Exemplo n.º 1
 def f(i):
     interp = InterpreterState(codes[i])
     if not len(interp.results):
         raise Exception("need results")
     w_res = interp.results[-1]
     if isinstance(w_res, W_NDimArray):
         i, s = w_res.create_iter()
         w_res = i.getitem(s)
     if isinstance(w_res, boxes.W_Float64Box):
         return w_res.value
     if isinstance(w_res, boxes.W_Float32Box):
         return float(w_res.value)
     elif isinstance(w_res, boxes.W_Int64Box):
         return float(w_res.value)
     elif isinstance(w_res, boxes.W_Int32Box):
         return float(int(w_res.value))
     elif isinstance(w_res, boxes.W_Int16Box):
         return float(int(w_res.value))
     elif isinstance(w_res, boxes.W_Int8Box):
         return float(int(w_res.value))
     elif isinstance(w_res, boxes.W_UInt64Box):
         return float(intmask(w_res.value))
     elif isinstance(w_res, boxes.W_UInt32Box):
         return float(intmask(w_res.value))
     elif isinstance(w_res, boxes.W_UInt16Box):
         return float(intmask(w_res.value))
     elif isinstance(w_res, boxes.W_UInt8Box):
         return float(intmask(w_res.value))
     elif isinstance(w_res, boxes.W_LongBox):
         return float(w_res.value)
     elif isinstance(w_res, boxes.W_BoolBox):
         return float(w_res.value)
     print "ERROR: did not implement return type for interpreter"
     raise TypeError(w_res)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def set_video_mode(self, w, h, d):
     if not (w > 0 and h > 0):
     assert d in [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32]
     if d < MINIMUM_DEPTH:
         d = MINIMUM_DEPTH
     self.width = intmask(w)
     self.height = intmask(h)
     self.depth = intmask(d)
     if self.window == lltype.nullptr(RSDL.WindowPtr.TO):
     if self.screen_texture != lltype.nullptr(RSDL.TexturePtr.TO):
     if self.screen_surface != lltype.nullptr(RSDL.Surface):
     self.has_surface = True
     self.screen_texture = RSDL.CreateTexture(
             w, h)
     if not self.screen_texture:
         print "Could not create screen texture"
         raise RuntimeError(RSDL.GetError())
     self.screen_surface = RSDL.CreateRGBSurface(0, w, h, d, 0, 0, 0, 0)
     assert self.screen_surface, RSDL.GetError()
     self.bpp = intmask(self.screen_surface.c_format.c_BytesPerPixel)
     if d == MINIMUM_DEPTH:
     self.pitch = self.width * self.bpp
Exemplo n.º 3
def realize_global_int(ffi, g, gindex):
    fetch_fnptr = rffi.cast(FUNCPTR_FETCH_LONGLONG, g.c_address)
    with lltype.scoped_alloc(parse_c_type.GETCONST_S) as p_value:
        p_value.c_ctx = ffi.ctxobj.ctx
        rffi.setintfield(p_value, 'c_gindex', gindex)
        neg = fetch_fnptr(p_value)
        value = p_value.c_value
    neg = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, neg)

    if neg == 0:     # positive
        if value <= rffi.cast(rffi.ULONGLONG, sys.maxint):
            return ffi.space.wrap(intmask(value))
            return ffi.space.wrap(value)
    elif neg == 1:   # negative
        value = rffi.cast(rffi.LONGLONG, value)
        if value >= -sys.maxint-1:
            return ffi.space.wrap(intmask(value))
            return ffi.space.wrap(value)

    if neg == 2:
        got = "%d (0x%x)" % (value, value)
        got = "%d" % (rffi.cast(rffi.LONGLONG, value),)
    raise oefmt(ffi.w_FFIError,
                "the C compiler says '%s' is equal to %s, "
                "but the cdef disagrees", rffi.charp2str(g.c_name), got)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def wrap_int(self, val):
     if isinstance(val, rbigint.rbigint):
         return self.wrap_rbigint(val)
     elif isinstance(val, int):
         return self.wrap_smallint_unsafe(val)
     elif isinstance(val, r_uint):
         if val <= r_uint(constants.MAXINT):
             return self.wrap_smallint_unsafe(intmask(val))
             return self.wrap_wordint_direct(val, self.w_LargePositiveInteger)
     elif IS_64BIT and isinstance(val, r_uint32):
         return self.wrap_smallint_unsafe(intmask(val))
     elif isinstance(val, r_longlong) or isinstance(val, r_int64):
         # use '&' instead of 'and' in these checks, so we only generate 1 guard instead of two
         if (constants.MININT <= val) & (val <= constants.MAXINT):
             return self.wrap_smallint_unsafe(intmask(val))
         elif (0 <= val) & (val <= r_longlong(constants.U_MAXINT)):
             return self.wrap_wordint_direct(r_uint(val), self.w_LargePositiveInteger)
         elif (0 > val) & (-r_longlong(constants.U_MAXINT) <= val):
             return self.wrap_wordint_direct(r_uint(-val), self.w_LargeNegativeInteger)
             return self.wrap_rbigint_direct(rbigint.rbigint.fromrarith_int(val))
     elif isinstance(val, r_ulonglong):
         if val <= r_ulonglong(constants.MAXINT):
             return self.wrap_smallint_unsafe(intmask(val))
         elif val <= constants.U_MAXINT:
             return self.wrap_wordint_direct(r_uint(val), self.w_LargePositiveInteger)
             return self.wrap_rbigint_direct(rbigint.rbigint.fromrarith_int(val))
         raise WrappingError
Exemplo n.º 5
 def fake_call_impl_any(cif_description, func_addr, exchange_buffer):
     ofs = 16
     for avalue in unroll_avalues:
         TYPE = rffi.CArray(lltype.typeOf(avalue))
         data = rffi.ptradd(exchange_buffer, ofs)
         got = rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(TYPE), data)[0]
         if lltype.typeOf(avalue) is lltype.SingleFloat:
             got = float(got)
             avalue = float(avalue)
         elif (lltype.typeOf(avalue) is rffi.SIGNEDCHAR or
               lltype.typeOf(avalue) is rffi.UCHAR):
             got = intmask(got)
             avalue = intmask(avalue)
         assert got == avalue
         ofs += 16
     write_to_ofs = 0
     if rvalue is not None:
         write_rvalue = rvalue
         if BIG_ENDIAN:
             if (lltype.typeOf(write_rvalue) is rffi.SIGNEDCHAR or
                 lltype.typeOf(write_rvalue) is rffi.UCHAR):
                 # 'write_rvalue' is an int type smaller than Signed
                 write_to_ofs = rffi.sizeof(rffi.LONG) - 1
         write_rvalue = 12923  # ignored
     TYPE = rffi.CArray(lltype.typeOf(write_rvalue))
     data = rffi.ptradd(exchange_buffer, ofs)
     rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(TYPE), data)[write_to_ofs] = write_rvalue
Exemplo n.º 6
def _PyLong_FromByteArray(space, bytes, n, little_endian, signed):
    little_endian = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, little_endian)
    signed = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, signed)

