Exemplo n.º 1
def get_info(date):
    todayhyphen = rpu_rp.todaysdatehypens(date)
    ##    Mod_Mod_Mod_Mod_RP_Snapshot.snapshot_sym(sym,date,['5mins']) ## need this to create good both bars ##
    btime = '15:30:0'
    Mod_RP_Snapshot.show_one_bar('ES', '1min', btime, date)
    regionlist = ['USA', 'EUROPE', 'ASIA']
    for r in regionlist:
        for tag in tag_list:
            ctag = r + tag
            startbartime = tagsstartdict[ctag]
            endbartime = tagsenddict[ctag]
            ##            print r,tag,ctag,startbartime,endbartime
            rangehilos = BarUtiles.show_hi_lo_bar_range(
                sym, '5mins', startbartime, endbartime, date)
            LOW = rangehilos[0]
            HIGH = rangehilos[1]
            HIGHTIME = rangehilos[3].replace(bla, '')
            LOWTIME = rangehilos[2].replace(bla, '')
            CLOSE = rangehilos[4]
            OPEN = rangehilos[6]  ## closetime is in 5
            print('%8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s' %
                  (r, tag, LOW, HIGH, CLOSE, LOWTIME, HIGHTIME, startbartime,
                   endbartime, OPEN))
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_info(date):
    print 'DAILY PIVOT = 2000.2   |  WEEKLY = 2046.6'
    todayhyphen = rpu_rp.todaysdatehypens(date)
##    RP_Snapshot.snapshot_sym(sym,date,['5mins']) ## need this to create good both bars ## 
    btime = '15:30:0'
    regionlist = ['USA','EUROPE','ASIA']
    for r in regionlist:
        finfostring = '%9s %9s %9s %9s %9s %9s %9s %9s %9s %9s'
        aheader = ['r','tag','LOW','HIGH','CLOSE','LOWTIME','HIGHTIME','startbt','endb','OPEN']
##        print ', '.join(aheader)
        print (finfostring % ('r','tag','LOW','HIGH','CLOSE','LOWTIME','HIGHTIME','startbt','endb','OPEN'))
##        print (finfostring % (str(aheader).strip('[]')))
##        ', '.join(mylist)        
        for tag in tag_list:
            ctag = r+tag
            startbartime = tagsstartdict[ctag]
            endbartime = tagsenddict[ctag]
##            print r,tag,ctag,startbartime,endbartime #test
            rangehilos = BarUtiles.show_hi_lo_bar_range(sym,'5mins',startbartime,endbartime,date)
            print rangehilos
            LOW = rangehilos[0]
            HIGH = rangehilos[1]
            HIGHTIME = (rangehilos[3].replace(bla,'')).replace(' ','')
            LOWTIME = (rangehilos[2].replace(bla,'')).replace(' ','')
            CLOSE = rangehilos[4]
            OPEN = rangehilos[6] ## closetime is in 5
            CLOSETIME = rangehilos[5] ## closetime is in 5
            print(finfostring % (r,tag,LOW,HIGH,CLOSE,LOWTIME,HIGHTIME,startbartime,endbartime,OPEN))
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_info(date):
    todayhyphen = rpu_rp.todaysdatehypens(date)
##    RP_Snapshot.snapshot_sym(sym,date,['5mins']) ## need this to create good both bars ##
##    btime = '15:30:0'
##    RP_Snapshot.show_one_bar('ES','1min',btime,date)
    pmLines = RP_Snapshot.show_bar_range(sym,'5mins','21:20:00','22:05:00',date)
    for line in pmLines:
        print line
Exemplo n.º 4
def show_one_bar(sym, dur, bartime, date):
    stem = '.' + dur + '.both.csv'
    datehyphen = rpu_rp.todaysdatehypens(date)
    if dur == 'RTicks':
        stem = '.RTticks.csv'
    barfile = DataDown + date + '.' + sym + stem
    bars = rpu_rp.CsvToLines(barfile)
    lines = rpu_rp.grep_array_to_array(bars, datehyphen + bartime)
    l = []
    ##    for l in lines:
    ##        print l
    return l
Exemplo n.º 5
def show_one_bar(sym,dur,bartime,date):
    stem = '.'+dur +'.both.csv'
    datehyphen = rpu_rp.todaysdatehypens(date)
    if dur == 'RTicks':
        stem = '.RTticks.csv'
    barfile =  DataDown + date + '.' + sym + stem
    bars = rpu_rp.CsvToLines(barfile)
    lines = rpu_rp.grep_array_to_array(bars,datehyphen +bartime)
##    for l in lines:
##        print l
    return l
def show_bar_range(sym,dur,startbartime,endbartime,date):
    datehyphen = rpu_rp.todaysdatehypens(date)
    startbartime = TicksUtile.time_to_epoch(datehyphen + startbartime)
    endbartime = TicksUtile.time_to_epoch(datehyphen + endbartime)
    stem = '.'+dur +'.both.csv'
    if dur == 'RTicks':
        stem = '.RTticks.csv'
    barfile =  DataDown + date + '.' + sym + stem
    bars = rpu_rp.CsvToLines(barfile)
    newbars =[]
    for bar in bars:
        if len(bar) > 2:
##            print bar,'is bar'
            curbartime = TicksUtile.time_to_epoch(bar[1])
            if curbartime > startbartime and curbartime < endbartime:
##    for b in newbars:
##        print b
    return newbars
def show_bar_range(sym, dur, startbartime, endbartime, date):
    datehyphen = rpu_rp.todaysdatehypens(date)
    startbartime = TicksUtile.time_to_epoch(datehyphen + startbartime)
    endbartime = TicksUtile.time_to_epoch(datehyphen + endbartime)
    stem = '.' + dur + '.both.csv'
    if dur == 'RTicks':
        stem = '.RTticks.csv'
    barfile = DataDown + date + '.' + sym + stem
    bars = rpu_rp.CsvToLines(barfile)
    newbars = []
    for bar in bars:
        if len(bar) > 2:
            ##            print bar,'is bar'
            curbartime = TicksUtile.time_to_epoch(bar[1])
            if curbartime > startbartime and curbartime < endbartime:
##    for b in newbars:
##        print b
    return newbars
Exemplo n.º 8
def get_info(date):
    todayhyphen = rpu_rp.todaysdatehypens(date)
##    Mod_Mod_Mod_Mod_RP_Snapshot.snapshot_sym(sym,date,['5mins']) ## need this to create good both bars ## 
    btime = '15:30:0'
    regionlist = ['USA','EUROPE','ASIA']
    for r in regionlist:
        for tag in tag_list:
            ctag = r+tag
            startbartime = tagsstartdict[ctag]
            endbartime = tagsenddict[ctag]
##            print r,tag,ctag,startbartime,endbartime
            rangehilos = BarUtiles.show_hi_lo_bar_range(sym,'5mins',startbartime,endbartime,date)
            LOW = rangehilos[0]
            HIGH = rangehilos[1]
            HIGHTIME = rangehilos[3].replace(bla,'')
            LOWTIME = rangehilos[2].replace(bla,'')
            CLOSE = rangehilos[4]
            OPEN = rangehilos[6] ## closetime is in 5
            print('%8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s' % (r,tag,LOW,HIGH,CLOSE,LOWTIME,HIGHTIME,startbartime,endbartime,OPEN))
Exemplo n.º 9
    locals()[var] = nd[var]
from time import sleep
import  rpu_rp, rpInd, TicksUtile

