Exemplo n.º 1
def test_call_release_gil():
    from rpython.jit.backend.llgraph.runner import LLGraphCPU

    T = rffi.CArrayPtr(rffi.TIME_T)
    external = rffi.llexternal("time", [T],

    # no jit.dont_look_inside in this test
    def f():
        return external(lltype.nullptr(T.TO))

    rtyper = support.annotate(f, [])
    jitdriver_sd = FakeJitDriverSD(rtyper.annotator.translator.graphs[0])
    cc = CallControl(LLGraphCPU(rtyper), jitdrivers_sd=[jitdriver_sd])
    res = cc.find_all_graphs(FakePolicy())

    [llext_graph] = [x for x in res if x.func is external]
    [block, _] = list(llext_graph.iterblocks())
    [op] = block.operations
    tgt_tuple = op.args[0].value._obj.graph.func._call_aroundstate_target_
    assert type(tgt_tuple) is tuple and len(tgt_tuple) == 2
    call_target, saveerr = tgt_tuple
    assert saveerr == rffi.RFFI_SAVE_ERRNO
    call_target = llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(call_target)
    call_descr = cc.getcalldescr(op)
    assert call_descr.extrainfo.has_random_effects()
    assert call_descr.extrainfo.is_call_release_gil() is True
    assert call_descr.extrainfo.call_release_gil_target == (
        call_target, rffi.RFFI_SAVE_ERRNO)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_random_effects_on_stacklet_switch():
    from rpython.jit.backend.llgraph.runner import LLGraphCPU
    from rpython.translator.platform import CompilationError
        from rpython.rlib._rffi_stacklet import switch, handle
    except CompilationError as e:
        if "Unsupported platform!" in e.out:
            py.test.skip("Unsupported platform!")
            raise e

    def f():
        switch(rffi.cast(handle, 0))

    rtyper = support.annotate(f, [])
    jitdriver_sd = FakeJitDriverSD(rtyper.annotator.translator.graphs[0])
    cc = CallControl(LLGraphCPU(rtyper), jitdrivers_sd=[jitdriver_sd])
    res = cc.find_all_graphs(FakePolicy())

    [f_graph] = [x for x in res if x.func is f]
    [block, _] = list(f_graph.iterblocks())
    op = block.operations[-1]
    call_descr = cc.getcalldescr(op)
    assert call_descr.extrainfo.has_random_effects()
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_get_jitcode(monkeypatch):
    from rpython.jit.codewriter.test.test_flatten import FakeCPU

    class FakeRTyper:
        class annotator:
            translator = None

        class type_system:
            name = 'lltypesystem'

    def getfunctionptr(graph):
        F = lltype.FuncType([], lltype.Signed)
        return lltype.functionptr(F, 'bar')

    monkeypatch.setattr(call, 'getfunctionptr', getfunctionptr)
    cc = CallControl(FakeCPU(FakeRTyper()))

    class somegraph:
        name = "foo"

    jitcode = cc.get_jitcode(somegraph)
    assert jitcode is cc.get_jitcode(somegraph)  # caching
    assert jitcode.name == "foo"
    pending = list(cc.enum_pending_graphs())
    assert pending == [(somegraph, jitcode)]
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_graphs_from_no_target():
    cc = CallControl()
    F = lltype.FuncType([], lltype.Signed)
    v = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
    op = SpaceOperation(
         Constant(None, lltype.Void)], v)
    lst = cc.graphs_from(op, {}.__contains__)
    assert lst is None
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_graphs_from_direct_call():
    cc = CallControl()
    F = lltype.FuncType([], lltype.Signed)
    f = lltype.functionptr(F, 'f', graph='fgraph')
    v = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
    op = SpaceOperation('direct_call', [Constant(f, lltype.Ptr(F))], v)
    lst = cc.graphs_from(op, {}.__contains__)
    assert lst is None  # residual call
    lst = cc.graphs_from(op, {'fgraph': True}.__contains__)
    assert lst == ['fgraph']  # normal call
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_find_all_graphs():
    def g(x):
        return x + 2

