Exemplo n.º 1
 def f(x, y):
     ctx = Ctx(x, y)
     while ctx.y > 0:
         ctx.y -= ctx.x
     return -2100
Exemplo n.º 2
 def f(x, y):
     ctx = Ctx(x, y)
     while ctx.y > 0:
         ctx.y -= ctx.x
     return -2100
Exemplo n.º 3
def sre_match(ctx, pattern, ppos, ptr, marks):
    """Returns either None or a MatchResult object.  Usually we only need
    the first result, but there is the case of REPEAT...UNTIL where we
    need all results; in that case we use the method move_to_next_result()
    of the MatchResult."""
    while True:
        op = pattern.pat(ppos)
        ppos += 1

        #jit.jit_debug("sre_match", op, ppos, ptr)
        # When using the JIT, calls to sre_match() must always have a constant
        # (green) argument for 'ppos'.  If not, the following assert fails.

        if op == OPCODE_FAILURE:

        elif op == OPCODE_SUCCESS:
            if ctx.fullmatch_only:
                if ptr != ctx.end:
                    return  # not a full match
            ctx.match_end = ptr
            ctx.match_marks = marks
            return MATCHED_OK

        elif (op == OPCODE_MAX_UNTIL or op == OPCODE_MIN_UNTIL):
            ctx.match_end = ptr
            ctx.match_marks = marks
            return MATCHED_OK

        elif op == OPCODE_ANY:
            # match anything (except a newline)
            # <ANY>
            if ptr >= ctx.end or rsre_char.is_linebreak(ctx.str(ptr)):
            ptr += 1

        elif op == OPCODE_ANY_ALL:
            # match anything
            # <ANY_ALL>
            if ptr >= ctx.end:
            ptr += 1

        elif op == OPCODE_ASSERT:
            # assert subpattern
            # <ASSERT> <0=skip> <1=back> <pattern>
            ptr1 = ptr - pattern.pat(ppos + 1)
            saved = ctx.fullmatch_only
            ctx.fullmatch_only = False
            stop = ptr1 < 0 or sre_match(ctx, pattern, ppos + 2, ptr1,
                                         marks) is None
            ctx.fullmatch_only = saved
            if stop:
            marks = ctx.match_marks
            ppos += pattern.pat(ppos)

        elif op == OPCODE_ASSERT_NOT:
            # assert not subpattern
            # <ASSERT_NOT> <0=skip> <1=back> <pattern>
            ptr1 = ptr - pattern.pat(ppos + 1)
            saved = ctx.fullmatch_only
            ctx.fullmatch_only = False
            stop = (ptr1 >= 0 and sre_match(ctx, pattern, ppos + 2, ptr1,
                                            marks) is not None)
            ctx.fullmatch_only = saved
            if stop:
            ppos += pattern.pat(ppos)

        elif op == OPCODE_AT:
            # match at given position (e.g. at beginning, at boundary, etc.)
            # <AT> <code>
            if not sre_at(ctx, pattern.pat(ppos), ptr):
            ppos += 1

        elif op == OPCODE_BRANCH:
            # alternation
            # <BRANCH> <0=skip> code <JUMP> ... <NULL>
            result = BranchMatchResult(ppos, ptr, marks)
            return result.find_first_result(ctx, pattern)

        elif op == OPCODE_CATEGORY:
            # seems to be never produced, but used by some tests from
            # pypy/module/_sre/test
            # <CATEGORY> <category>
            if (ptr == ctx.end or not rsre_char.category_dispatch(
                    pattern.pat(ppos), ctx.str(ptr))):
            ptr += 1
            ppos += 1

        elif op == OPCODE_GROUPREF:
            # match backreference
            # <GROUPREF> <groupnum>
            startptr, length = get_group_ref(marks, pattern.pat(ppos))
            if length < 0:
                return  # group was not previously defined
            if not match_repeated(ctx, ptr, startptr, length):
                return  # no match
            ptr += length
            ppos += 1