    result = rbigint()
    negative = False

    for i in range(0, n):
        if little_endian:
            c = intmask(bytes[i])
            c = intmask(bytes[n - i - 1])
        if i == 0 and signed and c & 0x80:
            negative = True
        if negative:
            c = c ^ 0xFF
        digit = rbigint.fromint(c)

        result = result.lshift(8)
        result = result.add(digit)

    if negative:
        result = result.neg()

    return space.newlong_from_rbigint(result)
Exemplo n.º 7
def strtol(s):
    """Returns (int_value_forced_in_bounds, flag_any_digit_processed)"""
    i = _whitespaces_in_front(s)
    negative_sign = False
    at_least_one_digit = False

    if nextchr(s, i) == '-':
        negative_sign = True
        i += 1
    elif nextchr(s, i) == '+':
        i += 1

    value_int = 0
    value_float = 0.0
    while nextchr(s, i).isdigit():
        digit = ord(s[i]) - ord('0')
        value_int = intmask((value_int * 10) + digit)
        value_float = (value_float * 10.0) + digit
        if abs(value_int - value_float) < _OVERFLOWED:
            value_float = float(value_int)   # force equal
        at_least_one_digit = True
        i += 1

    if negative_sign:
        value_int = intmask(-value_int)
        value_float = -value_float

    if abs(float(value_int) - value_float) > _OVERFLOWED:
        if negative_sign:
            value_int = -sys.maxint-1
            value_int = sys.maxint
    return value_int, at_least_one_digit
Exemplo n.º 8
    def do_poll(self, space, timeout):
        from pypy.module._multiprocessing.interp_win32 import (
            _PeekNamedPipe, _GetTickCount, _Sleep)
        from rpython.rlib import rwin32
        from pypy.interpreter.error import wrap_windowserror
        bytes_ptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(rwin32.DWORD).TO, 1,
            if not _PeekNamedPipe(self.handle, rffi.NULL, 0,
                raise wrap_windowserror(space, rwin32.lastSavedWindowsError())
            bytes = bytes_ptr[0]
            lltype.free(bytes_ptr, flavor='raw')

        if timeout == 0.0:
            return bytes > 0

        block = timeout < 0
        if not block:
            # XXX does not check for overflow
            deadline = intmask(_GetTickCount()) + int(1000 * timeout + 0.5)
            deadline = 0


        delay = 1
        while True:
            bytes_ptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArrayPtr(rwin32.DWORD).TO, 1,
                if not _PeekNamedPipe(self.handle, rffi.NULL, 0,
                    raise wrap_windowserror(space,
                bytes = bytes_ptr[0]
                lltype.free(bytes_ptr, flavor='raw')

            if bytes > 0:
                return True

            if not block:
                now = intmask(_GetTickCount())
                if now > deadline:
                    return False
                diff = deadline - now
                if delay > diff:
                    delay = diff
                delay += 1

            if delay >= 20:
                delay = 20
Exemplo n.º 9
def ll_dict_lookup(d, key, hash):
    entries = d.entries
    ENTRIES = lltype.typeOf(entries).TO
    direct_compare = not hasattr(ENTRIES, 'no_direct_compare')
    mask = len(entries) - 1
    i = r_uint(hash & mask)
    # do the first try before any looping
    if entries.valid(i):
        checkingkey = entries[i].key
        if direct_compare and checkingkey == key:
            return i   # found the entry
        if d.keyeq is not None and entries.hash(i) == hash:
            # correct hash, maybe the key is e.g. a different pointer to
            # an equal object
            found = d.keyeq(checkingkey, key)
            if d.paranoia:
                if (entries != d.entries or
                    not entries.valid(i) or entries[i].key != checkingkey):
                    # the compare did major nasty stuff to the dict: start over
                    return ll_dict_lookup(d, key, hash)
            if found:
                return i   # found the entry
        freeslot = -1
    elif entries.everused(i):
        freeslot = intmask(i)
        return i | HIGHEST_BIT # pristine entry -- lookup failed