    def f(x):
        return g(x) + 1

    rtyper = support.annotate(f, [7])
    jitdriver_sd = FakeJitDriverSD(rtyper.annotator.translator.graphs[0])
    cc = CallControl(jitdrivers_sd=[jitdriver_sd])
    res = cc.find_all_graphs(FakePolicy())
    funcs = set([graph.func for graph in res])
    assert funcs == set([f, g])
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_elidable_kinds():
    from rpython.jit.backend.llgraph.runner import LLGraphCPU
    from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import compute_hash
    from rpython.rlib.rsiphash import enable_siphash24

    def f1(n, m):
        return n + m

    def f2(n, m):
        return [n, m]  # may raise MemoryError

    def f3(n, m):
        if n > m:
            raise ValueError
        return n + m

    def f4(n, m):
        return compute_hash(str(n) + str(m))

    def f(n, m):
        a = f1(n, m)
        b = f2(n, m)
        c = f3(n, m)
        d = f4(n, m)
        return a + len(b) + c + d

    rtyper = support.annotate(f, [7, 9])
    jitdriver_sd = FakeJitDriverSD(rtyper.annotator.translator.graphs[0])
    cc = CallControl(LLGraphCPU(rtyper), jitdrivers_sd=[jitdriver_sd])
    res = cc.find_all_graphs(FakePolicy())
    [f_graph] = [x for x in res if x.func is f]

    for index, expected in [(0, EffectInfo.EF_ELIDABLE_CANNOT_RAISE),
                            (1, EffectInfo.EF_ELIDABLE_OR_MEMORYERROR),
                            (2, EffectInfo.EF_ELIDABLE_CAN_RAISE),
                            (3, EffectInfo.EF_ELIDABLE_OR_MEMORYERROR)]:
        call_op = f_graph.startblock.operations[index]
        assert call_op.opname == 'direct_call'
        call_descr = cc.getcalldescr(call_op)
        assert call_descr.extrainfo.extraeffect == expected
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_graphs_from_indirect_call():
    cc = CallControl()
    F = lltype.FuncType([], lltype.Signed)
    v = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
    graphlst = ['f1graph', 'f2graph']
    op = SpaceOperation(
         Constant(graphlst, lltype.Void)], v)
    lst = cc.graphs_from(op, {'f1graph': True, 'f2graph': True}.__contains__)
    assert lst == ['f1graph', 'f2graph']  # normal indirect call
    lst = cc.graphs_from(op, {'f1graph': True}.__contains__)
    assert lst == ['f1graph']  # indirect call, look only inside some graphs
    lst = cc.graphs_from(op, {}.__contains__)
    assert lst is None  # indirect call, don't look inside any graph
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_find_all_graphs_without_g():
    def g(x):
        return x + 2

    def f(x):
        return g(x) + 1

    rtyper = support.annotate(f, [7])
    jitdriver_sd = FakeJitDriverSD(rtyper.annotator.translator.graphs[0])
    cc = CallControl(jitdrivers_sd=[jitdriver_sd])

    class CustomFakePolicy:
        def look_inside_graph(self, graph):
            assert graph.name == 'g'
            return False

    res = cc.find_all_graphs(CustomFakePolicy())
    funcs = [graph.func for graph in res]
    assert funcs == [f]
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_releases_gil_analyzer():
    from rpython.jit.backend.llgraph.runner import LLGraphCPU

    T = rffi.CArrayPtr(rffi.TIME_T)
    external = rffi.llexternal("time", [T], rffi.TIME_T, releasegil=True)

    def f():
        return external(lltype.nullptr(T.TO))

    rtyper = support.annotate(f, [])
    jitdriver_sd = FakeJitDriverSD(rtyper.annotator.translator.graphs[0])
    cc = CallControl(LLGraphCPU(rtyper), jitdrivers_sd=[jitdriver_sd])
    res = cc.find_all_graphs(FakePolicy())