        elif op == OPCODE_GROUPREF_IGNORE:
            # match backreference
            # <GROUPREF> <groupnum>
            startptr, length = get_group_ref(marks, pattern.pat(ppos))
            if length < 0:
                return  # group was not previously defined
            if not match_repeated_ignore(ctx, ptr, startptr, length):
                return  # no match
            ptr += length
            ppos += 1

        elif op == OPCODE_GROUPREF_EXISTS:
            # conditional match depending on the existence of a group
            # <GROUPREF_EXISTS> <group> <skip> codeyes <JUMP> codeno ...
            _, length = get_group_ref(marks, pattern.pat(ppos))
            if length >= 0:
                ppos += 2  # jump to 'codeyes'
                ppos += pattern.pat(ppos + 1)  # jump to 'codeno'

        elif op == OPCODE_IN:
            # match set member (or non_member)
            # <IN> <skip> <set>
            if ptr >= ctx.end or not rsre_char.check_charset(
                    ctx, pattern, ppos + 1, ctx.str(ptr)):
            ppos += pattern.pat(ppos)
            ptr += 1

        elif op == OPCODE_IN_IGNORE:
            # match set member (or non_member), ignoring case
            # <IN> <skip> <set>
            if ptr >= ctx.end or not rsre_char.check_charset(
                    ctx, pattern, ppos + 1, ctx.lowstr(ptr)):
            ppos += pattern.pat(ppos)
            ptr += 1

        elif op == OPCODE_INFO:
            # optimization info block
            # <INFO> <0=skip> <1=flags> <2=min> ...
            if (ctx.end - ptr) < pattern.pat(ppos + 2):
            ppos += pattern.pat(ppos)

        elif op == OPCODE_JUMP:
            ppos += pattern.pat(ppos)

        elif op == OPCODE_LITERAL:
            # match literal string
            # <LITERAL> <code>
            if ptr >= ctx.end or ctx.str(ptr) != pattern.pat(ppos):
            ppos += 1
            ptr += 1

        elif op == OPCODE_LITERAL_IGNORE:
            # match literal string, ignoring case
            # <LITERAL_IGNORE> <code>
            if ptr >= ctx.end or ctx.lowstr(ptr) != pattern.pat(ppos):
            ppos += 1
            ptr += 1

        elif op == OPCODE_MARK:
            # set mark
            # <MARK> <gid>
            gid = pattern.pat(ppos)
            marks = Mark(gid, ptr, marks)
            ppos += 1

        elif op == OPCODE_NOT_LITERAL:
            # match if it's not a literal string
            # <NOT_LITERAL> <code>
            if ptr >= ctx.end or ctx.str(ptr) == pattern.pat(ppos):
            ppos += 1
            ptr += 1

        elif op == OPCODE_NOT_LITERAL_IGNORE:
            # match if it's not a literal string, ignoring case
            # <NOT_LITERAL> <code>
            if ptr >= ctx.end or ctx.lowstr(ptr) == pattern.pat(ppos):
            ppos += 1
            ptr += 1

        elif op == OPCODE_REPEAT:
            # general repeat.  in this version of the re module, all the work
            # is done here, and not on the later UNTIL operator.
            # <REPEAT> <skip> <1=min> <2=max> item <UNTIL> tail
            # FIXME: we probably need to deal with zero-width matches in here..