    # In the loop, a deleted entry (everused and not valid) is by far
    # (factor of 100s) the least likely outcome, so test for that last.
    perturb = r_uint(hash)
    while 1:
        # compute the next index using unsigned arithmetic
        i = (i << 2) + i + perturb + 1
        i = i & mask
        # keep 'i' as a signed number here, to consistently pass signed
        # arguments to the small helper methods.
        if not entries.everused(i):
            if freeslot == -1:
                freeslot = intmask(i)
            return r_uint(freeslot) | HIGHEST_BIT
        elif entries.valid(i):
            checkingkey = entries[i].key
            if direct_compare and checkingkey == key:
                return i
            if d.keyeq is not None and entries.hash(i) == hash:
                # correct hash, maybe the key is e.g. a different pointer to
                # an equal object
                found = d.keyeq(checkingkey, key)
                if d.paranoia:
                    if (entries != d.entries or
                        not entries.valid(i) or entries[i].key != checkingkey):
                        # the compare did major nasty stuff to the dict:
                        # start over
                        return ll_dict_lookup(d, key, hash)
                if found:
                    return i   # found the entry
        elif freeslot == -1:
            freeslot = intmask(i)
        perturb >>= PERTURB_SHIFT
Exemplo n.º 10
def _int_binary_operations():
    minint = -sys.maxint-1
    # Test cases.  Note that for each operation there should be at least
    # one case in which the two input arguments are equal.
    for opnum, testcases in [
        (rop.INT_ADD, [(10, -2, 8),
                       (-60, -60, -120)]),
        (rop.INT_SUB, [(10, -2, 12),
                       (133, 133, 0)]),
        (rop.INT_MUL, [(-6, -3, 18),
                       (15, 15, 225)]),
        (rop.INT_AND, [(0xFF00, 0x0FF0, 0x0F00),
                       (-111, -111, -111)]),
        (rop.INT_OR, [(0xFF00, 0x0FF0, 0xFFF0),
                      (-111, -111, -111)]),
        (rop.INT_XOR, [(0xFF00, 0x0FF0, 0xF0F0),
                       (-111, -111, 0)]),
        (rop.INT_LSHIFT, [(10, 4, 10<<4),
                          (-5, 2, -20),
                          (-5, 0, -5),
                          (3, 3, 24)]),
        (rop.INT_RSHIFT, [(-17, 2, -5),
                          (19, 1, 9),
                          (3, 3, 0)]),
        (rop.UINT_RSHIFT, [(-1, 4, intmask(r_uint(-1) >> r_uint(4))),
                           ( 1, 4, intmask(r_uint(1) >> r_uint(4))),
                           ( 3, 3, 0)]),
        (rop.UINT_MUL_HIGH, [(5, 6, 0),
                             (0xffff, 0xffff, 0),
                             (-1, -1, -2),
                             (-1, 123, 122)]),
        for x, y, z in testcases:
            yield opnum, [x, y], z
Exemplo n.º 11
 def compute_hash(self, space, x):
     from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import intmask
     if self.fields is None and self.subdtype is None:
         endian = self.byteorder
         if endian == NPY.NATIVE:
             endian = NPY.NATBYTE
         flags = 0
         y = 0x345678
         for v in (ord(self.kind[0]), ord(endian[0]), flags,
                   self.elsize, self.alignment):
             y = intmask((1000003 * y) ^ v)
         return intmask((1000003 * x) ^ y)
     if self.fields is not None:
         fields = self.fields.items()
         for name, (offset, subdtype) in fields:
             assert isinstance(subdtype, W_Dtype)
             x = intmask((1000003 * x) ^ compute_hash(name))
             x = subdtype.compute_hash(space, x)
             x = intmask((1000003 * x) ^ compute_hash(offset))
     if self.subdtype is not None:
         for s in self.shape:
             x = intmask((1000003 * x) ^ compute_hash(s))
         x = self.base.compute_hash(space, x)
     return x
Exemplo n.º 12
    def find_map_attr(self, name, index):
        # attr cache
        space = self.space
        cache = space.fromcache(MapAttrCache)
        SHIFT2 = r_uint.BITS - space.config.objspace.std.methodcachesizeexp
        SHIFT1 = SHIFT2 - 5
        attrs_as_int = objectmodel.current_object_addr_as_int(self)
        # ^^^Note: see comment in typeobject.py for
        # _pure_lookup_where_with_method_cache()

        # unrolled hash computation for 2-tuple
        c1 = 0x345678
        c2 = 1000003
        hash_name = objectmodel.compute_hash(name)
        hash_selector = intmask((c2 * ((c2 * c1) ^ hash_name)) ^ index)
        product = intmask(attrs_as_int * hash_selector)
        attr_hash = (r_uint(product) ^ (r_uint(product) << SHIFT1)) >> SHIFT2
        # ^^^Note2: same comment too
        cached_attr = cache.attrs[attr_hash]
        if cached_attr is self:
            cached_name = cache.names[attr_hash]
            cached_index = cache.indexes[attr_hash]
            if cached_name == name and cached_index == index:
                attr = cache.cached_attrs[attr_hash]
                if space.config.objspace.std.withmethodcachecounter:
                    cache.hits[name] = cache.hits.get(name, 0) + 1
                return attr
        attr = self._find_map_attr(name, index)
        cache.attrs[attr_hash] = self
        cache.names[attr_hash] = name
        cache.indexes[attr_hash] = index
        cache.cached_attrs[attr_hash] = attr
        if space.config.objspace.std.withmethodcachecounter:
            cache.misses[name] = cache.misses.get(name, 0) + 1
        return attr
Exemplo n.º 13
 def read(self, size=-1):
     # XXX CPython uses a more delicate logic here
     ll_file = self.ll_file
     if not ll_file:
         raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file")
     if size < 0:
         # read the entire contents
         buf = lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, BASE_BUF_SIZE, flavor='raw')
             s = StringBuilder()
             while True:
                 returned_size = c_fread(buf, 1, BASE_BUF_SIZE, ll_file)
                 returned_size = intmask(returned_size)  # is between 0 and BASE_BUF_SIZE
                 if returned_size == 0:
                     if c_feof(ll_file):
                         # ok, finished
                         return s.build()
                     raise _error(ll_file)
                 s.append_charpsize(buf, returned_size)
             lltype.free(buf, flavor='raw')
         raw_buf, gc_buf = rffi.alloc_buffer(size)
             returned_size = c_fread(raw_buf, 1, size, ll_file)
             returned_size = intmask(returned_size)  # is between 0 and size
             if returned_size == 0:
                 if not c_feof(ll_file):
                     raise _error(ll_file)
             s = rffi.str_from_buffer(raw_buf, gc_buf, size, returned_size)
             rffi.keep_buffer_alive_until_here(raw_buf, gc_buf)
         return s
Exemplo n.º 14
        def time_time_llimpl():
            void = lltype.nullptr(rffi.VOIDP.TO)
            result = -1.0
            if self.HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY:
                t = lltype.malloc(self.TIMEVAL, flavor='raw')

                errcode = -1
                if self.GETTIMEOFDAY_NO_TZ:
                    errcode = c_gettimeofday(t)
                    errcode = c_gettimeofday(t, void)

                if rffi.cast(rffi.LONG, errcode) == 0:
                    result = decode_timeval(t)
                lltype.free(t, flavor='raw')
                if result != -1:
                    return result
            else: # assume using ftime(3)
                t = lltype.malloc(self.TIMEB, flavor='raw')
                result = (float(intmask(t.c_time)) +
                          float(intmask(t.c_millitm)) * 0.001)
                lltype.free(t, flavor='raw')
                return result
            return float(c_time(void))
Exemplo n.º 15
        def f(d):
            va = lltype.malloc(T, d, flavor='raw', zero=True)
            vb = lltype.malloc(T, d, flavor='raw', zero=True)
            for j in range(d):
                va[j] = rffi.r_int(j)
                vb[j] = rffi.r_int(j)
            i = 0
            while i < d:

                if i < 0:
                    raise IndexError
                if i >= d:
                    raise IndexError
                a = va[i]
                if i < 0:
                    raise IndexError
                if i >= d:
                    raise IndexError
                b = vb[i]
                ec = intmask(a)+intmask(b)
                if i < 0:
                    raise IndexError
                if i >= d:
                    raise IndexError
                va[i] = rffi.r_int(ec)

                i += 1
            lltype.free(va, flavor='raw')
            lltype.free(vb, flavor='raw')
            return 0
Exemplo n.º 16
def read_interpreter_code_info(rdr):
    from pixie.vm.object import InterpreterCodeInfo
    line = read_obj(rdr)
    line_number = read_raw_integer(rdr)
    column_number = read_raw_integer(rdr)
    file = read_raw_string(rdr)
    return InterpreterCodeInfo(line, intmask(line_number), intmask(column_number), file)
Exemplo n.º 17
def _hash_float(space, v):
    if not isfinite(v):
        if isinf(v):
            return HASH_INF if v > 0 else -HASH_INF
        return HASH_NAN

    m, e = math.frexp(v)

    sign = 1
    if m < 0:
        sign = -1
        m = -m

    # process 28 bits at a time;  this should work well both for binary
    # and hexadecimal floating point.
    x = r_uint(0)
    while m:
        x = ((x << 28) & HASH_MODULUS) | x >> (HASH_BITS - 28)
        m *= 268435456.0  # 2**28
        e -= 28
        y = r_uint(m)  # pull out integer part
        m -= y
        x += y
        if x >= HASH_MODULUS:
            x -= HASH_MODULUS

