Exemplo n.º 1
 def alloc_buffer(count):
     Returns a (raw_buffer, gc_buffer, case_num) triple,
     allocated with count bytes.
     The raw_buffer can be safely passed to a native function which expects
     it to not move. Call str_from_buffer with the returned values to get a
     safe high-level string. When the garbage collector cooperates, this
     allows for the process to be performed without an extra copy.
     Make sure to call keep_buffer_alive_until_here on the returned values.
     new_buf = mallocfn(count)
     pinned = 0
     if rgc.can_move(new_buf):
         if rgc.pin(new_buf):
             pinned = 1
             raw_buf = lltype.malloc(TYPEP.TO, count, flavor='raw')
             return raw_buf, new_buf, 2
     # following code is executed if:
     # - rgc.can_move(data) and rgc.pin(data) both returned true
     # - rgc.can_move(data) returned false
     data_start = cast_ptr_to_adr(new_buf) + \
         offsetof(STRTYPE, 'chars') + itemoffsetof(STRTYPE.chars, 0)
     return cast(TYPEP, data_start), new_buf, pinned
Exemplo n.º 2
 def alloc_buffer(count):
     Returns a (raw_buffer, gc_buffer, case_num) triple,
     allocated with count bytes.
     The raw_buffer can be safely passed to a native function which expects
     it to not move. Call str_from_buffer with the returned values to get a
     safe high-level string. When the garbage collector cooperates, this
     allows for the process to be performed without an extra copy.
     Make sure to call keep_buffer_alive_until_here on the returned values.
     new_buf = mallocfn(count)
     pinned = 0
     if rgc.can_move(new_buf):
         if rgc.pin(new_buf):
             pinned = 1
             raw_buf = lltype.malloc(TYPEP.TO, count, flavor='raw')
             return raw_buf, new_buf, 2
     # following code is executed if:
     # - rgc.can_move(data) and rgc.pin(data) both returned true
     # - rgc.can_move(data) returned false
     data_start = cast_ptr_to_adr(new_buf) + \
         offsetof(STRTYPE, 'chars') + itemoffsetof(STRTYPE.chars, 0)
     return cast(TYPEP, data_start), new_buf, pinned
Exemplo n.º 3
    def get_nonmovingbuffer(data):
        Either returns a non-moving copy or performs neccessary pointer
        arithmetic to return a pointer to the characters of a string if the
        string is already nonmovable or could be pinned.  Must be followed by a
        free_nonmovingbuffer call.

        First bool returned indicates if 'data' was pinned. Second bool returned
        indicates if we did a raw alloc because pinning failed. Both bools
        should never be true at the same time.

        lldata = llstrtype(data)
        count = len(data)

        pinned = False
        if rgc.can_move(data):
            if rgc.pin(data):
                pinned = True
                buf = lltype.malloc(TYPEP.TO, count, flavor='raw')
                copy_string_to_raw(lldata, buf, 0, count)
                return buf, pinned, True
                # ^^^ raw malloc used to get a nonmovable copy
        # following code is executed if:
        # - rgc.can_move(data) and rgc.pin(data) both returned true
        # - rgc.can_move(data) returned false
        data_start = cast_ptr_to_adr(lldata) + \
            offsetof(STRTYPE, 'chars') + itemoffsetof(STRTYPE.chars, 0)

        return cast(TYPEP, data_start), pinned, False
Exemplo n.º 4
    def get_nonmovingbuffer(data):
        Either returns a non-moving copy or performs neccessary pointer
        arithmetic to return a pointer to the characters of a string if the
        string is already nonmovable or could be pinned.  Must be followed by a
        free_nonmovingbuffer call.

        First bool returned indicates if 'data' was pinned. Second bool returned
        indicates if we did a raw alloc because pinning failed. Both bools
        should never be true at the same time.

