpf( g.unitConversionMatrix[ ( unit, newUnit ) ] ), self.units[ unit ] ) )

            units.update( RPNUnits( g.unitOperators[ newUnit ].representation + "^" + str( self.units[ unit ] ) ) )
            debugPrint( 'value', value )

        reduced = RPNMeasurement( value, units )
        debugPrint( 'getReduced 2:', reduced )
        return reduced
Exemplo n.º 2
def combineUnits( units1, units2 ):
    if not g.unitConversionMatrix:
        loadUnitConversionMatrix( )

    newUnits = RPNUnits( units1 )

    factor = mpmathify( 1 )

    for unit2 in units2:
        if unit2 in newUnits:
            newUnits[ unit2 ] += units2[ unit2 ]
            for unit1 in units1:
                if unit1 == unit2:
                    newUnits[ unit2 ] += units2[ unit2 ]
                elif getUnitType( unit1 ) == getUnitType( unit2 ):
                    factor = fdiv( factor, pow( mpmathify( g.unitConversionMatrix[ ( unit1, unit2 ) ] ), units2[ unit2 ] ) )
                    newUnits[ unit1 ] += units2[ unit2 ]
                newUnits[ unit2 ] = units2[ unit2 ]

    return factor, newUnits
Exemplo n.º 3
    def convertValue( self, other, tryReverse=True ):
        if self.isEquivalent( other ):
            return self.getValue( )

        if self.isCompatible( other ):
            conversions = [ ]

            if isinstance( other, list ):
                result = [ ]
                source = self

                for count, measurement in enumerate( other ):
                    with extradps( 1 ):
                        conversion = source.convertValue( measurement )

                    if count < len( other ) - 1:
                        result.append( RPNMeasurement( floor( conversion ), measurement.getUnits( ) ) )
                        source = RPNMeasurement( chop( frac( conversion ) ), measurement.getUnits( ) )
                        result.append( RPNMeasurement( conversion, measurement.getUnits( ) ) )

                return result

            units1 = self.getUnits( )
            units2 = other.getUnits( )

            unit1String = units1.getUnitString( )
            unit2String = units2.getUnitString( )

            debugPrint( 'unit1String: ', unit1String )
            debugPrint( 'unit2String: ', unit2String )

            if unit1String == unit2String:
                return fmul( self.getValue( ), other.getValue( ) )

            if unit1String in g.operatorAliases:
                unit1String = g.operatorAliases[ unit1String ]

            if unit2String in g.operatorAliases:
                unit2String = g.operatorAliases[ unit2String ]

            exponents = { }

            if not g.unitConversionMatrix:
                loadUnitConversionMatrix( )

            # look for a straight-up conversion
            unit1NoStar = unit1String.replace( '*', '-' )
            unit2NoStar = unit2String.replace( '*', '-' )

            debugPrint( 'unit1NoStar: ', unit1NoStar )
            debugPrint( 'unit2NoStar: ', unit2NoStar )

            if ( unit1NoStar, unit2NoStar ) in g.unitConversionMatrix:
                value = fmul( self.value, mpmathify( g.unitConversionMatrix[ ( unit1NoStar, unit2NoStar ) ] ) )
            elif ( unit1NoStar, unit2NoStar ) in specialUnitConversionMatrix:
                value = specialUnitConversionMatrix[ ( unit1NoStar, unit2NoStar ) ]( self.value )
                # otherwise, we need to figure out how to do the conversion
                conversionValue = mpmathify( 1 )

                # if that isn't found, then we need to do the hard work and break the units down
                newUnits1 = RPNUnits( )

                for unit in units1:
                    newUnits1.update( RPNUnits( g.unitOperators[ unit ].representation + "^" +
                                                str( units1[ unit ] ) ) )

                newUnits2 = RPNUnits( )

                for unit in units2:
                    newUnits2.update( RPNUnits( g.unitOperators[ unit ].representation + "^" +
                                                str( units2[ unit ] ) ) )

                debugPrint( 'units1:', units1 )
                debugPrint( 'units2:', units2 )
                debugPrint( 'newUnits1:', newUnits1 )
                debugPrint( 'newUnits2:', newUnits2 )

                debugPrint( )
                debugPrint( 'iterating through units:' )

                for unit1 in newUnits1:
                    foundConversion = False

                    for unit2 in newUnits2:
                        debugPrint( 'units 1:', unit1, newUnits1[ unit1 ], getUnitType( unit1 ) )
                        debugPrint( 'units 2:', unit2, newUnits2[ unit2 ], getUnitType( unit2 ) )

                        if getUnitType( unit1 ) == getUnitType( unit2 ):
                            conversions.append( [ unit1, unit2 ] )
                            exponents[ ( unit1, unit2 ) ] = units1[ unit1 ]
                            foundConversion = True

                    if not foundConversion:
                        debugPrint( 'didn\'t find a conversion, try reducing' )
                        reduced = self.getReduced( )

                        debugPrint( 'reduced:', self.units, 'becomes', reduced.units )

                        reducedOther = other.getReduced( )

                        debugPrint( 'reduced other:', other.units, 'becomes', reducedOther.units )

                        # check to see if reducing did anything and bail if it didn't... bail out
                        if ( reduced.units == self.units ) and ( reducedOther.units == other.units ):

                        reduced = reduced.convertValue( reducedOther )
                        return RPNMeasurement( fdiv( reduced, reducedOther.value ), reducedOther.getUnits( ) ).getValue( )

                debugPrint( )

                value = conversionValue

                if not foundConversion:
                    # This is a cheat.  The conversion logic has flaws, but if it's possible to do the
                    # conversion in the opposite direction, then we can do that and return the reciprocal.
                    # This allows more conversions without fixing the underlying problems, which will
                    # require some redesign.
                    if tryReverse:
                        return fdiv( 1, other.convertValue( self, False ) )
                        raise ValueError( 'unable to convert ' + self.getUnitString( ) +
                                          ' to ' + other.getUnitString( ) )

                for conversion in conversions:
                    if conversion[ 0 ] == conversion[ 1 ]:
                        continue  # no conversion needed

                    debugPrint( 'unit conversion:', g.unitConversionMatrix[ tuple( conversion ) ] )
                    debugPrint( 'exponents', exponents )

                    conversionValue = mpmathify( g.unitConversionMatrix[ tuple( conversion ) ] )
                    conversionValue = power( conversionValue, exponents[ tuple( conversion ) ] )
                    debugPrint( 'conversion: ', conversion, conversionValue )

                    value = fmul( value, conversionValue )

                value = fmul( self.value, value )

            return value
            if isinstance( other, list ):
                otherUnit = '[ ' + ', '.join( [ unit.getUnitString( ) for unit in other ] ) + ' ]'
                otherUnit = other.getUnitString( )

            raise ValueError( 'incompatible units cannot be converted: ' + self.getUnitString( ) +
                              ' and ' + otherUnit )