    # adjust for the exponent;  first reduce it modulo HASH_BITS
    e = e % HASH_BITS if e >= 0 else HASH_BITS - 1 - ((-1 - e) % HASH_BITS)
    x = ((x << e) & HASH_MODULUS) | x >> (HASH_BITS - e)

    x = intmask(intmask(x) * sign)
    return -2 if x == -1 else x
Exemplo n.º 18
 def set_video_mode(self, w, h, d):
     if not (w > 0 and h > 0):
     assert d in (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32)
     if d < MINIMUM_DEPTH:
     self.width = intmask(w)
     self.height = intmask(h)
     self.depth = intmask(d)
     if self.window == lltype.nullptr(RSDL.WindowPtr.TO):
     if self.screen_texture != lltype.nullptr(RSDL.TexturePtr.TO):
     self.screen_texture = RSDL.CreateTexture(
         w, h)
     if not self.screen_texture:
         print 'Could not create screen texture'
         raise RuntimeError(RSDL.GetError())
     if d == 16:
         self.bpp = 2
     elif d == 32:
         self.bpp = 4
         assert False
     self.pitch = self.width * self.bpp
Exemplo n.º 19
    def test_id(self):
        class A:

        def fn():
            a1 = A()
            a2 = A()
            return (

        res = self.interpret(fn, [])
        x0, x1, x2, x3 = self.ll_unpack_tuple(res, 4)
        assert isinstance(x0, (int, r_longlong))
        assert isinstance(x1, int)
        assert isinstance(x2, (int, r_longlong))
        assert isinstance(x3, int)
        assert x0 != x2
        # the following checks are probably too precise, but work at
        # least on top of llinterp
        assert x1 == intmask(x0)
        assert x3 == intmask(x2)
Exemplo n.º 20
 def read(self, size=-1):
     # XXX CPython uses a more delicate logic here
     ll_file = self._ll_file
     if size == 0:
         return ""
     elif size < 0:
         # read the entire contents
         buf = lltype.malloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, BASE_BUF_SIZE, flavor='raw')
             s = StringBuilder()
             while True:
                 returned_size = self._fread(buf, BASE_BUF_SIZE, ll_file)
                 returned_size = intmask(returned_size)  # is between 0 and BASE_BUF_SIZE
                 if returned_size == 0:
                     if c_feof(ll_file):
                         # ok, finished
                         return s.build()
                     raise _error(ll_file)
                 s.append_charpsize(buf, returned_size)
             lltype.free(buf, flavor='raw')
     else:  # size > 0
         with rffi.scoped_alloc_buffer(size) as buf:
             returned_size = self._fread(buf.raw, size, ll_file)
             returned_size = intmask(returned_size)  # is between 0 and size
             if returned_size == 0:
                 if not c_feof(ll_file):
                     raise _error(ll_file)
             s = buf.str(returned_size)
             assert s is not None
         return s
Exemplo n.º 21
 def func(no):
     m = mmap.mmap(no, 6, access=mmap.ACCESS_WRITE)
     f_size = os.fstat(no).st_size
     assert intmask(m.file_size()) == f_size == 6
     f_size = os.fstat(no).st_size
     assert intmask(m.file_size()) == f_size == 10
Exemplo n.º 22
def unbiased_rand(mn, mx):
    # migu way
    _range = mx - mn
    unbiased_range = _range + RANDMAX % _range
    rnd = intmask(_random.genrand32()) % unbiased_range
    while rnd >= _range:
        rnd = intmask(_random.genrand32()) % unbiased_range
    return rnd + mn
Exemplo n.º 23
 def test_truncate(self):
     def f(n):
         m = r_longlong(n) << 20
         return r_uint(m)
     res = self.interp_operations(f, [0x01234567])
     assert res == 0x56700000
     res = self.interp_operations(f, [0x56789ABC])
     assert intmask(res) == intmask(0xABC00000)
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_WordsObject_short_at():
    target = model.W_WordsObject(space, None, 2)
    target.setword(0, r_uint(0x00018000))
    target.setword(1, r_uint(0x80010111))
    assert target.short_at0(space, 0).value == intmask(0xffff8000)
    assert target.short_at0(space, 1).value == intmask(0x0001)
    assert target.short_at0(space, 2).value == intmask(0x0111)
    assert target.short_at0(space, 3).value == intmask(0xffff8001)
Exemplo n.º 25
def float_unpack(Q, size):
    """Convert a 16-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit integer created
    by float_pack into a Python float."""
    if size == 8:
        MIN_EXP = -1021  # = sys.float_info.min_exp
        MAX_EXP = 1024  # = sys.float_info.max_exp
        MANT_DIG = 53  # = sys.float_info.mant_dig
        BITS = 64
    elif size == 4:
        MIN_EXP = -125  # C's FLT_MIN_EXP
        MAX_EXP = 128  # FLT_MAX_EXP
        MANT_DIG = 24  # FLT_MANT_DIG
        BITS = 32
    elif size == 2:
        MIN_EXP = -13
        MAX_EXP = 16
        MANT_DIG = 11
        BITS = 16
        raise ValueError("invalid size value")

    if not objectmodel.we_are_translated():
        # This tests generates wrong code when translated:
        # with gcc, shifting a 64bit int by 64 bits does
        # not change the value.
        if Q >> BITS:
            raise ValueError("input '%r' out of range '%r'" % (Q, Q >> BITS))