        lldata = llstrtype(data)
        count = len(data)

        pinned = False
        if rgc.can_move(data):
            if rgc.pin(data):
                pinned = True
                buf = lltype.malloc(TYPEP.TO, count, flavor='raw')
                copy_string_to_raw(lldata, buf, 0, count)
                return buf, pinned, True
                # ^^^ raw malloc used to get a nonmovable copy
        # following code is executed if:
        # - rgc.can_move(data) and rgc.pin(data) both returned true
        # - rgc.can_move(data) returned false
        data_start = cast_ptr_to_adr(lldata) + \
            offsetof(STRTYPE, 'chars') + itemoffsetof(STRTYPE.chars, 0)

        return cast(TYPEP, data_start), pinned, False
Exemplo n.º 5
 def get_y():
     if not helper.inst:
         helper.inst = Y()
         helper.inst.x = 101
     return helper.inst
Exemplo n.º 6
 def fn(n):
     s = str(n)
     if not rgc.can_move(s):
         return 13
     res = int(rgc.pin(s))
     if res:
     return res
Exemplo n.º 7
 def fn(n):
     s = str(n)
     if not rgc.can_move(s):
         return 13
     res = int(rgc.pin(s))
     if res:
     return res
Exemplo n.º 8
 def get_y():
     if not helper.inst:
         helper.inst = Y()
         helper.inst.x = 101
     return helper.inst
Exemplo n.º 9
 def g():
     a = A()
     assert rgc.pin(a)
     a.x = 100
     wr = weakref.ref(a)
     assert wr() is not None
     assert a.x == 100
     return wr
Exemplo n.º 10
 def g():
     a = A()
     assert rgc.pin(a)
     a.x = 100
     wr = weakref.ref(a)
     assert wr() is not None
     assert a.x == 100
     return wr
Exemplo n.º 11
 def get_instances():
     if not helper.initialised:
         helper.inst1 = Y()
         helper.inst1.x = 101
         helper.inst2 = Y()
         helper.inst2.x = 102
         helper.inst3 = Y()
         helper.inst3.x = 103
         helper.initialised = True
     check(not rgc._is_pinned(helper.inst2))
     return (helper.inst1, helper.inst2, helper.inst3)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def get_instances():
     if not helper.initialised:
         helper.inst1 = Y()
         helper.inst1.x = 101
         helper.inst2 = Y()
         helper.inst2.x = 102
         helper.inst3 = Y()
         helper.inst3.x = 103
         helper.initialised = True
     check(not rgc._is_pinned(helper.inst2))
     return (helper.inst1, helper.inst2, helper.inst3)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def fn(n):
     from rpython.rlib.debug import debug_print
     s = str(n)
     if not rgc.can_move(s):
         return 13
     res = int(rgc.pin(s))
     if res:
         res += int(rgc._is_pinned(s))
     return res
Exemplo n.º 14
 def fn(n):
     from rpython.rlib.debug import debug_print
     s = str(n)
     if not rgc.can_move(s):
         return 13
     res = int(rgc.pin(s))
     if res:
         res += int(rgc._is_pinned(s))
     return res
Exemplo n.º 15
    def execute_uv(self, loop, k):
        baton = lltype.malloc(uv_baton_t, flavor="raw")
        exb = self._fn.prep_exb(self._args)

        buffer_array = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDPP, exb)
        work_data_container[rffi.cast(rffi.INT, baton)] = (k, exb, self._fn)
        cif = self._fn._cd
        for i in range(cif.nargs):
            data = rffi.ptradd(exb, cif.exchange_args[i])
            buffer_array[i] = data
        resultdata = rffi.ptradd(exb,

                rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, cif),
                rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, self._fn._f_ptr),
                rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, exb),
                rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, resultdata),
Exemplo n.º 16
 def get_y(n):
     if not helper.inst:
         helper.inst = Y()
         helper.inst.x = 101
         helper.pinned = True
     elif n < 100 and helper.pinned:
         helper.pinned = False
     if helper.pinned:
         helper.count_pinned += 1
         check(not rgc._is_pinned(helper.inst))
         helper.count_unpinned += 1
     return helper.inst
Exemplo n.º 17
 def get_y(n):
     if not helper.inst:
         helper.inst = Y()
         helper.inst.x = 101
         helper.pinned = True
     elif n < 100 and helper.pinned:
         helper.pinned = False
     if helper.pinned:
         helper.count_pinned += 1
         check(not rgc._is_pinned(helper.inst))
         helper.count_unpinned += 1
     return helper.inst
Exemplo n.º 18
    def get_nonmovingbuffer(data):
        Either returns a non-moving copy or performs neccessary pointer
        arithmetic to return a pointer to the characters of a string if the
        string is already nonmovable or could be pinned.  Must be followed by a
        free_nonmovingbuffer call.