            # decode the later UNTIL operator to see if it is actually
            # a MAX_UNTIL or MIN_UNTIL
            untilppos = ppos + pattern.pat(ppos)
            tailppos = untilppos + 1
            op = pattern.pat(untilppos)
            if op == OPCODE_MAX_UNTIL:
                # the hard case: we have to match as many repetitions as
                # possible, followed by the 'tail'.  we do this by
                # remembering each state for each possible number of
                # 'item' matching.
                result = MaxUntilMatchResult(ppos, tailppos, ptr, marks)
                return result.find_first_result(ctx, pattern)

            elif op == OPCODE_MIN_UNTIL:
                # first try to match the 'tail', and if it fails, try
                # to match one more 'item' and try again
                result = MinUntilMatchResult(ppos, tailppos, ptr, marks)
                return result.find_first_result(ctx, pattern)

                raise Error("missing UNTIL after REPEAT")

        elif op == OPCODE_REPEAT_ONE:
            # match repeated sequence (maximizing regexp).
            # this operator only works if the repeated item is
            # exactly one character wide, and we're not already
            # collecting backtracking points.  for other cases,
            # use the MAX_REPEAT operator.
            # <REPEAT_ONE> <skip> <1=min> <2=max> item <SUCCESS> tail
            start = ptr
            minptr = start + pattern.pat(ppos + 1)
            if minptr > ctx.end:
                return  # cannot match
            ptr = find_repetition_end(ctx, pattern, ppos + 3, start,
                                      pattern.pat(ppos + 2), marks)
            # when we arrive here, ptr points to the tail of the target
            # string.  check if the rest of the pattern matches,
            # and backtrack if not.
            nextppos = ppos + pattern.pat(ppos)
            result = RepeatOneMatchResult(nextppos, minptr, ptr, marks)
            return result.find_first_result(ctx, pattern)

        elif op == OPCODE_MIN_REPEAT_ONE:
            # match repeated sequence (minimizing regexp).
            # this operator only works if the repeated item is
            # exactly one character wide, and we're not already
            # collecting backtracking points.  for other cases,
            # use the MIN_REPEAT operator.
            # <MIN_REPEAT_ONE> <skip> <1=min> <2=max> item <SUCCESS> tail
            start = ptr
            min = pattern.pat(ppos + 1)
            if min > 0:
                minptr = ptr + min
                if minptr > ctx.end:
                    return  # cannot match
                # count using pattern min as the maximum
                ptr = find_repetition_end(ctx, pattern, ppos + 3, ptr, min,
                if ptr < minptr:
                    return  # did not match minimum number of times

            maxptr = ctx.end
            max = pattern.pat(ppos + 2)
            if max != rsre_char.MAXREPEAT:
                maxptr1 = start + max
                if maxptr1 <= maxptr:
                    maxptr = maxptr1
            nextppos = ppos + pattern.pat(ppos)
            result = MinRepeatOneMatchResult(nextppos, ppos + 3, maxptr, ptr,
            return result.find_first_result(ctx, pattern)

            raise Error("bad pattern code %d" % op)
Exemplo n.º 4
def sre_match(ctx, ppos, ptr, marks):
    """Returns either None or a MatchResult object.  Usually we only need
    the first result, but there is the case of REPEAT...UNTIL where we
    need all results; in that case we use the method move_to_next_result()
    of the MatchResult."""
    while True:
        op = ctx.pat(ppos)
        ppos += 1

        #jit.jit_debug("sre_match", op, ppos, ptr)
        # When using the JIT, calls to sre_match() must always have a constant
        # (green) argument for 'ppos'.  If not, the following assert fails.

        if op == OPCODE_FAILURE:

        if (op == OPCODE_SUCCESS or
            op == OPCODE_MAX_UNTIL or
            op == OPCODE_MIN_UNTIL):
            ctx.match_end = ptr
            ctx.match_marks = marks
            return MATCHED_OK

        elif op == OPCODE_ANY:
            # match anything (except a newline)
            # <ANY>
            if ptr >= ctx.end or rsre_char.is_linebreak(ctx.str(ptr)):
            ptr += 1

        elif op == OPCODE_ANY_ALL:
            # match anything
            # <ANY_ALL>
            if ptr >= ctx.end:
            ptr += 1

        elif op == OPCODE_ASSERT:
            # assert subpattern
            # <ASSERT> <0=skip> <1=back> <pattern>
            ptr1 = ptr - ctx.pat(ppos+1)
            if ptr1 < 0 or sre_match(ctx, ppos + 2, ptr1, marks) is None:
            marks = ctx.match_marks
            ppos += ctx.pat(ppos)