    # extract pieces with assumed 1.mant values
    one = r_ulonglong(1)
    sign = rarithmetic.intmask(Q >> BITS - 1)
    exp = rarithmetic.intmask((Q & ((one << BITS - 1) - (one << MANT_DIG - 1))) >> MANT_DIG - 1)
    mant = Q & ((one << MANT_DIG - 1) - 1)

    if exp == MAX_EXP - MIN_EXP + 2:
        # nan or infinity
        if mant == 0:
            result = rfloat.INFINITY
            # preserve at most 52 bits of mant value, but pad w/zeros
            exp = r_ulonglong(0x7FF) << 52
            sign = r_ulonglong(sign) << 63
            if MANT_DIG < 53:
                mant = r_ulonglong(mant) << (53 - MANT_DIG)
            if mant == 0:
                result = rfloat.NAN
                uint = exp | mant | sign
                result = longlong2float(cast(LONGLONG, uint))
            return result
    elif exp == 0:
        # subnormal or zero
        result = math.ldexp(mant, MIN_EXP - MANT_DIG)
        # normal: add implicit one value
        mant += one << MANT_DIG - 1
        result = math.ldexp(mant, exp + MIN_EXP - MANT_DIG - 1)
    return -result if sign else result
Exemplo n.º 26
 def g(d, va, vb):
     i = 0
     while i < d:
         a = va[i]
         b = vb[i]
         ec = intmask(intmask(a) + intmask(b))
         va[i] = rffi.r_short(ec)
         i += 1
Exemplo n.º 27
 def fetch(self, space, n0):
     from rpython.rlib.rstruct.ieee import float_pack
     r = float_pack(self.value, 8) # C double
     if n0 == 0:
         return space.wrap_uint(r_uint(intmask(r >> 32)))
         # bounds-check for primitive access is done in the primitive
         assert n0 == 1
         return space.wrap_uint(r_uint(intmask(r)))
Exemplo n.º 28
 def unwrap_int(self, w_value):
     if isinstance(w_value, model.W_SmallInteger):
         return intmask(w_value.value)
     elif isinstance(w_value, model.W_LargePositiveInteger1Word):
         if w_value.value >= 0:
             return intmask(w_value.value)
             raise UnwrappingError("The value is negative when interpreted as 32bit value.")
     raise UnwrappingError("expected a W_SmallInteger or W_LargePositiveInteger1Word, got %s" % (w_value,))
Exemplo n.º 29
 def matching_result(res, rvalue):
     if rvalue is None:
         return res == 654321
     if isinstance(rvalue, r_singlefloat):
         rvalue = float(rvalue)
     if lltype.typeOf(rvalue) is rffi.ULONG:
         res = intmask(res)
         rvalue = intmask(rvalue)
     return res == rvalue
Exemplo n.º 30
 def lshift(self, space, shift):
     # shift > 0, therefore the highest bit of upperbound is not set,
     # i.e. upperbound is positive
     upperbound = intmask(r_uint(-1) >> shift)
     if 0 <= self.value <= upperbound:
         shifted = intmask(self.value << shift)
         return space.wrap_positive_32bit_int(shifted)
         raise error.PrimitiveFailedError()
Exemplo n.º 31
 def get_state(self):
     return ContextState.states[intmask((self._get_state_stackptr_pc()
                                         & ~state_mask) >> state_shift)]
Exemplo n.º 32
 def stack_ptr(self):
     return intmask((self._get_state_stackptr_pc()
                     & ~stackptr_mask) >> stackptr_shift)
Exemplo n.º 33
def _count(self):
    return rt.wrap(intmask(self.count()))
Exemplo n.º 34
def test_translated():
    d1 = {"foo": 123}
    d2 = {u"foo": 456, u"\u1234\u5678": 789}
    class G:
    g = G()
    g.v1 = d1.copy()
    g.v2 = d2.copy()

    def fetch(n):
        if n == 0: return d1.get("foo", -1)
        if n == 1: return g.v1.get("foo", -1)
        if n == 2: return compute_hash("foo")
        if n == 3: return d2.get(u"foo", -1)
        if n == 4: return g.v2.get(u"foo", -1)
        if n == 5: return compute_hash(u"foo")
        if n == 6: return d2.get(u"\u1234\u5678", -1)
        if n == 7: return g.v2.get(u"\u1234\u5678", -1)
        if n == 8: return compute_hash(u"\u1234\u5678")
        assert 0

    def entrypoint(n):
        g.v1["bar"] = -2
        g.v2[u"bar"] = -2
        if n >= 0:    # get items one by one, because otherwise it may
                      # be the case that one line influences the next
            return str(fetch(n))
            # ...except in random mode, because we want all results
            # to be computed with the same seed
            return ' '.join([str(fetch(n)) for n in range(9)])

    fn = compile(entrypoint, [int])

    def getall():
        return [int(fn(i)) for i in range(9)]

    old_val = os.environ.get('PYTHONHASHSEED', None)
        os.environ['PYTHONHASHSEED'] = '0'
        s1 = getall()
        assert s1[:8] == [
            123, 123, intmask(15988776847138518036),
            456, 456, intmask(15988776847138518036),
            789, 789]
        assert s1[8] in [intmask(17593683438421985039),    # ucs2 mode little endian
                         intmask(94801584261658677),       # ucs4 mode little endian
                         intmask(3849431280840015342),]    # ucs4 mode big endian

        os.environ['PYTHONHASHSEED'] = '3987654321'
        s1 = getall()
        assert s1[:8] == [
            123, 123, intmask(5890804383681474441),
            456, 456, intmask(5890804383681474441),
            789, 789]
        assert s1[8] in [intmask(4192582507672183374),     # ucs2 mode little endian
                         intmask(7179255293164649778),     # ucs4 mode little endian
                         intmask(-3945781295304514711),]   # ucs4 mode big endian

        for env in ['', 'random']:
            os.environ['PYTHONHASHSEED'] = env
            s1 = map(int, fn(-1).split())
            s2 = map(int, fn(-1).split())
            assert s1[0:2]+s1[3:5]+s1[6:8] == [123, 123, 456, 456, 789, 789]
            assert s1[2] == s1[5]
            assert s2[0:2]+s2[3:5]+s2[6:8] == [123, 123, 456, 456, 789, 789]
            assert s2[2] == s2[5]
            assert len(set([s1[2], s2[2], s1[8], s2[8]])) == 4

        if old_val is None:
            del os.environ['PYTHONHASHSEED']
            os.environ['PYTHONHASHSEED'] = old_val
Exemplo n.º 35
 def get_position(self):
     # p is the signed 32-bit position, from self.position_and_flags
     p = rffi.cast(rffi.INT, self.position_and_flags)
     return intmask(p) >> FO_POSITION_SHIFT
def positive32BitValueOf(n):
    from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import intmask
    return intmask(IProxy.space.unwrap_positive_32bit_int(n))
Exemplo n.º 37
def is_int32_from_longlong_nan(value):
    return intmask(value >> 32) == nan_high_word_int32
Exemplo n.º 38
        if i + 1 == length:
            raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError, NON_HEX_MSG, i)

        top = _hex_digit_to_int(s[i])
        if top == -1:
            raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError, NON_HEX_MSG, i)
        bot = _hex_digit_to_int(s[i + 1])
        if bot == -1:
            raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError, NON_HEX_MSG, i + 1)
        data.append(chr(top * 16 + bot))
        i += 2
    return data