        Also returns a char:
         * \4: no pinning, returned pointer is inside 'data' which is nonmovable
         * \5: 'data' was pinned, returned pointer is inside
         * \6: pinning failed, returned pointer is raw malloced

        For strings (not unicodes), the len()th character of the resulting
        raw buffer is available, but not initialized.  Use
        get_nonmovingbuffer_final_null() instead of get_nonmovingbuffer()
        to get a regular null-terminated "char *".

        lldata = llstrtype(data)
        count = len(data)

        if we_are_translated_to_c() and not rgc.can_move(data):
            flag = '\x04'
            if we_are_translated_to_c() and rgc.pin(data):
                flag = '\x05'
                buf = lltype.malloc(TYPEP.TO, count + (TYPEP is CCHARP),
                copy_string_to_raw(lldata, buf, 0, count)
                return buf, '\x06'
                # ^^^ raw malloc used to get a nonmovable copy
        # following code is executed after we're translated to C, if:
        # - rgc.can_move(data) and rgc.pin(data) both returned true
        # - rgc.can_move(data) returned false
        data_start = cast_ptr_to_adr(lldata) + \
            offsetof(STRTYPE, 'chars') + itemoffsetof(STRTYPE.chars, 0)

        return cast(TYPEP, data_start), flag
Exemplo n.º 19
 def f():
     a = A()
     ref = weakref.ref(a)
     assert not rgc.pin(ref)
Exemplo n.º 20
 def f():
     a = A()
     ref = weakref.ref(a)
     assert not rgc.pin(ref)
Exemplo n.º 21
 def f():
     a = A()
     b = B()
     assert not rgc.pin(a)
     assert not rgc.pin(b)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def check_rewrite(self, frm_operations, to_operations, **namespace):
        # objects to use inside the test
        A = lltype.GcArray(lltype.Signed)
        adescr = get_array_descr(self.gc_ll_descr, A)
        adescr.tid = 4321
        alendescr = adescr.lendescr
        pinned_obj_type = lltype.GcStruct('PINNED_STRUCT', ('my_int', lltype.Signed))
        pinned_obj_my_int_descr = get_field_descr(self.gc_ll_descr, pinned_obj_type, 'my_int')
        pinned_obj_ptr = lltype.malloc(pinned_obj_type)
        pinned_obj_gcref = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, pinned_obj_ptr)
        assert rgc.pin(pinned_obj_gcref)
        notpinned_obj_type = lltype.GcStruct('NOT_PINNED_STRUCT', ('my_int', lltype.Signed))
        notpinned_obj_my_int_descr = get_field_descr(self.gc_ll_descr, notpinned_obj_type, 'my_int')
        notpinned_obj_ptr = lltype.malloc(notpinned_obj_type)
        notpinned_obj_gcref = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, notpinned_obj_ptr)
        ptr_array_descr = self.cpu.arraydescrof(MovableObjectTracker.ptr_array_type)
        vtable_descr = self.gc_ll_descr.fielddescr_vtable
        O = lltype.GcStruct('O', ('parent', rclass.OBJECT),
                                 ('x', lltype.Signed))
        o_vtable = lltype.malloc(rclass.OBJECT_VTABLE, immortal=True)
        register_known_gctype(self.cpu, o_vtable, O)
        tiddescr = self.gc_ll_descr.fielddescr_tid
        wbdescr = self.gc_ll_descr.write_barrier_descr
        WORD = globals()['WORD']
        strdescr     = self.gc_ll_descr.str_descr
        unicodedescr = self.gc_ll_descr.unicode_descr
        strlendescr     = strdescr.lendescr
        unicodelendescr = unicodedescr.lendescr

