Exemplo n.º 1
def float_bytes_to_real(bytes, signed):
    # XXX Currently does not make use of the signed parameter
    if len(bytes) not in (4, 8):
        raise SchemeException(
                "floating-point-bytes->real: byte string must have length 2, 4, or 8")

        if objectmodel.we_are_translated():
            val = rarithmetic.r_int64(0)
            for i, v in enumerate(bytes):
                val += rarithmetic.r_int64(ord(v)) << (i * 8)
            return values.W_Flonum(longlong2float.longlong2float(val))
            # use unsigned to avoid rlib bug
            val = rarithmetic.r_uint64(0)
            for i, v in enumerate(bytes):
                val += rarithmetic.r_uint64(ord(v)) << (i * 8)
            return values.W_Flonum(pycket_longlong2float(val))
    except OverflowError, e:
        # Uncomment the check below to run Pycket on the
        # interpreter with compiled (zo) files
        # (fasl makes a call that blows the longlong2float on rpython)

        # if val == 18442240474082181120L:
        #     return values.W_Flonum.NEGINF
        raise SchemeException("RPython overflow : %s" % e)
Exemplo n.º 2
def float_bytes_to_real(bytes, signed):
    # XXX Currently does not make use of the signed parameter
    if len(bytes) not in (4, 8):
        raise SchemeException(
                "floating-point-bytes->real: byte string must have length 2, 4, or 8")

        if objectmodel.we_are_translated():
            val = rarithmetic.r_int64(0)
            for i, v in enumerate(bytes):
                val += rarithmetic.r_int64(ord(v)) << (i * 8)
            return values.W_Flonum(longlong2float.longlong2float(val))
            # use unsigned to avoid rlib bug
            val = rarithmetic.r_uint64(0)
            for i, v in enumerate(bytes):
                val += rarithmetic.r_uint64(ord(v)) << (i * 8)
            return values.W_Flonum(pycket_longlong2float(val))
    except OverflowError, e:
        # Uncomment the check below to run Pycket on the
        # interpreter with compiled (zo) files
        # (fasl makes a call that blows the longlong2float on rpython)

        # if val == 18442240474082181120L:
        #     return values.W_Flonum.NEGINF
        raise SchemeException("RPython overflow : %s" % e)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def _unbox(self, w_value):
     space = self.space
     assert type(w_value) is self.typ
     if type(w_value) is space.IntObjectCls:
         return longlong2float(space.int_w(w_value))
         return space.float_w(w_value)
Exemplo n.º 4
def unpack_longlong2float(fmtiter):
    from rpython.rlib.rstruct.runpack import runpack
    from rpython.rlib.longlong2float import longlong2float
    s = fmtiter.read(8)
    llval = runpack('q', s)  # this is a bit recursive, I know
    doubleval = longlong2float(llval)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_int_or_float_special_nan(self):
     from rpython.rlib import longlong2float, rarithmetic
     space = self.space
     ll = rarithmetic.r_longlong(0xfffffffe12345678 - 2**64)
     specialnan = longlong2float.longlong2float(ll)
     w_l = W_ListObject(space, [space.wrap(1), space.wrap(specialnan)])
     assert isinstance(w_l.strategy, ObjectListStrategy)
Exemplo n.º 6
def unpack_longlong2float(fmtiter):
    from rpython.rlib.rstruct.runpack import runpack
    from rpython.rlib.longlong2float import longlong2float
    s = fmtiter.read(8)
    llval = runpack('q', s) # this is a bit recursive, I know
    doubleval = longlong2float(llval)
Exemplo n.º 7
def float_unpack(Q, size):
    """Convert a 16-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit integer created
    by float_pack into a Python float."""
    if size == 8:
        MIN_EXP = -1021  # = sys.float_info.min_exp
        MAX_EXP = 1024  # = sys.float_info.max_exp
        MANT_DIG = 53  # = sys.float_info.mant_dig
        BITS = 64
    elif size == 4:
        MIN_EXP = -125  # C's FLT_MIN_EXP
        MAX_EXP = 128  # FLT_MAX_EXP
        MANT_DIG = 24  # FLT_MANT_DIG
        BITS = 32
    elif size == 2:
        MIN_EXP = -13
        MAX_EXP = 16
        MANT_DIG = 11
        BITS = 16
        raise ValueError("invalid size value")

    if not objectmodel.we_are_translated():
        # This tests generates wrong code when translated:
        # with gcc, shifting a 64bit int by 64 bits does
        # not change the value.
        if Q >> BITS:
            raise ValueError("input '%r' out of range '%r'" % (Q, Q >> BITS))

