r = robotarium.Robotarium(number_of_agents=N,
si_barrier_cert = create_single_integrator_barrier_certificate(N)

for k in range(iterations):

    # Get the poses of the robots
    x = r.get_poses()

    # Initialize a velocity vector
    dxi = np.zeros((2, N))

    for i in range(N):
        for j in graph.topological_neighbors(L, i):
            # Perform a weighted consensus to make the rectangular shape
            error = x[:2, j] - x[:2, i]
            dxi[:, i] += formation_control_gain * (np.power(
                np.linalg.norm(error), 2) - np.power(weights[i, j], 2)) * error

    # Make sure that the robots don't collide
    dxi = si_barrier_cert(dxi, x[:2, :])

    # Transform the single-integrator dynamcis to unicycle dynamics
    dxu = transformations.single_integrator_to_unicycle2(dxi, x)

    # Set the velocities of the robots
    r.set_velocities(np.arange(N), dxu)
    # Iterate the simulation
Exemplo n.º 2
# Create a single-integrator barrier certificate to avoid collisions.
si_barrier_cert = create_single_integrator_barrier_certificate(N)

for k in range(1000):

    # Get the poses of the robots and convert to single-integrator poses
    x = r.get_poses()
    x_si = uni_to_si_states(x)

    # Initialize the single-integrator control inputs
    si_velocities = np.zeros((2, N))

    # For each robot...
    for i in range(N):
        # Get the neighbors of robot 'i' (encoded in the graph Laplacian)
        j = graph.topological_neighbors(L, i)
        # Compute the consensus algorithm
        si_velocities[:, i] = np.sum(x_si[:, j] - x_si[:, i, None], 1)

    # Use the barrier certificate to avoid collisions
    si_velocities = si_barrier_cert(si_velocities, x_si)

    # Set the velocities of agents 1,...,N
    r.set_velocities(np.arange(N), si_to_uni_dyn(si_velocities, x))
    # Iterate the simulation

# Always call this function at the end of your script!!!!