        casmdescr = JitCellToken()
        clt = FakeLoopToken()
        clt._ll_initial_locs = [0, 8]
        frame_info = lltype.malloc(jitframe.JITFRAMEINFO, flavor='raw')
        clt.frame_info = frame_info
        frame_info.jfi_frame_depth = 13
        frame_info.jfi_frame_size = 255
        framedescrs = self.gc_ll_descr.getframedescrs(self.cpu)
        framelendescr = framedescrs.arraydescr.lendescr
        jfi_frame_depth = framedescrs.jfi_frame_depth
        jfi_frame_size = framedescrs.jfi_frame_size
        jf_frame_info = framedescrs.jf_frame_info
        signedframedescr = self.cpu.signedframedescr
        floatframedescr = self.cpu.floatframedescr
        casmdescr.compiled_loop_token = clt
        tzdescr = None # noone cares
        for funcname in self.gc_ll_descr._generated_functions:
            namespace[funcname] = self.gc_ll_descr.get_malloc_fn(funcname)
            namespace[funcname + '_descr'] = getattr(self.gc_ll_descr,
                                                     '%s_descr' % funcname)
        ops = parse(frm_operations, namespace=namespace)
        operations = self.gc_ll_descr.rewrite_assembler(self.cpu,
        # make the array containing the GCREF's accessible inside the tests.
        # This must be done after we call 'rewrite_assembler'. Before that
        # call 'last_moving_obj_tracker' is None or filled with some old
        # value.
        namespace['ptr_array_gcref'] = self.gc_ll_descr.last_moving_obj_tracker.ptr_array_gcref
        expected = parse(to_operations % Evaluator(namespace),
        equaloplists(operations, expected.operations)
        lltype.free(frame_info, flavor='raw')
Exemplo n.º 23
 def f():
     a = A()
     b = B()
     assert not rgc.pin(a)
     assert not rgc.pin(b)
    def check_rewrite(self, frm_operations, to_operations, **namespace):
        # objects to use inside the test
        A = lltype.GcArray(lltype.Signed)
        adescr = get_array_descr(self.gc_ll_descr, A)
        adescr.tid = 4321
        alendescr = adescr.lendescr
        pinned_obj_type = lltype.GcStruct('PINNED_STRUCT', ('my_int', lltype.Signed))
        pinned_obj_my_int_descr = get_field_descr(self.gc_ll_descr, pinned_obj_type, 'my_int')
        pinned_obj_ptr = lltype.malloc(pinned_obj_type)
        pinned_obj_gcref = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, pinned_obj_ptr)
        assert rgc.pin(pinned_obj_gcref)
        notpinned_obj_type = lltype.GcStruct('NOT_PINNED_STRUCT', ('my_int', lltype.Signed))
        notpinned_obj_my_int_descr = get_field_descr(self.gc_ll_descr, notpinned_obj_type, 'my_int')
        notpinned_obj_ptr = lltype.malloc(notpinned_obj_type)
        notpinned_obj_gcref = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, notpinned_obj_ptr)
        ptr_array_descr = self.cpu.arraydescrof(MovableObjectTracker.ptr_array_type)
        vtable_descr = self.gc_ll_descr.fielddescr_vtable
        O = lltype.GcStruct('O', ('parent', rclass.OBJECT),
                                 ('x', lltype.Signed))
        o_vtable = lltype.malloc(rclass.OBJECT_VTABLE, immortal=True)
        tiddescr = self.gc_ll_descr.fielddescr_tid
        wbdescr = self.gc_ll_descr.write_barrier_descr
        WORD = globals()['WORD']
        strdescr     = self.gc_ll_descr.str_descr
        unicodedescr = self.gc_ll_descr.unicode_descr
        strlendescr     = strdescr.lendescr
        unicodelendescr = unicodedescr.lendescr

        casmdescr = JitCellToken()
        clt = FakeLoopToken()
        clt._ll_initial_locs = [0, 8]
        frame_info = lltype.malloc(jitframe.JITFRAMEINFO, flavor='raw')
        clt.frame_info = frame_info
        frame_info.jfi_frame_depth = 13
        frame_info.jfi_frame_size = 255
        framedescrs = self.gc_ll_descr.getframedescrs(self.cpu)
        framelendescr = framedescrs.arraydescr.lendescr
        jfi_frame_depth = framedescrs.jfi_frame_depth
        jfi_frame_size = framedescrs.jfi_frame_size
        jf_frame_info = framedescrs.jf_frame_info
        signedframedescr = self.cpu.signedframedescr
        floatframedescr = self.cpu.floatframedescr
        casmdescr.compiled_loop_token = clt
        tzdescr = None # noone cares
        for funcname in self.gc_ll_descr._generated_functions:
            namespace[funcname] = self.gc_ll_descr.get_malloc_fn(funcname)
            namespace[funcname + '_descr'] = getattr(self.gc_ll_descr,
                                                     '%s_descr' % funcname)
        ops = parse(frm_operations, namespace=namespace)
        operations = self.gc_ll_descr.rewrite_assembler(self.cpu,
        # make the array containing the GCREF's accessible inside the tests.
        # This must be done after we call 'rewrite_assembler'. Before that
        # call 'last_moving_obj_tracker' is None or filled with some old
        # value.
        namespace['ptr_array_gcref'] = self.gc_ll_descr.last_moving_obj_tracker.ptr_array_gcref
        expected = parse(to_operations % Evaluator(namespace),
        equaloplists(operations, expected.operations)
        lltype.free(frame_info, flavor='raw')