    [f_graph] = [x for x in res if x.func is f]
    [block, _] = list(f_graph.iterblocks())
    [op] = block.operations
    call_descr = cc.getcalldescr(op)
    assert call_descr.extrainfo.has_random_effects()
    assert call_descr.extrainfo.is_call_release_gil() is False
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_raise_elidable_no_result():
    from rpython.jit.backend.llgraph.runner import LLGraphCPU
    l = []

    def f1(n, m):

    def f(n, m):
        f1(n, m)
        return n + m

    rtyper = support.annotate(f, [7, 9])
    jitdriver_sd = FakeJitDriverSD(rtyper.annotator.translator.graphs[0])
    cc = CallControl(LLGraphCPU(rtyper), jitdrivers_sd=[jitdriver_sd])
    res = cc.find_all_graphs(FakePolicy())
    [f_graph] = [x for x in res if x.func is f]
    call_op = f_graph.startblock.operations[0]
    assert call_op.opname == 'direct_call'
    with py.test.raises(Exception):
        call_descr = cc.getcalldescr(call_op)
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_no_random_effects_for_rotateLeft():
    from rpython.jit.backend.llgraph.runner import LLGraphCPU
    from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_uint

    if r_uint.BITS == 32:
        py.test.skip("64-bit only")

    from rpython.rlib.rmd5 import _rotateLeft

    def f(n, m):
        return _rotateLeft(r_uint(n), m)

    rtyper = support.annotate(f, [7, 9])
    jitdriver_sd = FakeJitDriverSD(rtyper.annotator.translator.graphs[0])
    cc = CallControl(LLGraphCPU(rtyper), jitdrivers_sd=[jitdriver_sd])
    res = cc.find_all_graphs(FakePolicy())

    [f_graph] = [x for x in res if x.func is f]
    [block, _] = list(f_graph.iterblocks())
    op = block.operations[-1]
    call_descr = cc.getcalldescr(op)
    assert not call_descr.extrainfo.has_random_effects()
    assert call_descr.extrainfo.check_is_elidable()
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_can_or_cannot_collect():
    from rpython.jit.backend.llgraph.runner import LLGraphCPU
    prebuilts = [[5], [6]]
    l = []

    def f1(n):
        if n > 1:
            raise IndexError
        return prebuilts[n]  # cannot collect

    f1._dont_inline_ = True

    def f2(n):
        return [n]  # can collect

    f2._dont_inline_ = True

    def f(n):
        a = f1(n)
        b = f2(n)
        return len(a) + len(b)

    rtyper = support.annotate(f, [1])
    jitdriver_sd = FakeJitDriverSD(rtyper.annotator.translator.graphs[0])
    cc = CallControl(LLGraphCPU(rtyper), jitdrivers_sd=[jitdriver_sd])
    res = cc.find_all_graphs(FakePolicy())
    [f_graph] = [x for x in res if x.func is f]
    for index, expected in [
        (0, False),  # f1()
        (1, True),  # f2()
        (2, False),  # len()
        (3, False)
    ]:  # len()
        call_op = f_graph.startblock.operations[index]
        assert call_op.opname == 'direct_call'
        call_descr = cc.getcalldescr(call_op)
        assert call_descr.extrainfo.check_can_collect() == expected
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_guess_call_kind_and_calls_from_graphs():
    class portal_runner_obj:
        graph = object()

    class FakeJitDriverSD:
        portal_runner_ptr = portal_runner_obj

    g = object()
    g1 = object()
    cc = CallControl(jitdrivers_sd=[FakeJitDriverSD()])
    cc.candidate_graphs = [g, g1]