HEXDIGITS = "0123456789abcdef"
PY_SIZE_T_MAX = intmask(2**(rffi.sizeof(rffi.SIZE_T) * 8 - 1) - 1)

@specialize.arg(5)  # raw access
def _array_to_hexstring(space, buf, start, step, length, rawaccess=False):
    hexstring = StringBuilder(length * 2)

    if length > PY_SIZE_T_MAX / 2:
        raise OperationError(space.w_MemoryError, space.w_None)

    stepped = 0
    i = start
    while stepped < length:
        if rawaccess:
            byte = ord(buf[i])
Exemplo n.º 39
    def seek(self, offset, whence):
        # This may fail on the do_seek() or on the tell() call.
        # But it won't depend on either on a relative forward seek.
        # Nor on a seek to the very end.
        if whence == 0 or whence == 1:
            if whence == 0:
                difpos = offset - self.tell()   # may clean up self.buf/self.pos
                difpos = offset
            currentsize = len(self.buf) - self.pos
            if -self.pos <= difpos <= currentsize:
                self.pos += intmask(difpos)
            if whence == 1:
                offset -= currentsize
                self.do_seek(offset, whence)
            except MyNotImplementedError:
                self.buf = ""
                self.pos = 0
                if difpos < 0:
                if whence == 0:
                    offset = difpos - currentsize
                intoffset = offset2int(offset)
                self.buf = ""
                self.pos = 0
        if whence == 2:
                self.do_seek(offset, 2)
            except MyNotImplementedError:
                self.pos = 0
                self.buf = ""
            # Skip relative to EOF by reading and saving only just as
            # much as needed
            intoffset = offset2int(offset)
            pos = self.pos
            assert pos >= 0
            buffers = [self.buf[pos:]]
            total = len(buffers[0])
            self.buf = ""
            self.pos = 0
            while 1:
                data = self.do_read(self.bufsize)
                if not data:
                total += len(data)
                while buffers and total >= len(buffers[0]) - intoffset:
                    total -= len(buffers[0])
                    del buffers[0]
            cutoff = total + intoffset
            if cutoff < 0:
                raise StreamError("cannot seek back")
            if buffers:
                assert cutoff >= 0
                buffers[0] = buffers[0][cutoff:]
            self.buf = "".join(buffers)

        raise StreamError("whence should be 0, 1 or 2")
Exemplo n.º 40
 def pc(self):
     return intmask((self._get_state_stackptr_pc() & ~pc_mask) >> pc_shift)
Exemplo n.º 41
def buffer_capacity(buffer):
    return rt.wrap(intmask(buffer.capacity()))
Exemplo n.º 42
def _count(self):
    assert isinstance(self, PersistentHashMap)
    return rt.wrap(intmask(self._cnt))
Exemplo n.º 43
 def descr_hash(self, space):
     hashreal = _hash_float(space, self.realval)
     hashimg = _hash_float(space, self.imagval)  # 0 if self.imagval == 0
     h = intmask(hashreal + 1000003 * hashimg)
     h -= (h == -1)
     return space.newint(h)
Exemplo n.º 44
def _ll_1_ullong_from_int(x):
    return r_ulonglong(intmask(x))
Exemplo n.º 45
def _ll_1_llong_to_int(xll):
    return intmask(xll)
Exemplo n.º 46
 def unsigned_to_signed_32bit(x):
     return intmask(rffi.cast(rffi.INT, x))
Exemplo n.º 47
def _contains_key(self, key):
    assert isinstance(self, PersistentVector)
    if not isinstance(key, Integer):
        return false
        return true if key.int_val() >= 0 and key.int_val() < intmask(self._cnt) else false
Exemplo n.º 48
 def time_now(self):
     import time
     from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import intmask
     return intmask((int(time.time() * 1000) - self.startup_time))
Exemplo n.º 49
 def hash_equal(self, info=None):
     x = 0x567890
     for i in range(self.len):
         hash = self.ref(i).hash_equal(info=info)
         x = intmask((1000003 * x) ^ hash)
     return x
Exemplo n.º 50
import sys
from pypy.interpreter.gateway import interp2app, unwrap_spec
from pypy.interpreter.baseobjspace import W_Root
from pypy.interpreter.typedef import TypeDef, interp_attrproperty
from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError, oefmt
from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import intmask, r_uint, r_uint32
from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import keepalive_until_here
from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import rffi

from rpython.rlib import rzlib

if intmask(2**31) == -2**31:
    # 32-bit platforms
    unsigned_to_signed_32bit = intmask
    # 64-bit platforms
    def unsigned_to_signed_32bit(x):
        return intmask(rffi.cast(rffi.INT, x))

@unwrap_spec(string='bufferstr', start='truncatedint_w')
def crc32(space, string, start = rzlib.CRC32_DEFAULT_START):
    crc32(string[, start]) -- Compute a CRC-32 checksum of string.