        elif op == OPCODE_ASSERT_NOT:
            # assert not subpattern
            # <ASSERT_NOT> <0=skip> <1=back> <pattern>
            ptr1 = ptr - ctx.pat(ppos+1)
            if ptr1 >= 0 and sre_match(ctx, ppos + 2, ptr1, marks) is not None:
            ppos += ctx.pat(ppos)

        elif op == OPCODE_AT:
            # match at given position (e.g. at beginning, at boundary, etc.)
            # <AT> <code>
            if not sre_at(ctx, ctx.pat(ppos), ptr):
            ppos += 1

        elif op == OPCODE_BRANCH:
            # alternation
            # <BRANCH> <0=skip> code <JUMP> ... <NULL>
            result = BranchMatchResult(ppos, ptr, marks)
            return result.find_first_result(ctx)

        elif op == OPCODE_CATEGORY:
            # seems to be never produced, but used by some tests from
            # pypy/module/_sre/test
            # <CATEGORY> <category>
            if (ptr == ctx.end or
                not rsre_char.category_dispatch(ctx.pat(ppos), ctx.str(ptr))):
            ptr += 1
            ppos += 1

        elif op == OPCODE_GROUPREF:
            # match backreference
            # <GROUPREF> <groupnum>
            startptr, length = get_group_ref(marks, ctx.pat(ppos))
            if length < 0:
                return     # group was not previously defined
            if not match_repeated(ctx, ptr, startptr, length):
                return     # no match
            ptr += length
            ppos += 1

        elif op == OPCODE_GROUPREF_IGNORE:
            # match backreference
            # <GROUPREF> <groupnum>
            startptr, length = get_group_ref(marks, ctx.pat(ppos))
            if length < 0:
                return     # group was not previously defined
            if not match_repeated_ignore(ctx, ptr, startptr, length):
                return     # no match
            ptr += length
            ppos += 1

        elif op == OPCODE_GROUPREF_EXISTS:
            # conditional match depending on the existence of a group
            # <GROUPREF_EXISTS> <group> <skip> codeyes <JUMP> codeno ...
            _, length = get_group_ref(marks, ctx.pat(ppos))
            if length >= 0:
                ppos += 2                  # jump to 'codeyes'
                ppos += ctx.pat(ppos+1)    # jump to 'codeno'

        elif op == OPCODE_IN:
            # match set member (or non_member)
            # <IN> <skip> <set>
            if ptr >= ctx.end or not rsre_char.check_charset(ctx.pattern,
            ppos += ctx.pat(ppos)
            ptr += 1

        elif op == OPCODE_IN_IGNORE:
            # match set member (or non_member), ignoring case
            # <IN> <skip> <set>
            if ptr >= ctx.end or not rsre_char.check_charset(ctx.pattern,
            ppos += ctx.pat(ppos)
            ptr += 1

        elif op == OPCODE_INFO:
            # optimization info block
            # <INFO> <0=skip> <1=flags> <2=min> ...
            if (ctx.end - ptr) < ctx.pat(ppos+2):
            ppos += ctx.pat(ppos)

        elif op == OPCODE_JUMP:
            ppos += ctx.pat(ppos)

        elif op == OPCODE_LITERAL:
            # match literal string
            # <LITERAL> <code>
            if ptr >= ctx.end or ctx.str(ptr) != ctx.pat(ppos):
            ppos += 1
            ptr += 1

        elif op == OPCODE_LITERAL_IGNORE:
            # match literal string, ignoring case
            # <LITERAL_IGNORE> <code>
            if ptr >= ctx.end or ctx.lowstr(ptr) != ctx.pat(ppos):
            ppos += 1
            ptr += 1