    # extract pieces with assumed 1.mant values
    one = r_ulonglong(1)
    sign = rarithmetic.intmask(Q >> BITS - 1)
    exp = rarithmetic.intmask((Q & ((one << BITS - 1) -
                                    (one << MANT_DIG - 1))) >> MANT_DIG - 1)
    mant = Q & ((one << MANT_DIG - 1) - 1)

    if exp == MAX_EXP - MIN_EXP + 2:
        # nan or infinity
        if mant == 0:
            result = rfloat.INFINITY
            # preserve at most 52 bits of mant value, but pad w/zeros
            exp = r_ulonglong(0x7ff) << 52
            sign = r_ulonglong(sign) << 63
            if MANT_DIG < 53:
                mant = r_ulonglong(mant) << (53 - MANT_DIG)
            if mant == 0:
                result = rfloat.NAN
                uint = exp | mant | sign
                result = longlong2float(cast(LONGLONG, uint))
            return result
    elif exp == 0:
        # subnormal or zero
        result = math.ldexp(mant, MIN_EXP - MANT_DIG)
        # normal: add implicit one value
        mant += one << MANT_DIG - 1
        result = math.ldexp(mant, exp + MIN_EXP - MANT_DIG - 1)
    return -result if sign else result
Exemplo n.º 8
 def read_location(self, obj):
     # assert isinstance(obj, Object)
     if self.is_set(obj):
         double_val = longlong2float(
             getattr(obj, "_primField" + str(field_idx)))
         return Double(double_val)
         return nilObject
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_consistency_longlong2float_ll2ctypes(llval):
    # these definitions are used only in tests, when not translated
    #return struct.unpack('@d', struct.pack('@q', llval))[0]
    with lltype.scoped_alloc(DOUBLE_ARRAY_PTR.TO, 1) as d_array:
        ll_array = rffi.cast(LONGLONG_ARRAY_PTR, d_array)
        ll_array[0] = llval
        floatval = d_array[0]
    assert repr(floatval) == repr(longlong2float(llval))
Exemplo n.º 10
 def read_location(self, obj):
     # assert isinstance(obj, Object)
     if self.is_set(obj):
         double_val = longlong2float(
             getattr(obj, "_primField" + str(field_idx)))
         return Double(double_val)
         return nilObject
Exemplo n.º 11
def float_unpack(Q, size):
    """Convert a 16-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit integer created
    by float_pack into a Python float."""
    if size == 8:
        MIN_EXP = -1021  # = sys.float_info.min_exp
        MAX_EXP = 1024  # = sys.float_info.max_exp
        MANT_DIG = 53  # = sys.float_info.mant_dig
        BITS = 64
    elif size == 4:
        MIN_EXP = -125  # C's FLT_MIN_EXP
        MAX_EXP = 128  # FLT_MAX_EXP
        MANT_DIG = 24  # FLT_MANT_DIG
        BITS = 32
    elif size == 2:
        MIN_EXP = -13
        MAX_EXP = 16
        MANT_DIG = 11
        BITS = 16
        raise ValueError("invalid size value")

    if not objectmodel.we_are_translated():
        # This tests generates wrong code when translated:
        # with gcc, shifting a 64bit int by 64 bits does
        # not change the value.
        if Q >> BITS:
            raise ValueError("input '%r' out of range '%r'" % (Q, Q >> BITS))

    # extract pieces with assumed 1.mant values
    one = r_ulonglong(1)
    sign = rarithmetic.intmask(Q >> BITS - 1)
    exp = rarithmetic.intmask((Q & ((one << BITS - 1) - (one << MANT_DIG - 1))) >> MANT_DIG - 1)
    mant = Q & ((one << MANT_DIG - 1) - 1)

    if exp == MAX_EXP - MIN_EXP + 2:
        # nan or infinity
        if mant == 0:
            result = rfloat.INFINITY
            # preserve at most 52 bits of mant value, but pad w/zeros
            exp = r_ulonglong(0x7FF) << 52
            sign = r_ulonglong(sign) << 63
            if MANT_DIG < 53:
                mant = r_ulonglong(mant) << (53 - MANT_DIG)
            if mant == 0:
                result = rfloat.NAN
                uint = exp | mant | sign
                result = longlong2float(cast(LONGLONG, uint))
            return result
    elif exp == 0:
        # subnormal or zero
        result = math.ldexp(mant, MIN_EXP - MANT_DIG)
        # normal: add implicit one value
        mant += one << MANT_DIG - 1
        result = math.ldexp(mant, exp + MIN_EXP - MANT_DIG - 1)
    return -result if sign else result
Exemplo n.º 12
def integer_bytes_to_integer(bstr, signed):
    # XXX Currently does not make use of the signed parameter
    bytes = bstr.value
    if len(bytes) not in (4, 8):
        raise SchemeException("floating-point-bytes->real: byte string must have length 2, 4, or 8")