import ctypes 
symbol_list = symdict.keys()
##symbol_list =['ES','EUR.USD']
barlistall = bardict.keys()  ##
barlist =[]
barlist = ['1 Week']
date =  rpu_rp.todaysdateunix()
date = '20150905'
datehyphen = rpu_rp.todaysdatehypens(date)
import RP_Snapshot
sym = 'SPX'
basisdur = '1day'
indlist = ['mcross','pivot','R','R2','S','S2']
threshold = 0.0

def fibbo_50retrace(low,high,sym,perc) :  # could also use a time range for a range of bars / add this to states per duration
    retraceval = (high-low)/(100/perc)
Exemplo n.º 10
    locals()[var] = nd[var]
from time import sleep
import rpu_rp, rpInd, TicksUtile

import ctypes
symbol_list = symdict.keys()
##symbol_list =['ES','EUR.USD']
barlistall = bardict.keys()  ##
barlist = []
barlist = ['1 Week']
date = rpu_rp.todaysdateunix()
date = '20150905'
datehyphen = rpu_rp.todaysdatehypens(date)
import RP_Snapshot
sym = 'SPX'
basisdur = '1day'
TicksUtile.assemble_dur_bars(date, sym, '1day', 'initialize', '5secs')
TicksUtile.assemble_bars_1min_basis(date, sym, '1Week', 'bartobar', basisdur)
indlist = ['mcross', 'pivot', 'R', 'R2', 'S', 'S2']
threshold = 0.0
rpInd.create_states_files(sym, '1Week', date, threshold, indlist)
rpInd.create_states_files(sym, '1day', date, threshold, indlist)
def fibbo_50retrace(low,high,sym,perc) :  # could also use a time range for a range of bars / add this to states per duration
    retraceval = (high-low)/(100/perc)
    return retraceval