    op = SpaceOperation('direct_call', [Constant(portal_runner_obj)],
    assert cc.guess_call_kind(op) == 'recursive'

    class fakeresidual:
        _obj = object()

    op = SpaceOperation('direct_call', [Constant(fakeresidual)], Variable())
    assert cc.guess_call_kind(op) == 'residual'

    class funcptr:
        class _obj:
            class graph:
                class func:
                    oopspec = "spec"

    op = SpaceOperation('direct_call', [Constant(funcptr)], Variable())
    assert cc.guess_call_kind(op) == 'builtin'

    class funcptr:
        class _obj:
            graph = g

    op = SpaceOperation('direct_call', [Constant(funcptr)], Variable())
    res = cc.graphs_from(op)
    assert res == [g]
    assert cc.guess_call_kind(op) == 'regular'

    class funcptr:
        class _obj:
            graph = object()

    op = SpaceOperation('direct_call', [Constant(funcptr)], Variable())
    res = cc.graphs_from(op)
    assert res is None
    assert cc.guess_call_kind(op) == 'residual'

    h = object()
    op = SpaceOperation('indirect_call',
                        [Variable(), Constant([g, g1, h])], Variable())
    res = cc.graphs_from(op)
    assert res == [g, g1]
    assert cc.guess_call_kind(op) == 'regular'

    op = SpaceOperation('indirect_call',
                        [Variable(), Constant([h])], Variable())
    res = cc.graphs_from(op)
    assert res is None
    assert cc.guess_call_kind(op) == 'residual'
Exemplo n.º 15
 def __init__(self, cpu=None, jitdrivers_sd=[]):
     self.cpu = cpu
     self.assembler = Assembler()
     self.callcontrol = CallControl(cpu, jitdrivers_sd)
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_elidable_kinds():
    from rpython.jit.backend.llgraph.runner import LLGraphCPU
    from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import compute_hash
    from rpython.rlib.rsiphash import enable_siphash24

    def f1(n, m):
        return n + m

    def f2(n, m):
        return [n, m]  # may raise MemoryError

    def f3(n, m):
        if n > m:
            raise ValueError
        return n + m

    def f4(n, m):
        return compute_hash(str(n) + str(m))

    T = rffi.CArrayPtr(rffi.TIME_T)
    external = rffi.llexternal("time", [T], rffi.TIME_T, releasegil=True)

    def effect():
        return external(lltype.nullptr(T.TO))

    def f5(n, m):
        return 1

    def f(n, m):
        a = f1(n, m)
        b = f2(n, m)
        c = f3(n, m)
        d = f4(n, m)
        f5(n, m)
        return a + len(b) + c + d

    rtyper = support.annotate(f, [7, 9])
    jitdriver_sd = FakeJitDriverSD(rtyper.annotator.translator.graphs[0])
    cc = CallControl(LLGraphCPU(rtyper), jitdrivers_sd=[jitdriver_sd])
    res = cc.find_all_graphs(FakePolicy())
    [f_graph] = [x for x in res if x.func is f]

    for index, expected in [(0, EffectInfo.EF_ELIDABLE_CANNOT_RAISE),
                            (1, EffectInfo.EF_ELIDABLE_OR_MEMORYERROR),
                            (2, EffectInfo.EF_ELIDABLE_CAN_RAISE),
                            (3, EffectInfo.EF_ELIDABLE_OR_MEMORYERROR)]:
        call_op = f_graph.startblock.operations[index]
        assert call_op.opname == 'direct_call'
        call_descr = cc.getcalldescr(call_op)
        assert call_descr.extrainfo.extraeffect == expected

    call_op = f_graph.startblock.operations[4]
    assert call_op.opname == 'direct_call'
    excinfo = py.test.raises(Exception, cc.getcalldescr, call_op)
    lines = excinfo.value.args[0].splitlines()
    assert "f5" in lines[2]
    assert "effect" in lines[3]
    assert "random effects" in lines[-1]