    val = 0
    for i, v in enumerate(bytes):
        val += ord(v) << (i * 8)

    return values.W_Flonum(longlong2float.longlong2float(val))
Exemplo n.º 13
def integer_bytes_to_integer(bstr, signed):
    # XXX Currently does not make use of the signed parameter
    bytes = bstr.value
    if len(bytes) not in (4, 8):
        raise SchemeException(
                "floating-point-bytes->real: byte string must have length 2, 4, or 8")

    val = 0
    for i, v in enumerate(bytes):
        val += ord(v) << (i * 8)

    return values.W_Flonum(longlong2float.longlong2float(val))
Exemplo n.º 14
 def test_int_or_float_from_float_special_nan(self):
     from rpython.rlib import longlong2float, rarithmetic
     space = self.space
     w = space.wrap
     ll = rarithmetic.r_longlong(0xfffffffe12345678 - 2**64)
     specialnan = longlong2float.longlong2float(ll)
     w_l = W_ListObject(space, [space.wrap(specialnan)])
     assert isinstance(w_l.strategy, FloatListStrategy)
     assert isinstance(w_l.strategy, ObjectListStrategy)
     assert space.int_w(w_l.getitem(1)) == 42
     assert space.len_w(w_l) == 2
Exemplo n.º 15
def fn_encode_nan(f1, i2):
    from rpython.rlib.longlong2float import can_encode_float, can_encode_int32
    from rpython.rlib.longlong2float import encode_int32_into_longlong_nan
    from rpython.rlib.longlong2float import decode_int32_from_longlong_nan
    from rpython.rlib.longlong2float import is_int32_from_longlong_nan
    assert can_encode_float(f1)
    assert can_encode_int32(i2)
    l1 = float2longlong(f1)
    l2 = encode_int32_into_longlong_nan(i2)
    assert not is_int32_from_longlong_nan(l1)
    assert is_int32_from_longlong_nan(l2)
    f1b = longlong2float(l1)
    assert f1b == f1 or (math.isnan(f1b) and math.isnan(f1))
    assert decode_int32_from_longlong_nan(l2) == i2
    return 42
Exemplo n.º 16
def fn_encode_nan(f1, i2):
    from rpython.rlib.longlong2float import can_encode_float, can_encode_int32
    from rpython.rlib.longlong2float import encode_int32_into_longlong_nan
    from rpython.rlib.longlong2float import decode_int32_from_longlong_nan
    from rpython.rlib.longlong2float import is_int32_from_longlong_nan
    from rpython.rlib.rfloat import isnan
    assert can_encode_float(f1)
    assert can_encode_int32(i2)
    l1 = float2longlong(f1)
    l2 = encode_int32_into_longlong_nan(i2)
    assert not is_int32_from_longlong_nan(l1)
    assert is_int32_from_longlong_nan(l2)
    f1b = longlong2float(l1)
    assert f1b == f1 or (isnan(f1b) and isnan(f1))
    assert decode_int32_from_longlong_nan(l2) == i2
    return 42
Exemplo n.º 17
def byteswap(arg):
    """ Convert little->big endian and the opposite
    from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype, rffi
    from rpython.rlib.longlong2float import longlong2float, float2longlong,\
         uint2singlefloat, singlefloat2uint