        elif op == OPCODE_MARK:
            # set mark
            # <MARK> <gid>
            gid = ctx.pat(ppos)
            marks = Mark(gid, ptr, marks)
            ppos += 1

        elif op == OPCODE_NOT_LITERAL:
            # match if it's not a literal string
            # <NOT_LITERAL> <code>
            if ptr >= ctx.end or ctx.str(ptr) == ctx.pat(ppos):
            ppos += 1
            ptr += 1

        elif op == OPCODE_NOT_LITERAL_IGNORE:
            # match if it's not a literal string, ignoring case
            # <NOT_LITERAL> <code>
            if ptr >= ctx.end or ctx.lowstr(ptr) == ctx.pat(ppos):
            ppos += 1
            ptr += 1

        elif op == OPCODE_REPEAT:
            # general repeat.  in this version of the re module, all the work
            # is done here, and not on the later UNTIL operator.
            # <REPEAT> <skip> <1=min> <2=max> item <UNTIL> tail
            # FIXME: we probably need to deal with zero-width matches in here..

            # decode the later UNTIL operator to see if it is actually
            # a MAX_UNTIL or MIN_UNTIL
            untilppos = ppos + ctx.pat(ppos)
            tailppos = untilppos + 1
            op = ctx.pat(untilppos)
            if op == OPCODE_MAX_UNTIL:
                # the hard case: we have to match as many repetitions as
                # possible, followed by the 'tail'.  we do this by
                # remembering each state for each possible number of
                # 'item' matching.
                result = MaxUntilMatchResult(ppos, tailppos, ptr, marks)
                return result.find_first_result(ctx)

            elif op == OPCODE_MIN_UNTIL:
                # first try to match the 'tail', and if it fails, try
                # to match one more 'item' and try again
                result = MinUntilMatchResult(ppos, tailppos, ptr, marks)
                return result.find_first_result(ctx)

                raise Error("missing UNTIL after REPEAT")

        elif op == OPCODE_REPEAT_ONE:
            # match repeated sequence (maximizing regexp).
            # this operator only works if the repeated item is
            # exactly one character wide, and we're not already
            # collecting backtracking points.  for other cases,
            # use the MAX_REPEAT operator.
            # <REPEAT_ONE> <skip> <1=min> <2=max> item <SUCCESS> tail
            start = ptr
            minptr = start + ctx.pat(ppos+1)
            if minptr > ctx.end:
                return    # cannot match
            ptr = find_repetition_end(ctx, ppos+3, start, ctx.pat(ppos+2))
            # when we arrive here, ptr points to the tail of the target
            # string.  check if the rest of the pattern matches,
            # and backtrack if not.
            nextppos = ppos + ctx.pat(ppos)
            result = RepeatOneMatchResult(nextppos, minptr, ptr, marks)
            return result.find_first_result(ctx)

        elif op == OPCODE_MIN_REPEAT_ONE:
            # match repeated sequence (minimizing regexp).
            # this operator only works if the repeated item is
            # exactly one character wide, and we're not already
            # collecting backtracking points.  for other cases,
            # use the MIN_REPEAT operator.
            # <MIN_REPEAT_ONE> <skip> <1=min> <2=max> item <SUCCESS> tail
            start = ptr
            min = ctx.pat(ppos+1)
            if min > 0:
                minptr = ptr + min
                if minptr > ctx.end:
                    return   # cannot match
                # count using pattern min as the maximum
                ptr = find_repetition_end(ctx, ppos+3, ptr, min)
                if ptr < minptr:
                    return   # did not match minimum number of times

            maxptr = ctx.end
            max = ctx.pat(ppos+2)
            if max != 65535:
                maxptr1 = start + max
                if maxptr1 <= maxptr:
                    maxptr = maxptr1
            nextppos = ppos + ctx.pat(ppos)
            result = MinRepeatOneMatchResult(nextppos, ppos+3, maxptr,
                                             ptr, marks)
            return result.find_first_result(ctx)

            raise Error("bad pattern code %d" % op)