    An optional starting value can be specified.  The returned checksum is
    an integer.
    ustart = r_uint(r_uint32(start))
    checksum = rzlib.crc32(string, ustart)
Exemplo n.º 51
def _count(self):
    assert isinstance(self, TransientVector)
    return rt.wrap(intmask(self._cnt))
Exemplo n.º 52
 def high_part(self):
     return intmask(self.aslonglong >> 32)
Exemplo n.º 53
def can_encode_float(value):
    return intmask(float2longlong(value) >> 32) != nan_high_word_int32
Exemplo n.º 54
def check_latin1(s, expected, test_prebuilt=False):
    with choosen_seed(0x8a9f065a358479f4, 0x11cb1e9ee7f40e1f,
                      test_misaligned_path=True, test_prebuilt=test_prebuilt):
        z = ll_hash_string_siphash24(llunicode(s))
    assert z == intmask(expected)
Exemplo n.º 55
def _hash(self):
    assert isinstance(self, Symbol)
    if self._hash == 0:
        self._hash = util.hash_unencoded_chars(self._str)
    return rt.wrap(intmask(self._hash))
Exemplo n.º 56
 def low_part(self):
     return intmask(self.aslonglong)
Exemplo n.º 57
Arquivo: rgc.py Projeto: fhalde/pypy
def get_rpy_type_index(gcref):
    from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import intmask
    Class = gcref._x.__class__
    return intmask(id(Class))
Exemplo n.º 58
def size_alignment(ffi_type):
    return intmask(ffi_type.c_size), intmask(ffi_type.c_alignment)
Exemplo n.º 59
     has_clock_gettime = platform.Has('clock_gettime')
     CLOCK_PROF = platform.DefinedConstantInteger('CLOCK_PROF')
@@ -224,7 +224,6 @@ if _POSIX:
 HAS_CLOCK_GETTIME = cConfig.has_clock_gettime
-clock_t = cConfig.clock_t
 tm = cConfig.tm
 glob_buf = lltype.malloc(tm, flavor='raw', zero=True, immortal=True)
@@ -966,7 +965,9 @@ else:
             with lltype.scoped_alloc(rposix.TMS) as tms:
                 ret = rposix.c_times(tms)
                 if rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, ret) != -1:
-                    cpu_time = float(tms.c_tms_utime + tms.c_tms_stime)
+                    c_tms_utime = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, tms.c_tms_utime)
+                    c_tms_stime = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, tms.c_tms_stime)
+                    cpu_time = float(c_tms_utime + c_tms_stime)
                     if w_info is not None:
                         _setinfo(space, w_info, "times()",
                                  1.0 / rposix.CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND,
@@ -993,7 +994,7 @@ else:
         value = _clock()
         # Is this casting correct?
-        if value == rffi.cast(clock_t, -1):
+        if intmask(value) == intmask(rffi.cast(clock_t, -1)):
             raise oefmt(space.w_RuntimeError,
                         "the processor time used is not available or its value"
                         "cannot be represented")
Exemplo n.º 60
class LLOrderedDict(object):
    INIT_SIZE = 8
    HIGHEST_BIT = intmask(1 << (LONG_BIT - 1))
    MASK = intmask(HIGHEST_BIT - 1)

    def ll_valid_from_flag(entries, i):
        return entries[i].valid

    def ll_everused_from_flag(entries, i):
        return entries[i].everused

    def ll_mark_deleted_in_flag(entries, i):
        entries[i].valid = False

    def ll_hashkey_custom(d, key):
        DICT = lltype.typeOf(d).TO
        return hlinvoke(DICT.r_hashkey, d.hashkey_func, key)

    def ll_keyeq_custom(d, key1, key2):
        DICT = lltype.typeOf(d).TO
        return hlinvoke(DICT.r_keyeq, d.keyeq_func, key1, key2)

    def ll_hash_recompute(entries, i):
        ENTRIES = lltype.typeOf(entries).TO
        return ENTRIES.fast_hash_func(entries[i].key)

    def ll_hash_from_cache(entries, i):
        return entries[i].hash

    def recast(P, v):
        if isinstance(P, lltype.Ptr):
            return lltype.cast_pointer(P, v)
            return v

    def ll_newdict(DICT):
        d = lltype.malloc(DICT)
        d.entries = lltype.malloc(DICT.entries.TO, LLOrderedDict.INIT_SIZE, zero=True)
        d.num_items = 0
        d.first_entry = -1
        d.last_entry = -1
        d.resize_counter = LLOrderedDict.INIT_SIZE * 2
        return d

    def ll_len(d):
        return d.num_items

    @jit.look_inside_iff(lambda d, key, hash:
                         jit.isvirtual(d) and jit.isconstant(key))
    def ll_lookup(d, key, hash):
        entries = d.entries
        mask = len(entries) - 1
        i = hash & mask
        if entries.valid(i):
            checkingkey = entries[i].key
            if checkingkey == key:
                return i
            if d.keyeq is not None and entries.hash(i) == hash:
                found = d.keyeq(checkingkey, key)
                if d.paranoia:
                    if (entries != d.entries or
                        not entries.valid(i) or entries[i].key != checkingkey):
                        return LLOrderedDict.ll_lookup(d, key, hash)
                if found:
                    return i
            freeslot = -1
        elif entries.everused(i):
            freeslot = i
            return i | LLOrderedDict.HIGHEST_BIT

        perturb = r_uint(hash)
        while True:
            i = r_uint(i)
            i = (i << 2) + i + perturb + 1
            i = intmask(i) & mask
            if not entries.everused(i):
                if freeslot == -1:
                    freeslot = i
                return freeslot | LLOrderedDict.HIGHEST_BIT
            elif entries.valid(i):
                checkingkey = entries[i].key
                if checkingkey == key:
                    return i
                if d.keyeq is not None and entries.hash(i) == hash:
                    found = d.keyeq(checkingkey, key)
                    if d.paranoia:
                        if (entries != d.entries or
                            not entries.valid(i) or entries[i].key != checkingkey):
                            return LLOrderedDict.ll_lookup(d, key, hash)
                    if found:
                        return i
            elif freeslot == -1:
                freeslot = i
            perturb >>= LLOrderedDict.PERTURB_SHIFT

    def ll_setitem(d, key, value):
        hash = d.hashkey(key)
        i = LLOrderedDict.ll_lookup(d, key, hash)
        LLOrderedDict.ll_setitem_lookup_done(d, key, value, hash, i)

    def ll_setitem_lookup_done(d, key, value, hash, i):
        valid = (i & LLOrderedDict.HIGHEST_BIT) == 0
        i &= LLOrderedDict.MASK
        everused = d.entries.everused(i)
        ENTRY = lltype.typeOf(d.entries).TO.OF
        entry = d.entries[i]
        entry.value = value
        if valid:
        entry.key = key
        if hasattr(ENTRY, "hash"):
            entry.hash = hash
        if hasattr(ENTRY, "valid"):
            entry.valid = True
        d.num_items += 1
        if d.first_entry == -1:
            d.first_entry = i
            d.entries[d.last_entry].next = i
        entry.prev = d.last_entry
        d.last_entry = i
        entry.next = -1
        if not everused:
            if hasattr(ENTRY, "everused"):
                entry.everused = True
            d.resize_counter -= 3
            if d.resize_counter <= 0:

    def ll_getitem(d, key):
        i = LLOrderedDict.ll_lookup(d, key, d.hashkey(key))
        if not i & LLOrderedDict.HIGHEST_BIT:
            return d.entries[i].value
            raise KeyError

    def ll_delitem(d, key):
        i = LLOrderedDict.ll_lookup(d, key, d.hashkey(key))
        if i & LLOrderedDict.HIGHEST_BIT:
            raise KeyError
        LLOrderedDict._ll_del(d, i)

    def _ll_del(d, i):
        d.num_items -= 1
        entry = d.entries[i]
        if entry.prev == -1:
            d.first_entry = entry.next
            d.entries[entry.prev].next = entry.next
        if entry.next == -1:
            d.last_entry = entry.prev
            d.entries[entry.next].prev = entry.prev