    T = lltype.typeOf(arg)
    if T == lltype.SingleFloat:
        arg = singlefloat2uint(arg)
    elif T == lltype.Float:
        arg = float2longlong(arg)
    elif T == lltype.LongFloat:
        assert False
        # we cannot do arithmetics on small ints
        arg = widen(arg)

    if rffi.sizeof(T) == 1:
        res = arg
    elif rffi.sizeof(T) == 2:
        a, b = arg & 0xFF, arg & 0xFF00
        res = (a << 8) | (b >> 8)
    elif rffi.sizeof(T) == 4:
        FF = r_uint(0xFF)
        arg = r_uint(arg)
        a, b, c, d = (arg & FF, arg & (FF << 8), arg & (FF << 16),
                      arg & (FF << 24))
        res = (a << 24) | (b << 8) | (c >> 8) | (d >> 24)
    elif rffi.sizeof(T) == 8:
        FF = r_ulonglong(0xFF)
        arg = r_ulonglong(arg)
        a, b, c, d = (arg & FF, arg & (FF << 8), arg & (FF << 16),
                      arg & (FF << 24))
        e, f, g, h = (arg & (FF << 32), arg & (FF << 40), arg & (FF << 48),
                      arg & (FF << 56))
        res = ((a << 56) | (b << 40) | (c << 24) | (d << 8) | (e >> 8) |
               (f >> 24) | (g >> 40) | (h >> 56))
        assert False  # unreachable code

    if T == lltype.SingleFloat:
        return uint2singlefloat(rffi.cast(rffi.UINT, res))
    if T == lltype.Float:
        return longlong2float(rffi.cast(rffi.LONGLONG, res))
    return rffi.cast(T, res)
Exemplo n.º 18
def float_unpack80(QQ, size):
    '''Unpack a (mant, exp) tuple of r_ulonglong in 80-bit extended format
    into a python float (a double)
    if size == 10 or size == 12 or size == 16:
        MIN_EXP = -16381
        MAX_EXP = 16384
        MANT_DIG = 64
        TOP_BITS = 80 - 64
        raise ValueError("invalid size value")

    if len(QQ) != 2:
        raise ValueError("QQ must be two 64 bit uints")

    if not objectmodel.we_are_translated():
        # This tests generates wrong code when translated:
        # with gcc, shifting a 64bit int by 64 bits does
        # not change the value.
        if QQ[1] >> TOP_BITS:
            raise ValueError("input '%r' out of range '%r'" %
                             (QQ, QQ[1] >> TOP_BITS))

    # extract pieces with explicit one in MANT_DIG
    one = r_ulonglong(1)
    sign = rarithmetic.intmask(QQ[1] >> TOP_BITS - 1)
    exp = rarithmetic.intmask((QQ[1] & ((one << TOP_BITS - 1) - 1)))
    mant = QQ[0]

    if exp == MAX_EXP - MIN_EXP + 2:
        # nan or infinity
        if mant == 0:
            result = rfloat.INFINITY
            exp = r_ulonglong(0x7ff) << 52
            mant = r_ulonglong(mant) >> size + 1
            if mant == 0:
                result = rfloat.NAN
                uint = exp | r_ulonglong(mant) | r_ulonglong(sign)
                result = longlong2float(cast(LONGLONG, uint))
            return result
        # normal
        result = math.ldexp(mant, exp + MIN_EXP - MANT_DIG - 1)
    return -result if sign else result
Exemplo n.º 19
def byteswap(arg):
    """ Convert little->big endian and the opposite
    from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype, rffi
    from rpython.rlib.longlong2float import longlong2float, float2longlong,\
         uint2singlefloat, singlefloat2uint

    T = lltype.typeOf(arg)
    if T == lltype.SingleFloat:
        arg = singlefloat2uint(arg)
    elif T == lltype.Float:
        arg = float2longlong(arg)
    elif T == lltype.LongFloat:
        assert False
        # we cannot do arithmetics on small ints
        arg = widen(arg)

    if rffi.sizeof(T) == 1:
        res = arg
    elif rffi.sizeof(T) == 2:
        a, b = arg & 0xFF, arg & 0xFF00
        res = (a << 8) | (b >> 8)
    elif rffi.sizeof(T) == 4:
        FF = r_uint(0xFF)
        arg = r_uint(arg)
        a, b, c, d = (arg & FF, arg & (FF << 8), arg & (FF << 16),
                      arg & (FF << 24))
        res = (a << 24) | (b << 8) | (c >> 8) | (d >> 24)
    elif rffi.sizeof(T) == 8:
        FF = r_ulonglong(0xFF)
        arg = r_ulonglong(arg)
        a, b, c, d = (arg & FF, arg & (FF << 8), arg & (FF << 16),
                      arg & (FF << 24))
        e, f, g, h = (arg & (FF << 32), arg & (FF << 40), arg & (FF << 48),
                      arg & (FF << 56))
        res = ((a << 56) | (b << 40) | (c << 24) | (d << 8) | (e >> 8) |
               (f >> 24) | (g >> 40) | (h >> 56))
        assert False # unreachable code

    if T == lltype.SingleFloat:
        return uint2singlefloat(rffi.cast(rffi.UINT, res))
    if T == lltype.Float:
        return longlong2float(rffi.cast(rffi.LONGLONG, res))
    return rffi.cast(T, res)
Exemplo n.º 20
def float_unpack80(QQ, size):
    """Unpack a (mant, exp) tuple of r_ulonglong in 80-bit extended format
    into a python float (a double)
    if size == 10 or size == 12 or size == 16:
        MIN_EXP = -16381
        MAX_EXP = 16384
        MANT_DIG = 64
        TOP_BITS = 80 - 64
        raise ValueError("invalid size value")

    if len(QQ) != 2:
        raise ValueError("QQ must be two 64 bit uints")

    if not objectmodel.we_are_translated():
        # This tests generates wrong code when translated:
        # with gcc, shifting a 64bit int by 64 bits does
        # not change the value.
        if QQ[1] >> TOP_BITS:
            raise ValueError("input '%r' out of range '%r'" % (QQ, QQ[1] >> TOP_BITS))

    # extract pieces with explicit one in MANT_DIG
    one = r_ulonglong(1)
    sign = rarithmetic.intmask(QQ[1] >> TOP_BITS - 1)
    exp = rarithmetic.intmask((QQ[1] & ((one << TOP_BITS - 1) - 1)))
    mant = QQ[0]

    if exp == MAX_EXP - MIN_EXP + 2:
        # nan or infinity
        if mant == 0:
            result = rfloat.INFINITY
            exp = r_ulonglong(0x7FF) << 52
            mant = r_ulonglong(mant) >> size + 1
            if mant == 0:
                result = rfloat.NAN
                uint = exp | r_ulonglong(mant) | r_ulonglong(sign)
                result = longlong2float(cast(LONGLONG, uint))
            return result
        # normal
        result = math.ldexp(mant, exp + MIN_EXP - MANT_DIG - 1)
    return -result if sign else result
Exemplo n.º 21
 def _store(self, space, w_obj, w_value):
     w_obj.unboxed_storage[self.pos] = longlong2float.longlong2float(
         rffi.cast(lltype.SignedLongLong, space.int_w(w_value)))
Exemplo n.º 22
 def unwrap(self, w_val):
     if isinstance(w_val, W_Fixnum):
         bits = encode_int32_into_longlong_nan(w_val.value)
         return longlong2float(bits)
     assert isinstance(w_val, W_Flonum)
     return w_val.value
Exemplo n.º 23
def fn(f1):
    ll = float2longlong(f1)
    f2 = longlong2float(ll)
    return f2
Exemplo n.º 24
 def f(f1):
         ll = float2longlong(f1)
         return longlong2float(ll)
     except Exception:
         return 500
Exemplo n.º 25
 def f(f1):
         ll = float2longlong(f1)
         return longlong2float(ll)
     except Exception:
         return 500
Exemplo n.º 26
 def read_location(self, obj):
     if self.is_set(obj):
         val = longlong2float(obj._primFields[self._ext_idx])
         return Double(val)
         return nilObject
Exemplo n.º 27
 def unwrap(self, w_val):
     if isinstance(w_val, W_Fixnum):
         bits = encode_int32_into_longlong_nan(w_val.value)
         return longlong2float(bits)
     assert isinstance(w_val, W_Flonum)
     return w_val.value
Exemplo n.º 28
def fn(f1):
    ll = float2longlong(f1)
    f2 = longlong2float(ll)
    return f2
Exemplo n.º 29
def op_convert_longlong_bytes_to_float(a):
    from rpython.rlib.longlong2float import longlong2float

    return longlong2float(a)
Exemplo n.º 30
 def f(x):
     ll = float2longlong(x)
     return longlong2float(ll)
Exemplo n.º 31
def op_convert_longlong_bytes_to_float(a):
    from rpython.rlib.longlong2float import longlong2float
    return longlong2float(a)
Exemplo n.º 32
 def read_location(self, obj):
     if self.is_set(obj):
         val = longlong2float(obj._primFields[self._ext_idx])
         return Double(val)
         return nilObject
Exemplo n.º 33
 def _store(self, space, w_obj, w_value):
     w_obj.unboxed_storage[self.pos] = longlong2float.longlong2float(
         rffi.cast(lltype.SignedLongLong, space.int_w(w_value)))
Exemplo n.º 34
 def f(x):
     ll = float2longlong(x)
     return longlong2float(ll)