        ENTRIES = lltype.typeOf(d.entries).TO
        if ENTRIES.must_clear_key:
            entry.key = lltype.nullptr(ENTRY.key.TO)
        if ENTRIES.must_clear_value:
            entry.value = lltype.nullptr(ENTRY.value.TO)

    def ll_contains(d, key):
        i = LLOrderedDict.ll_lookup(d, key, d.hashkey(key))
        return not bool(i & LLOrderedDict.HIGHEST_BIT)

    def ll_resize(d):
        old_entries = d.entries
        if d.num_items > 50000:
            new_estimate = d.num_items * 2
            new_estimate = d.num_items * 4

        new_size = LLOrderedDict.INIT_SIZE
        while new_size <= new_estimate:
            new_size *= 2

        d.entries = lltype.malloc(lltype.typeOf(old_entries).TO, new_size, zero=True)
        d.num_items = 0
        d.resize_counter = new_size * 2

        i = d.first_entry
        d.first_entry = -1
        d.last_entry = -1

        while i != -1:
            hash = old_entries.hash(i)
            entry = old_entries[i]
            LLOrderedDict.ll_insert_clean(d, entry.key, entry.value, hash)
            i = entry.next

    def ll_insert_clean(d, key, value, hash):
        i = LLOrderedDict.ll_lookup_clean(d, hash)
        ENTRY = lltype.typeOf(d.entries).TO.OF
        entry = d.entries[i]
        entry.value = value
        entry.key = key
        if hasattr(ENTRY, "hash"):
            entry.hash = hash
        if hasattr(ENTRY, "valid"):
            entry.valid = True
        if hasattr(ENTRY, "everused"):
            entry.everused = True
        d.num_items += 1
        if d.first_entry == -1:
            d.first_entry = i
            d.entries[d.last_entry].next = i
        entry.prev = d.last_entry
        d.last_entry = i
        entry.next = -1
        d.resize_counter -= 3

    def ll_lookup_clean(d, hash):
        entries = d.entries
        mask = len(entries) - 1
        i = hash & mask
        perturb = r_uint(hash)
        while entries.everused(i):
            i = r_uint(i)
            i = (i << 2) + i + perturb + 1
            i = intmask(i) & mask
            perturb >>= LLOrderedDict.PERTURB_SHIFT
        return i

    def ll_keys(LIST, d):
        res = LIST.ll_newlist(d.num_items)
        ELEM = lltype.typeOf(res.ll_items()).TO.OF
        i = 0
        idx = d.first_entry
        while idx != -1:
            res.ll_items()[i] = LLOrderedDict.recast(ELEM, d.entries[idx].key)
            idx = d.entries[idx].next
            i += 1
        return res

    def ll_values(LIST, d):
        res = LIST.ll_newlist(d.num_items)
        ELEM = lltype.typeOf(res.ll_items()).TO.OF
        i = 0
        idx = d.first_entry
        while idx != -1:
            res.ll_items()[i] = LLOrderedDict.recast(ELEM, d.entries[idx].value)
            idx = d.entries[idx].next
            i += 1
        return res

    def ll_get(d, key, default):
        i = LLOrderedDict.ll_lookup(d, key, d.hashkey(key))
        if not i & LLOrderedDict.HIGHEST_BIT:
            return d.entries[i].value
            return default

    def ll_pop(d, key):
        i = LLOrderedDict.ll_lookup(d, key, d.hashkey(key))
        if not i & LLOrderedDict.HIGHEST_BIT:
            value = d.entries[i].value
            LLOrderedDict._ll_del(d, i)
            return value
            raise KeyError

    def ll_pop_default(d, key, default):
            return LLOrderedDict.ll_pop(d, key)
        except KeyError:
            return default

    def ll_popitem(RESTYPE, d):
        if not d.num_items:
            raise KeyError
        entry = d.entries[d.first_entry]

        r = lltype.malloc(RESTYPE.TO)
        r.item0 = LLOrderedDict.recast(RESTYPE.TO.item0, entry.key)
        r.item1 = LLOrderedDict.recast(RESTYPE.TO.item1, entry.value)

        LLOrderedDict._ll_del(d, d.first_entry)

        return r

    def ll_update(d, other):
        idx = other.first_entry
        while idx != -1:
            entry = other.entries[idx]
            i = LLOrderedDict.ll_lookup(d, entry.key, other.entries.hash(idx))
            LLOrderedDict.ll_setitem_lookup_done(d, entry.key, entry.value, other.entries.hash(idx), i)
            idx = entry.next

    def ll_clear(d):
        if d.num_items == 0:
        d.entries = lltype.malloc(lltype.typeOf(d.entries).TO, LLOrderedDict.INIT_SIZE, zero=True)
        d.num_items = 0
        d.first_entry = -1
        d.last_entry = -1
        d.resize_counter = LLOrderedDict.INIT_SIZE * 2

    def ll_copy(d):
        DICT = lltype.typeOf(d).TO
        new_d = lltype.malloc(DICT)
        new_d.entries = lltype.malloc(DICT.entries.TO, len(d.entries), zero=True)
        new_d.num_items = d.num_items
        new_d.resize_counter = d.resize_counter
        new_d.first_entry = d.first_entry
        new_d.last_entry = d.last_entry
        if hasattr(DICT, "hashkey_func"):
            new_d.hashkey_func = d.hashkey_func
        if hasattr(DICT, "keyeq_func"):
            new_d.keyeq_func = d.keyeq_func
        for i in xrange(len(d.entries)):
            entry = d.entries[i]
            new_entry = new_d.entries[i]
            new_entry.key = entry.key
            new_entry.value = entry.value
            new_entry.next = entry.next
            new_entry.prev = entry.prev
            new_entry.everused = entry.everused
            new_entry.valid = entry.valid
            if hasattr(DICT.entries.TO.OF, "hash"):
                new_entry.hash = entry.hash
        return new_d

    def ll_newdictiter(ITER, d):
        it = lltype.malloc(ITER)
        it.d = d
        it.index = d.first_entry
        return it

    def ll_dictiternext(RESTYPE, it):
        if it.index == -1:
            raise StopIteration
        r = lltype.malloc(RESTYPE.TO)
        entry = it.d.entries[it.index]
        r.item0 = LLOrderedDict.recast(RESTYPE.TO.item0, entry.key)
        r.item1 = LLOrderedDict.recast(RESTYPE.TO.item1, entry.value)
        it.index = entry.next
        return r